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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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Guest SUMM3RxBABii

wow..so i finally do see your true side and how you think of me. you certainly had no problem removing me from the team..that's how i know you're THAT low. watch, when you play bryant and just about everyone gets destroyed, you are gonna beg for me. after all, i am the "best of the worst", right? stupid. those gloves are from last year so don't try to get some payback every chance you get. i don't really care anymore. you're so lucky i haven't reported your richard simmons, like a lot of people have told me to, because i would've done so already. call me a spoiled brat, stubborn, i don't care. i actually DID work my way up all summer just to get this position and if i had known you were such a crappy coach, i wouldn't have wasted my time. you have no idea how MUCH i was looking forward to this season and how much crap i went through all this time....10 months in the making. at least last year, when i didn't play as well, the other coach attempted to let me play singles in an OFFICIAL game, because he believed in me and thought i had potential, unlike you, favoring people, not caring if they're good or not... pisses me off..why the f--- are you coach again? you don't have any experience. the last coach had about 5+ years and you're gonna destroy this team. i already emptied out my locker, gave you all my equipment and did everything you asked for, and you still don't like me. now f--- out of my life! i hope your richard simmons gets 'worst coach of all time' award. by the way, the team sucks this year. most of the girls are disrespectful, fake and rude. It REALLY was not funny when the blind man on the train had a little trouble with himself. jeez...how shallow can people be these days?

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Guest Kcitspohc


Do you think saying those things will make you "popular"? That after saying those things people will like you more? YOU'RE SO STUPID, you don't know how to make up your own mind, so instead you follow everybody else. STOP COPYING MY STYLE, MY ANSWERS, MY JOKES, AND PRETENDING LIKE THEY'RE YOURS BECAUSE ITS SO OBVIOUS THAT YOUR TOO STUPID TO MAKE THEM UP BY YOURSELF. And stop talking such mini cooper, because all I hear from your mouth is GARBAGE!

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Do you think saying those things will make you "popular"? That after saying those things people will like you more? YOU'RE SO STUPID, you don't know how to make up your own mind, so instead you follow everybody else. STOP COPYING MY STYLE, MY ANSWERS, MY JOKES, AND PRETENDING LIKE THEY'RE YOURS BECAUSE ITS SO OBVIOUS THAT YOUR TOO STUPID TO MAKE THEM UP BY YOURSELF. And stop talking such mini cooper, because all I hear from your mouth is GARBAGE!

Freakin' story of my life. FFFFFFFFFF.

john tesh OFF C_______ ! Stop copying me, and mocking me. I know that you know what I mean. Don't act all innocent and mini cooper. WE ALL KNOW YOU'RE FAKE AND GAY (i'm sorry, i just had to throw in an rwj joke in thar). The only reason why I'm coping with your bull is because violins don't sell their damn selves. ARGHHHHH. AND J________ ! You're so damn annoying. You're not funny, you're not cute, and definitely not popular. NO ONE FRICKIN LIKES YOU. And next time you pick a fight with someone, make sure your comebacks actually make sense you richard simmons. "Your mom" just doesn't work. And stop bringing personal things into this mini cooper. What does my heritage have to do with anything. AND john tesh YEAH I'M UGLY AND STUPID. At least I can admit my faults. And what you're saying has nothing to do with what we're arguing about. If you're really insecure about yourself, it doesn't mean you have to bring other people down. I'm not even going to stoop down your your level by talking about your religion or race.


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Guest papiroflexia

OMG you stupidstupid....DAMN YOU FATE!


I'm gonna so stab myself with a lead pencil now! *cries*

I had a chance to have one on one time with him! A moment for me to hang out with just him and I!

FINALLY no interruption from others! Nosy nosy others who always interrupt our talks in class.

But nooooo fate jumped in, whhhhyy?!

It was SO obvious he wanted to spend time with me.

He left his friends and walked back to the event to find me...just as I was coming out to leave!

He offered to treat me out when he found out I was hungry.

He didn't want to call his parents unless I did...and WTF I DID.

!@#$%, oh maaaan, if I didn't we could've hanged out together.



Please |;


Life of a teen girl...


Cute outfit, good hair, smelling good, feeling confident and comfortable, perfect chance...RUINED.

Let me go bite the pillow naow. :angry:

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Guest blue_ocean

ugh i have to go to class with a ex-bestie for three years in a row every school day, since i caught her stealing my money from my locker. She kepts on spreading rumors about me, talking bad about me. When she is the one who was obviously wrong, and she also stole from lots of my other friends.But now she's starting it again and making me a hater in the class, again. I'm so tired of having to deal with this all over again. When i first found out she was spreading rumors about me to all my other classmates i cried in class....I don't understand why people always end up believing her, I was going to forgive her a few months ago but now I have no idea what to do.Facing her everyday and hearing her voice everyday makes me so sick. Sometimes i question why this world is so unfair, why does everyone always believe in her. Although i don't know what she is saying behind my back i'm sure it's really insulting. I was hoping it would become a better year for me, but i guess not anymore,FML&& i didn't even do anything to her, SHE was the one that brought the stealing situation to the office, SHE was the one who stole, i don't deserve all this crap that is happening right now and before.

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Guest xoandreaa

john tesh my stupid social studies teacher, has no idea how

to john teshing teach. and yeah that keeps me away from

getting honours. john tesh sakes.

add on ;

wtf okay so honestly like what , am i not your friend anymore ?

if i`m really not , i don`t get what the john tesh i did wrong.

thanks for being a john teshing richard simmons bag.

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I hate my uni course. WHY ON EARTH DIDN'T I CHOOSE PSYCHOLOGY? WHY WHY WHYYYYY! I hate marketing. So.effing.much. There's this dumb group project which is pisssinnggg the eff out of me. WHY IS IT ONLY ME AND MACCON GIVING AN EFF? I'm soooooo frustrated over this project. Where's the teamwork? FFS IT'S DUE THIS THURSDAY AND WE HAVE NEXT TO NOTHING. AND I THINK WHAT WE DID WAS WRONG. SO WHY ISNT ANYONE ELSE WORRYING??!! And omgg... I have to also my my summary and evaluation this weekend, and study for my text next week, and do my individual assessment...

Oh dear lord... kill me now TT

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Guest Rainie_Days

Urgh. I met you on a forum and now we're good online friends but I just want it to stay that way! Stop constantly replying to my facebook statuses :| they annoy me and no, to be honest, I don't want to meet you in real life. There's maybe a few I want to meet but not you...you're too overwhelming for me to take!!

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Guest templ3r

I reversed out my driveway really slowly and there was a dog lying under my rear wheel and i didnt even know, he didnt even run off when i started the car! i ran over him and he died slowly on my driveway D:

I feel sorry for poor dog, i feel so guilty ):

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Guest yuwah

I need to study for my math test!!!!...but my motivition is just crap :(

the worst thing is that I know im just running away from the things I need to do!

grrr... i should sleep now -.-

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Guest yoko102308

It really would be nice if for once someone could acknowledge my birthday. It's not that hard to remember- March 28. It only comes once a year. You don't have to give me a gift or anything, it would just be nice to know someone thinks about me. But no, whenever that day comes around crap always "comes up" or some other lame excuse. My brothers get stuff year around, and a party for their birthday but what do I get? Nothing. No phone calls. No good morning and happy birthday wake-ups. No FB messages.No cake-heck, I would settle for an effin pineapple. But no. Nada. Every year since 2003 has been the same. No gifts, no treats. All I ask if for ONCE for you to do this for me but it never happens. Stop making promises you can't keep.

And you really wonder why I hate being around all of you. You don't care. You just pretend to.

Thanks for nothing.

I feel so loved.

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Guest itsyumey

Mfg. Your guilt is so john teshing obvious.

If you feel so guilty about telling me that then why the john tesh did you say it in the first place?

Do I look like a pity party to you? Do I look like I need your fugly pity? Did I ask for your ugly richard simmons to feel sorry for me?

And why the john tesh are thinking about my feelings NOW of all times?

You just went on and on and on and on and on EVERY single time I saw you so why the john tesh DIDN'T you think about my feelings then? john teshing inconsiderate, much?


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It's freaking 2:46 AM. My eyes, back and butt hurt a lot. -_-

Wasted like 5 hours looking for a __________ . YEAH. I didn't find one.

This sucks. I suck.

Oh well. At least one good thing came out of this day...

I got a new pair of pajamas. BOOYAAA

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Guest lizelle

I don't know what's wrong with me.

I've had 10 days to do my homework, but i didn't start on it until now.

i need motivation to get this done.

i know i could do better it's just i don't choose to.

*sigh* i wish i could just start my high school years

all over.

i'm stressed out & i feel lost.

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Guest -PastelStars

God. Don't just go and tell me something I don't wanna know. Don't tell me bs about what other people thought about me when it was really YOU being a pinkberry and pissing people off. Oh sure, I was the one yelling at people to come over and talk about lunch plans when they clearly state that they didn't care about where they were gonna eat. The hell, I was being quiet and standing in the same place! Dont john teshing tell me that you were pissed at me for being bossy, pushing people around, and yelling. Seriously? YOU WERE THE ONE YELLING, YOU STUPID PIECE OF POOP. I'M THE ONE PISSED AT YOUR STUPID COMPLAINTS ABOUT STUFF. God, and demanding other people about what they want to eat when they already told you? And wth, its okay when you pulled my arm numerous times but not okay for me?

And omg, it wasn't my fault that I had to suddenly leave school on the day we were suppose to present the project. Then you go on ranting to other people about how you did all the work when I was always volunteering to help? And who asked you to add stuff to my pieces of the project? Why not focus on YOURS. God. You can richard simmons me off soooo much sometimes, its not john teshing funny to hear you whine about stuff sometimes.


And omg. Do you realize that no one likes to hear your bragging? If your gonna brag about being rich, at least show us that you are rather than just blabbing on about it. And I don't care if that shirt apparently is from an LV shop, I know its from china, and I know that it isn't real, get over yourself. AND STOP john teshING WALKING AROUND SO MUCH, YOU LOOK LIKE SOME IDIOT THAT IS TALKING TO HERSELF WHILE LOOKING AT THE GROUND. YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH OF A FOOL YOU LOOK LIKE SOMETIMES.

/end rant

Daaang, that made me sound like a pinkberry. Oh well, I feel better ^^

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Guest sojulitic

theres this girl i know...she thinks we're best friends but i beg to differ

she recently got her red ps (im still on ls but we dnt hav a car any more so i cant drive) and she keeps saying things like 'we'll go to the shops...i'll drive us'. but to be honest, i really dont trust her to drive me anywhere. i dont trust her driving period.

she gets distracted really easily, i remember in high school she would talk non stop while i tried to not listen and do my work. then she'll get all pissed off cuz i dont respond to her ..WTF??!!

she currently goes to tafe (its her second year at tafe...she failed the hsc then did it again in tafe, and failed that), while im at uni. and she just richard simmons me off when she asks me "...oh hows school?"

WHAT? school?

i hate the fact that just because she didnt make it into uni first go and is trying to find a backdoor in, she makes my uni (USYD to be in fact) seem like its school.


i then asked her "hows tafe?"

she just really pisses me off...


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Guest SaladDodger

Everyone's better than me. And there's proof.

My friend is being a baby just to spite me. Well, not JUST to, but still. And I seriously don't know why he's acting like this. I don't care if he's depressed or angsty--we all are and that's no excuse for acting like a jerk.

And also, I think my period just started and I'm sitting on a sofa at Borders right now.

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Guest ovovoovo

So stressed out, fu-reaking omg!

Why did I stupidly did EVERYTHING on the last minute. Like, why?


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