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Guest happy_tomato

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Guest PhuongNguyen

Show her a piece of her own medicine.

-Go to her room and turn off her lights, even if she's in it. Tell her that if she learn how to do things in the dark, she'll save even MORE money. Keep doing that until it annoys the living hell out of here.

-When she's watching tv and there's a commercial, go and turn off the tv then tell her that the commercial waste 5 minutes, which cost money.

-When you see her turning on the water to wash or hand or face, go turn it off and tell her to only turn it back on again when she's ready to rinse.

-If she have a cellphone and is charging it, unplug it and tell her that she's wasting electricity because she's overcharging it.

Show her how it feels to be so restricted. She'll see how annoying it is. LOL... be prepare to get into a showdown though. = P

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Guest Every~Verse

LOL ^^^

That's really excessive. I'd contribute something to say, but it'd just be a repeat of what the other posters said. :P

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Guest colloquy

I think you should just talk to her about it. Just tell her to chill out. o_o If she doesn't get it, start instating 3-minute military style showers. You can also take one of those battery-powered lights that you can take with you anywhere, and just press it to turn it on.

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Guest chowfun2010

get a lock for your rooms.. keep EVERYTHING IN THERE! and leave the house for a long period of time and come home with a bajillion lamps... richard simmons her off and then tell her straight up how you feel about her.

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Guest misturrho

just get enough flash lights/press lights around the house and the worker helmet thing like people said, remember to stock up on batteries. BUT DANG SHE'S CRAZY. I'd so turn on all the lights and whenver she turns it off i turn it back on, also turn on everything in her room. Lights, computer, TV etc. get a lock on your roomate and your door. if she somehow breaks in, you call the cops cuz that's without permission and theft.

EDIT: just read your security deposit update. WTF? IS THE APT UNDER HER NAME OR ALL YOUR NAMES? I'd so threaten her with that and take it to cops, THAT'S MESSED UP. hope you have a witness though

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Guest CriticalHit

If this happened to me... I would eventually just lose it.


Room mate shuts light off with a big sigh.

I stand up and throw down the magazine.


Roommate: "Saving the !@#$ing electricity--"



Some more screaming and yelling and slamming doors.

At night, if she needs the light, turn on your own room light and be like "Yeah I need the light, sorry."

Sounds like one obnoxious roommate you got there, sorry.

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Tell her off. If she has no respect for anyone's lifestyle or bothers listening to other people's opinions, then she doesn't deserve your respect, too.

Considering how she is super rich, it seems like she is spoiled with having everything her way. It seems like a princess syndrome to me and unless someone tell people like her off, she thinks she is getting away with everything. Or even if you do tell her off and she doesn't care, at least you get everything off your chest.

You should play a prank on her and see how she reacts. Before she comes home, or is in the shower, turn ALL the lights on in your apartment. I know it is not good for the environment, but it will just be quick, and a way to let her experience how it feels like when you're being nagged. If she doesn't care and keeps on doing whatever she wants, tell her straight to her face that if she is getting annoying and since she is getting annoyed herself at you and your NORMAL house mate, say that she is always free to move out and live on her own.

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Guest happy_tomato


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get drunk. tell her exactly how you feel.

that's what my flatmate did to someone in our flat. she wanted the full effect of coming in at 3am, banging on her door and shouting at her.

or.... just talk to her sober:) there's no nice way of telling her.

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Guest colloquy

Check your online banking... at least, with my bank, they scan every check that has been cashed. If for both you and your roommate, the $1000 checks you guys wrote was cashed... you better confront her about this. This is CRIMINAL behavior, and I have no idea how she could twist it.

As for the rest, there's 2 ways you can approach it. Talk with your friendly roommate, then you two come up to her and be like... we've been thinking, and we TOTALLY agree with you that we should conserve energy! Here's some ideas, ROOMIE:

- 5 minute long showers [in reality, I personally think that's enough time to scrub and wash your hair]

- install energy-saving lifebulbs [i guess these would be expensive]

- turn off your computer when you sleep.

- turn off water while brushing your teeth


I know you're afraid of confrontation. I think she probably KNOWS that you two are kinda pushovers, which is why she's taking advantage of you two. I know it's not easy to confront someone, but considering the whole stealing money thing... there's being cheap, and then there's being an outright THIEF. Nobody likes someone that's anal. I also wouldn't get too paranoid about her blabbing to other people. Hey, you know the truth about the whole situation... just cling to that. I had similar roommate problems where she said bad things about me to the whole dorm floor. But, then she left my room to move in with her father, and everyone was probably a lot more friendlier after that. I think it said a lot more about me that I never said anything bad unless they wanted to know the whole, long situation and when they did, they understood where I was coming from.

So, stand up for yourself. Believe me ,this seems like the end of the world atm... just remember that it's not, and you're going to be going through life dealing with far mini shiitier people. Good luck.

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