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♥ Joondi aka MinSun Couple ♥ ★ Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun ☺Official Thread


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Good morning, good afternoon, good evening Minsun sisters.  Yes Reg, we have come a long way baby and still going strong.  There's no other ideal woman for LMH but his One and Only.  He has repeatedly told us so through his interviews, cfs and fanmeets.  He's sang "My Everything" so many times we've lost track and I guess until he's old and grey he'd still be singing it to his girl.
Gayu, millesamy (in the article about Jandi, Group 8 was gushing all over the place…lol), after interviewing 160 candidates for the role of Jandi, Group Eight made the right decision.  GHS can convey various emotions with her facial expressions and body language.  Where some actresses are one dimensional, showing very limited facial expressions like prominently showing the "deer caught in headlight" look that they thought passed for acting, GHS is the total package.  
I'm glad that BOF is in Netflix so I can watch over and over again.

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Average of 165,614 ratings:

4.4 stars
The above, almost perfect high ratings of BOF spoke for themselves.  The reason it took months for Group Eight to select the perfect Jandi was due to the fact that she's the most important character.  It was probably a big burden for GHS when she had to give a lot of thought whether to accept the role or not because she could potentially make or break the drama, afterall, she's in 80 percent of the scenes.
That's why it never failed to amuse me when antis came out of the woodwork thrashing GHS's acting.  It boggles my mind how they're unable to grasp and delve into the character of Jandi.  The Jandi article highlighted the level of trust Group Eight placed on GHS's shoulders.  
The Jandi character had to be believable in terms of being able to confront and take on four powerful high school boys from the richest families in Korea.  She had to be feisty, to stand on her own amidst all the conflicts.  So Group Eight created this high strung, opinionated teen-ager who's not only dealing with family issues but had to face prejudices from the rich chaebols in an elite school at the same time, have the sensitivity to recognize injustice, bullying and fight for the weak ones.  GHS stepped into the shoes of Jandi and did a magnificent job.  
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 @gayu312 ,it's a known fact that the persons in a couple become in time  very similar ,not only in gestures but even in physical way .It's called mimesis . So i totally agree with you !  @MinSun4ever ,what sweet and significant gifts . They are both adorable ! See ,that's why Lee Min Ho said he don't like clingy girls ! Thank you so much ! Enjoyable and beautiful !  For all SENIORS MINSUNERS : your memories and knowledge are inestimable ,rich and feed our need for learning ! THANK YOU ! 

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gayu312 said: Lee Min Ho updated Weibo. 2014.1.23

I dont know how many feel like me, but in the below pic, his way of leaving his hair and his eyes are looking like GHS :P

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Just want to share my happiness and giddiness while watching GOODDAY epi 19 the last part of it was LMH practicing for his concert 

 and of course the song he was singing they've shown was MY EVERYTHING =)) my gosh that song need not be shown anymore while he is practicing he's been singing that since 2009 there are other songs for that concert that he could have shown while practicing like his song on heirs but instead of course he chose MY EVERYTHING and he sang only the beginning which i only could understand SARANGHAE and the last part YOU'RE MY EVERYTHING LOVE FOR YOU..there were 2 more songs he was singing there but there was no sound so i don't know what it was..

FYI: MY EVERYTHING is BOF..it is a song for GJD by GJP..it is owned by MINSUN so don't take it away from them

[-XPAINFUL LOVE is HEIRS.. it is the song of KT for CES ..don't forget;;):))

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agree with sist @prettywiz my everything belongs to minsun. no to other. goo jun pyo, not kim tan, sang that song to geum jan di, not to err, whatever to the main female in the heirs. idk what's her name.

i'm sorry, i didn't watch the heirs. ever.

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our bang couple


and this bang girl, MH claimed that she is his girlfriend,


so faithful MH, from 2009 til now, never change his ideal girl hmmmm no no the truth is never change girlfriend hahaha

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Finally i was able to watched the whole concert of LMH'S MY EVERYTHING ENCORE CONCERT IN SEOUL..I thought it was LMH'S concert and partly to promote his latest drama although i think it was but it cracks me up though why JANDI'S name or did i also hear GEUM JANDI'S name were mentioned by the dancers,they didn't even asked about CES i guess this dancers knows the secret of LMH and GHS and i saw those signature smile again of LMH everytime he hears the name GJD or just JANDI.. why can't LMH leave JANDI alone they could just have mentioned BOF to think LMH took part in the planning and production of this concert.There was also this part that made me laugh so hard that is when he was singing HAHAHA i don't know the title of the song..when he was singing while holding the girl's hand who was wearing a red polka dot skirt and she looked like his partner in his drama agghhh my MINSUN heart got hurt because it was a love song but when the song was ending there were umbrellas that covered LMH and the girl wearing the red shirt and when the song ended and they closed the umbrella LMH was hugging the fan that one of the dancer picked remember her..good thing i didn't turn off my tv because actually it was a happy scene for my MINSUN heart144835305_13.jpg
he gave her a necklace with the ring pendant..there were 4 girls that the dancers picked from the audience and this girl was the one picked by LMH..the one who wear white..one who wear high heel but she doesn't have a movie ticket with her i'm sorry i don't know how to screencap but during their interviews i saw this girl was holding a sticklight with her=)) =)) but when she reappeared being hugged by LMH and not the girl in red skirt she was holding a book already that made me think more that this is LMH'S idea because this girl reminds me of GHS..her hair,her outfit and the book.And also what i had noticed is that most of the scenes from his drama that was shown were the sad part :D nothing made me jealous as a minsunner even the kiss that they showed was the goodbye kiss and when he was singing PAINFUL LOVE at the middle of the song they showed the part were KT told YD to just take CESTherefore i conclude if it is LMH'S own event he would never let GHS be left out.. GHS or JANDI would always be with him embedded in his heart:x

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prettywiz said: HELLO MINSUNNERS!
Finally i was able to watched the whole concert of LMH'S MY EVERYTHING ENCORE CONCERT IN SEOUL..I thought it was LMH'S concert and partly to promote his latest drama although i think it was but it cracks me up though why JANDI'S name or did i also hear GEUM JANDI'S name were mentioned by the dancers,they didn't even asked about CES i guess this dancers knows the secret of LMH and GHS and i saw those signature smile again of LMH everytime he hears the name GJD or just JANDI.. why can't LMH leave JANDI alone they could just have mentioned BOF to think LMH took part in the planning and production of this concert.There was also this part that made me laugh so hard that is when he was singing HAHAHA i don't know the title of the song..when he was singing while holding the girl's hand who was wearing a red polka dot skirt and she looked like his partner in his drama agghhh my MINSUN heart got hurt because it was a love song but when the song was ending there were umbrellas that covered LMH and the girl wearing the red shirt and when the song ended and they closed the umbrella LMH was hugging the fan that one of the dancer picked remember her..good thing i didn't turn off my tv because actually it was a happy scene for my MINSUN heart
he gave her a necklace with the ring pendant..there were 4 girls that the dancers picked from the audience and this girl was the one picked by LMH..the one who wear white..one who wear high heel but she doesn't have a movie ticket with her i'm sorry i don't know how to screencap but during their interviews i saw this girl was holding a sticklight with her=)) =)) but when she reappeared being hugged by LMH and not the girl in red skirt she was holding a book already that made me think more that this is LMH'S idea because this girl reminds me of GHS..her hair,her outfit and the book.And also what i had noticed is that most of the scenes from his drama that was shown were the sad part :D nothing made me jealous as a minsunner even the kiss that they showed was the goodbye kiss and when he was singing PAINFUL LOVE at the middle of the song they showed the part were KT told YD to just take CESTherefore i conclude if it is LMH'S own event he would never let GHS be left out.. GHS or JANDI would always be with him embedded in his heart:x

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Guest dianaharumi

remember all the fan accounts and those Korean reports that spread around during the closing party of BOF about how MInSun was practically inseparable the whole night and how they were caught holding hands by some fans together at a hotel bar?

For the first time, i can probably say that those rumors are really based on truth because one of our Korean MinSun counterparts have shared some private photos during the BOF victory party that were previously unpublished...

cr: pinoyexchange...this one evidence from BOF AFTER..IF MINSUN IS REAL!!

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Guest dianaharumi

if you notice...where Minho left hand when he was practicing singing for his tour( Lee min ho GOOD DAY)??...definitely in the pocket of his pants..LIKE THIS!!4142899034_56654d1b38_o.jpg

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OMG @Surie_Riri THANK YOU ..now i understand LMH was just being cryptic just like in  his 2011 concert when that scandal came out and to let the people know that it was GHS not another girl who is in his heart and mind but people chose to be blind..THAT BOOK IS A GIVEN as i've said initially she had the sticklight they just gave her the book with SUNS in the title GOO HYE SUNS=))
I LOVEEEE those pictures Surie:x

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prettywiz said: OMG @Surie_Riri THANK YOU ..now i understand LMH was just being cryptic just like in  his 2011 concert when that scandal came out and to let the people know that it was GHS not another girl who is in his heart and mind but people chose to be blind..THAT BOOK IS A GIVEN as i've said initially she had the sticklight they just gave her the book with SUNS in the title GOO HYE SUNS=))
I LOVEEEE those pictures Surie:x

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