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♥ Joondi aka MinSun Couple ♥ ★ Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun ☺Official Thread


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Guest FitrianaR

Morning minsuner,, homern shipper..

I can't wait for the full interview of eonni hye sun..
Cant wait for Monday...
I wanna hear the reason why she said minho is a mom.. Lol

thanks @meow13 for your awesome vid and to all minsuner you are amazing..

:x :x

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Guest S_sun

I woke up this morning happy as a lark.We have MH concert to look forward to and the full interview tomorrow! I kept replaying the preview. HS is so adorable.lol

Minsuners, we are so lucky to be have so much to spazz bcoz our couple is smart and always leave us hints. Thank you, Minsun. That's why we love you so much for thinking of us.

And our minsun family here are happy and funny people.This is just so much fun!

Thanks everyone!

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Guest vebby21vebb

Good Morning MinSun Shippers and also Homerun Shippers...

What a beautiful sunday!!! Even i cant sleep well last night...

Why im toooo much happy??!!!

Well.. Minsun are so smart..

They gave us their hint wih their ownway..

Told abt their habbit whic connected to each other..

What im curious now is.. Where is Koo Hye Sun now???

Anyone see her in Seoul???

If no one see her in Seoul, where shud she been??? Lol

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Guest ayesuper1

Good Morning MinSun Shippers and also Homerun Shippers...

What a beautiful sunday!!! Even i cant sleep well last night...

Why im toooo much happy??!!!

Well.. Minsun are so smart..

They gave us their hint wih their ownway..

Told abt their habbit whic connected to each other..

What im curious now is.. Where is Koo Hye Sun now???

Anyone see her in Seoul???

If no one see her in Seoul, where shud she been??? Lol

One clear thing is ..

Always koo disappeared when minho left kr. Lol

Then more funny thing is..

After minho get back to kr, in the sudden koo's review appears in kr.


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ayesuper1 said:




Good Morning MinSun Shippers and also Homerun Shippers...

What a beautiful sunday!!! Even i cant sleep well last night...

Why im toooo much happy??!!!

Well.. Minsun are so smart..

They gave us their hint wih their ownway..

Told abt their habbit whic connected to each other..

What im curious now is.. Where is Koo Hye Sun now???

Anyone see her in Seoul???

If no one see her in Seoul, where shud she been??? Lol

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Guest S_sun

Thanks Aye. Waaaah our couple date, going to movies early hours in the morning (they both admitted to going to cinemas those hours) and maybe eat out after! One does not eat sashimi at 5 am alone. How romantic!

Love is in the air......Hehehe

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Guest ayesuper1


Today, LMH said his best 'quote' is

'This will eventually pass' .


That quote also hyesun's quote.


-> You can see it 'Slump' part.

Even koo said that lately at 'Woman Chosun' interview.

Yes. Everything will pass.

'This, too, shall pass'

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Guest pjlu

Hi my dear sist minsun
wow long time i don't leave my thoughts but this time i will :)
 Thanks @Aye for your insightful thinking.  we know very well since long time that,  they both like do many things at midnight and in the dawn. Do you remember her tweets hahaha,  i don't forget her tweets so great and always leaving to us many clues.you're right @S_sun sometime they mentioned that they go out to cinema in the dawn hahaha they are so smart ;)) is for all these reasons that we enjoyed of their tweets, that was their way to comunicate each other for long time but this did that many people could know more about their private life so it could be maybe dangerous so it ok for me if hye sun closed her twitter account because she is leaving to us more clues, i think that soon they'll go out and they'll say to worldwide their true :x
ohh dear @Sukreen thanks for the vid, where hye sun says minho  is like mom hahaha so tender! and you're right Sue,  she looks so different when she says minho her voice and her look is so tender. wow i'm waiting the monday to see the complete interview :x
 mom is synonym of tenderness, sweetness, frienship, much much love :xto say this, hye sun is so in love of him, wow is nice hear this of her, minho surely must be very happy :D mom is very careful and overprotective. nice description about minho so so sweet :x
well my dear sist, like always i love so much our thread we're a big family i'll come back when i have a free time to share with you my thoughts, one more time thanks dear Aye our korean angel! thanks dear Sue for have time to post much info and leave to us wonderful thoughts, dear @prettywiz thanks, you're very insightful i love your thoughts too! dear S_sun is wonderful to see you here in JT always i read your thoughts in ghs thread but is so nice to see you here too! ohh dear @Regie22 your thoughts are so smart i love these! and all my sist minsun @gayu,@jazz_10, @LILI2009, @esir, @ariany, @meow13 with your beautiful blog that always i enjoy reading thanks so much.And sorry if i can't mention to all but you know that i love you :x

I'll come back soon!have a wonderful week because these last day there is much love in the air :x

PD: thanks Aye, you know even in their phrases they are similar ;)


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it seems in Yokohama there is second part of the event by 7 (Japan time ) ! some one pls upload the videos ...we dint get much videos for both korea fan meeting as well as Japan's fm..try to post all you get sisters!

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@gayu312 ,this is not the time for me to explain my self ,through all this firecrackers of joyful news . Still,I want to say there is nothing to forgive ,you done nothing wrong I was just joking ! How can I ever be upset on any of my MINSUNNERS ,special you  ,when I love you all ! Of cause I prize all contribution of every Minsunner ,each of them have their importance ,but sometime ,anyone can be bias .You're OK with me? Thank you !@ayesuper ,"this ,too ,shall pass " it's an old saying full of wisdom and wide spread all over the world ! Our boy become more wiser !  DO you see how GHS look alike LMH when she looks at Minho-ssi pic ? Smiling gingerly at it,lovingly  ,like he did when he draw his girl-friend . Looking at his draw, LMH did see GHS not a simple sketch and seems to smile and want to talk with it ,exactly like an innocent child !(look at last psed of @Surie_Riri !) @sukreen,what about MIA in USA ,for a week and LMH coming back lonely through the gates ?  Love is in the air ,everywhere around them because they are its spring ,its geyser ,its fire-cracker !

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Guest stroberry

a short fan post from mh's yokohama concert :

MinHo is a person that rarely eat breakfast but he will eat breakfast with the person he likes. He will be full of energy after 12midnight and likes the later part of the night (dawn?). 
cr:玄子-四爷敏镐 at weibo 
hahaha! looks like someone is giving us big hints :D pls give us loads more,MinHo!! 

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Guest ayesuper1

a short fan post from mh's yokohama concert :

MinHo is a person that rarely eat breakfast but he will eat breakfast with the person he likes. He will be full of energy after 12midnight and likes the later part of the night (dawn?). 

cr:玄子-四爷敏镐 at weibo 

hahaha! looks like someone is giving us big hints :D pls give us loads more,MinHo!! 



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Guest mayweeds

Woooooo what a fantastic forum...... :) I'm really thrilled and excitted with your latest news sisters. ........ hopefully waiting for the interview. ................ you guys always rocksssss :x

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Guest mrita

wow thanks @ayesuper1 u really have sharp eyes and remember well waiting eagerly for full interview@gayu312 i just did as u said its very nice keep your work going
love this picture minho's eyes with full of love:x :-* >:D<

i can see the same love in hyesun eyes too:x

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Guest S_sun

a short fan post from mh's yokohama concert :

MinHo is a person that rarely eat breakfast but he will eat breakfast with the person he likes. He will be full of energy after 12midnight and likes the later part of the night (dawn?). 

cr:玄子-四爷敏镐 at weibo 

hahaha! looks like someone is giving us big hints :D pls give us loads more,MinHo!! 

Sweet! Oh my! Are you all thinking what I am thinking?

My imaginations are going wild! Having breakfast together after.......hahaha

Minho what are you hinting........? Hehehe

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