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구혜선-유인나 '희망TV SBS'서 재능기부=GHS-Yoo In Na give their talents for "Hope TV SBS"

연합뉴스| 기사입력 2013-05-08 09:30

source: http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=106&oid=001&aid=0006247458
translated by cheerkoo


(서울=연합뉴스) 이상현 기자 = 배우 구혜선과 유인나가 SBS의 사회공헌프로그램 '희망TV SBS'를 통해 재능기부를 했다고 소속사 YG엔터테인먼트가 8일 밝혔다. =On 8th, YG Ent informed the media that both GHS and Yoo InNa donated their talents for a social contribution program, Hope SBS.

구혜선은 지난 4월 '희망TV SBS'의 지역아동센터 지원 사업의 하나로 진행된 폐교를 지역아동센터로 리모델링하는 작업에 참여했다. 그는 전남 영광의 한 초등학교를 방문해 직접 벽화를 그렸다. Last month in April, GHS participated in a remodeling project at an elementary school in Jun Nam Young Kwang.

'희망TV SBS' 프로그램에서 소개될 관련 영상의 내레이션도 맡았다.GHS will also narrate for the related video for the Hope SBS.

구혜선은 소속사를 통해 "작은 재능으로 나눔에 참여해 오히려 영광"이라며 "내 손길이 닿은 곳곳에서 아이들의 꿈이 자라고 희망이 피어나면 좋겠다"고 소감을 전했다. GHS said through her agency (I am not sure if GHS said this or YG) "I felt honored to participate in the program with my little effort. I will feel good knowing that children may dream and hope from the little bits that I was able to give."


유인나도 '희망TV SBS' 방송 영상의 내레이션을 맡아 목소리를 기부했다. Yoo InNa also contributed by donating her voice for the narration for the Hope SBS.

그는 소속사를 통해 "봉사에 직접 참여는 못했지만 마음으로나마 나눔에 함께하고 싶었다"고 말했다.Yoo did not participate in the project but:"Even though I could not participate directly, I wanted to at least participate in heart."

구혜선과 유인나가 참여한 '희망TV SBS'는 오는 10일, 11일 이틀간 생방송으로 진행된다. "Hope SBS" with GHS and Yoo InNa will air on 10th and 11th of this month!


구혜선, 그룹홈 아이들에 그림 재능 기부 "나눔 참여 영광"

source: http://wstarnews.hankyung.com/apps/news?popup=0&nid=01&c1=01&c2=01&c3=00&nkey=201305080846371&mode=sub_view
translated by cheerkoo


한편 그룹홈이란 가정해체 등으로 보호가 필요한 아이들이 자립할 수 있을 때까지 가정과 같은 환경에서 공동으로 생활할 수 있게 하는 제도를 뜻한다. (사진제공: YG엔터테인먼트)
한경닷컴 w스타뉴스 기사제보 news@wstarnews.com

Basically, GHS participated in building a "group home". Group Home means providing a home-like place for the abandoned and abused children until they are able to stand on their own two feet.

구혜선, 전남 영광 초등학교에 그림 재능 기부 2013.05.08
=Goo talent donation pictures find the of Chonnam glory, elementary school, 08/05/2013
source: http://www.ygfamily.com/network/Network_Info.asp?LANGDIV=K&IDX=2450
(translate google)

- Murals and narration involved remodeling Goo, Jeollanam-honored local children's center -

Goo talent donation pictures find the of Chonnam glory, elementary school, spent a significant time.

Goo found one elementary school, three years ago, of Chonnam National dwaetdaneun closure of glory last April, was to participate in a project to create a closure for remodeling, the local children's center as part of the TV SBS hope local children's centers support business <Dream With> of .

Jeollanam-honored local children's center in a group home children, after-school places available. Find glory in Seoul alone, abandoned by their parents, or in the news, the local children's center line, the wounds of abuse to children who have a strong fence built GHS handmade murals, and children, as well as clearing and had a good time.

GHS also involved the donation of the narration of the video will be introduced to the broadcast talent as well as pictures.

Goo said, "rather honored to be a part of this sharing my talent", "hope to grow the dreams of children from around my hand touches the peer, but if I want," he said.

Together the dreams of local children's center is the story of the GHS can be found through being broadcast throughout the two days, May 10 to 11, 2013 SBS Hope TV.

System to be able to live together in a home-like environment until it can be self-reliant children needed the protection of dismantling ** Group: Home Home **

구혜선, 전남 영광 한 초등학교에 그림 재능 기부
최보영 기자 idsoft3@reviewstar.net
입력시간 : 2013-05-08 09:11:12

translated by cheerkoo

부모에게 버림받거나 학대의 상처를 갖고 있는 아이들에게 든든한 울타리가 되어줄 지역아동센터를 건립하는 일이었다. This article states that an abandoned elementary school was remodeled to be used as a children and youth center, esp for those children who are abandoned by parents and who have been abused by their parents.

구혜선은 서울에서 영광까지 혼자 찾아 가 손수 벽화를 그리고 뒷정리는 물론 아이들과 즐거운 시간을 보냈다 GHS went to the town of Young Kwang in city of Jun Nam by herself. She participated in painting a mural and cleaned up afterwards. She also had good time with the children.

구혜선, 전남 영광 초등학교에 벽화 작업 '재능기부'

source: http://osen.mt.co.kr/article/G1109590820


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Keep the Minsun Faith burning
Perhaps Good day will come soon, Blessed are those who wait
Daily prayers for Minsun everyone 

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Today Happy Parents day in South Korea
Congrats to all Korean Minsuners parents esp to @Ayesuper1 and @Bambi parents :)


To Minho's and Hyesun's parents
Congrats and thanks for giving such a great lovely and amazing children :x

credit ImahMinsun

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Keep the Minsun Faith burning
Perhaps Good day will come soon, Blessed are those who wait
Daily prayers for Minsun everyone 

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I found in LMH thread this saying : "Let us be grateful to people who make us happy , they are the charming gardeners who make our soul blossom " by MARCEL PROUST  (posted by janecokie9 ).  It's seems to me that's fit perfect to @ayesuper1 ,who give us such a confidence and happiness with hers every word ,and make us joyful .THANK YOU ! @Surie_Riri ,you're a bless , a bright talented girl ! THANK YOU !@ sukreen what a sweet, warm , mirthful news and photos you're giving to all of us ! THANKYOU! MINSUNNERS YOU ALL ARE AWESOME ! THANK YOU!

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Hello Minsuners, be happy everyday :-h
@Ayesuper1 I hope you get the chance having this special album :)


Korean Version is finally going to be released on 24 May 2013


In addition to the recording of all seven songs and Korea original cover (different from Japanese version album), this album was made by the encouragement of fans. Photo books of more than 70 pictures and Lee Min Ho's unpublished special video. It is a nice gift to his fans.

For FC members (MJ's official fanclub members) will get a premium card as gift!!
I present the Korean version original poster as purchase privilege and more!!

Starting at the end of May, Lee Min Ho will hold a World Tour in Osaka and Yokohama, on the 7th and 9th June.

It is sure to be enthusiastic for fans all over the world along with the new song! !

Please look forward for Korean Version New album "LEE MIN HO FIRST SPECIAL ALBUM!"

The difference between Japanese and Korean version:
The content is different in photo booklet, DVD video recording and covers.
• For recording music, Japanese music is not been recorded.

The picture is the Korean version album cover.

Credit source: http://www.minho.jp/news/news130508.php

Brief translation by JominzWeareMinoz

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Keep the Minsun Faith burning
Perhaps Good day will come soon, Blessed are those who wait
Daily prayers for Minsun everyone 

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Guest buzzytan

          Goo Hye Sun- the REAL A-1 ARTIST.
Words are inadequate indeed to describe this gem of a lady.
GHS Galaxy S4 cf - a masterpiece that seriously brought tears to my eyes and easily made my hairs stand! as in WOW! once again, i feel so lucky to have her as my life's inspiration.
Parallelisms to GHS-LMH reality: as to my random notes while viewing the cf
1. dog provides her joy and company while lmh is dead busy in the biz limelight2. vast,open green fields - ghs-lmh favorite backdrop, cfs, Around the Alley album,etc..3. dog and Masoon ( little boy and handsome man) has same 109 no.4. pink dress color of christina and ghs, hyesun's love color5. christina's hanging of dog's pics with her like ghs posts of ghamja and her6. pink bouquet of flowers held by her "real home run" at the end of cf7. the ecstatic running around of the dog when guy comes home finally to his real home run       (christina), so symbolic indeed of ghamja's role in ghs-lmh lovelife
    this cf is truly ghs' reflection of her real- life love story... a gift of hint to us, definitely so love this sharp and deep level intellectual concept. MINSUN FIGHTING!

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Guest edith42

Good evening Joondiers/MinSuners!
@ayesuper1 thanks for always visiting  JT thread. And i love the word " Homerun Shipper"...it makes me happy...kekeke . omg GHS is so hottie !!!! with her floral dress.. she is an awesome "fashionista". 
Advance Happy Mothers Day to all the "moms" out there!!!!!! and sisters thanks for updates/news..

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Guest ayesuper1

Thanks janey.

But can u delete hyesun's voice ?

I just wanna hear only 'male' voice!!!!!!

Am i too crazy? Hahahaha.

Should detect and confirm.

Because.... because....um....

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wow @renajaney : thank u so much sis for the song..is there any software for separating 2 voices ;-) lol ;-) or can Lee woo can sing? or is it GHS's Lee ??may be since hubby cant do direct favours he is contributing indirectly to wifey?

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Guest stouffville

@renajaney.....yeas pls delete Hye Sun's voice and let us hear clearly that male voice...it really sounds so him...!                      thank you in advance for granting our wish..its your special b-day present for me.....LOL!

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9.5.2013 LMH updated on SNS @ Twitter

a528df932487aaaed84cbb1bcc17b8c0_normal.Lee Min Ho @ActorLeeMinHo 15m

Let's get it on pic.twitter.com/JVqeSER4w1

12:39 AM - 9 May 13 · Details

All the Best Minho-ssi, Fighting !!!

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Keep the Minsun Faith burning
Perhaps Good day will come soon, Blessed are those who wait
Daily prayers for Minsun everyone 

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Guest shanita

Hello Minsuners of my heart I am so happy so happy that don't tell me I'm crazy, total may be true and I am crazy love Minsun. Thanks to @ayesuper1 @sukreen @regie22 @myonenonly @meow13 @prettywiz @Surie_Riri @hay Dios are so many sisters all and each a thousand thanks for all contributions that feed us every day are in my prayers, next to this wonderful couple, I ask God that they soon finally shout their love to the world, but no matter if still they do not because with so many vitamins we think we should be more than happyWhen GHS Hill his twitter account was very sad era as if something is missing in my day to day, but had that understand that there was an important reason for this decision and had to respect it and wait. Today I see that it is more free and I see that happier and that is still pending of us texting as always the encrypted Minsun. I also believe that the male voice is that beautiful man that stole his heart and obviously she the of the. My heart touch a thousand when I read the post of @renajaney and @ayesuper1 and I just realize that beautiful voice and I thought everything is for something, everything happens for something. Good leaving aside my madness of love, I want to join me and greet the Minsun mothers ask for is care and Dios to give them a very good health and life. And they are not mothers also take care and may God bless them blessings. Happy day / night Minsun. And let us pray for our beautiful couple Minsun. Minsun is more than real!!! :x :x :x :x

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Guest S_sun

"Even if it is amnesia, I will like you again......."     Waaaaaaah, be still my shippy heart! :x  :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

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Guest lovegoohyesun

"Even if it is amnesia' date=' I will like you again......."     Waaaaaaah, be still my shippy heart! :x  :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x[/quote']

Ahhh you wrote the very best part that I could not stop thinking over and over again!!! What a lyrics!! "even if it is amnesia, I will like you again..." aahhhhhhh love it from the very core of my heart!! Thanks for sharing this


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Guest stouffville

Just like when Goo Jun Pyo had an amenisia and Jandi tried her very best to help regain his memory to remember her..!BOF i just loving it to the max...:)

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Guest ayesuper1


Hyesun will attend 'Red bull collective art' opening event on 20th.

Do u remember 'Red bull collective art ' event?

I remember it is art exhibition?



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So did you vote for BOF? VOTE FOR YOUR ALL TIME FAVORIT KOREAN DRAMA  19X/DAY PER FB ACCOUNT . LIKE VOTE AND SHARE YOUR SUPORT ! LET'S LOSE BEHIND THE OTHER ! @S_sun, brilliant, you hit the homerun , you highlight the gist ! THANK YOU!

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