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Guest soju

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Guest Drunkken

mages seriously get no love, if it weren't for their decent enough dps output, polymorph cc and de-curse .... OH not to mention free water / food ... i kinda doubt anyone'll want them in the party?? lol

ill just take that as sarcasm.

if its not sarcasm then.... <_<

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Hm.. should I ressurect my shammy? I am such a lazy person, got tired of playing shammy. But I do wub earthshield... good stuff.

I did get bully quiet a bit when I played shammy though....




lol yon. what are you doing playing wow, don't tell me Alex can't quit so you decided "if you can't beat them, join them." :P

i play a shaman now too, it's quite fun with totems and huge chain lightening crits. i also think they're like the easiest class to play aside from rogue as well. and i think most shammys should just be healing and dropping totems. it takes a lot of effort for them to do a lot of dps, which i know you don't have. ^_~

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Guest AnikiJin

lol yon. what are you doing playing wow, don't tell me Alex can't quit so you decided "if you can't beat them, join them." :P

i play a shaman now too, it's quite fun with totems and huge chain lightening crits. i also think they're like the easiest class to play aside from rogue as well. and i think most shammys should just be healing and dropping totems. it takes a lot of effort for them to do a lot of dps, which i know you don't have. ^_~

Exactly!! So I reached my lvl 60 last night with my druid~ YOU WERE HIDING IN WOW FORUM!! NOW I GOT YA! I was wondering if you have disappeared on me again~ :tears:

Yeah.. shammy dps sux bad. I am going for Tree of Life, but alot of people suggesting I should convert my dear druid to feral.


Are you raiding Vinnie? :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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lol feral druids.

if you're raiding, you should definitely be Tree. They probably are the best healing class in the entire game. Feral druids aren't really useful in a raid, except for maybe just one in the entire raid. They're okay in pvp, but i don't think you pvp much, right?

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in my experience, tree druids aren't all that great. go moonkin!!

elemental shammies are probably one of the best burst dps'ers in the game right now. wait, well-geared elemental shammies.

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in my experience, tree druids aren't all that great. go moonkin!!

elemental shammies are probably one of the best burst dps'ers in the game right now. wait, well-geared elemental shammies.

i would have to agree with you on this one...feral druids are nice and all but they are just like a second rogue

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So Moonkin you say? It if awfully tempting since I am travelling w/ warrior.

moonkins are okay to level since they take a ton of damage and spells hurt more while you're in moonkin form. too bad you need to get out of moonkin form if you want to heal.

since you're below 70, it's okay to go moonkin or feral. tree should only be used when raiding.

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Guest AnikiJin

moonkins are okay to level since they take a ton of damage and spells hurt more while you're in moonkin form. too bad you need to get out of moonkin form if you want to heal.

since you're below 70, it's okay to go moonkin or feral. tree should only be used when raiding.

OOOOO~~~ :D:D Thank you for the advice~~

I am gonna try ToL first since I am so close getting it. :lol:

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Guest Drunkken

druids dont have to be resto do be useful in raids althought i seriously love druid hots.

but feral leader of the pack buff is amazing and cats do a sufficient amount of dps.

moonkin in raids are like jeez...a well geared moonkin almost outdpsed me and im a 70 BM hunter, but then again they dont got the mana endurance to sustain long fights, they oom so fast.

druids are just so well rounded.

want to be front line dps? go feral

want to be a caster dps? go moonkin

want to heal for groups and raids? go resto

haha gotta love em hybrid classes.

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been working on the netherwing rep this week. the grind really isn't that bad, after 3 days of work i'm just about 4k away from revered.

all i know is im going to make the most out of the 5k i dropped to get 300 riding.

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just hit revered with netherwing. B)

quests are really easy and you can do them once a day. i've made just over 600g the past 4 days just from doing these quests.

dropped mining a couple of days ago to try to get enchanting up to 375. at 290 right now, anybody know when you're able to do the +12 spell dmg enchants to rings?

liberi - once you hit 360 engineering you should really consider getting the epic helm. i use them to pvp with the 18 stam + 5% stun resist gem in the meta socket. the stealth detection really helps in arena was well.

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Guest Liberi Fatali

liberi - once you hit 360 engineering you should really consider getting the epic helm. i use them to pvp with the 18 stam + 5% stun resist gem in the meta socket. the stealth detection really helps in arena was well.

Haha yeah. I'm stopping at 360 since theres nothing thats really useful to make at 375 for me. But yeah, I'm currently using battlecast set and Ima try out the eng helm.

Oh yeah, and what do you have in the second socket?

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Haha yeah. I'm stopping at 360 since theres nothing thats really useful to make at 375 for me. But yeah, I'm currently using battlecast set and Ima try out the eng helm.

Oh yeah, and what do you have in the second socket?

+5 spell dmg & 6 stam gem. getting my 4th piece of the merciless set soon! =)

check out my armory. you should post yours too!

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Guest Shrimp Crackers FTW! ^.-

Hi everyone! I'm back!!!! =D But of course no one knows me after all ~ forgive me, its currently 2:53 AM and I'm on WoW!

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