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[drama 2009] Queen Of Housewives 내조의 여왕


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Guest undone702

thanks for the preview can't wait I really want TB to start to think about his former wife and realize he loves .. They were married 5 years you kind of get used to that person being around Darn the preview freezes for me after the commercial

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Guest amane~matsuo

i don't think they will sack junhyuk just because he didn't attend the investigation, he should be given another chance. That sounds more appropriate to a giant corporation like Queen Food Company, donm't u think?

But this matter is like the one with DS' rival intern, (fr the earlier episodes) he was blamed for the food poisoning and for conspiring it against DS so he got fired right. And the way BS told Samonim about how she did that before - after using someone for a bad deed, when the dirty laundry's out you get that person to be blamed and kick him out. BS before, in attempt to put DS & JA out of thier lives conspired the food poisoning thing, and JH to have Director Kim to favor him conspired the bribery against DS... now it's all coming back to them :(

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Guest undone702

ok never mind with a little fanagaling I was able to see it ....ooh DS is making me mad hanging around TB ex I am really feeling sorry for Ji Ae and her crying stupid man he better wake up soon .... I feel like smaking him Grr. I thought the part of bong soo husband crying was cute lol. I don't know why SH is the water and I hate to see DS saving her. I wish TB was saving her instead

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oo.. i should rephrase it, junhyuk should be given another chance to attend.. he must be heard too.

Undone, I was also mad to see DS with SH again.. Why must they meet again? I really really realllly want to see Jiae and Dalsoo live happily ever after..

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Guest amane~matsuo

ok never mind with a little fanagaling I was able to see it ....ooh DS is making me mad hanging around TB ex I am really feeling sorry for Ji Ae and her crying stupid man he better wake up soon .... I feel like smaking him Grr. I thought the part of bong soo husband crying was cute lol. I don't know why SH is the water and I hate to see DS saving her. I wish TB was saving her instead

I'm kinda irritated too at DS still hanging out with SH. As much as they look great together, from the start everything is wrong for them. They're both married and DS is so blahh! After all JA's done for him, all her pride she swallowed and butt kissing just for him, this is all he does <_<

I hope he comes to his senses too.. and just because he feels pity for SH, making him feel needed, isn't still to be confused with love. *sigh*

and is JH crying becoz of his dinner? I mean just fish and side dishes so he cries? :lol:

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Guest undone702

yea why must they always have DS thinking of SH ....or helping her make TB go save her this show is making me mad I don't see how Ji Ae and her husband can work things out with stuff like this going on. There is only 4 episodes for them to make up or break up.....if the writers are going to break them up I don't want to watch it any more

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hopefully it'll be like the preview for ep 15, where i thought dalsoo became abusive to jiae and push her to the cupboard.. but actually he just followed what his collegue 'advised' him to do.. to show manly power.. heheh

Will Mr Kim come to power in this episode?

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just finished watching the preview for Episode 17 and I just don't understand why Dalsoo has to save So-hyun and not anybody else, if he really loves Jiae he should be a man to stand up for what he wants and believes in...poor Jiae. anyway I'm about to watch Episode 16 now to catch up...

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u're right koalabear.. why must he save her, just let her swim by herself.. she should have taken swimming lessons before..

but i think i want to put my trust on dalsoo's word, that he wanted to protect his family- and it was his instinct to help, just like the time he tried to save a cow with gas trouble.. and he did all he could, he cried when the cow died..

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Guest undone702

I hope you are right just wish it was TB doing it. Looks like she is trying to kill herself by drowning to me and of course looks like a photographer snaps a pictrue when they are talking. In some ways though I think he is just being friendly to SH just like Ji Ae is friendly with TB

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Mr Kim and his wife must have something to do with it, so that they can take over the company.. they will use the divorce to influence the shareholders, and will try to use the dalsoo-sohyun scandal to spice things up.. they want to sack dalsoo and junhyuk to fail the natural food project so that when the project fails, they will come to power. How is my theory? ooh.. not really a theory.. but what i summed up from previous episodes..

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Guest amane~matsuo

Mr Kim and his wife must have something to do with it, so that they can take over the company.. they will use the divorce to influence the shareholders, and will try to use the dalsoo-sohyun scandal to spice things up.. they want to sack dalsoo and junhyuk to fail the natural food project so that when the project fails, they will come to power. How is my theory? ooh.. not really a theory.. but what i summed up from previous episodes..

Yep. I think so too. Director Kim and Samonim are the pet peeves of mine in this drama. I never really hated Bongsoon/Soohyun that much no matter how beetchy or mean they can be. LOL. Samonim is the real evil queen here. haha! She and her hubby wanted TJ out of his presidency so he can be the president, just because his the owner's right hand man... I say DS & JH, BS&JA should form an alliance against Dir. Kim and Samonim! :lol:

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Guest sayroo


Haru Haru Subs Presents,

Queen of Housewives

Episode 2 *ENTAL*

Main Translator: Baqinardo

Spot Translator: hjkomo

Timers: cute girl

Editor/QC: Zealousy

Coordinators: sayroo, cute girl


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Guest ~ juice

this drama is so addictive! i started watching a few days back & now i cant wait to watch ep 17.

i think im the only one who wants JA to end up with TB (cos TB is so funny!), but that's not going to happen :/ sigh!

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Guest undone702

any more I am not sure who Ji Ae is going to end up with because there is no time for her to really be with TB and I don't see how she is going to forgive DS after the latest events planned by Mr Kim and his wife. I am also addicted to it

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