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Asian Issues And Racism

Guest heygingersnap

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yea i would have to agree that all asian ppl are like that, sadly. those who are born and raised in the u.s don't really give a

sh** cuz they see it everywhere and everyday of their lives. they respect it more even though it does seem weird. but to

those who are more foreign to this idea, get really offended. i don't know their reasons but there are lots of them forsure.

and hey its okay becuz not all asians like one another n e ways. some ethnic groups won't allow their sons/daughters to

dateother asian ethnic groups too. so no biggy, ur not alone :D

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Guest dancingbymyself

Koreans are racist, but its not like a concious thing like Nazi's or whatever. It's more like... something thats engrained in their brain from the time they were born. Like if you go to Korea, you constantly hear about the "pure blood". It's actually kindof like Harry Potter without the magic. The purebloods, and the mudbloods. Now people think that since there are half celebs in Korea now that half's are more excepted. This is true and false. For half-whites its mostly true. I think its because of the fact that Koreans can't tell us apart so they think we're all good looking (EX. I always get told I look like Daniel Henney when I really don't) I do get treated better when I go to Korea now, then when I was younger. For half-black... not so much. I saw this cartoon in a korean paper and it perfectly showed what i'm talking about. It was like... Hines Ward was surrounded by reporters and a crowd of people. Then around the corner there were a bunch of half black kids shivering in the cold and dark. I think its because its harder to tell when a black person is mixed (in my opinon) like... they can't tell your part korean at all.

I'll end this post with positive and negative expericences with korean racism.

Negative: Not many people know this, but I actually lived in Korea till I was 5. The reason I came to the states was because some drunk ajjusshi decided that he was gonna hit the little half kid. Now after this, my parents decided Korea was too racist and came to the states.

Positive: When my Mom told my Grandparents that she was marrying a white guy, they basically kicked her out and stopped talking to her. Then my parents went to the US for a while. When they came back my Mom's grandma basically said... "Screw this, we're throwing them a Wedding, so she married a white guy, at least shes married" After that, my Grandparents put their issues behind them and basically said. "Ok"

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Guest epark1281

you're dealing with old school koreans, and old school koreans don't even like me, and i'm korean, cause i'm not korean "enough". People are changing, adapting. It'll get better, promise.

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Guest BeatLennon

It's really interesting how you use all of your examples with Korean guys...

Anyway, it's cultural difference. It's not that Koreans are not racists. Koreans admire Martin Luther King Jr., actors, singers etc. But when they find out your son, for example, has secretly married a black girl, they will literally kill theirselves or their son (this happened in Korea once) They think it does not look right with a Korean guy and a Black girl. It has to mix and match. When Koreans see other Koreans marrying white, black, hispanic, whatever, they will ignore you completely. And if they see a mixed person, for example, white+Asian, they will ignore their parents AND you. So it's really not that Koreans are racists toward Black people, it's just that they think they do not fit in their country.

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Guest swt_korean

don't get angry majority white people are rude to asians too. i was treated like dog poop the last time i went to some red neck country. you have to understand that this country isn't developed yet... in diversity yet.

yes most people don't want their son or daughter dating another race... because it's hard for US to be accepted too. for example my parents aren't that good at speaking english (well they are but they deny it even though they have NO fobby accent) it's because most families that are integrated have a hard time getting along. the food, the religion, dresses, LANGUAGE BARRIER perhaps. like my mom wants someone she can understand so preferably she wants someone to speak HER LANGUAGE which is korean.

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Guest DarknessFalls

To a certain degree, everyone is racist. They might not be racist to everyone, but whether it's through history or personal encounters everyone has their own agenda.

Also nowadays, it seems that PRIDE is almost borderline racist.

i'm not half asian...but people tell all the time a look a bit like it in the eyes (haha..sorry off topic).

what's your background? because the "Asian" eyes or "slanted" eyes is not exclusive to Asians and I can prove that :rolleyes:

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Guest angelxdeath

wow that's really sad... o_o!!

i can't believe the mom just pushed you out the door... X_x...

but to answer your question, most eastern asians are racist...

i'm practically dissing my own race right now since i'm 100% chinese...

but yeah... it's the harsh truth.. X__X!!

though i think more than being racist, eastern asians are just.. traditional..

especially koreans... [not meant in an offensive way... i love koreans more than my own people =_=]

they usually like their kids to marry the same race...

i think more parents are being w/e about it now..

but a lot of eastern asian parents are still like that...

for my mom, she's pretty racist... and it's mainly because i think she trusts someone from her own race more... who knows. haha

i guess that if you dated a chinese/korean/japanese guy...

he should like you no matter what his parents say.. *shrugs*

OR just be smart and make friends that accept you for who you are :]

last thing... xD

sure a lot of eastern asians are racist...

but as far as i know, a lot of caucasians are pretty racist too... [and i use the term caucasians loosely lolz]

the reason that there are less is coz there's more of a ethinic diversity here..

so people are not surprised when they see ppl from other parts of the world in their school..

but small countries like japan and korea see a lot less diversity in their country...

that's why they're more traditional and like their children to marry the same race..

i guess it's... insecurity about the other races? xD

so w/e...

there are people in the world that's racist...

just deal with it ;] not everyone is gonna like you...

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Guest love_andy94

Hi! please don't be offended with the stuff i will be saying:

Honestly, asians are racists >.< we don't like it when other races (especially blacks and whites) try to be all asiany. It just seems weird. No offense. The other reason why we act that way is also because whites and blacks hate us and make fun of us when we try to be 'white' or 'ghetto or black' not one asian here will look at a black or white person trying to be all asiany will accept them IMO!

The only reason asians are like that is because it is also making fun of their culture. It;s like anyone can be asian but only white people can be white and only black people can be black.

Anyway, I do feel sorry for you. That guy is a guy, he's a boy. Someone who can't defend someone he really like's is an a-hole and has no respect for you. Hopefully, you find someone who actually does care for you.

And Just to let you guys know, I am here for all of those who get made fun and verbally abused. Let me know and I'll be the crap out of them ^^

I ♥ U Guys!

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Most of us here who rail against racism often forget that open-mindedness and acceptance is not easy. The ability to think outside the box -- to realize that there are OTHER people in this world besides yourself who are worse off than you -- takes enormous intelligence, humility, and heart. It seems most of us here have been blessed with the ability to see that way.

We haven't been blessed with the ability, we've grown up that way. Many of us are Americans, Canadians, and Australians, countries that have been colonized and throughout the recent 50 years has become extremely ethnically diverse. In addition most of us are young and younger people have an easier time accepting different people than others. You almost never see racism in young children (except in cases in which parents raise them to be since birth). Kids don't focus on race, they focus on playing and having fun. In addition in the media there is a constantly diverse culture for everyone, thus affecting the targeted audience. Also when you're bombarded with messages of people off worse than you (Darfur, Burma, the Shiite/Sunni situation in the Middle East) all the time it's hard not to think about about people off worse than you. Around my school there are tons of signs and posters about helping the people worse off than us.

Most of us have grown up in an ethically diverse area, with that you're almost forced to accept everyone; we've seen good things and bad things in people from all races and we often take that into account when we meet new people.

i just want to ask sumone with parents like that..

Today, i went to K-Town. Which was really boring

<_<. ( Btw I'm Part Azn and Black) Thats kind of a big part in this. Well I'm in store, an I think it was one of those little Gift Shops, and i wanted to change a song on my Ipod, so i reached into my jacket pocket. Well she thought i took something, and i told her i didn't steal anything. <_< Well not to soon later the little security ppl came into the store,and they said come with us. So i left with them, and I'm like really :fury:. They said they're going to look at the security camera. And like the little innocent person I am they concluded that i didn't steal anything :tongue2: .Well the lady was still saying i stole something,and as i was walking out i heard her say to her husband in korean (바보 같은 흑인) which mean basically "Stupid Black Person". and said i hate black ppl. The only thing funny was i can understand her :w00t:

but that is not the only story i have, i have so much. but mostly with older azn adults not like my age type kids,

I mean i have so much bad experiences, it really makes me like shed a tear.. like when my (할머니) grandmother told my dad, he is a disgrace to Korean people all over the world and called me (더러운 혈액을) which means dirty blood like that was freakin horrible..:(

i just want to know y are like mostly Azn adults sketchy of black ppl?!?!?!

Many older immigrants are somewhat racist no matter what race; many of them have grown up in a environment that was filled with all the same people, of course you're going to be easily swayed by the negative media, you've never met the other races and you're so focused on the negative media you don't even try to meet them. In addition many have had bad experiences here in America and don't care to notice that not everyone is like that. =-=''

And why black people the most? Look at all the negative media that they're connected to. ._.

However I have noticed that Koreans are more close-minded than other Asian countries (ex. Seungri's comment about the airport van switch up). They also have a ton of pride. But that's not very useful in America lol.

By the way, you've should of said something to her in Korean if you understood her, surprise the uptight suspicious Korean lady XD.

I think a lot of people don't tend to look back at their own country's (and then the world's) history. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS 'PURE' BLOOD ANYMORE. There has been so much inter-mixing a heck of a long time ago that any pureness in any body's blood has long been gone...

Thankfully almost all of us on this forum aren't racist. But it is up to the YOUNGER generations to stop all this hating. How? By just accepting everyone, no matter what they look like. :]

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Guest *.:StarryEyeSurprise:.*

koreans are like that =X

but asians can be quite racist like euros/whites, however not all ethnicities in asia are as blunt and in your face as koreans -_-

thank god my parent's ain't racist :sweatingbullets:

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Guest xX HOlic

Yes. My mother is totally racist. She and my dad are full Chinese. But because they've spent a third of their life in the US, the slowly began to accept other races and became more open minded. But before, my mother used to hate Black people, Hispanic people, and Vietnamese people lol. And Vietnamese people are also Asian. I guess it all depends. Truth is, I don't think you can ever change their minds. It's the way Asians are raised. It's like trying to change their culture i guess 0_o

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Guest Serenity65

Yeah, there are many Koreans at my school and they all tell me that they want to date and marry other Koreans. One of my friends liked this Chinese guy and she was born in Korea and they never went out although both liked each other, because she felt ashamed to go out with a Chinese guy.

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2) Philippines don't write in characters like East Asians such as Chinese, Korean, Japanese. I mean hello? There are other Asians who don't write in characters and do write in a Latin alphabet like the Filipinos....such as Vietnamese!

That excuse bothers me lol 'cause the Philippines actually used to have a writing system with characters, but it got banned or something sometime during the 1500s [not sure about the time]

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Guest ♥SecretLvr♥

im half malay and half chinese

and yeah im an asian..

even if u are fully malay... u are asian too ^^

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Guest DarknessFalls
That excuse bothers me lol 'cause the Philippines actually used to have a writing system with characters, but it got banned or something sometime during the 1500s [not sure about the time]

LOL, most of the reasons as to why some people think Filipino-Americans aren't Asian also bothers me.

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Guest DarknessFalls
But before, my mother used to hate Black people, Hispanic people, and Vietnamese people lol. And Vietnamese people are also Asian.

Vietnamese people? lol. I find it ironic how she named other minority groups that fall in the other racial categories but also hates particularly one ethnic group. Vietnamese also share a lot of similarities with Chinese so I also find this odd. Care to share her reasons? I'm very curious....I'm guessing some bad encounters :sweatingbullets:

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Guest leeahh

when someone says asian i think of anyone from all those countries u mentioned EXCEPT india and sri lanka and such because to me they have more noticeable differences to the other asian countries mentioned. (like facial features... religion... rituals.. food etc.)

regarding Filos who call themselves Pacific Islanders... *smack* get over it! filos are freakin asian alright! Indonesia's also an island in the pacific but u don't see them saying they're pacific islanders sheesh! Pacific Islander is a term for people from Tonga, Samoa etc. *sigh

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