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♥ Joondi aka MinSun Couple ♥ ★ Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun ☺Official Thread


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Guest Carmel1

I've been reading your post for over a week now since the latest news about LMH and his new date became public.  I am just a newbie but I feel that I've been part of the group since it first started. I know that all of you are grieving, I am also grieving like you all do but KHS brings healing to my aching heart because of the way she handles this situation. Most of the time the best weapon for a wronged party is to keep quiet.  I think she is good at that, we may say things in overreaction but they only worsen the situation.  I really admire KHS at this point in her life, I think she sets a good example for us to follow.
 I would like to to share this.  I've been happily married for the past 25 years, throughout our marriage life, there are times when you feel you're  in love and sometimes not. But you can't live without each other anymore.  Marriage and family is where one learns unconditional love-you learn to accept each other's mistakes and weaknesses. Most important is you learn to forgive and forget. And who's perfect?
KHS in one of her interviews mentioned that she has this gift of forgiving people easily. And according to statistics, most men who cheated on their partner, come back. Men like to explore and then later realize that the cheated partner is the best.  So if the partner keeps herself pure there is  a greater chance of reconciliation.  We'll see!

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Guest kstar1234

FayeMinSun said:
Look at those eyes. Those are the eyes of a person guilty of what he has done. I hope these photos help you clear your minds that he never wanted any of this to happen. And look he is not wearing his sunglasses, it is very obvious that he's trying to tell us something. This is the first time I saw him being like this. It worries me.
Nothing to worry about. That's could be trick. I think this time he went too far and hurt all of us so much. My heart is still heavy for KHS. 

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I was a LMH fan first and the I fell in love with MInsun couple - not because of the drama but because of the Minsunners love, faith and connections they posted for 6 years for this couple . This photo and the Minoz vids of LMH - he looks like he just woke up from a nightmare. I don't know what is true but the only person I trust is GHS. Her tweets means something and is sincere . She does what is the truth to her no matter the consequences . I am waiting for her tweets- that will be the truth .He always wear his sunglasses but why not now? Is he trying to tell his fans he is miserable cuz he looks it. But why ? Wouldn't it be better to come out and just say it? I am or I was with Hye sun and now I am dating again OR I was always with Hye sun and I love her and we are still together. I think public announcement is probably the best gift of love he can give her . She already said it in an interview. That will be the LMH that I want to be a fan of . I am already a fan of Hye sun because even if she fails and everyone hates her - she sticks to her own gun .that is the kind of woman you want at your side and as a friend . I doubt if she will turn her back on you if she is your friend or your girlfriend. She is type of woman who lives her life without regrets . Sorry for the long post and spelling errors

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Yeah i still love minsun, but i can't support LMH like before (just minoz can keep him in the top). still we don't know what behind the scene of  that face expression. May be he is tired with all the news or may be he feel guilty for his fans or for his new gf because that publicity make his gf image so bad in front of the so called his GF fans (looked of the netizen comment). now just do't be to easy simpaty for him. Oh no now i imagine after that expression in airport after that he meet with the girl and laugh together to release their longing, oh please GOD.....

i'm sure the first scandal he make is he is cheated because reaction between him and agency like so chaos. but know i think he already break up with hye sun unnie and he search new love

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Guest S_sun

Hi guys I was not going to come back to JT because it is easier for me to move on.It saddens me much to see you are all hurting and not moving on. I know it is hard.I guess we all have our various ways of dealing with the hurt.One thing I know for sure is we have many good memories of Minsun . Why don't we preserve those good memories? Also the warm friendships we have here.We don't know what exactly happened between the two of them and why things turned out this way. We really are not in a position to judge. There are no answers to the many questions we have.Let's put our feelings aside and follow HyeSun's example. She is quiet ,so like her,we should be quiet and classy.Let's protect her to the end by not discussing their relationship anymore. It is between the two of them. We must respect their choices whatever they are. Please try to accept the situation and not make it worse for them.I understand some of you need to rant, please find somewhere private to do so or pm each other.
Sisters, set our ill feelings/hurt free so we can use those energy for ourselves and to live well! :)Pray for Minsun  to find their own happiness and wish them well. They will find their way back together if they are meant to be . If not, so be it. This , we can do for Minsun, our last act of love for them.

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Guest kuhyesun0416

Its just a test, we must face it.we dont know what will happen next day.be steadfast.let us face to face i know we can..lets prove that this situation dont fool/mislead us...theres a par ti want to believe the news but the dominant thing that i realized you shared a lot with us...keep on believing.....fighting...minsun is real....

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Hello Minsunners!!!
I read all of your posts about this BOMB NEWS!!! I myself was SO SHOCKED but then again i think its normal for couple to have this LQ, worst separate and moving on...
In my country, celebrity couple do hide their relationship and we only learned that they are indeed a true couple when they revealed that they've got separated....but this turn of events doesn't mean there's no chance for reconciliation.... the world is still round and both are not yet married to someone else. Explore yes and weigh things then decide,,, I'm sure OUR MINSUN is UNBEATABLE. If they are meant to be, then, nothing can stop them whatever the obstacles they may encounter with, let's just wait and see....
I personally will not stop my shipping even if one of them is getting married because its their love team and their great chemistry that made me praised them in the first place and being a true couple is such a bonus for me. This couple inspired me so much and gave me a chance to  met different personalities with having one GOAL...but unfortunately.....hmmmm.....  well this ship may sink, I HOPE NOT but for me it will go on even if i'll be the only one left standing. It's my choice  and I don't care if you find it looney, after all we are entitled to our own opinions and decisions....

Edited by jo
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Hello MinSunners! Am glad that you keep this thread alive.
Somehow I'm disappointed with LMH and little bit mad because I care a lot for GHS' feelings. I feel she's being betrayed, though, in my heart, I knew she's not the loser after all. Just the pain that she'll be going through since she's a human. I'm praying for her always to have the strength, courage and wisdom. I believe that she's a woman with depth, nevertheless, she'll be able to overcome it one of these days.
As for LMH, I give him a benefit of the doubt since like the rest of us, he is not perfect and bound to temptations, etc. So what's happening now with him is a sort of a "trick". He is now trapped with it and now he's confused. I believe that he's attracted to this certain girl and that's normal; even us, we experience "attractions" to different people at times, but then, there's always the genuine one. I have faith that he's still in love with GHS because six years is something.  Besides, if the feeling toward GHS wasn't genuine for him, I don't think, he would commit to her that long. Definitely, he had invested a lot already esp. in the emotional aspect and that couldn't be easily eradicated. I pity him more than GHS.
I look forward that in the long run, he would come to see for himself what he has done and be sorry for it. Acknowledging that he's wrong, change and hopefully would willing to make a reconciliation.
Sad to say that in reality, fame would also break a person, and that is what happening to LMH now. He's so attached to it to the point that he's not aware that he actually lost the precious gem in his life. I just and pray that GHS won't give up on him easily, that she may understand and give him a benefit of the doubt more than anyone else. In this case, I would say that LMH is the loser and not GHS.

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@fafast, so you're aware that those comments make you sick, please don't bother to visit this thread. It's not that you don't have the right but it's just that this thread is meant for MinSun followers wherein we can discuss about them and we have the right to discuss it here. The moderators do their jobs once we transgress the rules. I believe, you're a LMH fan and I understand that it makes you really sick. Just avoid coming here that you won't feel upset.
If you think, we are delusional, then fine. We don't have the time to argue with you regarding that matter. Whatever we say, you won't be convinced because first and foremost, you're not a MinSun fan. You wouldn't come to understand what we MinSun followers have for MinSun. 

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@fafast, it's wrong to express our problem in our home??? if you sick just stay at your home don't look up to other people home because may be you will get more sick.

So if we delusional what's your problem?????? is LMH career will be damage just because of our delusion, we just small community don't be afraid, is LMH eyes see us or all LMH fans see us???? NO!!! So no effect

We are all who made shipper for our idol is delusional. So please for  who unauthenticated don't make us argue and fight, this forum had enough get bad reputation from MODerator, i don't want this forums to be closed. THis forums is Minsun Shipper memory, even it's the end.

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just watching some interview of LMH before he considered that he didnt like girls wearing a short or a miniskirt and he is conservative of women who close him....wondering what about this current girl he linked is?in her current appearing of some interviews and music video i think shes not a kind of a girl is conservative like LMH like...just my opinion sorry my english not very fluent

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Hello bros/sisters :-h

I guess I'm back again, please be strong and stay calm in facing the unknown reality. I know it's hard for all of us here, including me, as i said 6 years of secret relationship is not easy. And what ever other people accused of us as delulu shipper, I state again here we're NOT, i swear i wont be here for 6 years if this is just a delulu ship.

I know bashing is one form to release tenson but it will the hurt us more and I dont think it will change the situation any better too. We still dont know the real truth, the best is we pray harder, if God willing everything will be back to normal.

As said we have been through together here all these years as one big Minsun family is priceless memories to each of us including our couple Minsun too. Let keep and cherish those memories as long as we live. But now please bear in mind no matter what happen in the future do keep our head high so we wont be drown again. And as Minsun is OTP for BOF, we can either remain here or move on slowly as you wish but remember to be calm no more bashng until we know the real truth.

I believe and have faith, Minsun will find their way back together if they are meant to be. God bless

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Guest Carmel1

Hello again everyone!  Right this minute there are 140 people on this forum.  How can I abandon this ship when it's attracting a lot of interest?  I know why, because they believe that Minsun is real.

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Guest kuhyesun0416

By now we had nothing else to do but trust....The situation is to hard for us now,much more difficult for them both......We do not know what is the truth, we had nothing else at this time what we did know is from the past.. Don't judge each of them. There's a readon for everything.... We need to understand or comprehend them both. The reason why i stayed until now because.....MANNERISMI can see the mannerism still in them, why are they still doing that for, because they just want to do it or because to know that they are still.SUZYinappropriate that a woman speak their relationship.LMHpart a man who will tell about it,why he quietly and prevention to discuss all men know about this relatinship....NEWS"Curious" and "Scripted"  why to detail the news in London? First of all famous people are involve. Impossible that no one else could see..KHSreal or not real this issue why she still quiet?ABOUT THE TWEET (LMH FACE)Going back that date she tweeted sketch/drawing of LMH face, what does she's mean that she already know it? What she is trying to tell her fans?
Sorry for long post.....

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