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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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Guest EHNerJI

-sigh- i think the fumes are getting to my head now ~.~

if i get another headache today, i'm not going to be happy -.-

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Guest lizelle

ughh, i just received my order and my shoes

are too small and before i even tried them on i told my

mom that they fit perfectly. WHY DID I HAVE TO SAY THAT?!

now i have to return them..sigh

i hope she doesn't get mad at me..

why why why why!

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Guest ★~Angela~★

Today was a good day...UNTIL i read Blogs from "Anti-Super Junior" ...I wanted to seriously physically beat her Up. I Don't Understand why she hates Super Junior So Much! Why she also have to bring donghae's dad into this!!!

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Guest j`ADORE.

ive been in korea for a little over 2 weeks now.

and im not allowed to do anything.

i cant go out alone.

at night.

to meet friends.

because they think im gonna get kidnapped and sold off as a prostitute.


i want to go out!

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Guest pamela123

heys well i am shocked to hear that so many ppl are frustrated of their lives but y? wel as far as i read your posts u people are going through just the common issues! just chill buddys

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Guest ★~Angela~★
ive been in korea for a little over 2 weeks now.

and im not allowed to do anything.

i cant go out alone.

at night.

to meet friends.

because they think im gonna get kidnapped and sold off as a prostitute.


i want to go out!

At Least You get to go to KOREA...my folks think they are gonna die or something becaus eof the whole N.Korea thing...Ao I'm Not Allowed to go

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blah your sucha lazy richard simmons.

go on abt what a mini cooper job ppl are doing yet you hardly did anything yourself!

we pretty much changed all the residents & put them in bed. you did like what.. 3-4 out of 20?

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Guest 5bchm

I need some sleep...I let you sleep. Why do you have to always get your way?!? I wake up to all your calls throughout the odd hours of the night without a damn complaint and now you are getting all angry because I needed and wanted to sleep in a bit more :angry: Look at who the real immature person is!

And I don't like being told what to do! I should do what I wish.

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Guest EHNerJI

omg i think i need surgery ;.;

and i don't even know how to bring it up ahhhh >.<

it's soooo embarrassing omg i'm gonna die -.-

and it's 11:30 AM and i still can't fall asleep T_T;

why does today suck? ._.;

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Guest dorkyxninja




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Guest coffeehouse.

AW, DAMN =____= I slept for 5 hours; I could slept for longer

but my freaking dad gave my older brother long speech loudly O: akdjflkdm.

MAN, I want to take a nap although I go to library @3:30PM : (

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Guest suppaazn

My friend found out i went to see BoA perform without her and she got pissed at me?

"Next time, tell me when you go to these things."

Sometimes...i feel like i'm not obligated to tell you these things.

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Guest Dolce_love

what the hell is your problem!? what the john tesh did i do wrong?! why wont u tell me?! Im sick of your stupid mood swings!! AM I NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE MY OWN GUY FRIENDS WITHOUT YOU GETTING ALL rather infelicitous AT ME? excuse me but who went to the mall today with FIVE other girls?

im starting to dislike you and i dont think this is worth it

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Guest EHNerJI

seriously? i ask you so simply, yet you can't give me an answer.

fine, continue to tell yourself that it's justified.

freaking coward. it's REALLY not that difficult.

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