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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest Senorita_

heres a chinese translation from baidu of the message left on the official site


Oh Junsu :( I hate it when accidents happen to the boys. Junsu must be really disappointed to not perform on their very first stage of their tour. They've been rehearsing so hard, and yet Junsu sprained his ankle T^T I hope he gets well soon.

Thanks Dianne <3

Junsu!!.....I just feel sad that's he's not able to perform. And they even have a concert today, and a couple of days later....Hope some miracle can happen so his ankle can heel quickly.

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Guest badstar

Okay last post for the Day.Thank u everyone for sharing...Thank u for the video,he's hurt but he will BE OK! :) It's good to see him,in a way im relieved XD

Today the tour started, Junsu, you must get well soon! We went to the venue, and they explained what had happened.

Junsu's performance today was fine, just sitting there and standing up at the end, a bit unstable; maybe because he injured one leg.

Maybe because today is the first performance, the five of them were nervous. There was a part where they went on the wrong stages, eg. the rising stage in front of Jaejoong had already began to move, and by the time he realised it he had to climb onto the platform. Yunho also forgot his spot, while Yoochun and Jaejoong moved to their own places and he [Yunho] thought that they were going back to the front, only to see Changmin and finding it weird for him to stand on the far left, and then he remembered that he was supposed to be at the far right and quickly ran over there...

The talk today was mostly made up of the cold 'soy-sauce' jokes...

The ending song was Bolero.

cred as tagged + baidu

trans to eng tvxq_luv@ iscreamshinki.net

Lol. They were nervous. But that's okay, I'm sure the boys pulled it off pretty well!

They are awesome performers!

Thanks Ain!

This is really affecting me too much...

I'm not crying but I just can't think straight! And I should pull myself together because I have a big job interview & teaching demo tomorrow.

But knowing that Junsu, one of my most favorite member, aside from Jaejoong, is injured - really breaks my heart! T_T

No matter how hard I try not think about it (because I really need to concentrate on doing something else) I still keep on remembering it.

I hope Junsu feels better.

Injured or not, he still gave the best performance ever!

Kim Junsu Hwaiting!!

Another fan account~

Junsu's wheelchair was pushed by Jaejoong, then Yunho as well. There was a place for Junsu's wheelchair, and the four always looked caringly at that spot. When Junsu was on the platform, he was be pushed [in the wheelchair] and saying sorry all the time.

Everyone was nervous on the first day, and having something like this would make it even more 'exciting'. [T/N not exciting as in 'fun', buh kinda of.. when u worry to the point that ur heart is beating really fast]

Junsu said, "Seeing the four of them work so hard, it makes me moved."

Yoochun said, "I hope we can stand on the stage as five as soon as possible."

When the four were on the stage, they kept glancing back to Junsu, with a sort of regret-kind-of-look. Everyone kept changing clothes, except him. Finally, during the encore, they all wore the t-shirts. Junsu stood up in the last song, Junsu Fighting! I pray with both hands for you.

They always attract accidents, and it's because of the hard work they do for the rehearsals. At the start, the smiles were rare, but as the concert went on, the smiles became more obvious, and they fun during the talk.

Even though i don't know at which stop Junsu can perform/stand in, compared to not being on stage, it's better to be there. The parts that the dance couldn't be done led to more other performances.

A friend of a Junsu fan was very worried, and texted me, and i replied "The Junsu who can't dance might be in a lot of pain, but he's working on it, so it's ok!"

I hope there will be more smiles tomorrow, i'm seeing them again tomorrow!

cred baidu

trans to eng tvxq_luv@iscreamshinki.net

Awww.... Jaejoong and Yunho! You guys are the best!

Being the oldest in the team, you really take good care of your members.

I'm sure they're pretty bothered with the situation, I hope everything goes well for them.

I'm proud of Junsu for trying his hardest just to make it an awesome night!

Awww.... I love this!

He still tries to dance despite of his injury!

He is truly an awesome performer!!

Was that Jaejoong who patted his back?

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Guest Crazedphase.

The video made me cry~~

Junsu get better soon.

When he stood up in Bolero

The boys are so caring to one another.

I hope the day all 5 can stand together

comes soon.

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Guest dbsgdec

Angelic Voice Junsu ~ Song Compilation @ TSC Tour 090504 [Audio]

compilation of the ballads. junsu's version~ love his version of Beautiful You!

Omg.. so beautiful.. and he sang all those SITTING DOWN? Junsu, I bows to you. I really has so much respect for him as an artist.

Regardless of what some of his anti fans may said, he always prove it over and over again with his vocals that he deserves all the

compliments thrown at him. Its beautiful. He must have been even more in dire to perform as best as he can sitting down.

He's that kind of guy. Looking at him all smiling and trying to dance is heart-breaking to me. He must be kicking himself hard for not able to join in the dance. We know how much he wants to be with the other members. it must be hard. You want to, buut you cant and you'd feel hopeless. I dont want him to feel that way.

Another fan account~

Hello everyone, i'm Aco and i went to the Live's first performance. Everyone knows already right? Junsu's incident; it really gave me a start.

At the start the staff stood on the stage and said they had an important notice for everyone. I wanted to know what it was about. Junsu got injured during rehearsals, till the point where he can't walk properly. After the discussion with the members, they decided to go on stage for the fans. They tweaked a bit of the events for the performance.

For a moment i thought that Junsu won't be on stage for the Live after that decision. i thought ''what can i do''. Then i heard Junsu's voice, it was really nice. He kept to his wheelchair, and i felt a twang of pain hidden. After, i thought that it would be hard to continue the Live with only 4 people, but TVXQ are five people!

Junsu's wheelchair was pushed by Jaejoong, then Yunho as well. There was a place for Junsu's wheelchair, and the four always looked caringly at that spot. When Junsu was on the platform, he was be pushed [in the wheelchair] and saying sorry all the time.

Everyone was nervous on the first day, and having something like this would make it even more 'exciting'. [T/N not exciting as in 'fun', buh kinda of.. when u worry to the point that ur heart is beating really fast]

Junsu said, "Seeing the four of them work so hard, it makes me moved."

Yoochun said, "I hope we can stand on the stage as five as soon as possible."

When the four were on the stage, they kept glancing back to Junsu, with a sort of regret-kind-of-look. Everyone kept changing clothes, except him. Finally, during the encore, they all wore the t-shirts. Junsu stood up in the last song, Junsu Fighting! I pray with both hands for you.

They always attract accidents, and it's because of the hard work they do for the rehearsals. At the start, the smiles were rare, but as the concert went on, the smiles became more obvious, and they fun during the talk.

Even though i don't know at which stop Junsu can perform/stand in, compared to not being on stage, it's better to be there. The parts that the dance couldn't be done led to more other performances.

A friend of a Junsu fan was very worried, and texted me, and i replied "The Junsu who can't dance might be in a lot of pain, but he's working on it, so it's ok!"

I hope there will be more smiles tomorrow, i'm seeing them again tomorrow!

cred baidu

trans to eng tvxq_luv@iscreamshinki.net

Yunho and Jaejoong oppa, love you guys for taking care of Junsu oppa. So sad thinking about them keep looking back to Junsu TT__TT Thank you for the fan account!

Another update from baidu:

a brief translation:

During the last rehearsal the night before the concert, Junsu hurt his right ankle joint

He was given an injection after, and he still insisted on performing

on May 4, there wasn't enough time, so he didn't go to the hospital

it only hurts when he moves it

He went to the hospital after the concert and is going again on the 5th

He didn't call his parents because he didn't want them to worry

but they found out anyways.

Gyaaa... TT__TT Its hard to write. Dont blame yourselves, Su! You'll get well soon, we'll be waiting.. dont push yourselves too hard.. GO TO THE HOSPITAL! AND DONT MOVE SO MUCH!! We love you TT__TT

Emergency: Best Wishes for Junsu

If you guys don't know yet, THSK had their concert last night at Kobe. However, Junsu injured his right leg at rehearsals right before. He was in a wheelchair throughout the concert, and he kept apologizing as the members wheeled him around. He couldn't dance, but he sang with all his heart and more.

We want to send him "get better soon" cards, and we will send them out on Wednesday morning (it's about 40 hours from now). If you'd like to leave him a message, please fill out the form here and we'll make sure he gets it.

There is no word-limit to the message, because we believe this is not something that should have a limit... (Though please, keep it at a reasonable length ><).

Go here to leave your message: http://iscreamshinki.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=2447

PS: We are sending the cards to Avex. We are only accepting messages for 30 hours, because we need to send these out ASAP.

PSS: We, the Shinki Staff, will be paying for the printing of these messages and the sending of them. We're printing them on really nice templates, and we'll take pictures to show you guys. However, it would really help if people could pitch in a few bucks... Because it's going to cost >< Thank you! And let's keep our fingers crossed for Junsu...

You guys are great for making this. I would love to join in. Hope he'd be encouraged!

Cant sleep last night coz of Junsu's injury..

So sad that he barely cant walk.

But, I believe he will recover soon ...Since he's my Junchan.

My god. I cannot sleep too. Keep thinking about it.

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Guest xiea

Oh my. When i read the heading for the thread, i thought junsu won something like a poll or something(?) and i was happy for a moment there.

But when i knew what happened, i felt sad (who wouldn't?) not only for the fact that he got injured but i also kinda felt that he was somewhat sad as well for not being able to show a full performance for the fans. But im sure his angelic/most awesome/soulful voice still made up for his injury! :) And his side jokes!

Oh well, we're all hoping to see them dance together on stage again soon! :D


Junsu fighting! ^_^

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Guest vampire_lady

Yesterday i couldnt get online so i didnt know wat happened..

In the morning when i opened my eyes, i looked at my phone, there was a mess from one of my Cass friends... It was at 23:54 pm yesterday.

She said...

Junsu was injuried.

I came to my class, cried non stop... Then i called her, and 2 of us cried together like crazy... We didnt care about others at all... Just cired and shared the same hurt.

How can God do this to him?

He has never hurt anyone.

Does he deserve to this?

Look at his smile... Do you feel like a sharp knife thrusts into ur heart, so deep, so painful?

Tokyo Dome is coming near... In a month, can u get over from this, Junsu ah?

God... U punished the wrong one... Ur wrong.

Dont play this cruel game with us...

Stop that... Its hurt...

Junsu ah~

Get well soon okay?

Or else i will hurt till death...

We are always right behind you...

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Guest lisasa320

Aww I hope our angel Junsu will become very healthy and Jummpy Active like his usual self soon!!

I was sooo sad when I heard about this situation =[

This is how much effort Junsu puts into his work to try and satisfy his supporters <333


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Guest pompadur

Girls, don't worry! Junsu will be fine soon. He is too energetic to stand still so he will recover quicker than we think.

I hope he will not get spoiled by the care others will give him ;) .

Ticket for 13th of June

I have one available ticket for the concert on 13th of June in Osaka. My friend will not be able to come so if someone

wants to get it - PM me.

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Guest krn_boy

ai ai ai! Junsu is injured! :o

Im so late. I hope he's doing alright.

The fancams made me realize again that THSK are such a hard working group.

As a guy, i really look up to them.

Im proud to be their fan.

Aja Aja Hwaiting Junsu & Tohoshinki!

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Guest love_TVXQ27

aww.. junsu is always so optimistic & put 100% effort on wht he do ..

*sigh* i cried watching the fancam..its really heartbreaking to see him in wheelchair

n watch other 4 performing while he himself cant... T.T

but no matter wht happen su, cassie will always stand by you!!

& im sure u'll recover real soon cause miracle do happens :D

KIMJUNSU HWAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Senorita_


^ I wonder what they're watching on the laptop.


Oricon Single and Album Updates

Share The World/ウィーアー

Release Date - 2009/04/22

Highest Rank - **1st

1st Week Sales - *98,033

*1st Week 2009/05/04 - **1st - *98,033 - *98,033

*2nd Week 2009/05/11 - **9th - *15,575 - 113,608

Survivor ~090325 4th Album "The Secret Code" Pre-Release Single~

Release Date - 09/03/11

Highest Rank - **3rd

1st Week Sales - *74,716

*1st Week 2009/03/23 **3rd 74,716 - *74,716

*7th Week 2009/05/04 *85th - **,988 - *89,001

*8th Week 2009/05/11 *81st - **835 - *89,836

The Secret Code

Release Date - 09/03/25

Highest Rank - **2nd

1st Week Sales - 157,954

*1st Week 2009/04/06 **2nd - 157,954 - 157,954

*5th Week 2009/05/04 *17th - **7,338 - 222,050

*6th Week 2009/05/11 *17th - **6,887 - 228,937

Credit: DNBN for Info

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ohh, i couldnt sleep well last night, i was really worried about Junsu,

and even at school today, I cant pay any attention... i kept on thingking bout Junsu...

I wonder how he is doing right now.. the concert in Kobe should start now... no matter what, I know Junsu is a strong person,

he will always smile for us... no matter what condition he is facing... ^^ and we'll do it too,

we'll keep praying for his health! ^^ i hope he will get better before the Tokyo Dome Concert, its their biggest goal,

so I hope they can shine the stage together as Tohoshinki. Forever Five.. ^^

Junsu hwaiting! TVXQ hwaiting!!

I love it when they said this... it show their love for each other.. ^^

Junsu said, "Seeing the four of them work so hard, it makes me moved."

Yoochun said, "I hope we can stand on the stage as five as soon as possible."

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Guest JJ.biased


lols thats considered as spam..

anyways omg i clicked on this thread then just ran in tears when i read abuot junsu's incident T_____T".

watching the youtube clips... he was so optimistic! makes me happy :D

stay strong oppa!

Omg the concert... looks so cooooool... dbsk is soooo famous now in japan they premium tickets look so omg!! waaaa

ENVIOUS T__________T"

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Guest rach03


It really been on my mind ever since I read about his injury.

Hopefully he will recover for their historic Tokyo Dome stage!


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Guest shiddough

Yesterday i couldnt get online so i didnt know wat happened..

In the morning when i opened my eyes, i looked at my phone, there was a mess from one of my Cass friends... It was at 23:54 pm yesterday.

She said...

Junsu was injuried.

I came to my class, cried non stop... Then i called her, and 2 of us cried together like crazy... We didnt care about others at all... Just cired and shared the same hurt.

How can God do this to him?

He has never hurt anyone.

Does he deserve to this?

Look at his smile... Do you feel like a sharp knife thrusts into ur heart, so deep, so painful?

Tokyo Dome is coming near... In a month, can u get over from this, Junsu ah?

God... U punished the wrong one... Ur wrong.

Dont play this cruel game with us...

Stop that... Its hurt...Junsu ah~

Get well soon okay?

Or else i will hurt till death...

We are always right behind you...

haha. relax! it is not that bad. i understand how you feel. haha but as long Jun-chan can smile and sing...he's okay! ^_^

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Guest gelliegellie

Thank you guys for the updates.

My hands are getting itchy to get online while I was in some office here. ><

090505 Kobe Backstage


Credit: Baidu

Wahaha okay I didn't know that this pic has been shared already.

Eniwe, just think of it as a deja vu. Lol this is the lamest excuse I've come up in my whole life. XD

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Guest agnexiah

uhm.. i almost cry when i watch junsu perf in wheelchair..T__T

hope junsu get better soon!!

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Guest smileyjade

i'm shocked!!! this is a moment where i'm caught thinking the boys are so awesome they're going on forever and this just snaps me back to reality, reminding me that they're humans and they do get sick or injured from time to time.. it sucks.. but it happens.. i hope that his legs will heal properly and not be get done with in a hurry just to be up for their concerts... health is of ultimate importance here... god bless junsu!!! T.T

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