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World of Warcraft

Guest soju

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I guess I'm one of the few people who like to raid just to see the content and experience encounters. Loot means nothing to me unless it helps me or the people in my guild with encounters.

I used to PvP back before battlegrounds, before the honor system. That's when it was actually fun. When Blackrock Mountain was a battleground, and people from all over the server came just to kill each other. Honor system came, okay some rewards. Battlegrounds came, well PvP server, so whatever. AB came, that was fun for 15 minutes then we just went outside to kill again. BATTLEGROUPS, oh man killing PvE people? Awesome. Then they changed the honor system. Cue the dishonorable killing. Then BC/Arena/Resilience... No thanks, lets start PvE-ing.

oh no your not the only way ... i to like to raid to see the content and experiences the game with other people. thats why my goal is to get to the end game content b4 WotLK comes out

and i miss the real battlegrounds...*loggs in* /g hey guys *guildie* get your butt to TM now *me* alright!!

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i'm also one of those people who enjoying seeing new encounters. in fact, my guild is starting to do aq40/naxx (old schooool) just for fun. me as well as most of the people in the guild have never seen naxx soooo it should be fun! also i think it'd be pretty cool to rock the t3. =D

on another note

i moved my hunter to chogall and managed a 1987 rating. got over 2k a couple times but can't seem to stay there

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oh no your not the only way ... i to like to raid to see the content and experiences the game with other people. thats why my goal is to get to the end game content b4 WotLK comes out

and i miss the real battlegrounds...*loggs in* /g hey guys *guildie* get your butt to TM now *me* alright!!

if the new expac is anything like TBC, leveling is gonna be a joke. leveling to 70 in 60 pvp gear was cake. then again, some of the end game gear has some sick dps. maybe people still start two-shotting people again. maybe.

the warlock crusade was no fun anyway, i don't have high hopes for the new expac.

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Guest hiimsimon


60 NE Rogue (Xarthan)

40 Human Priest (Susan)

awesome im in bronzebeard too.

38 draenei priest (iamsimon)

i've got a 60 gnome mage (realm Azgalor)

and 63 und rogue (realm Executus)

pm me on "iamsimon"

i've been on her these days.

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if the new expac is anything like TBC, leveling is gonna be a joke. leveling to 70 in 60 pvp gear was cake. then again, some of the end game gear has some sick dps. maybe people still start two-shotting people again. maybe.

the warlock crusade was no fun anyway, i don't have high hopes for the new expac.

i think its too soon for them to release a expanison

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I love the changes they did to Mages and Rogues, but their idea of improving some of the gear in the older instances just promotes twinking even more :/

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest airotciVSEXYBeckham

Okay, so I've been trying to get into WoW and everything and I've read a lot of your guys posts here, but don't really understand the lingo. I'm hoping that the more I get involved in this game, the more I'll be able to understand this new language everyone speaks lol.

I started playing in late april and stopped playing at the end of may and haven't started up again, but soon I will. I just checked the website and saw that they are going to have another expansion and am pretty excited about it.

I also have noticed that some people don't want the expansion to come out too soon because of something, but I'm not too sure what.

I think it's quite amazing how WoW has like it's own world of people with a different language that I don't understand although it's in english lol.

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Okay i've been playing WoW for a pretty long time now so ill give u an "update"

on current WoW ATM for November 4, 2007. Basically after the Burning Crusade

Expansion there were such things as "dishonorable" kills has been removed,

Tier 1, 2, and 3 are utterly useless in the expansion. Yes i know sorry guys

who have spent well over 7000 Hours farming those epics because the first

mob you kill in the Outlands (probably around 20 seconds.) drops greens which

is 4x your tier. Instead new instances have been put up. I've recently realized

Blizzard will release 3 Tier gear sets before an expnasion is released. For Example

in original WoW it reached Tier 3 and a Cap. of lvl 60, so TBC would probably

hit Tier 6 Before the next expansion is released giving a new Cap lvl of 80 thats

a 20 lvl cap from the original. News guys Tier 6 has been released in The Black Temple

25-man Raid instance where u get to kill Illidan (BTW he's the dood in my avatar.)

3 months ago meaning the next expansion "Wrath of the Lich King" will be released

soon. As much as this game is getting quite repetative we should all save the money

from buying such a game a go to "Hellgate: London" where you do not have to pay

15 USD a month and play online for free. PLUS!! the makers of Hellgate ARE THE REAL!

makers of Diablo II. Yes i know you who are Blizzard fans would probably find this

a shock because Diablo II was probably an all time classic game next to Halo and

is the reason why World of Warcraft got so famous in the first place.

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I only got into the game last year. I've been on and off it like every other month and online couple days a month. Like all MMOs, it feels much more fun with people to party with. Otherwise, it gets redundant and boring especially with no one to communicate with.

Highest is a level 28 Night Elf Hunter which I haven't touched in over 3 months and it took me half a year to get to that level because of the reasons stated earlier. Currently have a lvl 15 Undead Rogue but we'll see how long that lasts... :ph34r:

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but don't really understand the lingo. I'm hoping that the more I get involved in this game, the more I'll be able to understand this new language everyone speaks lol.

it was the same way for me heh. LFG RFK etc etc. id ask my bf all the time about certain things i see in trade and guild chat. got used to it after a few months though. i agree with whoever said its a lot more fun when theres people to party with. when leveling 1-60 before the xpac i didnt talk to a single person besides my bf and his cousin whos guild i was in, would get twinked with the help of my bf and i two-manning instances and it was boring. though after gquiting to play with my bf in his raiding guild(and its been over a year with the same people), the wow experience for me got a lot more fun. 40 mans are cool and 25 mans are too after playing with the same bunch night after night just to get some things killed. you have your favorite players and friends in game and you also get the a$$hats who think they are just too cool to play as a team and be mean to whoever they want cause they are behind a computer.

on vashj and kael now. i hope to see the black temple and hyjal soon(which i heard was easy as pie for a while)

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