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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest estelgrace

Hiya, my fellow international Cassiopeians! ^^

Finals is over! Wooot!! :w00t:

I'm free! Haha...I can finally explore with no limitations!

Gah, university...

Anyways...just checking in to see what the biggest and fastest moving thread in soompi is doing^^

I miss the old days when I used to post everyday. I don't suppose any of you remember me anymore.

I think I'm just spazzy since I finally got my Secret Code Ver. A album and Share The World today! :lol:

I'm sooooo happy!!! XD

They're so pretty! I swear DBSK have the prettiest, classiest CD packages I've seen!

Listening to disc 1 right now (I LOVE the songs!!), can't wait to get home and check out the other CDs. ^^

I sooo want the other albums too. The only other album I have are Mirotic A & B.

Ah, well...little by little ne? ^^

So...any of you know why the guys are/were in Korea? I'm really wondering...since it wasn't in the schedule (was it?)

Or maybe I'm just left behind in the dust because of all that's happening. *sniffles*

Praying for our dolphin-oppa^^ hope he'll be OK soon


Can't wait for Tokyo Dome and the best concert DVD they'll have ever! ^^

The concept and everything are just amazing!

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Guest _YooMi

i want some galeto ice creammm >< and i see chunnie's omma xDDD she must be so happy, =P

It hurts me even more to see Junsu smile. bleh D= Cuz like, i keep thinking what if its more serious than it looks and he is like trying to be strong. BAH! So confusing.. =[

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Guest 2MY

Yoochun at his Timeout Galeto !!!

:o Yay! More pictures! Is that Yoochun and his mommy?

His smile is just so cute!

And that picture! maybe he did see the camera taking pictures of him. lol

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Guest Niya-chan

Hi!!!! Everyone!!!!!

i`m Sara...

I`m Venezuelan =D!!!


sorry but my english is not good... but =D...

i`m studiying english jejeje...

I LOVE DBSK!!!! *O*!!!!

TOO MUCH!!! *U*!!!

someone can... am... make a gift of Jaejoong in 9095???

is just *¬*!!!!

and... i don`t know how make a gift >w<!!!

thanks ^o^!!!!!!

And... again... sorry, my english is nothing good TUT...

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Guest clicheterms


I was never really up with the couple thing among DBSK members. I don't like it and all. Because I see themselves as men, real men, yummy men! hahaha

But then these 2 friends of mine ehem!GELLIE and ALIZA!ehem! made me watch this one video of Yunjae, and I was soooooo bothered! To add to that, I watched that video after watching Antique Bakery so my mind was still in gay mode. So yea, it really bothered me a lot. LMFAO!

Anyway, of course I wouldn't want them to come out on this show, because whatever the truth is, I would like to believe on what I want to believe.

And that is, there is no YUNJAE! Because Jaejoong is all mine!!!! BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHH!!!

something about the way you said this really doesn't sit right w. me. gay men are men too.

Changmin Fanart



source: 力量 + neverend.scm

shared by : sharingyoochun@wordpress

she's an incredible artist. these pieces are gorgeous!

Yoochun at his Timeout Galeto !!!

credit : as tagged + mr.tvxq + asetwisai@tvxq-dreamland.com

there is something profoundly beautiful about the atmosphere of these pictures - so sterile and calm. and the contentment on his face makes me all warm and fuzzy inside(: it's kinda incredible; five years ago, he was still the dandy american boy sm wanted him to portray and now he's opening an ice cream shop for his mommy.

<3 tiffo

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Guest LeCiel.

*gulps* WOAH! woahhhh!!!!~ Jaejoong doing a sexy dance with the mic stand. It's like he's dancing in a club! hahaha, i wanna make love in this club, in this club. XD. lols, sorry. I can't help myself, but to laugh while watching it. I gotta give this link to my bestie and for sure, she'll go crazy. ^^,

I'll just go watch Yunho's >.<

done watching.......... *gasps* that is... that is so freakin' sexy!!! especially @ 0:50 hahaha pls ignore me. xP

i have nothing to say, but i'm falling *laughs*

yey! finally promoting~ love the may issue btw

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something about the way you said this really doesn't sit right w. me. gay men are men too.

maybe she meant, manly man... like her gaydar's not turning on when she sees Yun and Jae... :P *scratches head*

there is something profoundly beautiful about the atmosphere of these pictures - so sterile and calm. and the contentment on his face makes me all warm and fuzzy inside(: it's kinda incredible; five years ago, he was still the dandy american boy sm wanted him to portray and now he's opening an ice cream shop for his mommy.

<3 tiffo

i agree about the atmosphere. it's truly amazing. i'm trying to think back to an interview about Yoochun where it's predicted he'll be a business man... was it in that MBC morning show [circe new year's of 2007? before the boys depart for their 2-yr stay in Japan?]

also was it in my imagination or wasnt there also an interview where Yoochun said that he did help his mom put out an ice cream shop in the US? or did i misunderstand it, that it's actually this Gelato shop now?

either way, i think it's incredibly amazing for him to realize a dream. funny thing is, i'm expecting Jae to put up his own supermarket too. ha!

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sorry this is kind of off topic. but has anyone of you seen that terrible youtube channel "iREALLYHATEdbsk" I just thought it was very interesting and childish. it gave me a good laugh because some people can be so stupid.

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Guest meimei__KOUSEKI

Tohoshinki's Japan fan mixi community

so cool! Mixi is invitation-only though... i bet the fans were like like, interconnecting themselves like crazy :D

Youre welcome for the picspam ^^I've always thought that most of us noticed Jae is a outfit repeater lol! He has tons of clothes given by fans yet he alway wears the same old xD Dont get me started on his hat/cap that he wears all the time.. I wanna throw that away for him! I roll my eyes everytime i see him with that :vicx: Someone please buy him a new hat :ph34r:

Hahaha, let's buy him a new hat! LOL, though i kind of like it that he's wearing stuff over and over again. It shows he's not after the trend (well, imo...he starts trends, along with Chun and his no-socks trend :P ) and kinda sends out a message that he's got enough clothes now and all the money spent for sending him those stuff should be for something with a higher purpose :X

Hiya, my fellow international Cassiopeians! ^^

Finals is over! Wooot!! :w00t:

I'm free! Haha...I can finally explore with no limitations!

Gah, university...

Anyways...just checking in to see what the biggest and fastest moving thread in soompi is doing^^

I miss the old days when I used to post everyday. I don't suppose any of you remember me anymore.

Estel! Are you kidding me? Of course i remember you :D

Hahaha, yeah...their packaging are THE BEST imo.

I spend like, 20 minutes admiring the packaging before i actually open it xD

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Guest Serenity89

^awww, how sad. How can someone dislike our cute Dong Bang Guys so much.

Kobe concert looks amazing! I was really looking forward to see the performance of 9095 - one of my favorite tracks from the album. After watching Jaejoong's version of 9095, I can't help but express my thoughts on his performance. Well I though Yunho's version was jaw droppin' awesome - he was really working the mic - but Jaejoong's....hehehe.

I liked it better when he shows his sexiness without even realizing it or when he's playfully doing it. (Like the video where he wrote his name with his butt. Lol) In the performance, he looks like he's forcing himself to be sexy and he looked really embarrassed doing it. Can't wait to see Yoochun's and Changmins' version.

Hope Junsu gets better so he can perform with the other members. Junsu Fighting! Dong Bang Shin Ki Fighting!

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Guest mesmorizex3

hii i have autographed DBSK pictures(all of them). pm or message me if interested, and i'll show you a pic

19.99 for one -shipped

29.99 -shipped (all five members signed, group photo)

100% authentic!

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Guest afterglow.

jaejoong's dancing in 9095 looked so stiff and awkward lol. sexy hair though. ;D i wanna see fancams of yoochun and changmin. junsu would've rocked that dance... even in his wheelchair haha.

thanks for translating the intro video description tvxqslave!

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Its been so long I didn't post here. lol~~~

@JAE 9095 FANCAM: I found its so awkward unlike Yunho' dance. Cz Yunho expression *__*

JaeJae is trying so hard to be sexy. I found its kawaiii. ;)

Jae you are sexy just by standing still. ^^

Now I cant wait for Junsu and Changmin fancam.

Normally they are really good in dancing esp Jun-chan.

Hope he get well soon.

Jun-chan hwaiting!

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Guest x_JiEun_x

on today's episode of happy together heechul brings up yunho and jaejoong (and kangin). he tells a story about their trainee days. and talks about the time when dbsk had debuted but suju hadn't yet. he doesnt talk much about yunho and jaejoong tho.

but for those who are interested

it starts towards the end of part 5 and goes into part 6

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Guest ladyelhisa

DANG!!! Jaejoong could surely do a sexy MICROPHONE stand dance! ;) But YUNHO's dance is a LOT MORE SEXIER! :rolleyes:

But I didn't know that the song 9095 could have a dance like that. :huh:

Does anyone here know when will dating on earth will be out? :)

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Guest XiahxTiffany

the dancing in 9095 was pretty cool but it was awkward in a way

gosh did junsu get any better? i feel so bad for him

hurting the leg is the worst thing :( plz get better Junsu HWAITING!!!

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Guest sheilapiglet

090507 Yunho ~ 徳寿宮石垣道 Filming CF?

this yh fancam is at the same location as the Yoomin caps....I believe it's for the CF right?...YH looks dashing..especially when the petals were falling gently in the breeze..so dream like=P**

I've read YH's letter to God when he was young....awwwwww...super duper sweet and sincere!!...really showed what type of person YH was and still is until now....very humble, loving and caring to the people around him...puts everyone ahead of himself=*)

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