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Asian Issues And Racism

Guest heygingersnap

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Guest Onichan~

I'm filipino & for awhile as a kid I never considered myself pacific islander or asian.

I would just say, "I'm filipino" like when people would ask "are you asian?" I'd be like "I'm filipino"

I wouldn't say yes I am, or no I'm not. It's just "I'm filipino"

I think alot of ignorant people think that Filipino's aren't asian because alot of filipino's don't fit the physical asian stereotype;

such as alot aren't light skinned (like me) & they have big round eyes (like me)

but then again alot of them also have light skin & small eyes.

Because Philippines was invaded by Spain we don't look like most asians.

I also consider myself both Asian & Pacific Islander.

I say that I'm Asian Pacific Islander.

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Guest ovovoovo

We not smart.. however majority of the parents pushes us harder to work hard, because they don't want us to end up poor or something like that. They just want us to have good future. Asian parents who don't push their kids are pretty rare.. and I'm not that smart.

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Guest HeartOnHerSleeve

I think most of the really smart Asians were either raised by parents who still have values and beliefs from Asia or they're just smart and/or innovative. It really doesn't have anything to do with their ethnicity or nationality, just how they were raised or what kind of environment they were brought up in.

Too bad I'm not one of them.


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Guest busagiboo

This stereotype of Asians being smart is wrong. I'm not that smart, especially in the fields of math and sciences, but because I'm Asian a lot of people expect and think that I have high grades in math.

I think it's because Asian parents push their kids to always work hard and get good grades and I guess that's why Asians have this stereotype.

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Guest Uyen Duong

This.. is a stereotype I totally hate.

People have even randomly asked me, "Are you smart?"

So being me, I've answered, "No.."

And they go, "Oh. I thought you were smart."


My brain is slow.. D: So yah.

I'm smart in my own way.. I'm just lazy.

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Guest YamaSushi7

I think its because how our parents raise us, and how much discipline we get.

Cause that can really motivate us to be good in school.

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Guest smile-jw

I find it true. I guess its just how we're raised.

Theres about 5 asians in each of my classes (out of 30), and they all happen to have 3.8-4.0 GPAs.

I dont really mind being called smart though XP

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I find it true. I guess its just how we're raised.

Theres about 5 asians in each of my classes (out of 30), and they all happen to have 3.8-4.0 GPAs.

I dont really mind being called smart though XP

finally someone who shares my train of thought. there are many more negative stereotypes and you guys get worked up over a pretty positive one by saying its untrue or we dumbz. i think some ppl need to shift their priorities.

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I consider all of the Asian countries well... Asian xD

China, Japan, and Korea are just the most recognized ones.

As being part Cambodian, I'm sick of Cambodia being overlooked

and the rest of Southeast Asian. When listing Asian countries, people never

say Cambodia or Laos. Sometimes Vietnam and Thailand are recognized.

Enough of my rant about that... And I think the same goes for Filipinos. I consider

them Asian.

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Guest meeyu

yah i agree with you in the last part well yah its not really a true thing cause hard work and determination makes you succeed cause i noe a lot of asian who dont even try and they dont get good grade -___-

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Guest rikyuu

With me, it's more like, I must be good at maths and science because I'm Asian. Which...is completely untrue.

And it's also, I must be smart because I go to a good school. OTL

I mean, I know I'm intelligent to a certain level, but I don't think stereotypes help when deciding if somebody is 'smart' or not.

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Guest kongo89

You are Asian to me if you have Asian blood and/or are from/have parents/have blood relatives/ancestors from Asia or parts of it. I don't care about how pale or dark one's skin is.

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Guest kongo89

I think that Asians are generally more driven because we have faced so much in the past (I also think that Hispanics are very hard-working). We still believe in ancient values and living our way up, and don't necessarily rely on other factors to help us in life. I don't know where I'm getting at now lol...Anyway, so yeah...There are a lot of smart Asians, but I guess when we have that stereotype already attached to our race, then people take more notice of it. If there is a smart Caucasian kid, then he's just smart...A smart Asian kid, and oh boy, his parents must be super strict! Just like how people view African Americans and crime. If it's an African American committing a crime, we think "Oh man, they're always causing trouble!" But if it were a Caucasian, then it's not big deal. So yeah...There are a lot of smart Asians, but there are also herds of incredibly stupid ones.

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Asian to me are all the Viets, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Malays etc.

The cultures and whatnot that live and economically grow inside Asia.

It can't really mean anything else.

Most Western people who talk to me automatically ask if I'm "Chinese".

I find that offensive how Western people would ask me if I'm Chinese when I am Vietnamese.

It's frustrating how those type of people only see Asians as either Chinese or Japanese, do they not know of other cultures?

Just irritates me.

I don't go to a Canadian and ask if he or she is American, I ask where he or she is from first, I don't come to the conclusion that they are from a particular country where a large population of Caucasian people live.

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Guest iLOVEYB_x

this is a huge sterotype. i kinda get annoyed by it too. my school has a little bit of asians and half of them are in the "higher" classes due to our grades and knowledge or something like that. usually at school, they call asians smart because their are more asians in the TOP algebra classes.

people at my school, or around where i live, think all asians are nerds and are born with calculators in our hands.


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Guest mango-iee

We asian work hard for what we want. We use both our knowledge and strength to do that one thing. And I wonder why others said thats why we're smart.

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Guest x_TaintedLove

Usually, parents are strict and expect perfect grades.. This causes the kid to try to fit their parents expectations. Most parents don't cease to stop lecturing or enforcing the kid to study.

Education in a lot of parts of Asia is really strict about marks and studying. I guess that's where a lot of people sterotype Asians as well.

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