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Asian Issues And Racism

Guest heygingersnap

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Guest HERinsinuation

I actually believed that asians were naturally smart right up until the moment High School hit me in the face. People are successful in school simply because they possess the drive and work ethic. If you're uncommitted or simply don't care, no amount of asian heritage is going to save you lol.

...Anyway, that stereotype is dying out in the Western world. Nowadays I've know a greater proportion of asians who just drift by in life compared to the "smart" ones...It really depends on how you were brought up, imo. Asians in asian countries however, are an entirely different case...0_o

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Guest Baddickshun

Hahahah False views.

There's a saying that stupid people can't be cure, because they don't know they are stupid till someone smart comes along. Hahahahahah

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Guest MeiHearts

parents make us work hard = =

but not me.. i've slacked off sooo much t-t

but all chinese & koreans (ok not all, but prolly 99.9%) at my school... man they're hella smart><

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Guest kippo23

Asian parents push their kids to study harder at school, and asian kids generally work harder.

Remember, hard work beats talent.

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Guest justiiine

haha i don't believe that stereotype. some asians are smart and some aren't (;

but i do believe that Chinese people are good in Math. honestly, they are! 0.o" hehe

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Guest greentea:vee xo

I don't believe in that stereotype because I know some not so smart Asians, but at my school, the Asians academically dominate the school :phew:

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Guest amydien

Asians are people from the continent Asia. Even if it's southeast asia, it's still in Asia.

I seriously hate it when Filipinos are being called Pacific Islanders. What does that mean? When I was in the Philippines, nobody called themselves Pacific Islanders. I've never even heard of that term until I came to Canada.

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First, props for making the topic and props for knowing about Far East Movement and Jin (though his freestyle is awesome, so why wouldn't you just listen to him during his battles? His album though... not so much)

Second, I think there is an asian struggle today... think about it this way, has anyone here ever been embarrassed because of their asian first name? I think it's pretty ridiculous how other people of other ethnicities deem it appropriate to ask what my Taiwanese first name is and force me to reveal it. And most often times, when I do reveal it, people simply laugh and say that sounds funny or they imitate it and call me by my first name for the rest of the day... don't you think that it's a little sad that Asian people, especially in the United States, often call themselves by a more americanized first name? For example, i remember back in elementary school when my teacher was taking roll call, she said "Yu Shin Wang?" and then a meek asian girl said quietly, "Susan." and my teacher said, "Oh, that's much easier than Kehshing." and made a note on her roll call sheet. I also remember feeling embarrassed when the teacher called on me in elementary school during roll call... it was only after I got my citizenship and changed my legal name to Calvin that this kind of shame disappeared. The "K" for my middle name gave me anonymity, though many nosy people often asked what does the K stand for... If you ask me, I kind of feel angry at both myself and at others for treating my Taiwanese first name as a mark of being an asian.

I think that it's easy for asians to be stereotyped these days too... we're not kung fu masters, we don't only know how to use chop sticks, we're not the only race to get good grades, we don't eat only rice products, and not all of us play instruments. Furthermore, someone mentioned the subject of comedy... I think there have been very few asian comedians that get up to mock the origins of other people of other races or make racist jokes, but it seems much easier for others to stand up and mock the Asian people, most prominently jokes towards the people in East Asia... I see it in cartoons (Drawn Together, etc.), I see it in stand up comedian performances (Russell Peters, Chris Rock, Anjelah Johnson etc.) , I see it all the time on youtube and other sources of comedic entertainment...

I think it's because, largely, the asian population has never voiced its concerns about racism... I think the only time I can remember where there was a massive protest against racism against asians was the Abercrombie and Fitch incident in the early 2000s where they printed somewhat racist stereotypes of asian people... I agree with the idea that there is historical evidence behind racism towards asians... for example, since i'm from the U.S., i can pull several times when asians were exposed to racism: exploitation of Chinese labor in building the transcontinental railroad, immigration quota laws of the US that barred asian immigrants in the early 1900s, the Japanese internment during World War II, etc.

Regardless, I think it's valid to say that asian people have largely discounted the asian struggle... and have not made it a very vocal point in their views on the world... I think it's also due to the lack of very many asian-american politicians that have not really made it a public point to attack those that may be racist towards asian people.

But those are just my two cents, so ... yeah... lol

I do listen to his freestyles

even when retarded people made fun of his race

he still came back


when blacks make fun of people

you cant really say anything back to them

(becus most ppl wood be scared to say the N word)

thats just what ive seen

basically all in all

blacks have the race card

im not saying im proud of it

just saying

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Guest Simply_M3

when you're a minority, you struggle. it's such a shame =(.

I remember back in high school, my class were running laps, and I was passing this group of guys and all of the sudden one of the guys go "ching chong chang" pissed me off cause it was completely ignorant, immature, and stupid. I stopped turned around and walked up to them.

"How about you learn something new today. Not every Asian you see that'll pass you by is Chinese. I am Filipino dumba.. If you're gonna insult me, use something that actually sounds intelligent and not something you pulled outta your a.. to look cool in front of your little super senior friends." HAHAHA I was SO pissed I ran three extra laps that day.

I was SO close to sticking that guy in the face.

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Guest rachelyaejin

ahhhh youre a jabba fan? hahahah im a kaba modern fan sigh i wanted them to win but yeah

okay soooooo people always go like

youre asian youre smart

or like OPEN YOUR EYES and stuff like that - -

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Guest DarknessFalls

Asians are people from the continent Asia. Even if it's southeast asia, it's still in Asia.

I seriously hate it when Filipinos are being called Pacific Islanders. What does that mean? When I was in the Philippines, nobody called themselves Pacific Islanders. I've never even heard of that term until I came to Canada.

Pacific Islanders are usually people you find in the islands of Oceania...Micronesia, Polynesia, etc. I think the main problem is that Asians are generalized and stereotyped in the U.S. Some people use stereotypical examples that "Filipinos are dark", when in fact that are both light skinned-Filipinos as well as other dark Asians. That is as ignorant as saying "Asians don't have big eyes" because it really varies.

This whole phenomenon probably started in California. I think because there's a large group of Asians, a lot have some sort of prejudice towards each other. There's many reasons to it, but most of it is ridiculous and people are just ignorant about it.

The funny thing is, people say like they only think Asians are Japanese, Chinese and Koreans...and you know why? because those 3 Asian countries have had the most impact on the U.S. However that doesn't mean they are the only Asians The ironic part is, when people say Asian is only EAST ASIAN...they count Vietnamese as well when Vietnam is part of SE ASIA lol.

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Guest Jang_Yoon_Jung ^ ^

lol to me asia means asia xD

When I think Asian, I just think of the oriental countries at first actually.

But that might be because I'm oriental? xD

I'm Korean, but nobody asked me if I was Korean until eighth grade.

In elementary, if you were Asian you're either Japanese or Chinese : P

I think it's because those three countries mostly are more well-known, especially China and Japan.

Japan's known for anime, China's known for their many products and Korea's known for being in the middle of China and Japan. xD

lol, jk. They're known for kimchee and samsung : D;;

A lot of Americans assume all Asians look the same, but I could say the same for them, so I don't get really offended. My mom said when she first came to America she thought all the white and black people looked the same and wondered how they differinated among each other. xD

Idk, do Indians consider themselves Asian? D:

I do, but my one Indian friend said she never really did. She just considered herself Indian. Just plain Indian instead of Asian. : /

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Guest yumidoma

ok...to rest of the world.....actually to Americans ......

Asian=chinese/Vietnamese/japanese/korean/filipino to be Asian


then wat r Indian, Nepali, Middle east, tibetan , bhutanese, ..................

anyway...Asian..for me....counts all the countries frm asia..............

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when you're a minority, you struggle. it's such a shame =(.

I remember back in high school, my class were running laps, and I was passing this group of guys and all of the sudden one of the guys go "ching chong chang" pissed me off cause it was completely ignorant, immature, and stupid. I stopped turned around and walked up to them.

"How about you learn something new today. Not every Asian you see that'll pass you by is Chinese. I am Filipino dumba.. If you're gonna insult me, use something that actually sounds intelligent and not something you pulled outta your a.. to look cool in front of your little super senior friends." HAHAHA I was SO pissed I ran three extra laps that day.

I was SO close to sticking that guy in the face.

Did they do that chin chong stuff to you..?

if they did

i kno their really dumb cuz filipinos dont even remotely look like the "stereotypical" asian

as they wood put it

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Guest bada sori.

wow, this thread. =__=;

in my school newspaper, there are reviews on movies and stuff. there was one on "balls of fury" and a sentence of the review was, "this movie is funny because, well...asians are funny." i'm serious. that's what it said.

no one would say anything like that about black people, even if there are much more comedies with african americans in them than asians. (ie norbit, tyler perry's movies, big daddy, are we there yet)

the majority of my school is hispanic. the next is caucasian, then african american. there are only like 15 asians at our school, and there are like 2000 students here. however, there is so much study on racism toward african americans. it's ironic that there is no racism toward african americans at our school. the only racism that goes on is the one toward asians (ching chong, jackie chan jokes, etc)

&i see someone mentioned the math whiz thing.

i suck at math. i said to a girl, "you're in algebra 2? that class is hard, i barely passed it last year."

then someone goes, "aren't you supposed to be good at math?" he says it jokingly, but there are people who really believe in stupid stereotypes and aren't smart enough to not talk about it.

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