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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest hjj1326

Stalking Jaejoong ~ Jan. 26 - 27


at last! a pic of Jae after being a ninJae these past few days




celebrating his bday w/ Yoochun and other friends maybe,..

credit as tagged + SYC

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Guest laurassjj87

[Pic] 100126-27 Stalking Jaechun

I think JJ was celebrating his bday with his soulmate and I read maybe Hyunjoong (ss501) was there. I see youngpil too. ^_^









credit: as tagged

shared by: sharingyoochun.net

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Guest Kasumi08

not sure if this had been posted before, but i just saw it on DNBN

#1-#5 are the members' selections for best album ~

1.Forever Love(ジュンス) 준수 (junsu)

2.SHINE(ユチョン) 유천 (yoochun)

3.Love in the Ice(ジェジュン) 재중 (jaejoong)

4.Beautiful you(チャンミン) 창민 (changmin)

5.HUG(ユンホ) 윤호 (yunho)



8.With All My Heart~君が踊る、夏~


source : 님과함께

credits : DNBN

is #8 a new song ? :ph34r:

edit : so jaechun (not sure but chun brought his mom as well, right ?), junsu's parents & junho, yeongpil (?) were there :D

heard that there were some other celebs, too B) junsu is popular ^^

I'm so happy with the new song (if the list is true). Somehow, I think it's going to make me cry. Now I can't wait :o . A shame that there wasn't a 2 CD only version of the album, I bought the CD only version. I approve of Junsu and jaejoong's choice. Hug needs to be there as well even though I never listened to it in japanese.

I heard Changmin from 2AM and a girl from...jewelery came as well (his new friend from the 86 group).

I don't know if this was discussed in the previous pages but I just noticed that the price got higher at YesAsia for the Best selection album? like, wth, the CD I ordered doesn't exists anymore :mellow: ...

@sheilapiglet: You're definitely not the only one but he still has...19 performance left (I think? I lost track) so there are still chances for Homin (and his other friends. I want Hyuksu!) to see the musical. As for JJ's birthday, well I hope they send him a message at least.

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Guest sheilapiglet

I think I'm the only one that's heart broken to know that Homin aren't there to support Junsu or celebrate JJ's bday with them=(

but I'm definately super happy and proud of Junsu....from the looks of it, he did an awesome job!..and to think that he's a newbie at this is amazing!....his co-stars are super impressed too!....wonder who JS was pointing to during the curtain call?...the orchestra?.....or was it his family/friends?....anyways, I really can't wait to see the full performance...hope they'll sell a DVD or something=)

100126 Junho & Yeungpil at Mozart Show

JS must've been happy and thankful to the people that came to see him...wonder if someone managed to get a fancam of jaechun?

DBSK vs Animals - Very Cute!

some weren't that similar, but others were so similar that it's scary..hahaha.

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Guest smokyyui

@sheilapiglet : Don't be sad dear, if i'm not mistaken changmin is still at jeju for his drama (but i don't know where leader-shi. maybe he waits for CM to go together idk)

And wow the new song for best album. i really want to buy but i'm broke right now T_T. "With all my heart" i think it's a beautiful ballad. i'm very excited right now.

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Guest Hoodwinker

not sure if this had been posted before, but i just saw it on DNBN

#1-#5 are the members' selections for best album ~

1.Forever Love(ジュンス) 준수 (junsu)

2.SHINE(ユチョン) 유천 (yoochun)

3.Love in the Ice(ジェジュン) 재중 (jaejoong)

4.Beautiful you(チャンミン) 창민 (changmin)

5.HUG(ユンホ) 윤호 (yunho)



8.With All My Heart~君が踊る、夏~


source : 님과함께

credits : DNBN

is #8 a new song ? :ph34r:

edit : so jaechun (not too sure but chun brought his mom, right?), junsu's parents & junho, yeongpil (?) were there :D

heard that there were some other celebs, too B) junsu is popular ^^

New song? I hope it is! I'm really happy with 2Kims choice because LITI and Forever Love is a must have. Changmin's choice was really good as well since Beautiful You is a nice song, and I understand why Yunho chose Hug....

But Yoochun chose Shine? I was kind of hoping for Proud or Darkness Eyes

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Guest afterglow.

i'm so happy that there's going to be a new song on the album. i didn't think we'd get a new one at all.

just watched the mozart fancam and junsu looked and sounded great, which means it probably sounded 100 times better in real life. he must have felt so great to be up on stage performing again. he lights up everytime he's on stage. it's sweet of jaejoong and yoochun for being there to cheer for junsu and give him moral support. i was hoping they would. i wonder if they all did anything afteralls.

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Guest Honey_KizZ

100127 Xiah Junsu At Musical Mozart! The Sejong Center Filled With 3,000+Fans!

Dong-A- Ilbo (Donga Daily) News (Korean)

2010-01-27 12:02


Rare scenery, that more than 3,000 seating’s were filled up with the TVXQ fans at the Seoul world sect, “Sejong Cultural Center”

where a performance of the musical “Mozart” was opened on the 26th. The place was filled with the TVXQ fans to watch the TVXQ member

Kim Junsu (stage name Xiah Junsu) who played the leading role of the musical Mozart on this day.

Even a ticket tout appeared to sell the ticket to women fans of around the age of 20 years old. This is the first musical appearance for Mr. Kim. (*T/N: Korean news editor wrote Mr. Kim here, which is culturally appropriate sir name for the musical or opera performer.)

15 times of his performances (more than 45,000 seats) that Mr. Kim appears are sold out at the end of last year after an interval of

ticket advance sale only in three hours. And the first stage performance was predicted to appear to be the concert place of TVXQ.

The fans hurried up to take the first hand photos of Mr. Kim at the Sejon Cultural Center lobby on this day,

and also every time Mr. Kim finished singing during his musical performance, the fans gave him great cheers.

The fans even raised their voice yelling “AH!” when the scene where Mr. Kim kissed with the co-star, 콘스탄체.

(*T/N: Her name is pronounced “Constanche” here written in Korean. Is she Korean?)

EMK musical production company appointed 35 male guards for an advance sale confirmation and the ticket confirmation for this performance.

Only the fans that brought an advance sale confirmation letter messages were able to enter the lobby area.

EMK set the entrance area restrictions into consideration to secure the security of Mr. Kim and the audiences.

They will take the same step for a performance on the 28th and they will make it public in the near future

to clarify their security majors for the future performances.

Mr. Kim is also appearing in Mozart at Taegu performance, (from February 26 to March 7) for five times,

and the server was downed at the time of the ticket sell on the 13th for the massive interest of the fans to purchase the advance sale ticket.

Donga Daily News TV: Xiah Mozart


Always Keep The Faith!

source Credit: Don-A-Ilbo News

translated by: Junsulv@OneTVXQ.com

shared by: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thank you!

yes, the co-star is korean. 콘스탄체 is the name of here character.

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Guest Senorita_

Thanks for sharing the Xiahzart pics! :D It's great to see Junsu on stage singing again, he looks awesome nevertheless. And i'm happy Jae and Chun were able to see the musical as well :)

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Guest kawaiiyiru^^;

when they will announce the oricon chart for breakout! ?

next week? or soon?

i can't wait to see..since this is the 1st time I fought hard for 1st press pre-order..hoho^^"

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Guest flyaway.

when they will announce the oricon chart for breakout! ?

next week? or soon?

i can't wait to see..since this is the 1st time I fought hard for 1st press pre-order..hoho^^"

The sales from the first day will be announced in a couple of hours (about 4 or 5?). I just hope oricon doesn't lag in updating today.

V Woah! They're all gone. (: That's awesome.

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^ woah they are certainly breaking out from all the shelfs.

i havent stayed up in a while to wait for their first day releases but i will for this one.

the pics for xizhzart was cute and angelic<333

i just love his smile!!

And his voice omg

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I think I'm the only one that's heart broken to know that Homin aren't there to support Junsu or celebrate JJ's bday with them=(

Sorry to cut your post. You're not the only one that feels that way. I do too but I just try not to think too much about it. Your statement did make me rewatch Kings Brunch Date Master where after they went out bowling with the girl, they went out to eat and celebrated Jae's birthday. Changmin gave Jae a little cactus plant and Yunho gave Jae an apron :D . Those were the good old days when we see the boys together all the time. Sorry didn't mean to bring everybody down.

Anyway I just had another breakdown and ordered the boys best selection with the 2 cds and 1 dvd.

Can't help myself after seeing their 5 selections and the new song. :D

Since I top the page, lets share a happy pic of the boys.




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Guest sheilapiglet

^watching old clips like that tend to make me even more sad tho because it reminds me of the past and then it sucks when I compare it to the present...*thud*..sorry for bringing the mood down.

I do feel better knowing that YH just got back from Jeju tho so that's probably why he couldn't make it to xiahzart with the rest.....he must've been visiting CM to give him support=)...he looked so handsome at the airport and looks like he lost weight too!

[Pic] 100127 Stalking Yunho - Back from Jeju

*click link to see pics*

stuff to share:

[Fanaccount] 100127 Xiahzart! “Kiss Scene Was Cute.”

Fan Account #1:


Junsu is genius. A truly gifted singer!! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

Simply amazing Junsu! Once again I learned that Junsu can do everything and anything so well!

As soon as Junsu appeared on stage, I was so overwhelmed and I started to cry right away

and I could not see anything. Because of his passion, his powerful voice,

he gave me goose bumps throughout his performance.

He sure is a man who keeps working hard and we surely fall in love with this guy.

I am sure his condition was not perfect due to his recent sickness, yet his performance was superb!

I noticed that when he is not with the other members, he looks taller in person,

and very handsome and attractive. But then, to my surprise, a real kiss scene was there!

Real kiss scean……I cannot even write a comment about it, because I am still in shock.

My dolphin and angel Xiah is now a grown man…..

The other fans at the performance said that, his parents, Junho, Yuchun and Jeajoong were there.

Yuchun was with his mom and his friend. And the fans said that Jeajoong and Yuchun were watching them at the third floor.

(T/N: They could not get VIP ticket??)

Some said that JJ, JS and YC were spotted at the Karaoke place. It must have been to celebrate, Jeajoong’s Birthday together.

And after that they went to Yuchun’s house. I hope they had a great time together.

I am still in shock at this moment of time as I write this report. Junsu’s performance was amazing and that kiss scene….

many more days…..Junsuah~~~

-by Moe

Fan Account #2:


I just saw Junsu’s Mozart performance.

His singing voice gives you goose bumps all over your body.

His kiss scene did not look bad at all to me; it was not that deep scene at all to give me a shock.

I just simply thought “Junsu and she look cute together.”

More than anything, what I thought was that I want as many people as possible to see his performance.

He looks like a fish (T/N Dolphin?) released in the water!

His performance is magnificent and Junsu is truly amazing singer/performer!

You all must see Xiahzart!

(T/N: I wish I can…sob…Xiah, come to the USA~~~!!)

-by Sakura

Always Keep The Faith!

source: Bigeast Moe+sakura+as tagged

translated by: Junsulv@OneTVXQ.com

shared by: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thank you!

wow, I can just imagine the reaction of the fans during the kiss scene...lol...and there's many, many more to come...*gulp*

The group name is “SBYS” (in korean, “서방여신” our “Goddesses from the West”)...definately need to give props to these girls..they did pretty good!=)

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Guest joecesjohncual@yahoo.com

[FANACCOUNT]1001126 Break Out! Center Spot at CD Store



I regularly go to this CD shop which is located nearby my house.

And when I went here today, to my great surprise,

the store had “TVXQ Break Out! CD’s” in the center spot of the store!

source: Tomomi from Japan

trans by: Junsulv@OneTVXQ.com

shared by: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thank you!

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Guest Julian Rie


Ireally want to go see it now. Junsu looked so happy and his smile was so sincere and proud. I'm really proud of Junsu ^^ and I'm looking forward for more fancam :D

100124 Hero Festival 2010

“Someone like Jaejoong, XXXXXX, don’t like him too much!”

I didn't get this! is she saying that someone likes Jaejoong and she is asking that someone to stop liking Jaejoong!! who is that someone?? Hyunjoong ?

I laughed a lot reading this XD Jae is such a spoiled brat, a dork and such an annoying brother but hey aren't all our brothers like that

and looking for ants with a magnify glass LMAO I can so imagine him doing that

Even those ants that use to like me are leaving me now~~~

T.T don't worry baby I like you and I'm not going anywhere. if I was there in his sister shoes I would so give him a hug (and more) :D

Jaejoong always have a headache and liver problems.

liver problems this sounds serious I'm really worried now recently he looked skinny and ill all the time but I didn't imagine it to be this serious I hope he goes and see a doctor


this might make someone angry or heartbroken

I don't think Yunho and Changmin would go to see Mozart or celebrate Jae's Birth day even if they could because of the current condition they're going through I know fans want to believe that they would and they were just busy but do you honestly think that SM would allow one of their artist to go to Junsu's musical which isn't under SM management meaning since Junsu's contract with SM is still under questioning as far as I know SM is not getting any profits from Junsu's.participation

although my heart breaks when I see the three of them celebrating without Homin we just have to get used to it because it's going to take a while before we see them happy and together again. Always keep the faith

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Guest Kementari88

The Breakout single is SOLD OUT everywhere near where I live!!!

So is the JJ magazine!!

THSK is really really popular now......

All my children knows them!!! And they keep on giving me updates on them whenever I see them because they know that I am a fan of them!!!

I dare say that about 80-90% of all Japan knows who THSK is by now.....

I have never seen a group sooo loved by the Japanese... it is unheard of how a magazine is sold out completely and needs reprinting on the day of release!!!

THSK will continue for a long time to come because they are loved by everyone!!!


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