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[Drama 2009] My Fair Lady / Lady Castle 아가씨를 부탁해


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My Fair Lady's first ep had a rating of 17.4%



TNS hasn't updated their site but internet articles says so.....

They already updated it



17.4 (#2)


17.7 (#3)

YAY! congrats to the drama.


am I dreaming..?

are the ratings for the first ep really.....

17.4% ?!?!

HAHAHHA! i know eh. It seemed like a dream but we know Eun Hye can really attract viewers' attention. ^^

This is a sign of the drama's success <3

I'm so happy.

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^ no im not dreaming :D

AGB - [1] 16.1


whether people like YEH or not, they are definitely not uninterested by her lols ^^;

lets hope that interest remains ^^

YEH does indeed have to work on her pronunciation, however IMO its too early to say that she has brought nothing to her character - it's only the first episode...!

and lols at the negative articles written about her acting.. YEH must really be back ^^

the same pattern in all her dramas to date lols ^^

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Guest funkindagirl

Yoon Eun Hye’s comeback drama in 2 years, netizens’ reviews “There is mis-casting”

Yoon Eun Hye had her comeback drama in 2 years with ‘My Fair Lady’ on 19th August on KBS.

But viewers have voiced their disappointment with Yoon Eun Hye’s acting skills. Viewers have voiced that all they saw was grand accessories, branded fashion and arrogant walking in the 1st episode aired. Viewers also complaint about Yoon Eun Hye’s blurred pronounciation and awkward acting and expressions.

Yoon Eun Hye debuted as part of female singer group Baby VOX and made her drama debut in MBC ‘Goong’ and subsequently acted in KBS ‘Man in Grapevine’ and MBC ‘Coffee Prince’ receiving great reviews and raised topics amongst netizens and viewers.

So coming back after 2 years, viewers bear great expectation for her comeback drama. Yoon Eun Hye also revealed in several interviews earlier on how she had put in much time to get into the character for the drama.

But with the first episode aired today, there were many bad reviews and there were even accusations of ‘miscasting’ as said by many netizens.

Viewers went up to online discussion board after watching the first episode and said, “I think I expected too much.. It seems that it did get better than better”, “I think she lost the feel after resting for 2 years. It was awkward”, “This is like mis-casting”.

While there were others who said, “Bad reviews just by the 1st episode..we should watch more to find out better”.

credit: sookyeong

Havent yet watched the first episode but Eun-Hye's acting and pronunciation hasnt always been very strong yet despite that I've always enjoyed her dramas. There's no denying YEH has something that draws you in, that makes you overlook her flaws and just enjoy her work. And judging by the ratings, despite the many complaints, people will still tune in and watch her dramas. Seems like negative criticism only makes her dramas more popular.

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ahh congrats on the rating =] anyway i haven't watch the drama yet so i can't judge nothing , about YEH acting

i'm sure it will improve later on. She wasn't as good in coffee prince the first episode or so for me but later on she

take on the role so nicely. I'm hoping that she'll do the same for this drama.

I can't wait to watch it with sub. . been dying to see it without sub but i think i wait lol

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Guest wwinger47

Looks like a reverse BL/BOF, and the brat this time is the girl?

Be really interesting! Especially in the heels of the highly popular brat-boys series.

Let’s see how much of a “rotten egg” she can be.

Based on the early returns, YEH has done a rousing start …hate mongers right on day 1.

The line between real and reel, seems blurry as always.


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Guest zanessa

thanx all for the updates been on lerker mode

happy for the 1st ep success

she rite into character her devious grins when shes doing bad are awsome

love it the cast will shine the story is just taking off cant wait

congrats on the rating YIPEEE!!!!!!

cant wait for the next ep its tomorrow rite

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Episode 1

I'm not disappointed, but there seems to be something missing. Eunhye's clothing was great but somehow I can't feel her character. Maybe it's because she's too mean T-T I'll probably have to get use to her character before judging. Anyhow, it was a very amusing first episode. The reaction of YSH was hilarious when they were in the car although this was to be expected. ^^ The little boy was so adorable with his smart talk and attitude. The second main MCW was extremely good as well. Her fun personality is really different from her "Brillant Legacy" character, kind of surprised me when I saw her. :lol: The three butlers were cute, with sucking up to YEH.

---can't wait to see Jung Il woo is the next episode. ^^


sponsor by forever 21 too?

maybe some of the clothes are from there too!

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hello y'all!

i only seen few parts of the first episode and i didn't understand it at all, but i did noticed how she pronounced her words and how stiffed and she was, but that didn't bother me...instead it made me think...could it be that she did that in purpose?

just think...she is supposed to be a bit*hy spoiled brat right? who doesn't have any friends...who doesn't really interact good with other people except being rude....when you think about that...then it make sense...well to me that is. People like that are awkward showing their feelings...so i think she did good!!! but again that is me....

i can't wait to see the next episode...and i will be patiently waiting for the HQ subs...hahahaha...I already know this show will be part of my DVD boxset collection of YEH...now if YA can just sub TVM then I will definitely get it too....lol

oh yeah lastly, i remember how they said Goong was mis-casted too before...that she's not a good actress and blah blah blah....and how netizens was saying bad things about CP and blah blah blah during the first few episodes....then after that what did they say? they all took it bad! they ate their words!!! muahahahahaha

Anywayz, I'll watch it and judged it with my own account...I luv YEH!!!!!

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Guest springtime

I am so happy that the rating is high for the Ep 1, even though I have not watched one second of Eps. 1

I really don't understand why people have to talk bad about YEH, or try to find as many flaws as possible in her.

For what purpose? To increase other dramas rating that aired at the same time or to make viewers not continue watching her work?

Why don't just enjoy the whole drama, then after that you will voice your opinion?

If you have certain personal feelings against YEH, then you should have not watched it because you will see something that you think she is not perfect in the way you want.

As a human, nobody is perfect. As long as the actors/actresses put their heart in the role and do their best for the drama, I think we as audiences should feel satisfied. I only watched the teaser and I still keep my opinion strong that YEH did a good job to describe the character because she always put her heart in everything. And I am really happy that she played this role rather than another role as poor girl falling for rich guy - AGAIN. Certain viewers will feel her role as a version of GYP. Sorry it has to be that way because she is a rich brat. But she is a GIRL and GYP is a BOY. Their actions will be the same in certain situation because they are rich, but there will be things that are different.

It is funny that some American movies have really bad critics from critic writers; but turn out very successful in box office.

So I think we should enjoy the drama considered the high rating for the first one.

And don't let negative criticism spoil your happiness for the person you love.

YEH - Fighting - MFL -Fighting

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Guest mysticalz

My Fair Lady's first ep had a rating of 17.4%



TNS hasn't updated their site but internet articles says so.....

They already updated it



17.4 (#2)


17.7 (#3)

YAY! congrats to the drama.

if My fair lady is #2 then who is #1....just wandering :P

Yoon Eun Hye Hits Jackpot Again

After an extremely successful run with "The First Shop of Coffee Prince," Yoon Eun Hye is at it again with My Fair Lady raking in 17.4% of Korean TV viewers on the pilot episode.

With over 100 programs going on at once, a 17.4% viewership is definitely significant. To put it into perspective, "Coffee Prince" only achieved a 14.4% rating on the pilot.

The episode itself was interesting. Yoon Eun Hye plays the part of a Korean "Paris Hilton" and it definitely provides some good laughs. Be sure to check it out!

Stay tuned to allkpop for more on this sure to be ratings monster.


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Guest goldfishinthesky

oh i am so happy song joong ki is in the first episode--he is just awesome with his facial exprssions--i love him in triple, but it seems he won't have much airing in MFL---

oh eun hye is just beautiful in the first episode--although i don't understand what they are sying but i really did enjoyed it---

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Guest Caroline :)

the episode itself was very fulfilling

considering it was only the first episode and i had a good time watching it proves it to be a success.

most dramas tend to disappoint during the pilot because they go too deep into explaining who the characters on but this episode focused mainly on hana and YSH's character.

it was a predictable episode yet i had so much fun watching it :D

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Guest Mimica



I loved the effects that you used in the 1st post! Is it a Brush for photoshop or a .ttf?

Could you let me know where to download it? Pleasseee so beautiful

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Guest facing


OMG Am I dreaming?????

Let's hope everything will keep getting better.

The preview of episode 2 is kind of interesting too, It will start to dig down the story :)

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It's just the 1st episode so I'm wondering why some netizens branded her as a miscast already :unsure:

oh well, nothing new, people are so quick to judge her on the 1-2 episodes. I hope they will stick around to watch her grow into Hyena :) Maybe it's the viewers who haven't warmed up to her new character. oh man it's like deja vu heehee same comments w/ Goong, Vineyard Man & Coffee Prince when the pilot came out....I hope these comments won't put her down :( oh wait!! our girl is strong these are the kind of comments that challenge her to do her best....! :)

on a lighter note #2 on pilot?!!! woohooo!!!

YEH ...TCOA fighting!!!

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Guest te_400

[color="#800080"]congratulations YEH for the high ratings on the first episode...it just reflects that koreans misses YEH alot.... she really proves that she is an outstanding, great actress...

to the cast esp YEH of MFL A BIG HURRRRAAAAyyyyyyy FOR YOU ALL....

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^ 720P!! now that's what ive been waiting for :D

thanks for the link dkyang!!

the 1st ep was well paced out, im glad they didnt take too long to try to explain every little detail in the 1st ep, since they have 15 more to do that ^^

thanks for all the goodies!! :D

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