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♥ Joondi aka MinSun Couple ♥ ★ Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun ☺Official Thread


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Guest imkaaaat

Is this a picture during their break? If yes, then I'd be jealous for Hye Sun. I miss seeing them like this back when they are shooting for BOF. :(


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Guest fettucine_22

@ imkaaat....MinSuners are open minded and definitely not as crazy as the antis...smile.gif

i don't know what your intention really was but don't you think posting this pic here is disrespecting the MinSun shippers?

this thread is for LMH and GHS only...so please don't try rubbing the salt some more on us with this pic. we already missed MinSun and this post doesn't help at all...sad.gif

oh btw, i love MinSun but am just a silent fan. some of you might happen to see me here once in a while...so don't be surprised.biggrin.gif

MinSuners...keep the faith! i so agree with you ...MINSUN LOVE IS  SO REAL!wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif

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I personally having trust on Minho if indeed MinSun is real, he's a trusted man :)

I remember he ever said once that he won't flirting with other girls if he already has one, or you guys might be remember why he didn't picked Show Luo at 100% Entertainment show when MinSun visited Taiwan, he doesn't like man with many many girls...like Show Luo he thought. But of course it doesn't mean he can't getting along with other girls esp his co-star, Minho is someone who really easy to socializing like Hyesun ever said so don't be surprise when you guys see he looks close with other people, but still you really will see the different when it comes to his girl :lol:

Btw @imkaaat as i know the photo was taken when they shooting not break, but if you really believe in MinSun don't be too worry, MinHo or HyeSun just doing their duty as comfortable as possible

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Guest j-j-forever

I personally having trust on Minho if indeed MinSun is real, he's a trusted man :)

I remember he ever said once that he won't flirting with other girls if he already has one, or you guys might be remember why he didn't picked Show Luo at 100% Entertainment show when MinSun visited Taiwan, he doesn't like man with many many girls...like Show Luo he thought. But of course it doesn't mean he can't getting along with other girls esp his co-star, Minho is someone who really easy to socializing like Hyesun ever said so don't be surprise when you guys see he looks close with other people, but still you really will see the different when it comes to his girl :lol:

Btw @imkaaat as i know the photo was taken when they shooting not break, but if you really believe in MinSun don't be too worry, MinHo or HyeSun just doing their duty as comfortable as possible

@dewimoar, you are so so right! esp this part "but still you really will see the different when it comes to his girl :lol:" just look at the pic itself, it only shows that he is sociable due to work but in the picture itself you know that he isn't sweet or flirting or anything at all, like how he is when he worked with SYJ @ PT... very very different when working with GHS, just look at the pic they are just beside each other but i dont feel anything between them... like just plain co-stars, so pls keep up the faith

like Jihu sunbae in BOF said " there are things you won't see with your eyes, you need to have faith in order to see and feel it clearly"

to my minsun shippers, let's keep our faith and always pray for them, i am so much missing them, so I'm watching it again, over and over, esp the scenes of our Minsun...im like crazy giggling over and over too...hahaha...miss them so much :wub:

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Hello Minsun sisters, good-day to all.

Thanks fettucine & dewimoar, well said dear. Trust him work is work right? :)

j-j forever dear, I love this line like Jihu sunbae in BOF said " there are things you won't see with your eyes, you need to have faith in order to see and feel it clearly"

Sharing few pics of MH's bts during his CH filming breaking hour. (cr. as tag)





With his make-up artist- Yoo Hye Ni, hair designer - Seo Jini and stylist - Sung Seon Young.




To all my dongseang, hart, siidudul, endoz, leetya, regie, dysentery, meow, saintzizahmino, 1crazynyt, donnapie, betchay, noonateha, miny, traciecullen, ghsforever, adelaide, yonghwa, jorien, sweetheart0, izzri, the2girl, prettywiz jean-star, vanessa, and all the other Minsun sisters name not mentioned, May God Bless and thanks for making this thread alive, the best ever. Take care everyone.


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Guest MH22HS09

hi,my MinSun sisters...how are you??? miss u a lot :D

i miss our couple so much...& i love them because they both are very professional with their jobs :wub:

so...like dewimoar said...trust Min Ho with his work (i do hope CH will get a very good response as well as AD)

now to my dearest sister,Sukreen...YOU ARE THE BEST!!! when i look the pics,i want to jumping like a crazy clown because i feel so happy to see them...Min Ho while his taking a break in CH filming location...he prefers to be lonely with his drink,his script and with..........his handycam..........the last thing captures my attention, i wonder what did he saw in it??? cause he look so serious...so longing of something or...someone (you know exactly who is the someone,right :D )

sist.Sukreen...gumawo,thank you,terima kasih...for the pics...you give me the best medication for healing my longing for MinSun :wub:

ps : i also saw the cap that Min Ho wore in his CH filming location...i think the cap is very similar with the cap that Hye Sun wore when she was filming PT in Lotte World (if i'm not mistaken :D ) ...i can't bring the pics in here,so anyone...can you help me,please. :D

all of my MinSun sisters...HWAITING!!! :wub:

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hi,my MinSun sisters...how are you??? miss u a lot :D

ps : i also saw the cap that Min Ho wore in his CH filming location...i think the cap is very similar with the cap that Hye Sun wore when she was filming PT in Lotte World (if i'm not mistaken :D ) ...i can't bring the pics in here,so anyone...can you help me,please. :D

all of my MinSun sisters...HWAITING!!! :wub:

Hi MH22HS09 sis dear sorry to cut your post. Iis this the pic you're refering too? (cr.as tag) :)



prettywiz thanks for the info dear, no one could compare with the natural beauty, even without make up still very pretty. :wub: but there are some who cannot admit or accept the reality. :(

To all Minsun sisters, have a nice monday morning. :D


To all my dongseang, hart, siidudul, endoz, leetya, regie, dysentery, meow, saintzizahmino, 1crazynyt, donnapie, betchay, noonateha, miny, traciecullen, ghsforever, adelaide, yonghwa, jorien, sweetheart0, izzri, the2girl, prettywiz jean-star, vanessa, and all the other Minsun sisters name not mentioned, May God Bless and thanks for making this thread alive, the best ever. Take care everyone.


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GHS is a goddess from the moment she entered this planet :) And she's armed with charming personality, wit and talent..she doesn't need to be jealous with anybody at all :)

I have to agree that LHM is a bit distant during breaks of PT and CH.. very different when he was filming BOF.

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Guest buzzytan

:wub: :wub: :wub:

BRAVO MinSun! Sooo heartwarming to read thru the posts here. Sunnies and MinSuners are as quick to pick up, rebut, and analyze situations objectively in defense and neutralize issues of our couple. That's how intellectual minds think!

If we have survived with flying colors during and after LMH"s PT with SYJ, why not now? And likewise, our GHS is also often paired and seen off and on cam pics being professionally nice with good looking hot men. See? It's how true pros work and deal with colleagues in showbiz. Did'nt Hyesun win and was popularly voted the Netizen's Award because of her balanced public relations with people? That's what she truly is, and absolutely LMH emulates and learns from her. GHS, an effective mentor indeed! And a real prized catch that any man will trade everything for

So, let's stay cool and be happy the way things are. One more basic truth : Love cannot live where there is no trust! :wub:

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Guest junpyo.jandi

HS truly possess the beauty and the talent and also the character everyone dreamt of having. No doubt many people admires her. I'm not against people who undergone surgery because in this world everyone seek for beauty and perfection. But according to my Korean teacher in current culture, Korean guys prefer to marry girls with natural beauty so they will have beautiful children. With this reason, most korean girls who undergone nip and tucks always deny on having it.

I always have faith with our MINSUN. And I don't have any drop of doubt!

Big wave to my MINSUN family... GHSforever, Patz, Leetya, Blooming, Hart118911, Meow, FP, Pink fairy, Vanessa123, Janey, saintzizahmino, siidudul, Sheherizade, ania038, Jamesbond007 honeypia, GHSfan, 1crazynyt, minsunlover, endoz, nora28, Chang, Keuti, webby, xuexi, Doramera, _enaj_, webby, Jean-star, Pipit, leila10, love_minHo, Timnat2010, Pallycute, Petite girl, izzri, yuki_akira, NJM, nat, Nasha, Smdrama, Dahlia, .and other minsun shippers.. Our dearest couple is lucky for they had earned enormous bunch of avid fans.. Who will continue to support and love them forever.. We are definitely too many to mention..kekekeke

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Hello MinSun sisters 

@ sukreen ~~ Thanks for all the pics  though LMH always looks lonely and  really missing someone but he is trying to be happy that is why he played "Limbo Rock" as you can see, kekeke  :)

@ MH22HS09 ~~  hi, dongsaeng, missing you here.  You really had a good eye sight, hehehe  :)

@ dewimoar, j- j-forever, fettucine and junpyo.jandi ~~ I agree with you sisters, as long as our "FAITH"  is always there for our MinSun couple we don't need to worry at all. :)

@ prettywiz ~~ you're right sis and you're such a strong person but  I noticed in your post on the lower right  there is -1 with red marks this could be a tag from the coordinator of soompi? :(  coz as I know we cannot post other celebrity pix though you are not bashing coz you only post what was said by the celebrity itself but maybe they still treat this as bashing , correct me if I'm wrong and sorry for calling your attention coz you either don't want to affect this thread, right?  :)

@buzzytan ~~ Love cannot live where there is no trust ! Very well said and that is really really true..  :D

@imkaaat ~~ I know that you are also a MinSun shipper coz this is not your first post in this thread right?. Please take note that next time you visit this thread make sure that it only concern our MinSun couple... You are always welcome in this thread as long as it involves only MinSun. 


Just keep our "Faith" burning... Have a nice day to everyone... :)  

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Hello MinSun sister :)

@sukreen hello dear im doing well and how are you? I missed chatting with you in FB

@ dewimoar, j- j-forever, jazz 10 and fettucine I agree just keep the faith :)

@junpyo jandi your truly right GHS talent and beauty is remarkable :)

To all My MinSun sister have a great day and I miss you guys and I miss our couple :)

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Guest honeypia

hello sisters... saw both promo pics of minho's presscon pics and hyesun's AD pics.. good to see both are thriving hard in their careers. also i agree how minho tries to balance his relationship with other people seeing his interaction with minyoung in today's presscon. i think hyesun has taught him alot as well :



wishing minho can find time to go to taiwan... :)

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Hi Minsun sisters, good-day everyone,

wow.. thanks everyone for your support, and thanks to the silent reader too for visiting here. :)

GHSforever, thanks sis, for missing me, I'm missing you too dear sis. :tears: just lately my time too constrain, no time spare to chat. :(

junpyo-jandi, well said dear, sure we want beautiful bright children so why choose the unnatural while the natural is much prettier, well mannered, brilliant and cost effective too ...can't think other wise. :D

buzzytan, long time not seeing u dear, thanks for dropping by. I love your word here "One more basic truth:- Love cannot live where there is no trust" yes, you're right only with trust it will bind two hearts as one. :wub:

jazz, thanks for your sharp eyes, I hahaha... :lol:

Sharing psed by Endree Noona - Sweet Memories



To all my dongseang, hart, siidudul, endoz, leetya, regie, dysentery, meow, saintzizahmino, 1crazynyt, donnapie, betchay, noonateha, miny, traciecullen, ghsforever, adelaide, yonghwa, jorien, sweetheart0, izzri, the2girl, prettywiz jean-star, vanessa, and all the other Minsun sisters name not mentioned, May God Bless and thanks for making this thread alive, the best ever. Take care everyone.


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Hello MinSun sisters 

@ sukreen ~~ Thanks for all the pics  though LMH always looks lonely and  really missing someone but he is trying to be happy that is why he played "Limbo Rock" as you can see, kekeke  :)

@ MH22HS09 ~~  hi, dongsaeng, missing you here.  You really had a good eye sight, hehehe  :)

@ dewimoar, j- j-forever, fettucine and junpyo.jandi ~~ I agree with you sisters, as long as our "FAITH"  is always there for our MinSun couple we don't need to worry at all. :)

@ prettywiz ~~ you're right sis and you're such a strong person but  I noticed in your post on the lower right  there is -1 with red marks this could be a tag from the coordinator of soompi? :(  coz as I know we cannot post other celebrity pix though you are not bashing coz you only post what was said by the celebrity itself but maybe they still treat this as bashing , correct me if I'm wrong and sorry for calling your attention coz you either don't want to affect this thread, right?  :)

@buzzytan ~~ Love cannot live where there is no trust ! Very well said and that is really really true..  :D

@imkaaat ~~ I know that you are also a MinSun shipper coz this is not your first post in this thread right?. Please take note that next time you visit this thread make sure that it only concern our MinSun couple... You are always welcome in this thread as long as it involves only MinSun. 


Just keep our "Faith" burning... Have a nice day to everyone... :)  

You know i don't want to ruin the good mood here but don't just say something here that you haven't checked first..if you have something to tell me just PM me..for you information i didn'T BASHED PMY HERE..that article is from a korean newspaper so a lot of koreans knows about that..and how come when GHS was in a scandal some aitis are posting it on their threads..but i don't think they got a warning because the article was from a korean news so just to let you know i didn't got a warning from the coordinator of soompi because i didn't post or write anything bad..AND PLEASE JUST USE YOUR SHARP EYES BECAUSE IF I HAVE A -1 ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF MY POST YOU'VE GOT ONE TOO so with other people here and oh by the way somebody even got -2 without writing anything bad..And don't question me if i don't want to affect this thread..ITS A SHAME because just like you im just a fan of them and my intention is to give support to other minsunners who are missing them too ..

And you are right i maybe a strong person that is why before i post or write i think twice or more first so i don't affect this thread or embarrassed other people..IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING ELSE TO TELL ME JUST PM ME

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You know i don't want to ruin the good mood here but don't just say something here that you haven't checked first..if you have something to tell me just PM me..for you information i didn'T BASHED PMY HERE..that article is from a korean newspaper so a lot of koreans knows about that..and how come when GHS was in a scandal some aitis are posting it on their threads..but i don't think they got a warning because the article was from a korean news so just to let you know  i didn't got a warning from the coordinator of soompi because i didn't post or write anything bad..AND PLEASE JUST USE YOUR SHARP EYES BECAUSE IF I HAVE A  -1 ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF MY POST YOU'VE GOT ONE TOO so with other people here and oh by the way somebody even got -2 without writing anything bad..And don't question me if i  don't want to affect this thread..ITS A SHAME because just like you im just a fan of them and my intention is to give support to other minsunners who are missing them too ..

And you are right i maybe a strong person that is why before i post or write i think twice or more first so i don't affect this thread or embarrassed other people..IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING ELSE TO TELL ME JUST PM ME

I don't want to ruin your mood either, if I got you offended , Sorry  :(  as I've said earlier on my post. I have nothing to say. Let's just end this uncomfortable conversation coz we're both MinSun and Sunnies fan. Peace !!  :)    

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Guest gematko

don't waste your time guys, it's confirmed they are NOT real




I, my self so tired with this ship :( just make me being so hard to watch their new drama. but with this statement i think, i will sleep well then, so relieved with the certainty hufft

I know this post later would be cause of some disagree but i just wanna help you all, i know how you guys had been through, and the certainty is only the answer :) but of course it's all up to guys, life is choice,ryt? :')

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don't waste your time guys, it's confirmed they are NOT real

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

I, my self so tired with this ship :( just make me being so hard to watch their new drama. but with this statement i think, i will sleep well then, so relieved with the certainty hufft

I know this post later would be cause of some disagree but i just wanna help you all, i know how you guys had been through, and the certainty is only the answer :) but of course it's all up to guys, life is choice,ryt? :')

thanks for you post..but let we all in here keep this couple in our heart.we dont need any things like this to make our ship down.truly,we all in here never care with all bad statement..

we support their personal life together or not~its doesnt matter.why take so seriously :)

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Hi guy's,

     Hope We, Joondi /Minsun shippers stays cool...I am a newbie here and you may believed it or not believed but after I watch BOF I've been crazy lurking and seeking news for MINSUN, couple or not I still like linking them together...So you see even wasting my time as you say it ,I still love them no matter what.I'm not a teenager as many of our followers here,I am a middle age lady with two kids and I am single working Mom...anyway I am living far from my beloved country with my kids...To make my story short...It is not about if they end up together or they are a couple..It is about what I believed in as of the present, though how I love it if they end of marrying each other..Actually I like Minho but I love GHS more,it's my opinion and no offense meant guy's for those who love Minho more..I am happy reading anybody's comments in this thread,this is my pastime after my hardwork from my office...nobody told me to like them... it's a matter of choice what I believed.So no matter what their agency's say....still I have faith on my instinct....and that is MINSUN IS REAL......Peace on shipper's!!!MUAHHHH.... :wub:

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