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♥ Joondi aka MinSun Couple ♥ ★ Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun ☺Official Thread


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If you were to describe your life in one word, what would that be?

This is very hard (laughs). Very hard… “Dream.” Because I feel that everyday, something unexpected happens. Everyday, I get to experience something new, so it’s like a dream.

What is the song that best describes Lee Min Ho?

“Almost Paradise.” The song is close to my heart because it’s part of the “Boys Over Flowers.” I feel like it’s a song that I can use to make an appearance, where I can just pop up, and that song will play.

Who is your everything?

It would be No. 1, the people who make what I do possible, the fans, my family, and the people around me who I care about.

You are in paradise. Who is with you?

This is so hard! (laughs) Alone. I don’t know how big this paradise is, but if I brought everybody who is special to me, it might get crowded. It’s hard to choose.

What’s your message to your Filipino fans who are excited to see you in concert?

Here I am again for the second time in the Philippines. I hope to see everyone there, we’ll have a great time!

MANILA-PHILIPPINES /06.JULIE 2013 -25 questions for Korean superstar Lee Min Ho 

Source: abs-cbnnews.comhttp:

credit :love minsun @meow13 

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Extremely happy today !! there is many vitaminsuns and as some of my sisters said "i'm really going to be crazy" ,and yeah LMH looks like he knew Gal So Won from a long time thanx to our princess of course ;) . Also about the video of Hye Sun with So Son,it's LMH laugh without a doubt :) .

I'm very grateful for all MinSunners to make me happy this day :x ,i hope that everyday will be like this day ;;) ;;)

God bless our couple 8->


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wooooooooooooooooo this if vita Minsun that is a comfortable watch what you see kal sonwo in the arms of her lee min is obio visit very often to nona and can share a nice time together.  

who believes that this is a coincidence but this crazy not want to see 8-}


Credit Gempet BettSwetty

=)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) 8-}

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I hope and pray that this year 2014 would be the year for MINSUN like what we expect from them " perhaps the GOOD DAY WILL COME."
With all these vivid VitaMinSuns -- evidences... MinSun is absolutely real. 
This picture is such adorable! MinSun with So Won, their adoptive daughter hehehe. A family who is promoting a certain product...something fascinating to see.

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@ayesuper1, thanks for the confirmation. All the while I thought the lady with MinSun in the KBS Awards Night is GHS' P.A. Now I know that it's her Sister. Great to know that LMH is also close to GHS' Sister. This picture is also a confirmation that the trophy is something special for MinSun, and since GHS is the girl, she should keep it in her own home,.

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HAPPY ANNIVERSARY B.O.F !!!HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MIN+SUN=MINSUN !!!HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Minsunners !!!  We have all the reasons in the world ,we embark on the right ship :true and lively ,with the best crew ever !  Sorry for letting my self taken by the wave ,but I couldn't do it better ! I'm still in first class . Fotografia Maria Paunescu.http: Fotografie: Awesome Viewhttp:Fotografiehttp:

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S_sun said: sheherizade3 said: Sorry, @sheherizade3. I think that was bts of Absolute Boyfriend. I saw a clip of the bts when they were shooting the rescue scene and GHS was messing around with the dolphin kick wearing the same swimsuit. So not sure MH was in Taiwan then as he was busy with CH filming.
. If anyone has the clip please post and we can compare.
Now the one with the kiss with Sowon, that's definitely MH's voice and laughter! :)

Really? I know that GHS tweeted this and she titled it "GHS Dolphin".  HS finished shooting and MH was off that week.  MH's laughter is unmistakable.  Here's the post of Suk in MI.

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according to Prince Minho..."Blessed are those who wait". and so Minsuners waited with excitement...patiently, joyfully for Minsun.

but then, out of the blue, the fake dating announcement came out...and Minsuners were all torn up. it was painful...scarring many Minsuners. 

why not? Minsuners had loved him and we believed MINSUN IS REAL! but humans as we all are, our reactions to the news were palpable.

there were those who after crying a river...hated the prince and bashed him like there's no tomorrow. some went silent, inactive, mummed. Minsuners were aggrieved. we can never blame our sisters but only respect them. (i do hope our more senior Minsun sisters will come back soon.)

while there are those who stayed on ground keeping the ship afloat bracing from each other and nourished only by vitaminsuns...*cries* (sorry can't help it)

Princess Hyesun was bashed but remained calm. they even went below the belt. thus, her twitter account was deleted. it was disheartening.

Minsuners were bashed too...they came with all intentions to crush and sink Joondi. only they failed. indeed, evil acts and schemes are doomed to fail! 

after 2 years...(was it 2 years? time really flies fast, and now IT'S OVER!)

finally, Prince Minho had spoken. yes, blessed are those who wait! THANK YOU SO MUCH! God is so good!
q5kk.jpgcr: to the owner

Thank meow1313 translation

"I have never dated openly. I never publicized Love relationship.  That's caught by media.  After that,  I've  never gone out of my home.  I Only know The 'break up ' through the news "

NEVER...such a strong word. also means not ever, not once, at no time in the past or future. and now indeed, Prince Minho is strong!

Thank julie translation

Someone made me fall in love with someone else's message, and was forced to spread! Let me with more reason to love the idea and insisted! Reporters cautious asked him:You already announced fall in love? Lee Min Ho said that there is no! I have never said I fall in love with someone to everybody~~Let reporters interview this tense.

i remember this someone and how she appeared to be claiming the spot as Prince Minho's girl...how her followers went gaga over it. we can just imagine our Princess Hyesun hurting...but she was unruffled. her multi-talents had kept her busy and in her various events, she remained calm and collected...always smiling, showing wits, in every interview. being cryptic was her advantage...she can spill vitaminsun without the antis noticing it. "if it makes you happy, i can cheat forever". 

I never said I'm fall in love with someone! They are deliberately caught in photo!~Afraid to go out since being framed photo shoot. (Need to go out except for personal reasons) It has been reported girlfriend broke up with me and then I Have known it. 

Prince Minho was right. he can never go out uncaringly without being captured by cameras, framed again and his pics photoshopped. so there! he never went out...never in the bowling alley, restaurant, nor boracay! all were lies and products of their crazy and wild imagination.

Can not make me feel peaceful I do not like being irresponsible remarks! If I have a girlfriend, I do not want people to know, in private.

so behind our Prince Minho's smiles in pics and videos, he wasn't at peace. he knew Minsuners were hurting too like his princess. he went to CH promos alone, not mentioning his partner's name, not ever, since the scandal broke out. he presented a production number rescuing a Jandi-look-alike, danced and strutted on stage like MJ to the tune of Billie Jean. we knew he wasn't a dancer but he did try hard to appease the Minsuners. he even tweeted an apple...which we knew he meant to apologize.

They issued a statement the company: Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young does have went to eat dinner twice with several colleagues . The second dinner was photographed! After this incident does not meet with her privately. Be love? Just only met twice to have dinner? Company executives asking."If you do not in love with somebody? Why have a break up with somebody?"

it was obviously schemed. for what? for popularity ride? maybe, coz LMH was already popular! for promotion? i doubt. LMH was all capable to promote his drama alone. with a huge fan base he had proven that many times. well, ofcourse BOF was exempted...where he had to be with his co-stars especially GHS. clearly, Prince Minho was on the chase for his princess right after BOF!

All of these reports are " Galaxy0401”  personal Korean translation.
Cr: renajaney

it was only during the chase for his princess when Prince Minho was seen in public with Hyesun...GHS Art Exhibit, SS501 Concert, and KJ's Youth Musicals...all not related to work and with KJ and KB as cover. it took him a year before he accepted a new project.

then, there was...KBS Awards Night and Minsun body language was screaming loud and clear...MINSUN IS UNDOUBTEDLY REAL!

cr: to the owner

after KBS awards, Prince Minho and Princess Hyesun were never seen together again. that's becoz Minsun wanted their relationship in private. however, the vitaminsuns kept pouring in...they were unstoppable for almost 5 years. too much, too many, too frequent that we can never say they were mere coincidences!

GHS's recent tweet..."2014 soon". could this mean the Good Day be happening soon? perhaps! but we could always keep on praying. GOD BLESS MINSUN!

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renajaney said:

fr : http://m.asiae.co.kr/view.htm?no=2014010221483192830
fr: Galaxy0401


thank meow1313 translation

"I have never dated openly. I never publicized Love relationship.  That's caught by media.  After that,  I've  never gone out of my home.  I Only know The 'break up ' through the news "

Thank julie translation

 Leeminho  never publicized Love relationship.

Someone made me fall in love with someone else's message,And was forced to spread! Let me with more reason to love the idea and insisted! Reporters cautious asked him:You already announced fall in love? Lee Min Ho said that there is no! I have never said I fall in love with someone to everybody~~Let reporters interview this tense.

I never said I'm fall in love with someone! They are deliberately caught in photo!~Afraid to go out since being framed photo shoot. (Need to go out except for personal reasons)It has been reported girlfriend broke up with me and then I Have known it.

Can not make me feel peaceful I do not like being irresponsible remarks! If I have a girlfriend, I do not want people to know in private.

They issued a statement the company: Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young does have went to eat dinner twice with several colleagues . The second dinner was photographed! After this incident does not meet with her privately. Be love? Just only met twice to have dinner? Company executives asking." If you do not in love with somebody? Why have a break up with somebody?"

All of these reports are " Galaxy0401”401  personal Korean translation.

The long wait is over...Lee Min Ho has finally spoken up! So do MinSunners are vindicated from the antis' remarks "delusional, etc.". Thanks be to GOD! Like what we have believed "TRUTH SHALL ALWAYS PREVAIL." @sheherizade, you are right! From the moment of the scandal till to the present, LMH is consistent with his actions, that he is faithful to his Geum Jan Di aka Goo Hye Sun.
@sukreen, congrats! Finally, your gifts for MinSun have become visible, and you're able to find it out.
MinSunners, constant and fervent prayers for MINSUN! GOD bless and keep them in HIS DIVINE LOVE AND GRACE!
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"I would definitely choose Geum Jandi. I'm very much like my role Goo Junpyo in reality, I Like my girlfriend to be like a friend whom I can feel comfortable with. Not too different from Goo Junpyo" 
:x :x :x


"yeah, actually I am prefer to young mature woman. But sometime it's sweet if we have petite girl.But it's not Kim Na Na or Choi Da Hae. More mature is better for me...


Q: Is Eun Sang near to your ideal type of girl?
LMH: No, I would prefer someone more Cheerful and Lovable. Although Eun Sang is cheerful but a bit pitiful, too capable. My ideal type is I Can Protect her, I'm a male Chauvinist...

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dianaharumi said: when lee min ho in quetion,whom he admired international actor?the answer is Leonardo de caprio.when Ku hye sun in Question,whom painter he admired  and inspire her Work? the answer is Leonardo de vinci...because Leonardo de caprio mother names Irmellin admired Leonardo da vinci,so she give him the name...sorry out the topic..but this interresting..because whatever LMH and GHS says and does always associated...minsun is REAL!!

;;) :x

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@regie22 Sister, your words spoke for all of us. We've been we continue with our faith intact since 5 years ago. Certainly there are times when we have low emotional wanting this relationship to be public as soon as possible, and you can both shout their love to the world and be free. But we also know that time to time, they themselves give us little signs that your love is still intact.
Well, I still believe that this group, to which I belong, Minsun, are firm believers in them as a couple.
Many philosophers, psychologists, etc. have referred to the concept of love, and one of the important features is developing "body language" without doubt Minsun has always been present.

Well Family, we have 20k in replys in this thread .. this show our faith in them. Simply and Clear :) And soon we'll get our first 1000 PAGES of Pure And Real LOVE ^^
And Like the song that Our King love's... "Walking to the skies, i promise to only love you forever, The paradise that unfolded in our beautiful dreams". (Almost Paradise, Bof).


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