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♥ Joondi aka MinSun Couple ♥ ★ Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun ☺Official Thread


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buzzytan said:  
or maybe, just maybe, LMH and GHS give each other each anniversary year different promise rings to renew undying devotion to each other...so, four or five couple rings now and counting... remember our MINSUN has such unique romantic coupling loving ways... and why not? Lee Min Ho never leaves a stone unturned when expressing possession over his ladylove. so Goo Jun Pyo! my pov huh!

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Guest S_sun

@Surie_riri That ps pic is so hot! Love it! Thanks sis and to Faye! Can you ask Faye to tweet it to Minsun please? They look so darn good together like they belong together! hahaha

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Happy Sunday everyone :-h

Thank you @surie_riri you're the best :-bd


yesterday @ MJ-FM Yokohama Japan
Minho said " I like pink these days because it looks lovely"


yiheyyy.... Minhossi when did you love pink color so much...;)) :x

credit as tagged

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30.03.2014 GHS update on twitter

현장에 놀러 나온 감자.

Translated from Korean by Bing Translator
Hang out on the field came out of the potatoes

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yay.. Ghamja star on "Angel Eyes" ;)) :D :-bd

everytime Minho going or returning we always get the hints ;) :-*
WHY?? because Minsun is REAL :x

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Well,well,well ! So, wifey make a star from her GHAMJA, like hubby did with Choco ! Of cause she also made and publicize photos with her dogs ,but a role in a film ,till now didn't ! Big joy ! DAEBAK  Goo Hye Sun and Ghamja ! 

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everytime Minho going or returning we always get the hints  
WHY?? because Minsun is REAL  Sorry for cutting your post @sukreen ..i agree with you 300% (starhaus sorry for borrowing your 300% again)..the other day i was checking GHS's tweets and LMH's weibo and that is what i noticed..most of GHS tweet is when LMH is arriving from out of the country and if GHS does not tweet and it is so obvious that GHS is busy that time LMH would update his weibo and it is not coincidence MINSUN really follow a track :x:x

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I'm under the spell of an art work of @Faye :
Fotografie: Love like this. (MinSun short story)  Hyesun was the most famous actress of her time and her boyfriend minho who helped her to achive her dream and become her inspiration as well. Minho worked so hard just for her to achive her dream. And now she has it all. Until one day when she recieved a letter saying that minho and his friends died on a trip to japan. After reading that she felt like it was the end of her life. She commited suicide as many times as well. And her career was ruined. She was always found at the beer house and doesn't even dare to eat all day. Her manager and the agency she is working at already gaved up on her. All of minho's sacrifises Were ignored because she had been like this. Since she was an orphan. Minho helped her in everything even paid for her tuition. He was like a parent,a lover,and a friend to her. Hearing that he is dead had made her give up her dream and became a nobody. Her friends say that minho is still alive and he is looking for her. But she is too weak to listen. So she didn't mind. Her friends were really saying the truth. Minho went to the apartment she is staying before but she was no longer there. He couldn't see her on tv as well. So he went to her manager. And her manager said that she resigned 6 months ago. And now she is like a living ghost. He went into a panic after knowing. He was walking in the streets when he saw people shouting "don't jump!" to the woman who was about to jump off her window on the 8th floor. He ran to save her. He was lucky that the woman was still there when he arrived in the 8th floor. The woman didn't see him enter,he pulled her away from the window. The woman was hyesun broken and fatigue. But he didn't see her face because she was covering her face while crying. Minho said: how could you die like this when some people are strugling to live and come back for their love ones. Hyesun recognized his voice so she turned around and saw his face. It was minho with scars all over her face. When minho finally saw her. He hugged her really really tight. the people felt quiet from down there. Then somebody shouted "some one saved her! The guy is a hero!" then the peole felt at ease. Then medias are runnng towards them. In the news says that the woman is an actress. It was hyesun. Then the people were shocked. Hyesun whispered to him "my dream isn't to become an actress. It is to live with you forever." then minho kissed the top of her head. #Endhttp:

and I wish to be myself this good to make this two beautiful kissing each other : 
Fotografie: [FAN] Ku Hye Sun – Photo Story(tribute) / 구혜선/Goo Hye Sun – YouTube #kuhyesun http://en.korea.com/kuhyesun/?p=1067http:

Fotografie: So cute !!http:
cre  Devita Natalia.
Thank you to all my awesome MINSUNNERS , for all the news and goodies which you post and make us happy ! Thank you @Surie_Riri ,for your art work ! You take my breath away !@vineela ,being older than you, I can afford to make an observation to you :my dear is not good and not beautiful, to put LMH to stick out the tongue towards his fellow actor ,even he trys to make sweet eyes to his wifey ! I know ,I know it's painful for him (for me too ,since I'm boiling inside ) but let's be polite ,it's only her job ,and she must shows again, like in BOF, her magic gift as an actress ! She's a greatest artist and seem there are few who forgot this TRUTH ! 
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Guest LiduvinaE

buzzytan said:  
or maybe, just maybe, LMH and GHS give each other each anniversary year different promise rings to renew undying devotion to each other...so, four or five couple rings now and counting... remember our MINSUN has such unique romantic coupling loving ways... and why not? Lee Min Ho never leaves a stone unturned when expressing possession over his ladylove. so Goo Jun Pyo! my pov huh!

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Guest Hannah Angie


I'm sure that PS-ed pic would make HS want to snuggle with MH. Hang on Princess, our Prince is on his way back home! 8->


When hubby is busy and can't make it to the set, Gamja sure is a great substitute :D

Anyway... Happy Sunday! Just relaxing with our sweet Minsun ;))


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Guest LiduvinaE

Thanks @Surie_Riri and @Faye, @myoblu...another perfect combination.
@sukreen, LMH likes to wear pink these days because it looks lovely...my logical thinking is his wifey looks lovelier these days.
According to surveys in Europe and the United States, pink, especially when combined with white or pale blue, is the color most commonly associated with femininity, sensitivity, tenderness, childhood, and romance. ( cre wikepedia.org)

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Guest LiduvinaE

In the Japanese language, the traditional word for pink, Momo-iro (ももいろ?), takes its name from the peach blossom (cre wikepedia.org).  LMH in JAPAN with a motif of pink and GHS's PEACH TREE.  What a coincidence or just another symbolism of ROMANCE.

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 Thank you @LiduvinaE for your melting words ,its warm me instantly ! I almost blush !  Thank you @gayu312 for your vintage photo-art ,you helped me to prove that our Royal Couple came from the deepest time of history and go far away through the future ! Thanks GOD they won't be lost ,but kept safe for all the next generations ! I wonder how many children they must have to assure the heritage  ?! Mmmm?   @sukreen ,it's the first time you've chosen an avatar and I like it ! It show your pure mind and heart ! Thank you for bringing back from Japan a normal Lee Min Ho , a good looking man ,stylish , elegant ,a true gentleman ! Not that I didn't like his outfit in Japan Encore Concert ,b/c I do, very much ,I consider this a form of rebellion on his part towards all pattern he should  to wear . And beside he felt so good ,was so childish and happy, so why not ,I was happy with him also .Plus ,I know that he want to remains forever in his twenties ! More- he wishes to match with wifey ! I rest my case in the matter ! @buzzytan ,smart ,brilliant idea ,like all simple ones and like all you ideas ! Thank you for a new perspective which you gave to us ! @SHEHERIZADE3 ,I'm sure I'll not be able to recover soon, after your photo-montage :
      Remember pumpkin who your daddy is.
So daddy is in full duty ,be aware ! Sweet ,darling "daddy ", not even a millimeter of jealousy , he subtle gave the task, and go lightly, to his Japan job ! You smashed me ! Now you should give me/us a cure to heal ,an equal one with this ! there is a saying :you  get out a nail with another one !  @MinSun4Ever ,please tell me/us what says LMH ,so nervous in there ?? And I like so much the pouty JANDI in your spoiler ! Thank you !   (GIRLS I HOPE YOU KNOW ME BY NOW ,I'M JOKING !)

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Greetings minsuners.  Hope everyone had a great weekend because here in our house, it's raining vitaminsuns and we're spazzing all over the place.  MinSun4Ever, it's hard to ignore all the evidences that our loveable Minsun couple have been giving us throughout the years.  For this reason, our ship is sailing on even though, every now and then, we xperience choppy waters along the way (remember 2011).  Most endearing of all is LMH who never let go of his princess and made sure that we know how much he cares and loves his one and only.  Regarding my comment that his Innisfree and Toyota My One and Only cfs being BOF themed, the scenes that were depicted were those of Gu Jun Pyo and Jandi.  The helicopter ride when he said, "Do you see my heart" was the very words he uttered in the drama.  




or maybe, just maybe, LMH and GHS give each other each anniversary year different promise rings to renew undying devotion to each other...so, four or five couple rings now and counting... remember our MINSUN has such unique romantic coupling loving ways... and why not? Lee Min Ho never leaves a stone unturned when expressing possession over his ladylove. so Goo Jun Pyo! my pov huh!

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