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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest No MoRe

^awww, how sad. How can someone dislike our cute Dong Bang Guys so much.

Kobe concert looks amazing! I was really looking forward to see the performance of 9095 - one of my favorite tracks from the album. After watching Jaejoong's version of 9095, I can't help but express my thoughts on his performance. Well I though Yunho's version was jaw droppin' awesome - he was really working the mic - but Jaejoong's....hehehe.

I liked it better when he shows his sexiness without even realizing it or when he's playfully doing it. (Like the video where he wrote his name with his butt. Lol) In the performance, he looks like he's forcing himself to be sexy and he looked really embarrassed doing it. Can't wait to see Yoochun's and Changmins' version.

Hope Junsu gets better so he can perform with the other members. Junsu Fighting! Dong Bang Shin Ki Fighting!

did jj rely wrote his naem with his butt :o

whene this happind and why :mellow:

someone plez anser me?

and Yunho in 9095 he was good but :mellow:

Jaejoong's version of 9095

I thenk he was tray to be good not for himself but for us his fans he dont want to disappointment us :huh: I want to think him becus he

tray soooo hard :)

Yunho act

very nice and ofcors i want him to act but if he will be Tired It will be baaaaad

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Guest Senorita_

090509 CEO Matsuura Blog Update


source: CEO Matsuura blog

trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress

2009.05.09 Saitama Concert


Junsu is Standing now While singing, Dancing is still not confirm, But he's graduated from his Wheel Chair and now sitting in a Normal Smexxy Chair.

The Saitama Arena is Filled up until the 500th Level unlike last year which is only up to 300th

And the FLOWER gifts (Those congratulatory Flower stand in Japan ) has a Very very Long Line

Also Some Celebs like TRF and Avex President (he's Young! BTW) is there

Credit: DBSK Knights + TVXQ Baidu


Saitama is HUGE! 0___0

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Guest shar_


junsu looks fine there

yunho acting

that's great. can't wait for it!!

I really love his acting in first love

as bad boy. he looked hot

so, the boys are going back to korea in sept..

090508 Micky and his mom @restaurant


090509 CreBeau Jeff



th_11.jpg th_4.jpg th_9.jpg

cre: as tagged + togethertvxq

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090509 The Secret Code Staffs' Report


2009/05/09 (Sat) 18:39



Saitama the first day!

2009/05/09 (Sat) 17:45



Close to the live!

The live band which has been together with Tohoshinki this time around and to the National tour ♪

He’s a newcomer, but thank you for teaching guitar to Junsu!

In T tour Junsu showed an air guitar plays on stage! Will we see a good guitar plays this year?

2009/05/09 (Sat) 16:54



Make up time!

Occasionally there's a sniff falsetto voice breaking the dressing room (^ O ^)

That’s because Yoochun had been massaged ♪

2009/05/09 (Sat) 16:05

Sweets waiting for the members when they returned from rehearsal (laughs


Among all the sweets, members most in love love with Allais

2009/05/09 (Sat) 15:50

The rehearsal ends soon!


You can see the members are standing up on stage! A little small of TVXQ's figures, though (laughs)

2009/05/09 (Sat) 15:07

Entering the venue and members have started rehearsals!


TVXQ Dancers are exercising carefully during the stretch. Members look so seriously as well, they’re now there to confirm the details of dance moves!

2009/05/09 (Sat) 13:20

Saitama Super Arena concert, the first day.

Under a beautiful blue sky, it’s shown a lot of fans are already gathering


Here, the panel introduce tour merchandise!

Goods are sold from 13:30! You should buy them soon ♪

source: tsc staff report

trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress

V More pics @ Saitama Vanue



SCT Buses ^^

th_2484afdfa4c17f306327989e.jpg th_492f57507607337f1038c29e.jpg th_01a6b2f3f2e78ee80a46e09e.jpg th_5d751dcc21f4783301e9289e.jpg

th_a482de59100021092834f09e.jpg th_45d264b4b9c1db508bd4b29e.jpg

Credits: DBSKnights + TVXQbaidu + nackylovesxiah

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Guest jaekwang

I found this from ohmicky.com so , i wanna share with you ^^

[090509] 090507 Non - public new CF filming ???






credit : YUEARUBI + ohmicky + tvxq-dreamland.com

please take out with proper credit :))))

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Guest issamai

Thank God Junsu can walk now!

Hoping for a full recovery here.

I'm sure he will put an awesome performance soon. Hwaiting!

The concerts are very successful, CONGRATULATIONS, TOHOSHINKI!!! :D




We have reached 10000 hits. THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE!

Also, ALL 2004 Perfs downloads are up. :D

Please wait for the rest! Kamsahamnidaaaa~

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Guest jOLyN_TVXQ

^^ wow!! SAITAMA is big..and the number increases from 300th to 500th level..^_^

but can someone explain what is the level all about??? ahahaha...but from the increase of 200 level im happy for it....should be something good..rofl..

im pretty sure JUNSU will back soon...looking forward to his comeback..but then i hope he is not pushing himself...^^

give more time and get more rest..nice to know AVEX PRESIDENT, Masato Matsuura, went to their concert..a big name..^_^ and also TRF..

this gives them more exposure to other non-fans..^_^ the staff update are quick...^^ i hope they update and take moree picture for all the upcoming concert.. ^^

so it is yunho who is invited to the drama...i wonder if he is going..well, he is invited but that doesnt say he is going to act..

it was on the producer who is going for the play..we shouldnt blame on SM..but if, they were soo busy and yet they confirm yunho to the drama, then we blame it on SM because they agreed on it...if it was invited, then it was the producer and director felt that yunho is suitable for the drama..anyway, i really hope SM will only agree if they had spare time although i really wish to see them act...and yunho can be a great actor..he is good in acting..pranking ^_^

if only they had drama where all 5 of them are in..i miss them in banjum drama...unforgettable love, dangerous love , vacation and etc are all great banjum movie...

to avoid spam, here is tvxq with their fanboy..^_^

tvxq and Masato Matsuura (AVEX PRESIDENT) << i remember he said before he love them singing...


tvxq and bigbang << seungri..


anyway, i realise i dont have the picture of tvxq with sekine san..

can someone post up their pictures????

thank you in advance!! ^^

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Guest cookybear

hi! i'm usualy a silnt reader for this thread, but i just wanted to ask, is there an official air date for heavens postman yet? thnx ^_^

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Guest devillusion

hi! i'm usualy a silnt reader for this thread, but i just wanted to ask, is there an official air date for heavens postman yet? thnx ^_^

As far as i could remember there's one of our reader here did post the list that contained dramas/tele-drama which going to broadcast and i did see Heaven's Postmen will be air on 22nd May. Despite there were few rumors said it was pushed onto September.

Yunho Acting Debut.

Cool, he got that potential. I've always been expecting him to be a lead actor, however i still hope 5 of them can debut in acting together. LOL that would cause a major craziness to us, am I right? ^^

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Guest kinkie_lass

thank you for posting updates from their staff's blog ~ orz

[TRANS] Avex Staff's Blog Update+ Yunho Acting

this is definitely a good news for me. like, finally Yunho will do something outside TVXQ. don't get me wrong, i really love TVXQ but in the same time i hope he can also make his own name outside the band. TVXQ won't crumble just because one of the member is pursuing other things occasionally. it's not like other members haven't done things individually before. i hope Yunho will take this opportunity because really, he will make an awesome actor. although truthfully i'm not a fan of his previous acting but now he's older than his banjun/rainbow romance/vacation days so i'm excited to see this other side of him. i hope this isn't the typical 16-episode k-drama because this would kill him :o

tvxq and Masato Matsuura (AVEX PRESIDENT) << i remember he said before he love them singing...

sorry for cutting your post but omg look at them being buddy-buddy with the CEO of Avex--tehehee this is random but i was laughing to myself at the thought of these 2 Maxes--Max Changmin and Max Matsuura XDD

i remember they said in a variety show that they're really close with Lee Soo Man as well. the boys are their bosses' pet :D

yay Junsu is shedding the wheelchair and he's back on his feet. i doubt he will be able to dance today but it's a relief to see that he's recuperating ~

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Guest jaeyoungg


Does anyone know what is the diff between the korean and japan ver of TSC album?

because im going to buy the album, but idk which to buy :/

thanks in advance! :lol:

v thanks Senorita! i guess im getting the kor ver.

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Guest SHINee-girl

[TRANS] Avex Staff's Blog Update+ Yunho Acting



is this 100 % real?

im dead

see minho and Yunho acting

ok im dead*-*

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Guest Chiyase

Saitama May 9th, 2009

I just got back from the concert! The arena was full, like the other person mentioned a few posts ago.

Show started about 6:40 and ended about 9:40 (so 3 hours).

Junsu had a chair, but he kept getting up and doing a little dancing in place (like moving his hips in time to the music). He walked down to the center twice (perhaps three times, I can't remember) but you could tell he was trying not to limp and he was walking slowly. I have a fancam of him walking, but my seat was so far away he's little. :(

Here is the stage layout:


And this is the other side, you can see Blocks D & E on the floor.


Some funny things....

Yunho: They were talking at the round thing in the middle of the arena and they were taking turns grabbing towels and water. Well, Yunho finally stepped a few feet off the round platform to grab something and it started rising with the other guys on it, so he got on it (it was only a step, not too high) and then he laughed and apologized. It was really cute.

Yoochun: He kept saying "Minna okay!" which means "everyone okay." He even said it during Box in the Ship, it was funny. Also, I always think of Yoochun being quiet and relaxed so I was surprised to see how much energy he had tonight. He really impressed me at the show.

Jaejoong: What can I say, he was great! They made him do this dance thing so he turned around and shook his butt at us (but his shirt was long).

Changmin: Hahahaha, Yoochun and Yunho picked him up, one at his shoulders and one at his feet and carried him a few feet then sort of dropped/placed him on the stage and ran away. Changmin impressed me too, he had lot of energy and I think he's a good dancer.

Junsu: The Japanese fans were very touched when Junsu stood up and walked around, he got a lot of support from everyone. He sang his heart out and it was as moving as always. He was in good spirits and he started trying to participate more at the end of the show. He looked like a green superhero in one of his outfits ~ LOL

If I think of more, I'll edit the post. I may upload the fancam of Junsu walking, but I don't want it on Youtube in case Avex claims copyright. Anyone know where I could load it for people?

EDIT: I put the video on Youtube (I opened an extra account in case they copyright it). Like I said, I was sitting far away, but you can see Junsu walking down the path to the center where the other four are waiting for him.

[Fancam] Junsu Walking at Saitama May 9th, 2009

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^^ aw,it's finished??Can't wait for pics & FC's.Thanks for sharing your story w/ us. :)







Credits: DBSKnights +Melitehero

Jaejoong's Crebeau-Jeff



Credits: DBSKnights + TVXQbaidu + as Tagged



credits:as tagged+togethertvxq

shared by:dbsknights

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Guest tingabell

This is like my first ever post, from like how ever many years i have joined! sorry about that!

but i have to share with everyone i just came back from the saitama concert, i had front row seats on junsu's side!! (that 30,000 yen was well worth it), junsu is up and walking around on stage now!

though he was sitting for alot, but he is out the wheelchair!!!!!!!

and its kinda bad to say but i was happy cos he was sitting in front of me throughout pretty much of the show!!

i swear we exchanged looks during the "O"-Sei.Han.Gou!!!!!!!!!!

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Saitama May 9th, 2009

I just got back from the concert! The arena was full, like the other person mentioned a few posts ago.

Show started about 6:40 and ended about 9:40 (so 3 hours).

Junsu had a chair, but he kept getting up and doing a little dancing in place (like moving his hips in time to the music). He walked down to the center twice (perhaps three times, I can't remember) but you could tell he was trying not to limp and he was walking slowly. I have a fancam of him walking, but my seat was so far away he's little. :(

Here is the stage layout:


And this is the other side, you can see Blocks D & E on the floor.


Some funny things....

Yunho: They were talking at the round thing in the middle of the arena and they were taking turns grabbing towels and water. Well, Yunho finally stepped a few feet off the round platform to grab something and it started rising with the other guys on it, so he got on it (it was only a step, not too high) and then he laughed and apologized. It was really cute.

Yoochun: He kept saying "Minna okay!" which means "everyone okay." He even said it during Box in the Ship, it was funny. Also, I always think of Yoochun being quiet and relaxed so I was surprised to see how much energy he had tonight. He really impressed me at the show.

Jaejoong: What can I say, he was great! They made him do this dance thing so he turned around and shook his butt at us (but his shirt was long).

Changmin: Hahahaha, Yoochun and Yunho picked him up, one at his shoulders and one at his feet and carried him a few feet then sort of dropped/placed him on the stage and ran away. Changmin impressed me too, he had lot of energy and I think he's a good dancer.

Junsu: The Japanese fans were very touched when Junsu stood up and walked around, he got a lot of support from everyone. He sang his heart out and it was as moving as always. He was in good spirits and he started trying to participate more at the end of the show. He looked like a green superhero in one of his outfits ~ LOL

If I think of more, I'll edit the post. I may upload the fancam of Junsu walking, but I don't want it on Youtube in case Avex claims copyright. Anyone know where I could load it for people?

Awwww...your experience sounds like so much fun. 3 hours of DBSK is *+* Someday next year I'm going to go see this too. Thanks for sharing! Would you mind telling me how did you get tickets? Please PM me.

Also a question. So their dome concert is on sale now right? I was wondering, how are ticket sales so far?

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Guest Senorita_


Does anyone know what is the diff between the korean and japan ver of TSC album?

because im going to buy the album, but idk which to buy :/

thanks in advance! :lol:

There not much difference between both versions except that the Korean version comes with a Korean lyrics booklet and the prices xD But cost wise if you don't want to spend much on the Japanese version, get the Korean version ^^

Chiyase -Thanks for sharing your fan account and the pictures. The stadium is so so huge! I can even imagine that Tokyo Dome will be twice the size of it, or more! I'm glad Junsu's walking around abit, but I would advise him not to, so his ankle can heal faster. But aish, Junsu is a strong headed person xD

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Guest SHINee-girl

Junsu walking?

yaay im glad Smiling angel~ is feeling good.

but he still need to rest:p


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so cute.. the doll.. i wish i can have it...

junsu standing!!! ^^ yay!!! i'm waiting for this!!

at least he can stand!! he is recovering!!

brb, i'll update this page with the latest update from TVXQ!

Sonny’s Blog (DBSK Dancer)


credit as tagged. ^^


Yunho's Letter When He Was Young


credit as tagged.


I believe that he is a good son and grandson ^^

Bigeast Magazine


credit as tagged.


Japanese Fan Account on 4th Live Tour in Kobe


credit as tagged.


Most Popular Singers, First Half of 2009

Groups Big Bang and So Nyeo Shi Dae are the most popular singers for the first half of 2009.

A marketing research agency Leespr did a survey amongst 1,334 Koreans from age 13-65 for the whole month of March, and survey results showed that groups Big Bang and So Nyeo Shi Dae were the most popular singers for the first half of year 2009.

Male Singer Category

Big Bang who recently released their new book ‘Shouting To You In The World’ won the #1 position for the popularity in the category of male singers. They were voted as the representative male group in Korea.

The ranking:

1. Big Bang

2. Rain

3. Dong Bang Shin Ki

4. Super Junior

5. Lee Moon Sae

Others on Top 10: SS501, Jo Yong Pil, Lee Seung Chul, Kim Gun Mo, SG Wannabe.

Well, the 2nd half of 2009 will be more interesting than the first. We have newcomers like 2NE1, T-ara, IU; and comebacks like So Nyeo Shi Dae, Lee Hyori, SS501, Big Bang and Se7en.

Credits: YGWorld & sookyeong

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