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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest Senorita_

I personally think Yunho is having the hardest right now. It's really mean to point fingers and make him feel worse to know that the fans are questioning his love and loyalty to JaeChunSu. If anything, he's probably the most loyal, responsible, and level headed out of all of them.

I do not envy his position as leader (even though it may just be an empty title now because the guys have grown up and they're all adults with a mind of their own) because you get all the blame when something goes wrong. Such double standard.

Yes I agree with what you said. Yunho's in a tough situation now seeing his 3 beloved members going against the company. It's not like he doesn't want to do anything - but because he can't. This issue is about the 3 members, so all he can do is respect their decision. I think Min's also in the same position as Yunho. As maknae of the group, he's seeing his hyungs in a 'war' situation right now so it's not easy for him too.

What's best now is the support that HoMin will be giving to the JaeChunSu, as well as all Cassiopeia and fans standing by their side.

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Guest --hearts.

The stocks falling is seriously LOL stuff. I wonder how much more it has to fall for SM to get the point...after all these years of taking advantage of their artists, did they really think it would never come back and bite them in the butt? If they are smart, they will revise all the contracts under the label. Tsk.

DBSK will come out of this stronger and more amazing than ever because if there is anyone who would have been able to do this, it's them. It doesn't matter if HoMin are legally/officially in this or not because after all these years of being their fans, we know better then to doubt. I actually think that this whole mess reminded me of why I love the five of them in the first place and, if anything, reignited my faith in them. <3 They'll be okay, and so will we.

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Guest modernaffair

im not a big dbsk fan but i think its right for junsu, yoochun and jaejoong to speak up. this same thing has happened with other sm artistes and these people have just like left sm for another company cos what the contract states is really ridiculous.

it's not only about the money that they get but also the effort they put in.

These guys are the ones having to travel to and fro from japan and korea. obviously who wouldnt get tired emotionally and physically. These guys are the ones putting in the effort, working hard for their dream. at the same time, when dbsk acheives this dream, sm's happy too isnt it? but these boys do not get at least half of the effort they put in.

If i put myself in their shoes, i'll think it's really unfair how i work soooo hard but get like nothing in return. These years of hard work is like nothing. As how people always say, you reap what you sow, but it isn't the same for this contract. Imagine bound to sm for 13 years, not even counting military service. How hard would that be. Even in these 5 years, it has been so tiring for these guys, and still having to go through this for another 13 years?!

THis deserves to be a wakeup call for the way sm handles things seriously. It's great these boys brought this up cos if it's not resolved, the public will never know what goes on behind. And who knows what sm will do to their other artistses. I'm pretty sure he knows what's going on cos this isnt the first incident. But now that this is known to the public, they wouldn't just close one eye when other sm artises transfer to otehr companies.

Other than whatever i said, i'm pretty sure dbsk fans would remain firm lol and support them. who would wanna see them disband right.

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Guest chappydrabbit

Omg..im seriously having a headache from reading all the replies regarding the dispute between the boys and SM..

Let's just chill and cool down for a bit as I notice that we are just too tired, worried and tensed regarding the issue..

Let's not point fingers at each other and what is right/wrong or which parties are doing it right..there's is no right or wrong in this case since we all make mistakes..what's done, it's done and now we just have to wait for the issue to be resolved properly by those people who are more knowledgeable in their fields..they will do what needs to be done and let's just pray for the boys that they can continue doing their activities safely..our boys are feeling pressured, stressed and our arguments are not helping at all..just like what most sompiers have stated, "ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH" and show the boys that "WE WILL SUPPORT THEM NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS" because we want them to be happy..if they are happy, so am i..i am sure that all fans feel the same way..

We believe in you,boys!!Do what you want and need to do!!We'll be here!!Always!!So Be Strong, Okay!!!

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."

~Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862)

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Guest minhchau

[iNFO] 090802 Sale of the Shoyukoto Voice Strap of THSK x Murakami Shouji has Ended; No Stocks Left

Source: toho-jp.net

Translation: mayenchaii @ OneTVXQ.com

Picture: tvxqinfo @ Wordpress

Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!


The Shoyukoto item had reached its limit of stocks.

The said item is said to be sold out at the Yoshimoto Club since last Sunday because

of it's popularity. That's why they decided to close.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

T/N: Shoyukoto: The item Jaejoong always brings with him on TV shows; the soy sauce strap.

Yoshimoto Club: It's where they sell it.

Can u give me address of YOSHIMOTO? My friend s' sister will go to Tokyo and we want to buy it....

:D (Can u tell me a price? ^^)

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Guest TVXQ<3

I am sooooo pissed off at SME right now. :fury: And their stock falling off, good for them, now TVXQ is in CONTROL. If ever the lawsuit case against the memebrs are true, then they just picked a WAR!!!

i think that SME people should migrate to some other company

I seriously think they should.

My opinion of the boys just shot up like, 309832%. Seriously. They face all the crap SME (the company, not LSM) throws at them, and they still smile for us. </3

This just broke my heart. They smiled for the us, pulled a great performance for us, worked hard for us, man, they never really cared about MONEY. NEVER!!!! We believed EVERYTHING's okay but in reality it isn't. :huh: This facts just made me realize how passionate they are as members of Dong Bang Shin Gi and how much they realize the love of their fans for them. We never knew THIS and knowing it now just tore my heart into pieces. :/ I'm sooooo PROUD of them!!!

i just know that the fans here are soooo immature and really not fans of dbsk boys. honestly. you guys are seriously the worst kind of "fans" that cassies list fans under. splitting the boys up because one didn't join in. 3 members went on without yunho/changmin because they didn't want the 2 to be stressed out while doing the drama. they STATED that all 5 of the members went into the MEETING with their lawyers. meaning they are all behind it. changmin/yunho didn't join in in filing the lawsuit BECAUSE they had drama schedule. cassies are chill about it why you should guys be freaking out? seriously have you guys learned NOTHING from dbsk? so immature. almost makes me sick.

Hmm. As far as I've seen all the posts here, there's just 3 or 4 posters who pissed me off. So don't generalize international fans. They seem to be a lot if you didn't backtrack coz a lot of fans reply their posts.

just ignore the people who are trying to divide the members. there're like maybe three, with one coming back ever so often. they are far in the minority.


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Guest sillysweet101

it's been ages since i've visited or posted here. i usually just lurk now but the situation calls for a comment. so here goes...my thoughts are as follows:

1) it has been said so many times over by so many members already but the best thing to do is wait & see and don't start jumping to conclusions or adding fuel to unwarranted rumors. it does nothing and serves no purpose but to create more tension and worry with other fans.

2) its so easy to start casting blame on certain members for not joining the trio in bringing the suit but that's just illogical because we have no idea why only yoosujae are filing a suit. could be strategy, could be prior commitments, could be anything. so don't be so quick to judge & condemn homin unless ALL true & correct facts are out in the open. best thing we can do as a fan is to remain impartial here and even if all facts are out, they are entirely within their discretion to do whatever the hell they want because their decision affects them and their family first and as much as we would not like to admit, dbsk second.

3) according to the news release that yoosujae put out, their working conditions and pay sucks big time. yeah, they signed the contract but again, we do not know all the facts surrounding this event. we all HEAR that their original contract was for 5 years and in december 2008, they renegotiated and resigned with SME. again, we as fans don't know all the implications surrounding this...their hands could've been tied thus forcing them to resign under duress. point is, if the law allows them to challenge a contract then they are fully within their right to challenge. irregardless of whether they're one of the top entertainers in the kpop industry or what not, a unconscionable contract is unconscionable and even famous stars who already own multiple cars or bought their parents a luxury apartment or owns their own ice cream shop or gets paid more than other kpop artists, they still have a right to challenge such a contract.

4) just because sme "discovered" dbsk, that does not justify exploitation of dbsk. they deserve to work under humane conditions, to be compensated fairly for their efforts, and to know all the logistics of their contracts with sme as well as avex.

5) respect yoosujae's wishes and have faith in them. it probably was not a easy decision for them to make in embarking on this path of challenging their company......and we don't need to add to any heartache they may already have by bashing their company, other dbsk members, or each other.

/thoughts, rants, 2cents....whatever you wanna call it.

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Guest Jenny25


I just wanted to update you guys of the count of signatures that has been collected so farrr!

the CURRENT amount of signatures is: 3521~ and counting....


Please continue to spread this link http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/sig...?TVXQCASS&1 everywhere in fan sites and continue to SUPPORT AND BELIEVE IN TVXQ!

Anyone from Europe or South America or the Middle East or Central Asia: Please copy and paste the link into the designated fan sites for each country, it seems as if they are not aware of the 'petition' that is occurring....THANKS AGAIN!

In regards to the current situation: Please stop making assumption because WE are only the third person in the issue. We are no where near the truth and what actually happened...If SM treated them badly, WE do not know to what extent and so it's pretty bad to be predicting such things in this kind of situation.


I looked up the word fan in Webster's dictionary and the meaning of a fan is:

an enthusiastic devotee (as of a sport or a performing art) usually as a spectator

an ardent admirer or enthusiast (as of a celebrity or a pursuit)

PLEASE be a fan and support the members for their personality, talent, and music.

The issue at hand can have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many rumors and not even a hand full of that is true. Please do not believe the rumors that are being spread and PLEASE STOP COMPARING THE GROUP WITH OTHER THINGS (i.e. HOT, SHINHWA....American artists...) I can say millions of things and tell you the statistics between the cracks BUT I choose not to so that we can spare the arguments and negative discussions.


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Guest love_fate&destiny

[NEWS] 090803 TVXQ's Public Announcement

I am late on news about DBSK, as usual. And so, I have only started to hear about everything of DBSK disbanding, DBSK sueing and those things like that just two days ago.

And I am glad to see DBSK's public announcement and see that they are standing up to SM and are NOT disbanding. :)

And it seems like there were some fans/people who were pointing fingers at Yunho and Changmin, for not standing with Junsu, Jaejoong and Yoochun. >.< I hope that those fans/people stop. Like pmlinh_89 said, "By pointing fingers at ANY of them, you are hurting all of them."

There are so many news about everything that is going on so far that it is overwhelming for me right now. >.< I still have not comprehend or understand some things but anyways, all I hope for is that in the end, everything will be all right.

And I hope for Cassiopeia and all DBSK's fans to stay strong and keep faith, and all of us to watch over our dear boys as they go through these trials. Right now, it's an uneasy and hard time for all of us, as we worry for them. >.< But let's stay strong together and continue to support our lovely boys as we have always done. (:

Fighting!!! to DBSK, Cassies, Fans. (:

"Don't worry, about a thing, cause every little thing, is gonna be all right." (A song that I heard from the movie Shark tale. lol. :lol: But I thought that it would nice to put it right here. (: & Miley Cyrus's 'The Climb')

"Keep the faith, keep your faith."


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Guest Hoodwinker

I have always been a silent reader on Soompi, but I feel that I need to speak up now or else I will seriously go crazy. Firstly, I am so disappointed and shocked about how some fans are reacting to this by pointing fingers at certain members of the group. The boys are opinionated, and they all have different opinions and ways of doing things. Just because Homin aren't joining in with the lawsuit doesn't mean that they aren't hurting or that they aren't supporting their brothers. I believe that Homin have a reason as to not join the lawsuit, and if Jaesuchun respect that decision, then we as fans, should also respect that decision. There is a reason why all the members are keeping quiet at the moment. I am sure they have talked about this over and over and over again with each other over the past two months. They are probably hurting ten times more than we are now, and the least we can do is say 'We believe you oppas. We will always support you.'

And don't their actions speak louder than words? They came back to Korea together, all five of them, supporting each other quietly.

We shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves, because the boys need us to be united and to be strong for them, because we are their strength as they are ours. Lets just wait patiently and keep reminding the boys about how much we love and support them. I think this is what they need most, and it is the least we can do.

I can understand how some of you feel, because my heart has been hurting since I heard about this news, but we have to be strong, because it will help our boys be strong.

Always keep the faith, and hope to the end.

Please stop fighting, because we need to stand together as one, and stand by the boys as they are facing this ordeal. God only knows how much pain the boys are in right now.

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Guest fly_micky

thank you everyone for all news and info about jaechunsu and SM Ent. I enjoy reading all your comments and opinions about this matter. but sadly, some of you just keep blaming homin especially yunho since he's the leader of the group. if you're true fans, please understand their position and situation before you pointing fingers to them. I think this video will help you to re-think what you are saying about them. 090801 Always Keep The Faith [Fanmade]

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Im still in shock of the amount of sleep they get. 3-4 hours... T.T

They have the most busiest schedules!

& they don't get anything unless they sell 500K. Omgsh!

I was watching this video that was posted on dnbn, and one of the sentences said they travelled the same amount as going around the world 60 times! 60 TIMES! :o

The boys have went through so much hardship. Im so sad.

Hwaiting everyone!! Hwaiting TVXQ!

"Always Keep the Faith!"

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Guest jiajiaaa

I'm rather upset that some are angry at HoMin. No matter how much we emphasised on keeping our faith for them, believing in them. Seriously, some comments were ridiculous. Yunho is selfish? Yunho wants his own dreams? What the hell?? Firstly, we don't even know what's going on. We don't even know him personally and all. Why are you judging him? If you're a true fan, you won't jump into conclusions and get upset saying he's not being a good leader. Being a leader is not easy and in my opinion, Yunho is the BEST leader. Look at how he always takes care of the other members, how responsible he is. It breaks my heart to see fans judging and criticizing him. It's like, you'd rather believe those stupid news articles and make ur own judgement than believing in our boys.

How will Yunho/Changmin feel when they know about this... Aren't our support the most important during this crucial period??


After reading the press conference translation I'm so angry!!! SM is seriously too much. 500k albums sold in Korea is so not easy and they are doing this to them. I wonder if it's just LSM? Or other directors of the company as well. I wonder if SM does the same thing to BoA? If so, I'm really sad cause BoA is my favourite too. Sigh, wonder how the other artistes(SNSD, Suju, etc.) feel.

Happy to see them 5 together. I knew there wasn't any serious dispute amongst the members. I believe in them, they wouldn't lie and say how good their relationship is if they aren't in good terms. FOREVER 5 DBSK!! I'm glad that JaeChunSu are fighting to get what they think they deserve. Let's all wait for all these to be over and at the same time, support and cheer for them! I believe our absolute faith in them is what that keeps them going :)

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Guest bluecat16

THANK YOU diana©, i woke up and the first thing i did was came straight to this thread

Im really glad they have cleared it up. i think it is only fair that they get the money they deserve, and yes, they deserve it no matter who says they have enough money already. I cant imagine doing all the things they do in the space of a week and not be seriously ill.

They always smile, sing and dance for us, so now that it is their time of need, we should understand them too, no matter what they decide to do.

Aish, its too early for me to be making a post, my brain is in a havoc right now and i cant even string a proper sentence together -_-

edit --------------

even if homin decides not to join in the legal battle, that doesnt make them less of a friend to jaechunsu. I cant believe people would think that way, maybe i am too naive. It has never crossed my mind that by homin not suing sm, theyre abandoning jaechunsu. people have their own reasons, until we KNOW them as a person and KNOW the real facts, we cant judge them at all really.

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Guest baybievan

I'm glad to see a couple positive posts on this thread again. T_T We just have to wait out and see the official news before we start assuming yes? >_<

Aww shoyukoto keychains are sold out...I really wanted one. :(Hopefully I can get them at the Yoshimoto Club somehow..

Another video from DNBN members I don't believe hasn't been shared..

Everyone, stay strong and believe in them! We shouldn't question DBSK's strength so soon because of a lawsuit, shall we? :P Let's move forward, away from bickering amongst ourselves for their sake.

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Will you guys stop with POINTING THE FINGER CRAP!

There's like 1 or 2 people saying bad things about HoMin.

1 or 2 does not represent everybody.

So really, all these anger toward those who supposedly POINT FINGERS AT HOMIN is really really useless.

I back tracked 10 pages or so, kashmier was the only anti homin. So I don't get where all these pointing-the-finger arguments are coming from....?


I agree, as a leader, most probably Yunho has it the hardest.

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Guest JJ.biased

wow, i cant believe it... 3-4 hours of sleep... i can't believe our boys have been suffering so much T^T". i'm so glad they had the fans to cheer them up T_________T".

& yes, really stop blaming yunho and changmin.. -____-" because we really don't know anything behind this problem. This problem is getting serious though T^T" makes me a bit sad... but DBSK FIGHTING!

- ps, this thread moves on soooo fast >__________<

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Guest SHA_YJ






It was on MBC news

Currently in the baidu forums that DBSK's appeal won with 13 supporting votes

hence it abolished the unfair contract....

source: baidu bar.

I shall edit here, since I do not know how many comments today!


Okay....apparently....if they won, their contract will only become 7 years.

hence they'll only be 2 more years.....of dbsk

And if it is on MBC it should have the link and everything......let's hope this is the real news

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