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Asian Issues And Racism

Guest heygingersnap

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you should change your topic title to azn elders ><

its just mostly the older generation.

that REALLY sucked for you though T_T nothing hurts more than your own grandmother saying things like that to you ;_;

& about that lady, lol you shouldve went and told her you understood her. what a pinkberry.

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Guest ooo_it's_mE
i understand how u feel, but black and mexican ppl r no different...I've met some pretty racist black ppl in my life time and crap load of mexicans who like to be racist calling me "chino" during class time...

CONCLUSION: for me i don't really care bcuz Jesus told me that i should not hate another person, but hate their sins and that's wat i do.

ok really, can we say Hispanic and not Mexican?

not everyone who speaks Spanish is Mexican.

but anyways, I think it just depends on where you live. and to be perfectly honest, from personal experience, SE Asians here are usually a bit more vocal with their racism towards Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians mixed with Black or Hispanic. and it's really not just the older generations either.

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Guest aLiC3xNiN3
ok really, can we say Hispanic and not Mexican?

not everyone who speaks Spanish is Mexican.

but anyways, I think it just depends on where you live. and to be perfectly honest, from personal experience, SE Asians here are usually a bit more vocal with their racism towards Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians mixed with Black or Hispanic. and it's really not just the older generations either.

yeah i guess your right, maybe in the future the next generation of azn will understand more

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Guest Eternal Love

I'm a South Korean.

100% South Korean that is.

I live on the east coast of U.S.

and here, everyone gets along with eachother.

I.... really don't know what to say.

but for one thing, i can say that not all koreans/asians are like that.

especially here in the east coast; at my school,

all the korean kids get along with any other kid.

the parents are another thing.

i've asked my dad once if he doesn't like African americans,

and he told me that it's not that he dislikes them,

but the fact that they are alot of times portrayed in a really bad way

in the media, just like someone said.

he told me that he'd prefer to stay away from trouble. although i really don't SEE what trouble it would cause just getting to know someone...

i hope you don't get a bad impression of us asians T-T

they are just like that because they come from a not so diverse country like the US

it's definitely less diverse in S. Korea, so i think it's hard for adult to accept the fact that

they will have to meet people who are not of their own race. =\

i feel really bad even though i had nothing to do with this.

ashamed a bit, but i guess its life.

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Guest love990024501

not all koreans are like that. i mean, it's racism.

i'm sry you had to deal with that and i would've been hella pissed and complained to them.

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Guest skimchee

Your story really got to me. It hurt reading it, and I feel awfully sorry that you had to deal with such terrible circumstances that you don't deserve. But please remember, not all Koreans are like that. My parents are full korean and moved to American in their 20's. Therefore I was born here, so technically a korean-american. We live in the east coast and honestly I don't think I have seen racism that bad around here. Although Koreans can get a bit prideful, I have not seen or experienced any as harsh as what you have gone through.

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Guest viper2788

im sorry to hear that.. people like that are assholes.. i apologize on their behalf, for i am korean/asian. you seem to live in a very racially conflicting area.. im not aware of such racism around here in maryland. do yourself a favor and dont take people like that seriously. family or not, what goes around, comes around. there are also lots of nice people in this world! ;)

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its a sad state of affairs. but the understanding is that ppl who grew up primarily with the same type of ppl share similar train of thoughts and if they dont have any understanding of others they can only form from what they see from the media which are usually negative stereotypes.

i think you need to talk to you parents mainly your father if you stepmother treats you like crap.

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Guest fantasy21

wow the koreans you came in contact with are hella mean O_O i'm sorry you had to go through that

stereotypes ...blehhh they are hard to change

I think most koreans just prefer light skinned people... like my grandmother for example, doesn't like black people. One time I was watching Thats so Raven and she told me to turn it off because she said Raven's black.... I was so mad because I love Raven's show xD

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Guest DarknessFalls
Hm I was just talking about this in class. My Filipino teacher says that since California has so many Asians, they consider Filipinos "Pacific Islanders", they have their own box aside from "Asian" to mark and stuff when asked too. But in other places, Filipinos are considers Asians too. I don't know though, I'm not Filipino myself.

That would be the SATS or the Scantrons that your teacher is talking about where Filipinos do have their own racial category but that's mainly California. However, if there were only 2 categories of Asian or Pacific Islander. Filipinos would fall under the Asian category, the definition is very clear. I don't recall California ever putting Filipinos in the Pacific Islanders category, if they did...I'd like to see proof of this myself.

Look it up in a dictionary, you will see the Philippines islands is considered as part of SE Asia.The only Filipinos that consider themselves Pacific Islanders are Filipino-Americans and there's emphasis put on Filipino-Americans.

If you want to bring up a good point.

Mention the fact how the Philippines is apart of the ASEAN (Association of SE Asian Nations). This is something a lot of Filipino-Americans are not aware of.

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Guest sassy-grl

I'll just keep it simple. CONTINENTS. Asia's a continent. If the country of your (or your parents') origin lies in Asia, then surprise, you're ASIAN. lol.

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Guest VindictusDame

asian means people who originate from asia. well to me. like if their ancestors are from asia, then i think they are asians. if they're mixed... that...... i'm not sure.

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Guest eternity*kiss

i just want to ask sumone with parents like that..

Today, i went to K-Town. Which was really boring

<_< . ( Btw I'm Part Azn and Black) Thats kind of a big part in this. Well I'm in store, an I think it was one of those little Gift Shops, and i wanted to change a song on my Ipod, so i reached into my jacket pocket. Well she thought i took something, and i told her i didn't steal anything. <_< Well not to soon later the little security ppl came into the store,and they said come with us. So i left with them, and I'm like really :fury: . They said they're going to look at the security camera. And like the little innocent person I am they concluded that i didn't steal anything :tongue2: .Well the lady was still saying i stole something,and as i was walking out i heard her say to her husband in korean (바보 같은 흑인) which mean basically "Stupid Black Person". and said i hate black ppl. The only thing funny was i can understand her :w00t:

but that is not the only story i have, i have so much. but mostly with older azn adults not like my age type kids,

I mean i have so much bad experiences, it really makes me like shed a tear.. like when my (할머니) grandmother told my dad, he is a disgrace to Korean people all over the world and called me (더러운 혈액을) which means dirty blood like that was freakin horrible.. :(

i just want to know y are like mostly Azn adults sketchy of black ppl?!?!?!

your story reminded me of this news that made some headlines (well okay, not exactly the big headlines) a long time ago in the Philippines. There was this Korean couple who established a small convenience store in one of the provinces. they actually posted "No Filipinos allowed" at the store (imagine that.. you're the guest in the Philippines and you discriminate against Filipinos -- geez).. and if anyone tried to enter they really kick them out in a really bad fashion. unfortunately for them, the wife of the governor (of the same province) paid their store a visit. and they cursed her and tried to kick her out of the store. you know what happened? they got DEPORTED, of course.

however, about the topic.. No, not all koreans/asians are racist. there are some bad apples and some good apples as well. unfortunately for you you've already met a couple of really bad apples in one basket and since they're all of the same race it made you think that most of them might be like that. the best way to move on is to find people who are the opposite. find the good koreans. i'm sure they're there, somewhere. unfortunately for me, though, i find the good koreans to be mostly here at the forums and those studying here in the Philippines. Sadly, the adults and tourists that i've come across so far, though, are quite a lot different from the young ones.

And besides, it's their loss anyway (for losing you).

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Guest Yangie12

That are some awful memories, I really feel sorry for you to go through that.

But I don't think Koreans -or asians- usually are like that.

You just encountered some really bad tempered people.

The way those people treated you is just rude.

It's really a shame, because that makes a really bad reputation of us asians.

And about your stepmother..I think you should have a talk with her and your dad.

It may cause nothing..but you can always try.

You didn't do anything to her in the first place, so you don't deserve a dissaproval at all.

If she accepts your dad, she also need to accept you because you're a part of your dad.

The way she behave is just immature for a adult like her.

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Guest csnrain

what the....I'm Korean and I know some Koreans, especially elders, are not well-disposed to people of other races but even so, no one I know would have ever been so blunt or rude. I see a lot of non-Korean people in a number of Korean restaurants and no one bothers to pay attention...they might be interested that others actually like Korean food but they don't think much of it....

Hopefully you'll be able to meet some decent Korean people, those you described are just disgraceful. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen Koreans who are as close-minded and prejudiced as those you described.

It takes times for people to break down and discard long held biases and stereotypes that are the result of a largely homogeneous population; perhaps they just need more time. If not, I don't see why they bothered to move to another country.

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Guest Amanda Plz

I'm so sorry to hear that you had to go through that. Racism like that makes me want to both kill/burst into tears. It's so unnessary and unfair.

I don't think that all or even most koreans or asians are racist. I'm dark skinned and actually most of the racism I've recieved has come from my OWN race <_<. It may be because I'm considered "white washed" and my features aren't necessarily "Black", but racism lurks everywhere, in every race, sad to say I think it will always exist.

All the Asians I've encountered/know are very very nice though. Two of my close friends are Chinese and they and their family accepts me. My Japanese teacher is a native from Japan and she regulary praised/liked me a lot.

The people you encountered just seem to be ignorant. Ignorance...the leading cause of hatred in our world. Bleh.

I hope things get better for you. I really do.

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Guest addicted2kdrama

I think koreans became more racist when Ichiro said koreans will never be better at baseball than the japanese. From that day my mom and sister tells me not to get a japanese gf. Me on the other hand, I don't really care. Japanese, Korean they both look similar to me and I'm korean.

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