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♥ Joondi aka MinSun Couple ♥ ★ Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun ☺Official Thread


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Guest imkaaaat

Hi there MinSun sisters! :)

It's been ages ago since I last posted here. I just want to express my feelings and I'm hoping to enlighten the minds of other Minsun lovers.

The moment I read the articles and saw the pictures.. my heart sunk. I hated MH. But.. I started to realize things. As we all know, K industry is really very confusing and complex. There are bunch of things going on offcam. And so, we must keep our fingers crossed for the couple we have loved so dearly. They can say that they're really in a relationship.. But we can clearly see that they are not. What we see is that MH is in love with our HS. (Our evidences is MORE THAN enough to prove it.) And yes, management companies will do everything just to prevent their productions from flopping. So who knows.. they have released those pictures just to create a buzz out of it in order to promote the drama. No offense meant here.. but that's they way K industry goes. (Not just K industry but other entertainment industries in other countries as well.)

So let us not lose our hope.. Let us go back from where we have started and let us hold dearly our couple and support them in their individual endeavors. :)

I hope to see this thread sailing one day.. Just like before. :) And maybe just maybe, that will be the day when they will finally reveal the truth about their relationship. :wub:

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Hi good day to all my Minsun sisters.

Oh i'm feeling so happy that this ship is sailing again even through a strong tidal wave we're still moving. Hugs & love U all.

MINSUN COINCIDENCE surface AGAIN :lol: Million thnks renajaney dear, you always hve a good shot,

I'm wondering where is Minho going? I've heard some says SG or Jpn, did anyone knows for sure?

MH schedule for Sept.


@preetywiz, well said my dear, MY EVERYTHING has a very strong and deep meaning..... :wub:




@ Regie, GHSforever, miss our chat always. don't forget our promises. ;)

To all SR that just post WELCOME aboard the ship. :D

To those who is still a SR don't worry, you're welcome anytime. :)


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This ship passed through a very bad weather. But because of strong faith, it's sailing through the storm.

There is always a silver lining after the storm. Once again, we can see that they are still very much connected. Keep the faith.

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hi MinSun Sisters! :)

yay! am so happy to see many old sisters posting on this thread again thank you!

more! more! more please! we're getting close to page 400...yiheyyy!

@renajaney are those pics of MinSun at the airport recent? OMG!

@sukreen...am a MinSuner to the core...i love MinSun forever promise!

but i can't promise to love MH if away from HS...i am bias to HS haha!

well sorry minho but just take that! that's all i can afford. :P

MinSun Love be with you sisters! despite the storm...how wonderful that our MinSun Faith's still strong as ever!

God bless MinSun! God bless all MinSuners! :D

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yayyyyyyyyyy this ship sailing again :wub: none can deny that minsun love are stronger than anything we ship here for a long time with so many evidence that speak out loud more than words, i really miss the time when we chat all nite long speaking about minsun through the barriers of culture and language so miss this time.

by the way for all minsuner i'm so proud with u all coz we're still here for minsun after so many things happen wanna hug you all :wub: i can't forget about minsun so easily especially nowadays i run again BOF BTS and MINSUN MV watch again their pictures so glad the i'm not removed them :lol:

MINSUN always connected and i still believe they're fated amen i pray to the God for that, hope all sister do the same things too ^^




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Guest minsunlover

I'm really glad this ship still alive and it seemed everyone start to recover from the sadness and disappointment :) I've been trying to cool myself down lately and I think I start to recover too. But I'm still missing their moment together so much and wishing someday it's not just my wish but become a reality. For now I just want to remember their sweet moment together and try to forget the heart breaking news and pretend the news never exist. Sorry if I sound irreasonable...

Anyway...the important thing now is we still unite together in this thread...sailing this ship once again :)

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Hello again minsuner :wub: :wub: I'm so happy most of us still keep our faith and still going strong, whatever that happened lately, hugs to all of you ~~

I'm on my mood to post again LOL, thanks to janey unnie, that picture of minsun is a recent ryt?? eventhough the so called "dating" our minsun still color coordinate and now 1 things added to minsun similarities --> "similar bags" :wub: :wub:

sukreen unnie, yes I wonder where minho goes this time?? how about our lovely GHS unnie, is there a news about where she's now?? and Thanks for posting MH fave song, those song me too I'm feel that his fave song currently implying his heart, If you were me, goose dream, I dont care, falling slowly and last my everything we know for whom this song dedicated ryt??

orioni, annyong ^_^ welcome to the minsun board, thanks for share those link ^_^

totally agree with you I remember when MH repeatedly said he want a girlfriend, but WHY he opposed to talk about his new girlfriend since all people already know he's dating??? He must be protecting someone :wub: :wub:

me too also think that most of us are mad at MH, but I know we're just need a little time to cope with this matter

no worries sister although there's no news about minsun just let this ship sail again~~

remember silent water runs deep :wub:

endree unnie, as always nice PS'ed pics ^_^

Hugs to all minsuner, hart unnie, regie unnie, teha unnie, prettywitz, NJM mommy, Donna unnie, shehe, honeypia, ching, minsunlover, dahlia unnie, meow unnie, imkaaat, jazz_10, junpyo-jandi and all HAHA..we are too many to mention ~~

Have a nice day everyone !!

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Hello to all minsun shipper.

Same as you sister, I don't want to end my faith for minsun like this.

We all shock, hurt, mad to MH, who is not?? (of course to minsunner).

But 3 years following Lee Min Ho and Goo Hye Sun is not a short time for us.

About minho song from his fanmeeting, like endoz sista said, I wonder why he sing a song like that, Isn't he must happy because now he has someone/GF who always care, support, n give love to him, is he? Why he is not singing a happy song that can describe his feeling that in falling in love because now he's finally has a GF.

MH fanmeeting in Korea August, 20 th 2011 (before news show up)

MH It's Love eng sub cr : minozvn@youtubechannel

Fancam MH It's Love cr : pplee@youtubechannel

MH fanmeeting in Japan August, 25 th 2011 (after news show up)

Fancam MH MilkTea eng sub cr : minozvn@youtubechannel

Fancam MH It's Love cr : msyoungones@youtubechannel

hi orioni! :)

sorry to cut your post...thank you very much for the links! OMG i can't contain myself reading the translations of "This is Love" and "Milk Tea"! to think he sang "This is Love" in both korea and japan fan meets...he wanted to send a message to HS! no...actually he was talking to her through these songs. he was telling her how much he loves her in "This is Love" and was asking forgiveness in "Milk Tea"! i watched these vids a few days before and i was keenly observing him. i was detecting sadness emanating from him and his smiles were not reaching his eyes...the translations indeed had confirmed my suspicions. oh dear...minho is hurting! :( good minho! because we are hurt too! more than you can imagine. tears.giftears.giftears.gif

so MH, where are you right now huh?! be a real man and go get her asap before someone else snatches her away! we MinSuners still love you. God bless you MH! we are always praying that you and HS will be back to each other's arms soon. fighting! :sweatingbullets:

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Guest jahazael

really sis? is that true?.... OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i truly miss both of them.. i will just ask a question if their is also a watch.. because i notice it seems that thye have the same style of watch

hope their relationship is ok now..

i do not believe in the rumors... i just keep my faith in them

love you all sis... and to MinSun most especially.

God bless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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hi orioni! :)

sorry to cut your post...thank you very much for the links! OMG i can't contain myself reading the translations of "This is Love" and "Milk Tea"! to think he sang "This is Love" in both korea and japan fan meets...he wanted to send a message to HS! no...actually he was talking to her through these songs. he was telling her how much he loves her in "This is Love" and was asking forgiveness in "Milk Tea"! i watched these vids a few days before and i was keenly observing him. i was detecting sadness emanating from him and his smiles were not reaching his eyes...the translations indeed had confirmed my suspicions. oh dear...minho is hurting! :( good minho! because we are hurt too! more than you can imagine. :tears:

so MH, where are you right now huh?! be a real man and go get her asap before someone else snatches her away! we MinSuners still love you. God bless you MH! we are always praying that you and HS will be back to each other's arms soon. fighting! :sweatingbullets:

Regie & orioni, agreed with you dear, i'm wondering too, his song, is not cheerful as before. :(

What really puzzled me when a person declare or confess that she/he is in LOVE, meaning happiness. If you're happy than it can't be that bad and if you're happy then why you look so sad. :tears: OMG Minho, is there something that you're trying to tell us....

In the meantime let's support Hyesun with TMU, those living and staying in Korean please watch and view the drama cos accoding to:-

Meow13, "viewership rating only counts TV viewing, i.e. the number of viewers who are actually watch it real time through TV. Any online medium, official or unoffcial ones could not help to boost the rating. With all the advanced technology nowadays, many people would not stay at home for a drama or program since they can watch it on phone/ computer real time or afterwards, thus even the best drama timeslot on mon-thur could not acheive high rating like years ago."

But let's not disappointed with ourselves, we'll still watch TMU online even tho it's not counted right.

Let's pray that the rating will be better this week. TMU Fighting!!!

There are still 2 voting polls ON GOING and it will ended this Sept, 2011.

Let us all show our love for Hyesun, let's not miss this opportunity and spare a minute of our time to vote for her.

Make her No.1 @yahoo and the Most Popular Female Celebrity (MPFC) of Korea. :wub:



Endoz, dear thnks for the psed, it's just perfect. btw love your fanfic too. esp the lastest one, it's beautiful with the right timing as now. :)

Thanks again to all my Minsun sisters. Keep up all your good work. Take care and may God bless. :D


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Hello minsunners!!!

Well, just because we are hurt and disappointed it doesn't mean that we are no longer minsunners... Of course we are and will forever be.. It's just that we are more of hye sun's side now... I too still have this faith and still believing that one of these days, they'll reveal the truth, from their very own mouth... If minho wants to play along the scandal, so be it... it's his choice and maybe he must have reasons anyway... but we have to let our frustrations vent out as well or else we might get heart attack, we're hurt so bad and this is definitely the right place, not anywhere else..

And absolutely it's not a delusion, I am so aware that this is a joondi thread but we're routing for our minsun too and evidences are everywhere, just named it and we'll provide...or better yet, backtrack or backread, you can find it right here in this very thread, all thanks to our minsun sisters... Even if our MINSUN love story ends, I'm still so grateful that they'd once made my life so colorful and so thankful that I gained lots of friends.... MINSUN becomes part of my system... yesterday, today, and in the future as well...

All we need is RESPECT!!! If you don't like what you read, EXIT....as simple as that... Bear in mind that we minsunners are solid as rock, no one can destroy..


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Good day my Minsun sisters. :D

Nobody said life was easy, eveyone in this world will have to face the hardship whether small or big cos its the test of God to us.The difference is how strong and perserverance each person could handle and solve the problems when it arise.Thus same goes for LOVE.

@jorjess, Love you sis always, even we are all from different countries and don't even know each other well but MinSun's fated had made us meet here. Thanks everyone, you all have made my life very happy and contented. Love u all :wub: and I admit i'm a solid MinSunners but if anything were to happened in the future...... i'll choose to be Sunniers. Why? cos within this 3 years, Hyesun has taught me alot, give me inspiration and motivation to move forward in our daily life. No matter how hard our life is, we must not be pessimist, work with passion and sincerity. Do not keep any hatred in our heart even though you know who the culpit is. :)


THE MIRROR? :phew:



~ A loving heart is the truest wisdom ~

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BTW JUST FOUND THIS TOO : When Type A are in love, there is one, and only one person in the world to them. As I Know MINHO AND HYESUN is THE SAME BLOOD A TYPE :wub:



By endree_noona at 2011-09-08

Rerun again BOF BTS and untill now i can't stop laughing to see his jealous face when he see HooDi kiss scene :lol:


By endree_noona at 2010-09-28

Minho-ssi your eyes always and only on her really miss that moment :P






Wonder where's this mirror now :lol:


sorry if i repost that pict above just miss them so much :P

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Guest blooming

Hi Minsun siters,

Pertaining to the mirror. I think that was during CH filming and Hyesun was taken before that? So in my opinion the break up was just recently. I don't want to hope too much right now co'z after seeing Hyesun wearing short without stocking or jeans during TM presscon made me felt that it's over. If they're still together, MH will not let her wear something like that knowing how possessive we has with her for almost three years . In a way, she should wear nice clothes like that because she's so beautiful inside out and oh boy, her killer legs.:) I can't wait to watch TMthis Friday again.

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Hello MinSun sister :)

WOW everybody's here this is amazinge

@sukreen, my twin sister, blooming,endoz,regie and izri hello ladies its been awhile but were here ")

to all the newbies, silent reader thanks for all your insight, and posting to the thread :)

@regie and sukreen you know I'm a minsunners but just like you guys Im a big fan of Hyesun I love her as a person and I wish my daughter will grow up just like her someday, she love HyeSun too :)

Have a great day MinSun sister :)

btw the mirror :w00t: i love it thanks

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