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Are You Close With Your Cousins?!?

Guest 영원한 사랑

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i used to be close with one of my cousins... but i guess not anymore now that we're older and dealing with some family problems.

i have 2 in america.... one is 2 years old while the other is 22 >.>....

i also have four in korea but since we can't speak the same language and i've only seen them once in my lifetime......

yea... i'm not close with any of them... makes me sad...

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Guest huyen2501

i'm good with one cousin on my mom's side. i really wish i had time to see the little ones though. the rest of my cousins and i just don't click. different interests, views, way of life...yea.

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Guest CitrusFlower

Very close or perhaps too close. Well I get along well with my cousins but one of my cousins is like my best friend but more family like, we criticize each other and get on each other nerves but we're still close

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Guest monaero

I'm really close with my cousins on my dad's side of the family. We're all pretty close in age, live close to eachother, and have always been at eachother's birthday parties growing up. I'm only close to 2 or 3 cousins on my mom's side though. I'm pretty close with the one's through my stepmom too.

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Guest SUMM3RxBABii

i have lots of cousins. probably around 50 (or even more since i've recently met some that i didn't even know existed. probably lots more out there lol) since my grandfather had lots of brothers & sisters and they all have lots of grandkids..

and theyre like EVERYWHERE. SF, Toronto, LA, TX, NY, China, HK, etc.

but i'm mostly close with my dad's side of the family b/c his 2nd bro lives next door and there are 2 of my cousins. we used to hate each other's guts so much, we'd attempt to kill each other every other day. LOL

but ive started to get along with the older one more now than the younger one (who is a complete a$s sometimes).

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No. All of my cousins that live here in the U.S. are all age 12 or below. All they ever talk about is like Poke'mon or dinosaurs. The rest of my cousins are based in Hong Kong, Macau, a few other places in China, and Sydney.

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Guest Absinthe.

We used to be close, but when we all hit high school we sort of just went our separate ways. Umm the ones on my dad's side, were nice when I visited them in Vietnam.

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Guest kuroioshare

I have 9 cousins I see on a weekly basis [very close family] 6 of them are youngsters....elementary aged... and one is an 8th grader, a 15 year old, and an 18 year old [i'm older by 6 months! yeah! lol]

And we are all really really close :]

I love it :)

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not so much

i don't have nieces who are around my age

i'm only close with one or two cousins

close but not so much in common but we're very talkative

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Guest S.O.M.E.XDAY

my family aren't that big. so I kinda close with them. since they're getting older now, i can share many things. cool.

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Guest minwOoz_stunnr7

I only have one cousin where I live and the rest of my family live in the Phillipines.

I was never close to him since we're 8 years older.

He always looks out for me though but I think he thinks I'm in a gang.

LMAO, not likely son.

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Guest dancee.ellx

well i have lots of cousins and i used to be close to them when i was younger..

now that we're all young adults and not-so-young adults, i dont even talk to them anymore.

im only close to this one cousin, though, because she visits me with my aunt every week and because she was there for me ever since i was a baby xD

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Guest charcoalfilter1101

yes but on my mother's side only!

i consider them as my close friends and they always give me the strength i need when i fell down

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Guest aizutto

I have a lot of cousins!

When I was younger,I was closer to the ones that is a few years older than me..

Now,I am more closer to the younger ones..I guess we clicked well

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