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♥ Joondi aka MinSun Couple ♥ ★ Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun ☺Official Thread


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This is for our newbie minsunners. I love reading Donnapie's analysis during those early days of spazzing!Enjoy! :)

credit Donnapie

Are they or aren't they? Minho said they're so close like brothers and sisters that a possibility of a romance has never crossed their minds but are they just doing lip service in order to protect each other? 

Action speaks louder than words so they say and this video is solid proof that what MinSun share is not brotherly or sisterly at all... (not unless that brother and sister wants to go to hell... hahaha!)

# - 0: 17 - various photos of Minsun during September's Japan promotions.. 
The first two pictures were onstage and the last was a candid shot from the chuo chuo photoshoot
# - Namsan outing for Japan promo last July... Hyesun called out Minho's name in such a sweet way and he seemed to hesitate at first before greeting her with a hug (perhaps because they're oncam and conscious?)
# - 
# - Sharing a break and a joke behind the scenes while waiting for their take of the bus chase scene
# - 
# - whispering together during BOF's presscon last January... The entire time that they were not asked a question, MinSun can be seen whispering to each other and giggling together in the background
# - 
#- MinSun in Taiwan... Hyesun asked to choose whom she'd want to date between the two hosts... she didn't choose anyone and went to hide behind Minho while he chose for her... (sweetttttttt!)
# - Taking time out of their busy schedules to watch Kim Joon's musical last October... They left the venue together along with Kim Bum but Minho is still so conscious as to always check on Hyesun
# -Minho in Taiwan... His expression becoming rapt and serious when looking at his kissing scene with Hyesun... he unconsciously licks his lips and tilts his head with a smile to one side at certain points of the clip...
# - 
# - MinSun in Taiwan... Hyesun asked whom she'd date in real life among the F4 given the choice and Minho saying ME twice while nudging her earning a shy, giddy smile from Hyesun
# - 
# - Offcam during one of their kissing scene takes... Hyesun teaching Minho how to move his head ... (look at the flirtatious way they smile and stare at each other...)
# - 
# - One of the sweetest offcam moments... Minho making sure Hyesun's hat does not fall off on her and touching her so lovingly far longer than necessary..
# - 
# -Hyesun's aegyo and her cute way of torturing Minho by sticking him with a fork... (The F3 was present in this shoot and yet Minho and hyesun were inseparable the entire time)
# - 
#- braving the crowds and stares of people during Kim Joon's musical... Hyesun being lowkey and not taking her hood off the entire time... Minho being gentlemanly as usual and making sure she's taken care of by giving her a drink
# -Too close for comfort in BOF's farewell party... (according to a Korean newspaper, they were rumored to be very, very close at a bar with the F3 at some point of that evening)
# - 
# - offcam in caledonia. Hyesun toying with Minho by throwing chocolates at him and making him catch it with his mouth which he does obediently... kekeke...
# - leaving the venue together for good downloader in November... Minho's bodyguard waving fans aside for Hyesun
# - 
#-Minho for Haptic mission and stopping in the middle of Seoul because of Jandi's picture which he can't seem to take his eyes off...
# - 
# - Hyesun saying she wants to fly a plane with her future bf as passenger and Minho reacting by saying she wants to kill him ... hahaha! As if he would be that bf...
# -Hyesun putting horns on Minho playfully while Minho lovingly touches her hair...
# - 
# -The smoldering looks that Minho gives Hyesun and Hyesun being so conscious that she can't even look at him...They are seated so closely together for this shoot... (on the same shoot Hyesun looks at proofs but looks at Minho instead and tells him he looks like a pig because of his bloated cheeks and how everyone says he's gained weight... Nagging wife, is that you? hahaha!)
# - 
# -Minho surprising Hyesun by seemingly leaning in for a kiss offcam... in the same shoot Minho scolded Hyesun for avoiding his kisses saying she should be so used to it because they did it so many times already (which he has memorized and enumerated perfectly... hahaha!)
# - 
# -Hyesun leaning on Minho's tummy while he holds her hand... And they also shared a little secret... this earned teasing from the staff of BOF and from Kim Bum saying they should not do such naughty things in front of the camera ... hahaha!
# - 
# - Minho teasing Hyesun's pronunciation earning him a tickle... 

# - 
# - Hyesun appearing behind Minho.... Minho saying " Long time no see... I've missed you" Making Hyesun cover her face in embarassment and running away...
(The way MInho said the words shyly is PURE LOVE!)
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@ S_sun

Thanks for sharing that again. It made my night watching the video and reading the analysis by Donnapie. It is such a sweet analysis it made my heart flutter for minsun. I especially like the part were he tries to kiss her. It's so sweet and he says he misses her and how shy she gets. I wonder how long they didn't see each other?

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WARNING: Any mention of Lee Min Ho's past relationship (regardless what you think it was) isn't allowed. Do NOT discuss her in this thread regardless of your intentions. No name, no initials, or even indirectly mentioning her. Respect what he had in the past and only focus on your ship i.e. Lee Min Ho AND Goo Hye Sun. There is absolutely no need to constantly bring her up or even try to disprove of anything, that was in the past. There will be consequences if you don't heed this warning. Remember, this is what you are here for. 

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LMH going to New Zealand ffor Eider CF. He looks like a little boy! hehehePoor guy. Not much of a break for him. Off again to work! At least minsun got to spend some time together.Embedded image permalink
credit as taggedEmbedded image permalink
credit lmj9080Embedded image permalink
credit as taggedEmbedded image permalink
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Personally I don't mind being reminded provided we have broken soompi rules. I hope this rules applies to everyone & not just one or two particular threads. I've been in other threads & they have violated some rules too. I just hope moderators act on fairness not on biases. JT has always been a very hot thread. I don't mean to be confrontational but I just want to voice out what I feel & seen. My apologies if I'm wrong.

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Guest tnalvminsun

Dear MinSuners,
How are you guys doing?
long time no post, but i've always read MinSun thread
i just can't keep quiet anymore after read moderator warning, so
@sheherizade3, @myonenonly, @myoblu i'm 300% agree, what you've said to moderator is right to the bottom
if moderator could see more deeply to our thread, what we've been posting are not rude or out of topic, we're Good MinSuners, compare to other thread that bashed our GHS badly, we've been doing nothing but defend and cheer up each others
so please dear moderator, be FAIR and nothing but FAIR, and we thank you for your concern

To All MinSuners, seniors and newbies, please take care your health and comeback soon, your postings definitely brighten up our days
Our MinSun couple keeps going stronger each day, wish for more achievements to come from them, especially our Dear GHS, miss her badly on drama and movie

God Bless MinSun and MinSuners
:) :x :)>-

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More pics added LMH at IINC airport heading to NZ for Eider cf shot.


Just wonder why his cap is too small for his head, does he wears his little princess cap or is it in fashion now and curious.. >>is number 46 meant anything?  :-?

credit to the owner and as tagged

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Hi.. This is my first time posting here.. Actually I came from another shipper ( it's my first shipping, so I'm not that hardcore yet )..Don't worry I never opposed Minsun Couple.. I like their pairing in BOF but I just never shipping them because I thought LMH was way too young at that time..Initially I'm only a fan of LMH but after watching Take Care of Us Captain, I have to admit that GHS is a great actress..For me she's pretty and I like how she still looked baby faced despite her age..Anyway, I am absolutely respecting you guys for having never ending faith in your shipping.. Its almost 5 year right? (CMIIW)It's already hard to be a shipper, but for lasting this long.. It's really amazed me..Actually I'm a bit hesitant to post at here since I came from another shipper but believe me I came here peacefully as a fan of both LMH and GHS..People always said that shippers are delusional and now I know how hurtful to read haters comment that bashing the chemistry of both of our OTP.. Believe me all shippers are sharing the same pain..As a fan of LMH, I'm happy with whoever he's gonna end up with..As a fan of GHS, I just wanna say that she's at the peak of her beauty right now (she's aged with beauty and I love how she is a natural beauty).. I hope she's already met her soul mate so that she can settle down any time soon.. I know many women are married late nowadays but I'm a traditional girl and grew up in Asian culture where marriage is important in the family.. It's any women's dream to have a beautiful family by the time she reached 30..Please don't judge me only because I came from another ship, It's just an honest thought from a girl's perspective since GHS also is a traditional woman and a family oriented person.. I think she deserved any man that can give her a beautiful family but I find It's hard to find any male celebrities that married early this day.I don't expect most of you to agree with me but I think any mature people can get what I'm trying to convey..I'm not here to cause any harm but I just came to show that as another shipper, some of us can be supportive with your ship also..Forgive me if I'm so out of topic because I just finished re watching BOF yesterday.. 5 years ago, I can't say the same thing because I am a die hard Minoz and only 17 years old at that time.. Today I'm having this thought as I reached my 20's..Happy shipping everyone. :-*

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@ MinSun4Ever good luck.

LMH does look like a little boy dress for a day out in the cold. @ lela6130 I agree with you GHS deserves a good man. I'm just praying, hoping and wishing with my delusional heart it's LMH. They both deserve good things in their lives this is from bottom of my

Heart. I never followed a celebrity couple before this is the first time I get the urge. I don't know why but my instincts tell me there is something more with these two. It's only when I ignored my instincts that I been wrong. There's like a tug in my heart whenever I watch Bof or fan made MV about them. Yet just because those are my beliefs I would never trample on other shippers hopes and dreams. The bottom line is we are all fans of LMH AND GHS respectively. I for one love them both separate and together.

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@lela6130 ,I understand your sincerity ,you are so young ! Who is older ? :Fotografie: Ku hye sun with lee min ho (MinSun couple)
Fotografie: Geum Jandi Ku Hye Sun still Cute & Beautiful      follow: https://twitter.com/Koohyesun119 https://twitter.com/EnggaHaidirhttp:
Fotografia Maria Paunescu.http:

Fotografie: ‎Selamat malam sunnies <3   Admin : Anggi (◦˘ З(◦'ں'◦) Follow : https://twitter.com/Koohyesun119‎http:
Fotografie: Cre Bambi Via : loveghshttp:
 Fotografie: ben en çok bu saç stilini yakıştırıyorum :3 <3
 credit to the owners .  I know that you may say that I wasn't rigorously exact about timing ,but the photos doesn't lies and  they are close enough made in time ! Beside ,this is not about age -the difference is not significant ,as @sheherezade3 very well explained above - BUT THE LOVE ! LOVE don't follow rules ,laws and the other wishes ,not even of parents ! When someone love ,well ,nothing or nobody else matters ! The LOVE is the magic drop given from GOD and when one receive this miraculous PRESENT, nothing should and can stop that ! Not everybody have that gift ,at least not as the same level like our MINSUN ,in my POV ! This is my strong believe ! As "a die hard  Minoz " I think you respect your bias and let him to choose whom he love ,as anybody else ! To understand why we are so strong in our faith for their love ,try to watch, when you have time ,also the BTS  of their story . You'll be amazed of the beauty and richness of proves we have . And of cause their veracity ! For GHS ,she's an exceptional human being ,gifted with so many talents beside her beauty , that any man will be happy to be her chosen one ! But she already has THE MAN ! LMH was enough intelligent to see and love her in time for him ! Hmmmm! 17 years ,you are so young ! Be patient  !

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@GHSforever sis you might be flag Off Topic by Mods, like what some of our sisters got this morning but mine been deleted straight by just posting take care and speedy recovery to our sisters.

@dianaharumi, that's what i thot too, wonder why even with too many pics & different angle still can't find the right angle we wanted, lets's wait for more ;)


btw I think Minho has put a bit of weight.. face a bit chubby too :-bd  aha.. he get a good rest, fed with good foods and lots of love and caring from cute little princess. and i wonder who is that 2 guys emm is he Minho's new managers .. Whoa look >> LANVIN :-? @nora85 thanks sis ;)


See this video proof of Lanvin bag :D

Lee Min Ho 20140206 Incheon Airport 뉴질랜드 출국

credit to the owner and as tagged
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Guest vebby21vebb

Hallo.. ladies its longtime for me but i always visit here everyday...

First i couldnt understand with break the rules that the mood mentioned.. we didnt mentioned any name here clearly.. its always happen in JT.. dunno why.. did the lurkerers felt envious of us for keeping this thread moving and alive even for 5years already????

Please don be too hate and too biases .. hate can be change to be love!! You hate but you like to visit this thread lurkerers it was meant that you LOVE our couple so much and wanna knew more abt them everyday...

All mods.. please put your attention to other thread too which mentioned Goo Hye Sun's name clearly...

@nora85 OMYGOOOOODDDD!! The Lanvin bag!!! Kkkkkk

Minho just reused the bag for his stuff??? Kkkk

And we knew the story abt koo lanvin's dress.. and can see mh's cap.. it wroten New York which is Koo's fave city ...

Saw the firs pict of @S_Sun post.. he tried to hide his right hand like surie said... kkkkk..i think he forgotto put his ring as always...

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LMH, what's beneath that right sleeve? are you hiding something? like the MAGIC RING maybe? :))
oh well, go on...stretch that sleeve down...more and more! :D
as tagged
but you can't hide it from Minsuners' eyes powered with laser beams! there hides the MINSUN RING right?! \:D/
oh wait! the cap looks too small for you. it hardly covers your head! is that wifey's huh? darn, you're missing her already! :-j

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