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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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ohh~ i hope chun stops smoking as it may worsen his asthma.

Sharing these ~ if you want to reminisce ^^:

Lookback: Compilation of Jaejoong's Performance Cuts - Hug to Mirotic Era 1 of 3 (Cr: Siuno)

Lookback: Compilation of Jaejoong's Performance Cuts - Hug to Mirotic Era 2 of 3 (Cr: Siuno)

Lookback: Compilation of Jaejoong's Performance Cuts - Hug to Mirotic Era 3 of 3 (Cr: Siuno)

video credit: Siuno / song list on the video description

oh, and this is such a sweet vid from JJ's fans ^^:

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^^ carolineee, please don't quote IMGs :) Remove the tags when quoting.

Whoa. Chun has asthma yet he smokes? That's weird... I haven't met a person with asthma who smokes.

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Guest laurana1

W00T!!! Sales are still going well~ I can't wait until it hits 250,000! Our boys are so great!!! ^_^

Some people have said they hope the boys are in Japan to promote the single, but I think it'd be more likely if it was for their Best Of album? I mean, the release date is just a couple of weeks away! I still haven't ordered my copy/copies... T_T I'm kinda short on money now, rent is due soon, and I have no job... le sigh. But I'm REALLY tempted to order anyway. xD I want First Press Edition!!!~


JaeSu and Yoosu Tohomobile pics are totally CUTE!!! And LOL @ cute Yoochun hiding behind a post and telling us to find him. xDDD He's just like a little kid~

About Yoochun smoking... I really hope he quits. He's his own person and can do what he wants, and honestly I don't love him ANY less for this. I found out he smokes a while ago, so it's no surprise to me. But I have a hard time with smoking, because that's the reason my grandmother died when I was younger. I can't help but think that she'd still be around now if it wasn't for smoking. And that's the reason I hope Chunnie quits, because I want him to live a long, happy, healthy life. Anyway, I still support him and the others no matter what! <3 ^_^ (And honestly, he looks HOTTTTT smoking lol)

Jaejoong's hair- I'm reserving judgement for the time being. xD I really didn't like the cheetah print jacket he wore (animal print is just so TACKY, especially cheetah print and Jaejoong is anything but tacky, imo) so I thought I'd like his hair if it wasn't for the jacket. But even the Tohomobile pic is kinda... eh. Maybe it's just the bad quality/lighting...? Idk.


So I realized that's it's now been exactly six months since the lawsuit began. We've all had a hard time, and yet I just wanna say that I'm so proud of us fans for sticking by them this whole time! The lawsuit has been on my mind for so long, but I know I'll keep waiting. We haven't forgotten them and I'm just so proud to call myself a fan! And I also think that those people who joined the fandom after the lawsuit started are super awesome. They haven't known DBSK when they aren't in the middle of this mess, and yet they are keeping the faith with all of us! Such great fans~ I love you guys!!! <333

Jae's message through his lawyer is really touching. <3 And Yunho seems to be giving us a message as well!!! "Faith is very important, must know the truth behind things..." I can't help but feel he's telling us everything will work out, and there's a reason this is all happening right now. I have great hopes that things will work out in 2010. ^.^

AKTF~ <3

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Guest sheilapiglet

lol...why are people saying that the picture is photoshopped?...almost everyone knows that YC smokes and it's a fact...no use denying it....all we can do is hope that he stops because it's very bad for his health and singing voice...but with the lawsuit going on, I have a feeling that he won't be doing that any time soon cuz he needs the stress release....it's very common for koreans to smoke unfortunately...all we can hope as fans is that he'll stop one day or at least not smoke too often.

the YH birthday party fanaccount was a really good read...I can totally imagine him nodding off while watching a movie..hehe...so cute!....hope someone was able to record a fancam or audio of the event..especially YH on the phone singing!....wonder why they held the party so early tho?....hope that someone is able to upload the fanvid on YT or something cuz it sounds very touching.

*Request: anyone have DBSK acapella songs they want to share?.....I have a few already and they sound great!...PM please since we aren't allowed to share direct links here I think...thanks=)

All the ones that this user http://www.youtube.com/user/DBSKsweetheart has uploaded i already have, so if you have others that you can share with me, that would be great...for those that are also looking for some DBSK acapella songs, then go to her account cuz she has alot of good ones there=D

*Question: I guess there's no CD version of Love in the Ice (japanese version) where YC sings the high note right?...it's always been the lower octave?..if so, then does someone have an mp3 of a live recording of them singing the japanese version but with the high note? (am hoping for a clean version tho without fan screams and stuff)....thanks.

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I dont know if this gonna be appropriate but i found this on naver blog.

He's tooooooo stunning here.... oozing with hotness~~ smoking chun



credit to blog.naver.com/gkgk5769

I know some people (fans in general) might be *blinded* and think of it as hot due to the handsome image and inevitable biasness we have for him..I'm vulnarable too..lol BUT no matter how HOT he looked (can't deny that..^^ *bias again*), doesn't matter if he has asthma or not, we have to admit that smoking is a very BAD HABIT. It is something that we shouldn't be proud off. So it is not really good to flaunt these pics and says how hot he looked when smoking.

However, I appreciated if this pic is shared so that we, fans can know about the honest side of our idol. I dunno, although it is not really pleasant to know, I think fans can learn and accept the fact that the boys are not perfect. They have flaws and all. We can take good examples from them BUT we also must be wise that some of their acts are not agreeable. (I'm talking about smoking).

Some people were surprised that there isn't much fuss about Yoochun smoking when fans wrote about it in the Sydney fanaccounts while more people were fussing about the maknae smoking. Actually Chunnie is the first member that we ever had concrete evident of him smoking as a video of him was revealed sometimes ago and there already been a discussion that we can't really do anything about it. It is his life and he is big enough to think for himself. We just can hope that he will quit one day (and other members too). I understand, it is really hard to stop this habit. I'm not even capable to ask my loved ones to stop smoking *sigh*. Therefore I'm really proud of any guy (particularly) who aren't smokers. Unfortunately, so far, only dolphin boy Junsu is spared from this addiction TT_TT..

CIGARETTES should be banned from this world in the first place..aish. <_<

Jaejoong's hair, to be honest, I'm not fond of the color like most people..but it amused me sometimes when people commented like.."I love you Jaejoong, but I love you more if you change your hair color"..lol..it's not like he's gonna change it if we fuss about it..T_T I guess we have to bare with it until he decides to change..haha..being a Yoochun's fans, I'm already used to all sorts of hairstyles and fashion surprise..lol..and sometimes, who knows we may came to like it..I'm surprised that so many people came to like Yoochun's mirotic bowl cut after such a big shock..:huh: haha (just an example :P)

Want to share this lovely vid:

JC 陪你到世界的终结--开站特辑

Aaww..BFF..my heart felt so warm watching this..:wub:

*** I'm really happy with the progress of Break Out sales, amazing, we're moving towards 250k ~ 300k!..the boys must be happy too ^___^

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Guest lin1085

i don't think smoking is such a big deal. so there's really no point in saying those pics are photoshopped, because as far as i know, only junsu didn't smoke at any point in his life.

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Guest orangeribbon


wow, the work are sooo beauty...me event cnt see that it was photoshped unless u have already see the pics in

advnce...huhuhu....like others said,he was sooooooooooooooo damnnnnnnnnnnnn HOTTTTTTTTT...huhuhu...between, since

he is an artist which needs aspiration, i think for him cigaretes are some kind of help...hehehe..i dun know either...besides,

i've also heard that many singers smoke in order to clear their throat to get the best voice..hehehe...correct me if im

mistaken...huhu...watever it is, as long he is not taking the other kind of chemical, it is ok...but stil, im d one who cannot

tolerate with d smokers since im also has athma...but for me personally,the art of the pics is really awesome....

MICKY, YOU GO BOYY!!!hehehe...

i really luv tis pic!!!he looks so damn gorgeous...

okay guys....1st of all sory for quoting the image coz i didnt know and d moral story here is that i have to read rules...and

thanx to those who remind of not quoting the pics...really appreciate it....

okay next, i just corrected my post before coz i think wrote it wrongly or people misinterpreted me..hehehe..well im not that

good in english....but the think i want to say here is the art of the pic for me is amazed coz mayb i didnt know how to

photoshopped pics...hehehe

im agreed with all of u bout smoking is not good 100% since i cant be near with those who smoking...but as other say we cn

only pray wat d best to him + plus we also know that he knows beter wat is he doing....since he is a big guy already...and

im not critize people who smoking but it just that it doesn't good for ur health...huhuhu

and i really salute junsu becoz he is not smoking(wat i've heard b4)....

n more think, why not we drop the topic of smoking..hehehe

sory if i've said wrong words to anyone....


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About Yoochun smoking

I don´t think its a big deal...But in case of Yoochun this can affect his voice since he has asthma. I still don´t blame him for smoking. Even JJ, Yunho and Changmin have smoked too..With the work, problems and many rumours, they have so much stress...

Yunho smoking

Yunho holding a cigarette

So chill out people

I honestly wouldnt be surprised If I see Junsu smoking too

It's no big thing, as long as this is not becomes an addiction, and that they only smoke occasionally... I do the same so I can not criticize

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Guest conitaemina

*Question: I guess there's no CD version of Love in the Ice (japanese version) where YC sings the high note right?...it's always been the lower octave?..if so, then does someone have an mp3 of a live recording of them singing the japanese version but with the high note?....thanks.

idk if this's what you're looking for.



- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y56RnzIvhWY


cuz' if this's that you're looking for. in TSC's album is the .mp3 version (but live version). if you don't hav that version, send me a PM ;D

Bad English.. sorry u.ú

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Guest xXxChezzyxXx

wrong. smoking does not help your singing in anyway.

it deteriorates your voice and health. it may or may not kill you, but nevertheless it is

harmful. sure there ahttp://www.soompi.com/forums/style_images/ip.boardpr/folder_editor_images/rte-bold.pngre a lot of artists who smoke even famous ones...but you pay the

price in the end for smoking.

I just had to reply to this because smoking can, in fact, expand your vocal range IN MODERATION. I am a singer myself and I do smoke. My voice teacher was also a smoker and she started smoking just so that she COULD expand her vocal range. She does not smoke heavily but it can dry out your lungs and throat enough to produce more 'pure' tones. This does not work for everyone. But since I started smoking I have been able to hit extremely high notes, and extremely low notes on a much broader scale. Also, some of the best singers I know are smokers.


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Guest ms.incredible

I don't know how many teen/pre-teens are in this thread, but I don't think it's a good idea to say smoking isn't a big deal. The reality is that smoking is a habit that is proven to cause life ending diseases. It shoudln't be trivialized just b/c someone's favorite singer does it, but maybe looked at as proof he/they is a flawed human(s) just like the rest of us.

That being said.....that actually was a pretty hot pic of micky. and I usually don't look at him like that. lol

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Guest orangeribbon

I just had to reply to this because smoking can, in fact, expand your vocal range IN MODERATION. I am a singer myself and I do smoke. My voice teacher was also a smoker and she started smoking just so that she COULD expand her vocal range. She does not smoke heavily but it can dry out your lungs and throat enough to produce more 'pure' tones. This does not work for everyone. But since I started smoking I have been able to hit extremely high notes, and extremely low notes on a much broader scale. Also, some of the best singers I know are smokers.


that's pretty nice explanation to me...thanx...

and u r singer??!! its awesome!! hehehe...

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Guest changminlv

request ^^

i want some changmin's pics

those pics from the last few pages i really love it, so please please ^^ thxs alot


please help me, i bought break out from yesasia, and wondering if they have anything to protect the cd and dvd?

i bought cd+dvd ver and cd. because my house dont have mail box im so worry, plz help me ^^ thx alot

Yoochun smoking~~~

ahhh im fine with it, korean huys used to smoke, as long as they know where to stop

thats fine

chill out ppl ^^

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Guest conitaemina

[TRANS]100201 Xiah to be featured in Japan's Number One Selling Men's Magazine!


(This is "Smart" March issue. Junsu is not featured in this issue.)

I just received news from Bigeast Japanese fan that Tohomobile staff sent a message writing;

Junsu will be featured in Japan's Number One selling Man's Magazine "Smart" (by Takarajimasya).

It will be issued on March 24th, 2010.

She said that it may mean Junsu will be featured in their May issue (TBA).

Does this mean, now our TVXQ is popular even among lots of guys?!

Number One Selling Men's Magazine, featuring our XIAH Junsu!


Unstoppable TVXQ!

Smart website:


Always Keep The Faith!

Source Creidt: Tohomobile+Smart+Bigeast

Translated by: Junsulv@OneTVXQ.com

Shared by: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }


[TRANS]100128 Mozart Added Pusan Performance. Xiah?



Hello, this is EMK Musical Company.

Thank you so much for your much interest in our production.

We would like to inform you additional performance schedule of the musical "Mozart!"

[Musical Mozart!] Pusan performance:

A performance period: March 27, 2010 - March 28 (Four Performances Total)

Performance ground: Pusan Cultural Center University Theater

Performance time: At 3 PM and 7 PM

Performance time: 145 minutes

A seat class: VIP 130,000 won / R 110,000 won / S 90,000 won / A 50,000 won

Cast: To be announced later

(T/N: Which means that Xiah may or may not play with this one performed at Pusan.)

Always Keep The Faith!

Source Credit: Musical Mozart!http://www.musicalmozart.co.kr/+Picnicxiah

Translated by: Junsulv@OneTVXQ.com

Shared by: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thank you!

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Guest raikko9

[iNFO] 100201 February Latest Idol Groups Fanclub Rankings On Daum

1 TVXQ 787,484 - 2581


2.Bigbang 370,322 - 2094


3.少女时代 294,370 +2407


4.2PM 284,786 +7050


5.SS501 272,945 -1394


6.Super Junior 252,121 -1908


7.神话 190,095 -815


8.SHINee 115,260 +1927


9.Wonder Girls 111,230↑1 +230


10. FT-Island 110,745↓1 -453


11.2ne1 96,594 +109


12.MBLAQ 64,580 +2835


13.BEAST 58,797↑1 +4857


14.FX 55,202↓1 +685


15.kara 51,865 +259


16.2AM 51,053↑1 +7559


17.天上智喜 47,052↓1 -297


18.Brown Eyed Girls 42,559 +1057


19.4minute: 18,117 +988


20.t-ara: 16,673 +275


21.Afterschool: 13,911 +628


22.ukiss 5,054 -46


Source: [baidutvxq]

Credits: mandasoh@tohosomnia.net

Shared by: tohosomnia.net

Do not remove/add on any credits

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Guest Kasumi08

the boys are still on top but it always sadden me when I see fans leave the fanclubs, However, the numbers could have been more dramatics considering the lawsuit and their lack of korean activities.

And a lot of boybands that have been there for years lost fans as well even though they're still having activities in Korea.

edit: true true, I guess the majority that are leaving are more like casual fans and would come back if there was a comeback or something. I'm surprised that I'm still a fan here considering that I get impatient whenever groups go on breaks (which ironically is what I did to KAT-TUN). I'm not planning on going anywhere :)

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Guest jaejoong.ro02

the boys are still on top but it always sadden me when I see fans leave the fanclubs, However, the numbers could have been more dramatics considering the lawsuit and their lack of korean activities.

And a lot of boybands that have been there for years lost fans as well even though they're still having activities in Korea.

I want to quote a cassie friend of mine:

"decreasing of cassiopeias? Yuaerubi? I think you don't have to worry about it. It is absolutely natural thing that the number of cassiopeias are decreasing , (actually I think they are not cassiopeia, I can say that they are just 'dbsk fan') because dbsk is not in Japan now. Real fans don't leave dbsk. We don't need those kinds of fans who leave , because they are not real fans. and this phenomenon(??I don't know if I can use this voca in this situation) that Yuaerumi members are decreasing is not new? fresh? thing. The number of members were constantly decreasing. You don't need to care about it. It's a good thing that those kinds of fans leave."

For me, it's good that those fans are actually leaving....

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Guest catenacci


please help me, i bought break out from yesasia, and wondering if they have anything to protect the cd and dvd?

i bought cd+dvd ver and cd. because my house dont have mail box im so worry, plz help me ^^ thx alot

uhm..I've bought DVD and dbsk's album from yesasia, they wrap them with bubblewrap (er...it that how we called it o_0 ?) as for me personally, I think it's enough to protect the items, but maybe other customer got different result >.< i'm not sure. To conclude, I'm pretty confident with the protection of items I ordered from them :) (hope it goes well too with my 'Break Out' cd+dvd )

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