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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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If the boys concerts do get cancel i wouldnt be surprise.

avex has cancel 2 or 3 concerts of ayumi hamasaki's already.

and its all for the better.

fans might feel sad about this issue, but sometimes they have to do whats good for the artist also.

all we can do is hope this swine flu thing can stop already.

I hope its true that aadbsk3 is coming out in june, and hopefully we see dating on earth in there <_<

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Guest dbsgdec

I actually dont like how ppl take the flu issue lightly. Looking @ the news and the numbers are different when you look at the situation in front of your own face. I think tvxq better not take any risk.

Jaesu <3 to save me from spamming xD

Holding hands b4 concert


Hugging <3


Caressing hair, consoling the other <3


ps. xiah-sshi's 100th day celebration on the 26th (^3-)/ be there.

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Guest realitysandwich


A few months ago I picked up an Anime Insider magazine from Walden Books (here in the states)

I was flipping through it LO AND BEHOLD

There was a small article about TVXQ and their song Bolero in the new live action movie adaption of Subaru!!!

I freaked out in the middle of the mall lmao~

I will try to scan it and post it here :D

This is page 63 of the March Issue #66 of Anime Insider

The article is in the bottom left corner


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Guest clicheterms

whoa, some 56 yr old man who debuted now wants to be likes DBSK? that's ... hahaha. lol

tae jinah is not just "some 56 yr old man"; he's a trot legend, he's eru's father, and he debuted long before the boys did. they're talking about him trying to break into japan's music industry. don't let your naiveté make you rude as well.

the swine flu has been blown out of proportion by the media and public ignorance but the wariness is not gratuitous. the current swine flu resembles the h1n1 strain that broke out in 1918 and killed 50 to 100 million people worldwide. if there's any call for the cancellation of a concert, this would be it.

and "people don't care" is a really stupid statement to make - hand sanitizer sales are shooting up the roof.

<3 tiffo

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Guest kimkibumlover4510

ahh I cant wait until they have their comeback in korea again <33^__^

I wonder .. can anyone help me a little im new and not used to this site ^^;;;

m a huge yunjae fan does anyone know a forum that keeps being updated about yunjae ^^??

Cause I can't find D:

Yeah me stupid ^^;;

Idk know if this is posted yet but I find it so cute>


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Guest nikkikim

I don't want to start an argument about flu on the dbsk thread, but I want to say something before we drop this topic. first off, I don't think the world health organization would raise the alert level of swine flu to a level 5 if this flu was just like any other. it has been found that swine flu is milder than previously thought, however, japan is very concerned that it will spread throughout its population. even if the mortality rate is low, do you really want dbsk to do a concert in a place with thousands of people that could potentially have the virus? thinking "oh, they'll just recover if they get sick" is pretty thoughtless. having the flu is not fun.

"people actually don't care too much about it." I'm sorry, but have you been watching the news lately?


those clips of yunjae and their dogs were cute. wow, even their dogs like each other. XD

tae jinah is not just "some 56 yr old man"; he's a trot legend, he's eru's father, and he debuted long before the boys did. they're talking about him trying to break into japan's music industry. don't let your naiveté make you rude as well.

the swine flu has been blown out of proportion by the media and public ignorance but the wariness is not gratuitous. the current swine flu resembles the h1n1 strain that broke out in 1918 and killed 50 to 100 million people worldwide. if there's any call for the cancellation of a concert, this would be it.

and "people don't care" is a really stupid statement to make - hand sanitizer sales are shooting up the roof.

<3 tiffo

what's this? Swine flu thread? lolz

OK, I give you some facts. I was attending 62th World Health Assembly last week in Geneva and Swine Flu was really a big issue for the Assembly. It took part in every aspect of the Assembly including IPR which my work covers. However, the concern goes to developing countries where the accession to medicines and announcements for prevention are insufficient. According to the UN, Japan is developed country and GDP is high despite the economic recession compared to other countries. The flu is serious but for a wealth country like Japan, it's less serious than other parts of the world. You can see that people there are aware of the flu and being fed information about the sickness continually. They protect themself the best they can. Wearing mask is one of them. More facts here if you want to know. http://www.who.int

My point is I'm sure that Japan has national measure for prevention of the flu. You see the school and so on in Kansai are closed. Public gathering such as in the concert is not a good idea to prevent the outbreak either. However, cancel concerts in Osaka is not an easy thing either. They are 4 days and it will be hectic to postpone or return money. Like Uruchai said, it's difficult and disappointment for international fans who prepare for so long to go to the concert too. I think Avex is thinking really hard now whether the concert in Kansai area should go on or not. Well, no matter the result comes out. I'm sure cass here are mature enough to understand the situation. If they will cancel the concert, I hope they announce it as early as possible so international fans can alter to other plan. If the concert is to be continue, I'll pray the outbreak is gone or become less less severe for the health of the boys and fans. I'm sure the boys want to sing and dance their heart out for fans esp when Junsu is now almost 100% recover. Let's the miracle happens!!!

Is this a spam? Shimja! I'm really scared of the mod giving me a warning again. Let's hear Junsu adlib in Saitama here. I hope no one post it before

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Guest mandasoh

[TRANS] 090523 TOHOMOBILE - After Live In Sapporo

Thank You BLOG

I feel good~~**



Did everyone see the PV for the new song? (^0^)

Coming back to Sapporo for the Live, after such a long time, was very enjoyable!

I was so happy that the atmosphere was so 'hot'. (>_<)

Thank you!



Although I was not able to give a flawless performance yet, I was able to jump to my heart's content today!

I feel good~~**

Tomorrow too, I'll try my hardest!


Source: candyminja + tvxqfever.blogspot.com

Translation credits: mandasoh@iscreamshinki.net

Please do not remove without full credits.

Loving all the JaeSu interaction recently. ^^

If I read this correctly, I think they showed the PV for Stand By U since it's the next single they'll be promoting.

Omg, ENVIOUS! >.<

<3 amanda

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Guest miss_h

My point is I'm sure that Japan has national measure for prevention of the flu. You see the school and so on in Kansai are closed. Public gathering such as in the concert is not a good idea to prevent the outbreak either. However, cancel concerts in Osaka is not an easy thing either. They are 4 days and it will be hectic to postpone or return money. Like Uruchai said, it's difficult and disappointment for international fans who prepare for so long to go to the concert too. I think Avex is thinking really hard now whether the concert in Kansai area should go on or not. Well, no matter the result comes out. I'm sure cass here are mature enough to understand the situation. If they will cancel the concert, I hope they announce it as early as possible so international fans can alter to other plan. If the concert is to be continue, I'll pray the outbreak is gone or become less less severe for the health of the boys and fans. I'm sure the boys want to sing and dance their heart out for fans esp when Junsu is now almost 100% recover. Let's the miracle happens!!!

Is this a spam? Shimja! I'm really scared of the mod giving me a warning again. Let's hear Junsu adlib in Saitama here. I hope no one post it before

I agree with you...

(I want to comment before but my info is a second hand information, so it's better to hear it from someone who have direct info like you :) ).

That's why I hope avex will announce their decision at monday the latest so everybody can be prepare if they want to cancel or re-schedule their flight.

But instead of hoping that it will be cancel, same like you, I just hope and pray that the Japanese government can handle the situation and declare that the area is not highly infected anymore. Not only for THSK concert, but also for japanese fans and people in general. Let's be optimistic, why pray for the worse scenario? We should pray for the best right???

and thank you for the adlib video. It's always good to hear his voice over and over again :)

here one of his old video singing Timeless with Jang Ri In

I love to hear them in fancam. It give this studio feeling more and it feel like I'm there in person.

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Guest Sunar



they showed the PV??


i hope we get fanvids of it


but then again the rules for the concert state that no recording during concert



yep they have been showing up a lot on anime insider XD

i have the pages to proof it

thanks for the scans~

i have the other ones if you guys want me to post it up^^

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Guest meimei__KOUSEKI

[News] UNOFFICIAL: All About DBSK 3 to be Released in June

At SharingYoochun, it is said the rumors are saying AADBSK might be released in June, and also the boys have been doing secret shooting while they're in Korea.


I hope it's true :) The sooner it releases, the better for us fans, so we don't have to wait any longer :rolleyes:

Thanks for the rumor! LOL. but umm... i'd rather have it released later on. I don't want it to be released in a hurry that it's quality is decreased and the content could have been improved. :D *plus, i'm still broke =___=* plus they still have concerts at that time? omg the overflow of hotness will drown me xD

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Guest ainiix

does anyone know where i could watch these videos subbed?

- yunho changmin change the world

- dbsk - Star King E92 081122

thanks ^^

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Guest nikkikim

I'm about to sleep and then I found this. I think it's about singers who become actor/actress which includes Jaejoong. Anyone translate please.

2009년 가수출신 연기데뷔 러시 왜?…김현중-민효린-영웅재중


[마이데일리 = 최나영 기자] 2009년 가수 출신 젊은 연기자들의 드라마 출사표..'편견' 부수기가 관건

2009년에는 젊은 가수 출신의 연기자들이 연이어 안방극장에 출사표를 던진다. 안방극장은 다시 한번 '젊은 피'가 수혈될 예정이다.

SS501의 김현중

SS501의 김현중은 내년 1월 5일 첫 방송되는 KBS 2TV 새 월화드라마 '꽃보다 남자'(극본 윤지련,연출 전기상)를 통해 첫 정극연기에 임한다.

대만, 일본에서도 만들어져 인기를 모은 동명만화 원작인 '꽃보다 남자'에서 김현중이 맡은 역은 조용하고 내성적인 성격에 4차원적인 면모를 겸비한 전직 대통령의 손자 윤지후(원작 루이 역)다. 5세 때 부모님을 잃은 후 자폐증을 앓는 환자이기도 하다.

대표 꽃미남으로 손꼽히는 김현중은 비주얼만 놓고 봤을 때 이번 배역이 완벽할 정도로 잘 어울린다. 문제는 연기력이다. 본인도 이를 단단히 각오하고 있다. 연기 선생님과 전기상 PD에게 연기를 배우고 있다는 김현중은 "가수가 연기자로 데뷔한다는 점에서 많은 걱정과 우려의 마음을 가지시더라. 하지만 스스로 연기에 많은 욕심을 내고 있다"고 밝혔다.

앞으로 연기를 더 하고 싶은데, 이 드라마 이후로 더 하게 될지는(작품이 들어올지는) 모르겠다는 그의 농담 섞인 말에는 연기에 대한 꿈이 묻어났다.


신예 민효린이 '태능선수촌', '커피프린스 1호점'을 만든 이정아 작가와 이은정 PD의 차기작 MBC '트리플'(극본 이정아, 연출 이은정)에 주연을 맡았다는 것은 관계자들에게 조금 충격적이었다.

데뷔 앨범 '린즈(RinZ) 민효린', 디지털 싱글 '터치 미'(Touch me) 등으로 활동했지만, 인상에 남을 만한 뚜렷한 활동을 보이지는 않는 가수였다. 다만 그녀 역시 비주얼 만큼은 훌륭했다. 노래보다는 '명품코'라는 수식어가 '민효린'이란 인물을 설명했으며, 소속사 역시 가수 보다는 연기자로 그녀의 행방을 결정지었다.

이런 그녀가 내년 5월 방송예정인 '트리플'에 캐스팅돼 이선균, 윤계상 등과 호흡을 맞춘다. '트리플'은 피겨스케이팅 선수와 광고 회사에 다니는 남자들의 이야기를 감각적이고 따뜻하게 그리는 작품이다.

극중 피겨 스테이팅 선수 역을 맡은 민효린은 최근 지난해부터 피겨 스케이팅 연습에 매진하고 있다. 하루 10시간씩 맹훈련한 것으로 알려졌다. 그녀가 '제 2의 윤은혜'가 될 수 있을지에 관심이 모아지고 있다.

동방신기 영웅재중

한국 대표 아이돌그룹 동방신기의 영웅재중은 내년 5월 방송예정인 SBS '천국의 우편 배달부'의 주인공을 맡아 탤런트 한효주와 함께 호흡을 맞춘다.

'천국의 우편배달부'는 삼화네트웍스에서 제작하는 한일 합작 텔레시네마의 첫번째 작품으로 영웅재중이 첫 정극 연기를 펼치는 드라마다. 영웅재중은 지난 11월 초 드라마 촬영에 들어가 한 달여간 가수 활동과 연기활동을 병행해왔다.

영웅재중은 극중 식물인간으로 혼령이 돼 현실세계를 떠도는 신재준 역을 맡았다. 그는 "왜 나를 캐스팅 했을까란 생각이 들기도 했지만, 감독님에게 기회를 주시면 열심히 하겠다고 했다"고 소감을 밝혔다. 상대역 한효주는 영웅재중의 인기 때문에 극에 삽입된 키스신에 부담을 느낀다고 웃지못할 이야기를 들려주기도 했다.

올해 드라마에서 눈길을 끈 가수 출신 연기자에는 KBS 1TV '너는 내 운명'의 윤아(소녀시대), MBC '춘자네 경사났네'의 김기범 등이 있었다. 특히 KBS 간판 일일극의 주연을 맡으며 긴 호흡의 드라마를 이끌어 온 윤아는 올해 KBS 연기대상의 막강 신인상 후보로 거론되고 있다. 초반에는 연기력 논란이 끊이지 않았지만 중반을 넘어가면서부터는 보다 안정된 연기를 펼치고 있다는 평을 받고 있다. 가수 출신 연기자의 첫 발은 성공한 셈이다.

가수 출신 연기자들은 다른 배우들보다 출연료가 저렴하고, 어느 정도 인기를 담보하며 신선함을 준다는 장점을 갖고 있다. 연기력 논란이 많지만, (개인적 차이를 제외하면) 요즘 아이돌그룹의 멤버들은 연습생 시절부터 노래, 춤, 연기를 병행해 배우기 때문에 여타 신인 배우들에 비해 많이 뒤진다고는 할 수 없다. 다만 '가수 출신 연기자들은 연기를 못한다'는 편견 아닌 편견을 견뎌내는 과정이 관건이다.

[2009년 안방극장에 출사표를 던지는 가수 출신 연기자들. 왼쪽부터 김현중 민효린 영웅재중. 사진 = 마이데일리 DB]

(최나영 기자 nyny@mydaily.co.kr)


At first, I thought it would be love tri-angle between best friend :P

miss_h it is the first time I got support in Soompi after 4 years maybe since I join this thread. I mean totally support on my statement and clip. haha... I'm really glad and surprised at the same time. Komawoyo :lol:

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July Issue Ray Magazine: Jaejoong


Handsome face and warm personality, and easy to get close with.

Jaejoong described himself easily in TALK section.

Through those clear eyes, what can we see?

1. Curry

I can't live without curry (laugh). Almost everyday I eat it! I really like spicy food. The spicier, the better.

2. Speechless (T/N: not sure)

Old song, new song… must sing them full heartedly. La la la~ That part, need a high voice when singing, to make it good.

3. Me

Recently, I've been appreciating myself more. Watching Heaven's Postman, I want to create a happier me as well.

4. Car

I just bought a new car. Driving it for only 4 times up til now. I really like to drive a car and wandering around. The feeling of being one with my car.

5. Spring

A season where there's no challenge. Season that fits to take a walk. I'm hoping to meet my destinied one (laugh).

credit: baidu + Huahuabbs.ifensi.com + hoobs

trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress

^^ Do appreciate yourself more Jae,u're one great guy!I hope we can also watch HP,until now no definite airing date >.< Coolbeans he has a new ride xD

[TRANS] 090523 TOHOMOBILE - After Live In Sapporo

What new PV?...Im glad Junsu's leg OK now <3 Thanks amanda for the trans,you're the best! :D


090519 Stalking Yoochun/Jaejoong/Junsu





090520 Stalking Yunho at Night


credit: babylina2024@blog.naver + Shinestar_@CY+TVXQMAICE

shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

^^ Yunho love to go to the movies :)

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Guest coral2010

hey guys! i have a request!

can a few of you guys post cute chibi pics of each DBSK member for me?

and can they be "solo" pictures, not group chibi pics?

thanks! :)


I don't have anything to share except my fanart?

except it isn't really fanart, but an official drawing class assignment

I just picked DBSk members as my subject! haha



Soooo this is Yoochun! It's a stippled inked image. took foreeeeverrr

I'm overall pretty pleased with it tho..

it's currently hanging at my city's city hall on display ^^

i think it's going to be there for the rest of May or something

I had used this pic:


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Guest ickboo

^ excellent job on the stippling!!!!!!! that requires the most patience and you did an amazing job! yoochun would be proud to see his pic. :D

in other news, i'm glad su su is able to jump and move on stage more!!! yay!!!!

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Guest mylujulie


[Gifs] 090522 Tohoshinki - NTV Mirai Souzoudow





10.gif 8.gif

Credits: Midori@TVXQPERU/TPF

OMGSH!!! they showed the new PV I'm so envy ;___;

I wanna see it thankx 4 the trans

I need see fc about it ><

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Guest XiahxTiffany

wait the boys are still korea rite?

gosh the swine flu outbreak is getting closer to where i live

most schools i live near are closing 0_0

hope the boys are ok too

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Guest joecesjohncual@yahoo.com












AS OF 10:59am

MAY 24,2009












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