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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest pimple


Thats not the question at all.

Some people, i just count four here, are just voicing their opinions.

chunjaesu is standing for what they think is right as of homin. theres no question of "holy truth" or "sin"

just some voicing opinion about the members not standing together in the issue. is all.

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Guest oh`retro

This is DBSK vs. SM, not Jaesuchun vs. Homin.

I think we should all calm down on the Homin hate.

Imagine how Yunho is feeling right now.

He knows he is leader.

He probably knows he should join this fight.

He obviously wants to protect his members.

And yet, there's nothing he can do about it due to his other circumstances.

But, because he's leader, he gets the blame because people expect him to step up.

That's really unfair to him, especially since he just kind of can't jump into this mess right now.

I'm sure Homin is with Jaesuchun all the way on this case, even if they can't be there physically to fight it.

So, why are WE dividing the boys up into 2 groups when the members themselves aren't?

WE are supposed to be supporting ALL of DBSK, not just Jaesuchun or Homin.

I'm just kind of worried about DBSK's future with SM.

If they win this lawsuit & stay with SM, will the company be mad at them & treat them worse?

If they leave SM, where will they go?

SM's Stocks

Damn, this is even on freakin' Forbes now.

Yeah, serves SM right.

Now they know without DBSK, their top earning group, they're nothing.

A-Nation Pictures

The boys look super fine.

Although I can see Jaejoong still didn't cut his hair.

I bet he pushed his bangs back like 23487 times (annoying for him, hotness for fangirls, LOL).

And wow, Micky's new haircut is SO GOOD!

I've been waiting for him to get a good haircut.

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A monetary raise is not really the problem in my opinion. I think the boys are

simply filing an injunction/complaint against SM because they want more independence

in their careers and they want to be able to decide how their "paychecks" are spent.

See, if they are allowed to keep a portion of their profits from endorsements,

CDs, albums, etc... they should be able to spend/ invest that money into whatever

they want without SM's approval or "claim to any profit" if that money is really theirs.

Also the legal defination of an injunction is, "an equitable remedy in the form of a

court order, whereby a party is required to do, or to refrain from doing, certain acts."

DBSK has repeated over and over again that they do not want to TERMINATE their

contract they simply want to REVISE their contract with SM. And if SM were to disband

them from their company any other company would be willing to promote them.

It also makes sense that Yunho and Changmin are not a huge part of the "problem"

They are not betraying anybody and especially not their members. The three members

who are filing an injunction have invested their money into some kind of product.

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Guest tinenapay

i've kept my silence for so long as i chose to wait for the official statement of the boys. i chose to believe ONLY them and no one else. and now that they have said their part, i can't put into words the disappointment i feel towards SM. and what pains me the most is remembering those times when they were all smiles to the camera and making us fans happy in every concert they have when in fact they are suffering so much in reality. so just think of all those things they did to make us fans happy.

as a supporter of the five boys, let us set aside our judgment towards anyone of them and can we just show our support for all five of them? let's not judge Yunho, Changmin or anyone else. it would be better if all of us will join our boys in holding on to that hope that things will be better soon.

honestly, i've never prayed so hard in my life that they will be able to surpass this.

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Guest yunyunbear

OOOHHHH why cant some people here never stop making conclusions why HOMIN didnt join the force(lol at force) c'mon we DONT KNOW THE REAL REASON WHY PEOPLE PLEASE PLEASE lets just believe in them really c'mon now lets hope for the best okay?!

come to think of it the members themselves said that they don't have any conflicts its just that as an individual they do also have different opinions but it doesn't mean that their bond is not real, and I believe that they will keep their promise to their fans aiissshhh JUST BELIEVE IN THEM! ugghhh*enough of ranting*

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Guest happyrace

wait for the official statement from our boys,we will always here to support them..믿어요!!!Always Keep The Faith,Hope to the end!!!!!All the best..All cass please stay strong too!!!

-Love from cassiopeia and Race Jung -

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I'm a silent reader voicing out my oppinon....

Let's just face it, SME does not care about their artist, to them they are just their money making machine esp DBSK!!!

The boys are treated like slaves and their contract terms are just outrageous :angry:

I'm very worried about the boys esp JAE,YUCHUN N JUNSU :(

BUT I do applaud them for having the guts to go against SM!

We, the fans must stick together n support them all the way!!



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Guest im_may

so you know what. this is my first post since i knew about the issue

from day one. and this is all i have to say to it.

[i usually don't write in caps]










the only way to handle/stop a rumor from starting from a sensitive issue is

is to have all the info out

and no opinions or speculations or what so ever

so noone will be confused or would want to rebuttal your statement.

this thread is not viewed by a few as we all already know

it is viewed by hundreds of people even on a regular day.

it is not our place to voice our own allegations or speculations

there are tons of dongbangtoho forums for us to say that

where we can talk to real fans at that time we are in


you can go to anyone of those forums and discuss about the issue

cause there will be fans there for you to talk about it.

here is not the place right now.

its how rumors starts.

and as of right now. we DO NOT i repeat DO NOT need this

*sorry i didn't want to feel like a biotch

but this is really getting out of hand here.

we do not need a 30 page jump everyday.

just people rebuttualing back what someone else had stated about their views.

go to forums and discuss that

i'm sure there are many fans out there willing to talk about it with you.

cause we are all fans here. and we are all concerned right now.

and what we really need now is straight info not confusing speculations or allegations

edit: vvvv

I think you read my post wrong

I'm not saying to go to those forums to just hear good reactions

but it will be more effective and loosen the tension and the issue

of what we have here if you talked about your speculation and such

cause we do not need to be more confused about what is

mere speeculation and what is true facts


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Guest pickleisgood



I think because this is an open forums, do everyone need to try to be open with other differing opinions.

And go to the listed sites if they only want to hear positives ones.


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Guest miss_h


I should get used to it but I'm still amazed by their live performance...

This is just breathtaking. They are good, REALLY GOOD...

I love japanese fancam. it sound like the recorded version.


Guys, let just wait the result. I believe we will have it by the end of this week. In mean time enjoy the performance (fancam).

And how come it only like 5 people who congrat them for their oricon monthly chart... :angry: It's the freaking MONTHLY CHART!!!!

I know we are in the middle of 'crisis' but as they says, there's no disbanding. Don't overlook their achievement for this matter (and their bond)



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Guest Enjoi

I'm a little peeved, to be honest with you. Don't to be too fast to attack me because this is how I feel. Yunho & Changmin, are probably doing the right thing.

The contract is a bit long, agreed, but I think it's a little lame that Junsu, Micky, and Hero are attacking SM and wanting to change their contract. They signed it, knowing they had LONG HARD YEARS ahead of them. They signed with SM because SM was the best, because SM believed in them when NO ONE ELSE would. If they were to succeed, SM would reap the money, but if TVXQ were to fail, then SM was also going to fail. It was a gamble with SM's money, and SM won the gamble. They shouldn't publicly criticize SM about it after YEARS OF SUCCESS, considering:

I'm not attacking but I will state my opinion on this. The Korean government either this year or last went against the practice of "slave contracts" simply because it's unethical on most front. People will sign anything to be famous, that doesn't mean it's ok to take advantage of them. Your logic is that SM invested more in them then they have returned and that just is not the case because no company would support a deficit. If DBSK was failing SM would have put them on the back burner. This is not a one way godfather relationship that some are making it out to be. DBSK & SM helped each other. Before SNSD & Shinee, DBSk was probably the only leading source of revenue for SM Entertainment. They carried that company on their backs for most of their earlier years of success.

1) SM TRAINED all the boys and put in 5, 6 years of MONEY into these boys training them to sing, dance, act. They paid for the dance instructors, the singing instructions, the performances, the rooms, accomdodations, etc when TVXQ made NO MONEY. When they were NOBODIES, SM invested TONS of money promoting them. For five, six years. That adds up.

From what I remember, not 100% but JJ once said he had to work in order to pay for some training during an interview. The point that you seem to be missing all together though is that SM didn't invest in DBSK out of the kindness of their hearts, they invested in them because they saw a profit. Straight off the bat all idols even during training are put into contracts that restricted any other kind of occupational activities. These idols invest in their companies just like their companies invest in them. How many idol have dropped out of school to train? How many idols have been suck in training purgatory for most of their youth?

I don't know what accommodations you've seen but idol don't actually live in the best apartments. Shinee now can be an example of that. 5 guys in a 1 bedroom flat? And this is somehow a BIG investment?

2) SM pays for ALL AND EVERYTHING. All their clothes, concert venues, managers, codis, makeup, rooms, houses, transportation, first class airfare, lawyers, they pay music stations, radio stations, EVERYTHING. TVXQ has a huge entourage that SM pays for. TVXQ doesn't need to take in 50%, 60%, when their EXPENSES are ENORMOUS. C'mon now, people are like, OH SM IS TAKING SO MUCH. Uh, do you know how much Jive Entertainment for instance, takes from Britney, Justin, etc? Close to 90%. They just make more because they attract a bigger market. And its not like TVXQ makes nothing. They individually bring in A LOT OF MONEY a year - they drive their nice cars. Don't tell me they are the POORER people in the industry because THEY'RE NOT.

All i could seriously do was laugh at this. "First class airfare"? You show me a picture of these boys ever flying first class and I'll buy you a boat. You are really pulling stuff out of the hat. Lawyers for DBSK were the same lawyer that represented SM. DBSK usually has one or two managers. And surprise, surprise, studios provide stylist for show 90% of the time. Sure they may have had personal stylist for performances but Broadcast companies MBC, KBS, etc provide makeup and hair. You also seem to forget that most music companies put in clauses that make you pay them back for some expenses. The whole way your writing just makes it seem like SM was not making butt loads of money off of DBSK in ratio with their investment.

And for your Britney, Justin, etc comment - Britney gets 20 cents per CD, this is considered A LOT in the record biz because money isn't made in CD sales only and producers, distributors, and the companies have to be be paid, but all of SM previous artist have complained of getting less then 2 cent of their CD sales. The lawsuit says what the problem is for DBSK, SM wants to control all their projects and take more than their shares. Big USA stars make their money in endorsements. The record companies take some but I guarantee it's not even close to what SM takes, because some people get that an endorsement is a side deals that relates to image. Rightly so, record labels connect image to music produced and sold, but a company in no way can own your face or body. Stars own the rights to their image. The only thing a company can legally do is say that certain behavior by a super star or idol reflexes badly on them with contract clauses.

3) American artists only make like, a cent per CD, because HEY they only sing on the album and there is TONS OF STUFF in the background. Producers make a TON of money off of songs, not artists. As unfair as it seems to TVXQ that they dont hardly make any money from their hit albums, his is what its like in the entertainment world. It COSTS MONEY (A LOT OF IT) to put out CDs, hire good producers, good choreographers, and promote them well, and put out albums. Artists don't usually profit from them unless they produce stuff themselves. This is a fact, so you guys can't be like "OH SM IS SO UNFAIR"

Please actually looks stuff up before you make up your own facts. Like I said before 1 cent royalties are a hack and a company that pays it artist 1 cent for music royalties won't be in business for long. The simple fact is you got somethings right, CD sale profits aren't great.But please don't say SM doesn't profit. Companies profit on the same level and producers and distributors. The three big player in music revenue. But can you tell me that you would compare what the average American artist gets to what you can imagine DBSK make? Do DBSK get paid when their music is included in films or adverts, per film or ad? Do DBSK receive royalties when they write their own music? Do DBSK get paid public performance royalties each time songs they have written are played on the radio? Let the history speak for itself. How many artist have left SM?

4) I understand that TVXQ is upset about the terms of the contract, but it is A CONTRACT for a reason. You can't just be like "OH HEY i'm super successful now I want to make more." There was NO GUARENTEED success when TVXQ signed with SM. SM GAMBLED with them and hey, SM ended up doing a good gamble. SM might reap in the profits now, but they DID TRAIN THE BOYS who were NOBODIES at the time and BELIEVED In them and INVESTED IN THEM WITH TONS OF MOOLAH when no one else would. I enjoy TVXQ's music, but this just sounds like ungratefulness to me.

YES YOU CAN demand more when your successful. What successful artist in the world is held under the same contractual obligation they had when they first started as compared to now? It called "restructuring", in order to keep your artist happy because they are important to the label, companies restructure their contracts. When you grow, your success means the companies success, not the other way around. You keep saying over and over again that SM invested a TON of money into them, please back this up with something. Do you have training cost fee? Vocal fees? Room fees? No you don't. But what we all have is albums sales, ads, product endorsements to tell us just how much DBSK has made for SM. So I guess it's ungrateful to be asked to be treat with human decency for you god given talent and helping a company that was struggling pull itself out of a hole?

5) SM bulit them up, SM made TVXQ by giving them great songs, TV shows that promoted their personality, built the group, looking at group dynamics, and made TVXQ not into another Supernova, AST1, etc, because you guys ALL HAVE TO admit, SM does a kick richard simmons job getting promotions, making sure they are TREATED like stars. And now TVXQ is like, "HEY i want to make MORE MONEY and SM is in the way." C'mon boys, I know you're tired, but you're A BIG DEAL now because of SM. YOU MAKE ALL THE MONEY because of SM's tactics. Because they made you work a lot and promote your stuff. THEY PAID TO GET YOU TO WHERE YOU ARE and you're complaining now?

Gosh, you keep repeating the same stuff. I feel like I'm addressing the same thing over and over again. I'm simply going to say this because I've already blown this crazy "kiss the ring of the godfather" relationship you seem to be playing in regards to SM & DSBK. You know who else made DBSK successful? They did. Can anybody at SM sing like Junsu or JJ? Can anybody at SM dance like Yunho? Is anybody at SM as musically progressive at Yoochun? And is anybody at SM just freaking awesome like Changmin? I give all the credit in the world to SM for putting these five together, I'm grateful along with every other fan. But I will not sit here and act like DBSK are still nobody little trainees. This is a group that can sell out a show with out promotion and make people rethink what idols really are when they sing. DBSK are men of their own now. They worked just as hard for their success and deserve just as much credit for it. I'm sure LSM gets a good 8 hours of sleep at night, whens the last time these boys got even 5 hours of rest?

6) If you weren't with SM, you probably wouldn't be as a big deal now. And if you're a nobody, like Paran, etc. you'd be willing to lose a bit of money for TVXQ's fame, for popularity. That's what you did when you signed with SM. YOU WEREN'T GUARANTEED success, but that came with a price of hard work, at a price of making perhaps less. And now, your'e renegading on the TERMS of your contract. WOW. just WOW. I guess money really gets to people.

I know people might not agree with me, because everyone here is like "NO THE BOYS are ALWAYS RIGHT" and i agree...to an extent. Boys should have a right to talk about their contract and discuss it when they think they are being overworked. BUT to expect a change in contract because they are SO SUCCESSFUL and publicly pressuring SM is NOT a good idea because this, believe it or not, will tarnish the image of SM, and also their own image.

Sigh. Honestly, it peeves me that PEOPLE FORGET that SM is a business, a money making machine, but they treat their stars well. LSM is like a father to everyone, so attacking him doesn't do anything. Its probably the financial CEOs who they are pissed at. And remember this again: SM is one of the best companies around because they promote their artists well, they dress them well. They overwork them, sure, but its NOT INHUMAN. Honestly guys, this whole issue just annoys me.

No the boys aren't always right and all be the first to call them out, if you can look up my post history for the DBSK threads and see how much crap I've gotten into with other fans for calling the boys out. But right now your wrong. SM invested in DBSK because they saw dollar signs. DBSK like thousands of other idols or trainees signed a contract to finally make their dreams come true. The terms of those contracts basically gave SM the rights to their lives. This is no longer about music or entertainment but about freedom as an artist and a human being.

There is no record label without artist but there will always be artist without labels. This is not a "Chicken vs Egg" debate. You want to make LSM out to be some god but prove this to anyone here. I look at the facts when I judge something and the facts about LSM & SM is that the majority of their old artist escaped when they got a chance. Just because someone made you doesn't mean they own your soul. We all play a part in were we end up in life. DBSK have given up education, relationships, and all the other fixings of a normal life to make their dreams come true. No one can succeed if they don't work for it, and DBSK worked for everything they've been blessed to receive.

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Guest newnewuhc

I've been re-checking this forum for every few hours because the thread is moving so fast! The lawsuit and the "possible disbandment" speculations seem like there is no end and these few days seem to be the longest days in every TVXQ fans' life. I bet that most of us here can't sleep well at night because of this.

I really hope that both parties release an official statement regarding their current positions and come to an agreement ASAP. I really wanna know what is the REAL situation of this matter in Korea from those fans residing in Korea, as the news reported by the international media (esp. those entertainment news) are mostly second or third hand and the media tend to "embellish" the real situation in order to garner readers. Speculations and rumours are making us international fans to freak out and lose our cool. I was freaked out initially, but I'm much calmer now.

We are viewing this matter as a third person, we don't really know the whys, the whats and the hows. So everyone should take all comments as a reference until a full official statement is released by SM and the boys. I doubt that SM and the boys will let us fans know EVERY detail of this issue even though they release an official statement as some of the details might be personal and need to be remained undisclose.

Regarding SM hiring a lawyer, it's actually expected as personally, I think that SM will not just sit down there and do nothing when someone is suing them (and SM's reputation is going downhill because of this lawsuit). I think the boys have actually expected that. I believe that TVXQ know what they're doing and are prepared for whatever consequences that come with the outcome. So everyone stay calm. We shall wait and see.

Always keep the faith!

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Guest sheilapiglet

[ENG SUB] DBSK - Preparing for a Press Conference about SM issues {Thai News}

wow, DBSK is making news all over Asia.....the response to their possible disbandment has the greatest response I've ever seen in the Korean Music Industry so far...I think that all the fans are on their side right now...even the reporters seem to be putting SM on a bad light and agree that the contracts are ridiculous.

[kinomii] 090802 Yunho pull a trolley in rain - making drama

poor YH...has to do a scene in the rain and the trolley looks so heavy too with the girl sitting on it...lol....hope he doesn't get sick.

\/ KiTaJJ:Oh, actually there has been a better translated and more coherent version of this post that has already been made here several pages back....so if fans were to spread this piece of news, I think it would be better to read the other one..thanks for sharing tho!=)

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Guest KiTaJJ

I don't know if this was shared before I received this by email:

Please help TVXQ‏

Hello? I'm a cassiopeia. and now I try spreading this text that made by cassiopeia.

If you're the English-speaking world, please spread this text to your country's fan and website and internet.


TVXQ three members, made public announce " we never got appropriate treatment "

Xiah, hero, and micky made public announce through SeJong, on August 3rd.

They said, "During the five years after our debut, we were getting really tired mentally and physically because of the one-sided schedule of SM. The beauty business does not have any relationship with this situation."

here is the original interview.

1. During the five years after their debut, the three members were getting really tired mentally and physically because of the one-sided schedule of company.

Xiah, hero, and micky are the members of group TVXQ and they made debut in 2004. They had to travel Korea, Japan, and China and perform their schedules by sleeping only 3~4 hours a day except a week in a year by their management company, SM`s instructions. Their mental and physical health conditions were getting so worse because of the tired schedules, but SM tried to enter them to abroad and made unreasonable one-sided schedules. Finally, the three members realized that they cannot achieve what they want as artists in SM, and would be used as just tools to make profit of SM.

2. The period of 13 years actually means whole life contract.

however, according to their contract, the contract period is 13 years and would be more than 15 years including the military period that they will serve. And it means more than 10 years are remaining and it would be whole life contract that until when they would retire. And if they break the contract, they should pay more than three times of investment or two times of profit. Although they break the contract with the mutual agreement with SM, they have to pay the money. In other words, it was actually impossible to break the contract, so they had to follow them.

3. The members never got appropriate treatment that reflects how they tried.

It does not mean the members got appropriate treatment that reflects how they tried. Not only there was no deposit, but also they could get less than 10 thousand dollars only in the situation when the albums were sold more than a half millon in one day, and if not, they could not get any money. according to the first contract. This was changed on Feb 6, 2009, but still the money that members are getting from the albums is only 0.4%~1% per person and it depends on how the albums were sold.

4. The members requested the changes of the inappropriate contract several times, but SM did not care.

In this situation, three members requested the changes of the inappropriate contract several times, but SM raised an issue about the beauty business that has nothing with this situation. Nevertheless, the three members wants to find a way that they could smooth over the problem so finally requested a conversation to SM, but SM did not answered it. Also, the attitude they showed us made them realized they cannot solve the problem with the conversation, and finally three members wants to use the legal way to solve this problem.

5. The beauty business investment is not related to the entertainment activities and also has nothing with this situation. The true essence of this situation would be inappropriate contract.

On the other hand, SM made a public announcement that members made provisional disposition because of the beauty business investment, but the beauty business investmenthas nothing with this situation. The beauty business investment that SM made an issue is about the investment that three members invested to the beauty company entering to China, and it is a financial investment that has no relationship with entertainment activities. It does not make sense that `the members made provisional disposition that they might forgive everything they achieved as TVXQ because they invested almost 100 million dollars of money to the beauty company entering to China`. The true essence that the members wants to talk about of this situation would be inappropriate contract, and SM should stop trying to make an excuse immediately by telling about the beauty business investment that has nothing with this situation.

6. the members does not want to disorginize TVXQ and just try to get rid of inappropriate contract.

Lots of fans are worried about disorginization of TVXQ about this situation. however, making provisional disposition does not on the disorginization of TVXQ. Now, three members are participating the provisional disposition because of the difference of ideas about the way to solve the problem, but there is no problem betweent the members, and they are as same as the past that they want to keep promise they made with fans that they would be one forever together. If this situation change the inappropriate contract and they can do what they want as artists, everyone can be together as one in front of the fans.

7. We will think it as the chance to be more mature.

We are sorry that fans who care about TVXQ may surprised a lot and be disappointed, but if you try to think it would be the chance to be more mature for bigger dream, and cheer us, we will promise to compansate you as more mature TVXQ.

****Please spread this English version of article. You do not have to get my permission to move this article :).***

hope this helps

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Guest luvchunnie

This is just part 1 of many parts. We are almost going to 1000 messages already. Please be patient, only DBSK_real and I are working on the videos.

We will really do our best to put all the messages together. It's amazing!! If only you guys can see the messages that you all have submitted!! It makes me cry really!^^

OH , this video is so touching :X

It really proves the power of Cassiopeia and our wonderful support for them :)

Although TVXQ and Cassiopeia are spending the worst time , we are always side by side , believe in and support to each other :P

That's why , we have the right to be proud of this and hope that TVXQ will last 4ever as well as love between Cassiopeia and TVXQ will never change , OK :X

Always keep the faith :rolleyes:

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Guest mskim

Junsu in my dream, asking you not to worry..



He will shoot anyone who's doubting his members..


Keep in faith. Gods of the East!

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Guest eVangeLuv

Thank you for those updating us on the latest activity/fancam of the boys.

It's something to look forward to in this forum other than the few depressing news/speculations.

Tat was soOOoooo HOT (in terms of performance xD)

Tho i can't realli see the boys but damn they sounded so good!

Even after numerous dance tracks they still sounded like my player :P (Re:equivalently good to recorded tracks)

And Yoochun realli knows how to bring up the atmosphere :D

Chipping in cheers here & there + his sexy growls while singing's realli hyper!!!

Oh my now i'm selfish for wishing there could be so clear fancam :mellow:

[kinomii] 090802 Yunho pull a trolley in rain - making drama

poor YH...has to do a scene in the rain and the trolley looks so heavy too with the girl sitting on it...lol....hope he doesn't get sick.

It's an uphill slope as well .... hope he doesn't get sick =(

A nation next stop is in a few days' time neh, drenched in rain + sweat is not good for health.

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Guest ke-ai

And you have the right to make them to 13 years, Oh, I see ! That's the Korean's law.

1) sorry i cut ur post. 2) EVERYONE is being quite selfish here. 3) ARE YOU ALL NOT AWARE THAT AS A BOY BAND THEY WILL EVENTUALLY DISBAND SOMEWHERE IN THE FUTURE! 4) stop pointing fingers at yunho and saying he's not being a leader, 5) Am i the only one who's disappointed in te 3guy in all this fuss? Am i the ONLY ONE who thinks they're being selfish and not considering their fans? -- NO ONE HAS TO ANSWER ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and the reason i cut ur post is because that's really a rude comment. i wonder if you all are AWARE that the contracts they talk about start from their agreement as a trainee? and also, that those contracts are about to end in 2-3 years? maybe even less?


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