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♥ Joondi aka MinSun Couple ♥ ★ Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun ☺Official Thread


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hi .. but .. I'm no fan minsun really admire you all so much ... received the news while reading Minho was dating another actress, while continuing to support the couple minsun ... well just want to say that go ahead ... do not be discouraged and who knows .. below is a relationship between the two ... jejej that if if my hyung .. before you put the batteries and conquer hye sun noona !!!

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MH fanmeeting in Japan August, 25 th 2011 (after news show up)

Fancam MH MilkTea eng sub cr : minozvn@youtubechannel

He looked sad indeed :mellow: why? you should be happy minho, really...although i was a bit disappointed but i still wish you be happy...sincerely~~ i believe everyone are deserve to be happy...so please cheer up dude, because despite anything that happened, your fans would still end up to support you, no matter what :wub:

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Good day to all Minsun sisters

and so fast its Sunday again, hoping everyone have a nice weekend. :)

He looked sad indeed :mellow: why? you should be happy minho, really...although i was a bit disappointed but i still wish you be happy...sincerely~~ i believe everyone are deserve to be happy...so please cheer up dude, because despite anything that happened, your fans would still end up to support you, no matter what :wub:

@dewimoar totally agree with you dear, even the lyrics is like dedicating to someone he knows very well ages ago, I have a feeling that there are someting not right somewhere...... :(

@blooming, i'm sorry i'm always excited when saw similar things on Minsun, yes you're right at that time of shooting, if i'm not mistaken they are still very very close. :D

@endree, how could we forget their very sweet and close moments, it'll be in my heart forever just like my Faith for them is still strong and forever it shall remain. :wub:

@GHSforever & regie, always misses our chatting, there still so much to share with you sis. :lol:

I think by now everyone is worried WHERE IS MINHO? It's not him to be missing without any news, as usual he will tweets or post photo of him to us. This is totally very QUITE. :(

OMG where is he now, even i'm not totally minoz but i do love him too, Caring and loving for Minho and Hyesun is like part of my life now, my Minsun family, i admit i just can't live without knowing they're alright. :tears:

I pray that everything will be back to normal soon. Take care Minho wherever you are and Hyesun too. We will support and love you always.

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A blessed Sunday to all MinSun Sisters :)!

Just like you all, I'm an avid fan of LMH and GHS...I truly love their on and off screen chemistry. I just want also to share my thoughts here.

Obviously, I felt hurt upon learning about the rumors.

I just wondered about LMH now...as if he's hiding - he likes to be away from public scrutiny.

Bit confused, he admitted that he dated a college student for six months yet his agency strongly denied about it. Lately, some sources asked if LMH and PMY are dating...his agency somehow confirmed and later denied again. And LMH himself didn't say anything about it. It's like he's caught in the middle...lost of idea on what to do. As far as I see LMH, he's a person kind of candid as far as feelings and relationships are concerned. He tells what's on his mind...but this time...he's in dilemma I believe.

As I pondered all these things... somewhere in my heart wants to believe on what he revealed during his "Love is my strength" interview. For me, all those things that he shared in that interview came from the bottom of his heart and mind. Everytime I start to feel disappoint with him, those words in the interview would pop in my mind and heart and somehow my heart and mind like to put faith and hope on those words like "Close relationship with actor grew but he finds somehow an obstacle. By that time I will try to love her and she has to accept me", "It's sweet to have a petite girl" and "It's But it’s not Kim Na Na or Choi Da Hae. More mature is better for me. Hahaha”. He also said in another interview that he intends to practice guitar whenever he has free time. Though, he's learning piano even if he has no musical talent.

The way I see his thoughts is LMH indeed has pure and good intentions toward his special someone. But human and young as he is he tends to fall short out of his good, pure intentions and somehow give in to temptations around. And afterwards woke up that he has already trapped and now in dilemma and confusion. This is what I saw in LMH situation now. As I realized this...I started to feel sorry for him and nonetheless prayed for him that he may be enlightened and have the grace to overcome all these trials and face the reality so that he could iron out things in good way.

I believe GHS feels pity, sorry and understands LMH's situation now the most. GHS is a good friend of LMH before anything else develops in their midst and when she befriends people, it's with sense of purity and honesty. So I guess, she can't turn her side away from him that easily especially she's fully aware LMH is young and new to showbiz world.

I believe MinSun Sisters what we can do for them as of this time is to pray for both of them. If God wills that will they''ll end up together for lifetime, it will happen no matter what. Who knows...the situation they're now is just a blessing in disguise in order to build good foundation. I remember GHS once said in her interviews that she can only say it's love after encountering difficulties together. Like in the movie she watched "Life is beautiful".

Thank you all MinSun Sisters for all the effort, love, support and updated informations of these couple to make this thread lingers :)

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good mornin' MinSun sisters! a happy sunday to you all...:)

a happy Chuseok too to our korean MinSun sisters!

and to our dear couple MinSun... :P

may all of us be blessed today!

anyways, am wondering of MH's whereabouts now? is he on an MIA mode? seriously, am liking it a lot! the "big fat lie" is slowly but surely crushing on their faces. where is he when korea is to celebrate chuseok? to think this time of the year for couples shouldn't be missed, right? he should be celebrating it blissfully with his so-called gf. after all, they're official aren't they SH? or probably he doesn't have the gut to celebrate it now, coz he was used to enjoy chuseok with HS before? ^_^

on the other hand, HS is making herself busy with "peach tree" and her studies. although we don't see her much, but we know she's busy and coping up well. good thing there's TheMu rockin' our friday nights! we won't thirst much from not seeing her. :D

my MinSun heart says never say die! i pray HS heart will soften one day and forgive MH. isn't it love sweeter and stronger the second time? as endree said, everything happens for a reason which i so agree! we know their rel was threading on thorny roads but they managed to survive it for more than 2 years...what a feat! i say this latest fiasco is probably the mother of all storms. i pray again MinSun will weather this storm together and come out as victors! God bless MinSun! keep on praying MinSun sisters! seriously, Divine Intervention is what MinSun need. :)

loves and hugs everyone! am off to church now...see yah!


ooops! sorry...i didn't mean topping the page sisters. 3x in row? tsk..tsk..

this is just pure coincidence hehe...ciao!

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Good day my MINSUN SISTER have a Great Sunday :wub:

So happy this ship alive again thank to all beloved minsunsister who choose to still remain in minsun fate :)

So agree with you all with what happen now and we still stand here for MinSun not because that we're BLIND or anything but OUR LOVE for MINSUN is TOO STRONG, many people here have the same vision in MinSun coz we see we hear we feel a lot of evidence that MinSun share with us for about 3 years now. We can't easily forget bout them coz they affect a lot of people life as me for personal they change a lot of my view of love and life, MinSun give me a lot thing for friendship, new hope and new family, They unite us into one love beyond ras, religion n culture. They make me think of these things to say, no one has ever done that, they are the one responsible for the joy, and love I feel. :) This is my two cent and i personally thanks to MinSun for all they give to us. May God bless them someday.

So keep strong my beloved minsunsist believe that Rainbow always come after the hard rain. Minsunship please keep sailing. And Lee Min Ho wherever you are now, take care your health even i know you don't read this but i'll pray for your happiness, maybe you're missing now is for a reason we didn't know but we hope you'll back safely with your true smile face you used to share with us before that time :P oh by the way keep your guitar and piano lesson coz maybe someday you'll be on The Musical :lol:



First love, the love that clings to your heart forever, no matter how much pain it has caused, no matter how many tears have fallen, first love will never leave my soul

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Guest jahazael

hi to all minsun sisters out there..

honestly speaking although i know what the situation they're in right now is still believe that everything about them will still be fine.. 

i believe also that they will come back on each others arms very very soon. wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif I KNOW MH WILL NOT GIVE UP HS. BECAUSE he's the one that says that his motto in life is: WINNERS NEVER QUIT AND QUITTERS NEVER WINS

I have FAITH that they really DESTINED BY GOD FOR EACH OTHER. 

THIS COUPLE IS TRULY AN EXTRAORDINARY ONE. THE ONLY COUPLE THAT IS UNIQUE AND AMAZING.because even me i can't believe and help myself to love this couple so much. i do pray to God that they will still fix things about their relationship. i still believe that their love for each other is TRUE AND REAL.wub.gif


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Hi good day to all Minsun sisters and

Happy chuseok day to K-Minsun sisters, may your day be happy and prosperous throughout the year.. :)

I'm so happy to see all our Minsun sister ties are still strong as ever thus this is a test not only to Minsun couple buts as well as Minsun sisters too.

Since the news, then Minho missing till now i've been very restless in wake or sleep, i ask myself to stopped wrorying but i can't and the news and everything just keep haunting me like a ghost. Know why? because all this years we know that there are something special going on to Minsun couple, even it was denied by their management or even not spell it out with words yet "ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS". How long does it take to hide the TRUTH? I have Faith in our Minsun couple and I do believe that things may change to normal soon.

MH tweet 11-9-2011 wishing a Happy Chuseok day


HS tweet 12-9-2011


here is the photo shared by HS (thnks Meow &Chio-Mexico)


it captures a quote by a German poet, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Everywhere, we learn only from those whom we love."


Is this a sign of forgiveness and reconcialiation? :)

~ Being deeply Loved by someone gives you Strength, while Loving someone deeply gives you Courage ~

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HAPPY CHUSEOK to all Korean MinSuners!

I am thankful for all the joy I received in this thread and the spazzing in the past that all of you have shared to me. I continue to pray for both of them that they may be happy and live great lives in the years to come - whether it be together or apart. But, I also pray for the MinSuners - that we will stay happy sharing each others' thoughts and wishes. It is a GOOD thing to HOPE. But, to LIVE it is another challenge. Love you guys!!! XoXo

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hello MinSun sisters! happy chuseok everyone! :D

am so happy for this tweet of hyesun sukreen! thank you for posting it in joondi. but am not sure about minho's. it could be from his coordinator for all we know. ;) hyesun's tweet always has this personal touch, so unique... so GHS! "Everywhere, we learn only from those whom we love"... a quote by a German poet, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. :wub:

am liking the idea of them tweeting almost at the same day. is it just coincidence that minho tweeted on the 11th and hyesun on the 12th? looks like yesterday, when their tweets come out following each other. Is this a sign of forgiveness and reconciliation? I WISH! :wub: i totally agree with you onnie... "ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS!" minho's disappearance after his japan FM is one action that speaks a lot! kudos MH for this smart move! but i want more...more like a real man to HS and not like another pretty boy next door! i always believe in you and your philosophy about love and life but this latest disaster made me doubt the sincerity of your words. sorry... :(

anyhow...am still praying for our MinSun. pray too my MinSun sisters! God is merciful and good! through our prayers, soon GOD WILL MAKE MINSUN SOAR ABOVE THE STORM. AMEN!

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Hello my MINSUN sisters!!!

MIA? sounds interesting!!! Who knows, maybe our MINSUN couple spend more time, wooing with each other (crossed my fingers). They've been victims of this fiasco and in my opinion, I think he's making the right move just to showed to whoever is responsible on this shocking news that he's so infuriated, it's no joke on his part, his welfare is at stake...that is, if this rumor is not true...

@ regz:I also believe that this is not again a coincedence, it's the same pattern they'd always do, specially in the times like this. They have to fight all against odds, the hardest the battle, the sweetest the victory.


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Hello my MINSUN sisters!!!

MIA? sounds interesting!!! Who knows, maybe our MINSUN couple spend more time, wooing with each other (crossed my fingers). They've been victims of this fiasco and in my opinion, I think he's making the right move just to showed to whoever is responsible on this shocking news, it's no joke on his part, his welfare is at stake...that is, if this rumor is not true...

@ regz:I also believe that this is not again a coincedence, it's the same pattern they'd always do, specially in the times like this. They have to fight all against odds, the hardest the battle, the sweetest the victory.


Well said dear joarjess, couldn't agree with you more. :D

@ regie, Minho's disappearance after his japan FM is one action that speaks a lot! kudos MH for this smart move! but i want more...more like a real man to HS and not like another pretty boy next door! i always believe in you and your philosophy about love and life but this latest disaster made me doubt the sincerity of your words. sorry... :(

Minho's SMART MOVED made all of his FANS THINKING WSELY using their SMART HEAD and NOT EMOTION. :)

As for us Minsunners, we've known Minho for the past 3 years, and this MIA and hiding quietly this long is entirely not him at all. If this matter is not very serious WHY would he take this action? There are much posibilites and puzzles that are laying and hangging unsolved, sometimes i wonder WHY people like to mendle in his personal life, for his PERSONAL LIFE is suppose to be PRIVATE for him, as what he use to say in his interview. If the news is true, than fine BUT wht if it were just fake and CREATED for certain benefits and popularity purposes for whoever concerned? HOW would you think Minho's feelings are? HURT, HUMILATE,.... and what if Minho's already has girlfriend secretly dating?.and aren't we forgetting about his parents and families feelings too if the news is a lie and how would we feel if this were to happen to ourself? Oh GOD why this world so CRUEL. WHY Minho was not given the opportunity to voice or defend himself on what ever personal issue at hand and even tho the SH make an announcement, i think by now there should be a proper interview with him covering the issue. Will ALL Minho's FANS and SH ACCEPT his DECISION AND JUDGEMENT on this matter, if things change? Can WE just be BE HUMAN for once, What we want is the best for Minho for we SINCERELY CARE AND LOVE HIM, we want him to perform better in his carrier and NO MATTER WHAT his DECISION, WHOM HE CHOOSE TO BE HIS LIFE PARTNER & SOUL MATE is his PERSONAL matter, we have NO RIGHT to interfere, as his fans what we have to do is to ACCEPT and SUPPORT him with OUR OPEN HEART

IF ONLY from the BEGINNING they would LISTEN to Minho, I think he won't be hiding like now. :tears:

The most powerful symtom of LOVE is a TENDERNESS .... MINSUN Fighting!!!!

News on Minho SILENT whereabout.....

On 13 Sept 2011 fans waited late at the airport for his arrival home to Seoul but no one saw him and he's said to be back in LA again and on 14 Sept 2011 Mihno he was spotted in LA shopping.



Have a great weekend Minsun sisters and may God bless us all.

~ True love stories never have endings ~

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Hi MinSun Sisters...have a blessed day to us all and to our dear LMH and GHS!

Eversince as far as we are concerned, LMH is a type who's bit frank when it comes to his personal feelings and seemingly he's not afraid to utter things which are on his mind. I remember his one of his interviews last year, he mentioned clearly the name of GHS without hesitation that she's his ideal type even if the question is not about GHS. It was about Lee Min Jung who shared her idea of her ideal type of man. He wasn't even considering the feelings of Lee Min Jung with his revealation that he never thought her as his ideal type.

But now he can't say something about the rumor and what he do now is just hide...it's something strange right?

Somehow it gives me the idea that it probably it's a false rumor...maybe his agency and the agency of PMY are creating buzz for a hidden agenda. Maybe the pictures of their going out together were just a friendly date...knowing LMH is a friendly person and he treats the girls around him nicely because aside from GHS and PMY. He has already befriended several celebrities like Park Bo Young and others. I can see no malice and awkwardness in LMH's closeness to PMY. But with GHS...it's so obvious...and I'm just happy that its him who adore most, who have the feelings the most at least, it's acceptable after all he's a guy.

I think, his agency isn't fair to LMH in some ways. Just like in his interview wherein he uttered the name of GHS loud and clear. Afterwards in the continuation of that interview, he never mentioned GHS there when he was asked about his leading ladies. It' s obvious that somebody manipulated him and he couldn't do something but to obey. Poor LMH...I can likely see that he's suffering from freedom of speech and emotion.

So maybe he's thinking that just not to make the matter worst...all he can do is go away from the public's interrogation. Most of the time, the public is hard to deal with.

All I can do is to pray for LMH and GHS...same with the people who surrounded them. That all of them may gain enlightenment of heart and mind. And give people some space and freedom of speech and emotion :)

God bless us all MinSun family!

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hello my MinSun sisters! how is everyone? :)

still coping up well despite the storm i guess.

well, we should be! our MinSun faith can't be perturbed by just anything.

with the way our MinSun are behaving lately...looks like the odds are on our side.

let me share to you this thoughts i picked up somewhere...

"Love isn't perfect.

It isn't a fairytale or a storybook. And it doesn't always come easy.

Love is overcoming obstacles, facing challenges, fighting to be together, holding on and never letting go.

It is a short word, easy to spell, difficult to define, and impossible to live without." :wub:

nice right? so let's continue our MinSun prayers sisters!


MinSun Love is not just any other love. it's real and true love!

happy Sunday sisters! God bless! :D

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Guest IluvMinSun

"Love isn't perfect.

It isn't a fairytale or a storybook. And it doesn't always come easy.

Love is overcoming obstacles, facing challenges, fighting to be together, holding on and never letting go.

It is a short word, easy to spell, difficult to define, and impossible to live without."

totally agree with regie22

Hi ! all my dear MinSun sister :wub:

It's a long time .... i don't comment in here but

I always is a silent reader , and pray for our couple :wub:

You know , I so happy because all my dear sis always keep the faith with MinSun !

What about me ?? I don't believe that MinMin is a real ... always !!

For now , Min Ho still keep silent ???

and i hope " God bless those who wait "

Hwaiting :) I love all :wub:

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Wow it's been ages since I last wrote here. I became a lurker instead LOL

Honestly, there's still a part of me that wants to believe MINSUN is the real couple. So what if there were articles about Mh and the other girl dating? Starhaus denied and later confirmed it. Again, Starhaus was the one who confirmed it and not Minho himself. I remember some Korean actors before, they were the ones who announce their relationship to someone and not their agency alone. Is MH mute anyway? If that article is true then he should have said it when he was asked. It's so easy to answer -- just Yes or No.

At one point I thought of leaving minsun because I'm always sad but I found good friends here so why not just treasure the memories and go with the flow?

Being in a situation like that is really hard. I wonder if Minho makes a lot of sacrifices as compared to that of Hyesun's? For me HS doesn't deserve that kind of treatment. The guy should be very thankful and very proud that his girl is HS right?! But why can't he do that for her? So disappointed at Mh. But of course we know the reasons for that, even before. It just got worse now, and this reality bites. Seems like MH & his agency are a bitter pill to swallow.

Well, I just hope one day Mh will stand on his own, clear things out, be man enough to own up to his mistakes, and do something courageous for HS! Let's give him a thousand chances more??? :crazy:

Articles like that will never be at par with the things Minho & Hyesun have for each other, and with what the minsun fans know. (insert Quote ----> "Action Speaks louder than words") :ph34r::vicx:

Anyway thank you to all sisters who are posting in this thread!

Again, we know better! :D:P;)

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Wow it's been ages since I last wrote here. I became a lurker instead LOL

Honestly, there's still a part of me that wants to believe MINSUN is the real couple. So what if there were articles about Mh and the other girl dating? Starhaus denied and later confirmed it. Again, Starhaus was the one who confirmed it and not Minho himself. I remember some Korean actors before, they were the ones who announce their relationship to someone and not their agency alone. Is MH mute anyway? If that article is true then he should have said it when he was asked. It's so easy to answer -- just Yes or No.

At one point I thought of leaving minsun because I'm always sad but I found good friends here so why not just treasure the memories and go with the flow?

Being in a situation like that is really hard. I wonder if Minho makes a lot of sacrifices as compared to that of Hyesun's? For me HS doesn't deserve that kind of treatment. The guy should be very thankful and very proud that his girl is HS right?! But why can't he do that for her? So disappointed at Mh. But of course we know the reasons for that, even before. It just got worse now, and this reality bites. Seems like MH & his agency are a bitter pill to swallow.

Well, I just hope one day Mh will stand on his own, clear things out, be man enough to own up to his mistakes, and do something courageous for HS! Let's give him a thousand chances more??? :crazy:

Articles like that will never be at par with the things Minho & Hyesun have for each other, and with what the minsun fans know. (insert Quote ----> "Action Speaks louder than words") :ph34r::vicx:

Anyway thank you to all sisters who are posting in this thread!

Again, we know better! :D:P;)

great posts trace... LOUD AND CLEAR! :D

looks like fans of MH and the other girl are so crazily bashing on our HS in their thread... :o

don't they have anything to spazz? no recent pics to post? or no fancam accounts to get giddy about?

what a way to move the thread eh? what a pity... :wacko:

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great posts trace... LOUD AND CLEAR! :D

looks like fans of MH and the other girl are so crazily bashing on our HS in their thread... :o

don't they have anything to spazz? no recent pics to post? or no fancam accounts to get giddy about?

what a way to move the thread eh? what a pity... :wacko:

Hi onnie finally you are here. I miss this thread so much and I miss minsun sisters! How are you all? :)

Ohh yeah I agree with that -_- they must focus on their own couple and not our precious HS. They keep on comparing Minsun and the other one? What's the fuzz???? Are they not contented with their couple? OR they just can't find any topic to talk about because frankly there is really none? :P

Minsun and minsun sisters have gone through a lot! And i'm proud minsun sisters are strong! Rain or shine, we're still here. :lol:

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