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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest vietboi_tuan

The girls are so beautiful. I can't get enough of these pictures.

Once again at the MTV Taiwan their styles are awesome.

Wonder what they will be wearing next because I've loved

every single outfit!

YooBin have lost a lot of weight. Yeah she look great, but

her Nobody outfit is so lose on her. As long as she is

healthy then YooBin fighting!


More EXR pictures.












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Guest qoxie

There are a bunch of others yet to translate.

I wish I can post these chronologically as well, but I'm doing them source by source & my motivation is also to cover the older articles (24-hour window) before the news become outdated.

I will also go back & re-edit my transcripts, which are basically in rough-draft mode due to time pressures.

I recommend clicking on the links to go to the news sources too; they have a treasure of WG photos & videos.




WONDERGIRLS in Taiwan to taste the delicacies & to do promotions

News source: Awakening News (Taiwan) Date: 2010-04-22 20:16:47

[Awakening News (Taiwan), reporter Wang Bai-Ya article] What makes WONDERGIRLS salivate? The answer is Taiwan delicacies. WONDERGIRLS of 'Nobody' fame in Asia sampled some today (April 22) at the press conference. There were steamed dumplings, bubble tea, etc. Tasty enough for the group members to successively say in fluent Chinese: "Very delicious." Their packed schedule has yet to create any opportunity to visit the famous local night markets. But they said they are most interested in trying the beancurd & the mango ice.

To celebrate WONDERGIRLS's first Taiwan trip & their album's 5 times platinum in sales, today's press conference saw a special arrangement of typical Taiwan snacks, fruits & refreshments such as bubble tea, steamed dumplings, pineapple cookies, Taiwan kimchi & wax apples. Group member Yeeun ate the Taiwan kimchi & could not help but give the thumbs up, even repeatedly saying: "Delicious."

Korean entertainment companies have a knack of grooming their artistes. WONDERGIRLS not only got to tour in America, but also reached #76 in the Billboard Hot 100. They were the first Asian artiste to hit the Hot 100 in 30 years. In addition to training their verbal skills, the management company also helped them successfully enter the international markets.

Not surprisingly at today's press conference, besides new member Lim who is Chinese [sic] & can speak the language, the others were also able to converse in brief Chinese. Group leader Sunye went further with a flawless "I hope you like our album" quote, spoken with complete sincerity & verbal skills.

During this trip, WONDERGIRLS wants to roam the night markets the most. Their packed schedule has not created any opportunity yet. But they said they want to eat beancurd & mango ice. As well, some considerate fans sent pineapple cookies to Korea prior to savor, leaving them with a deep impression & to proclaim: "Very delicious."

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WONDERGIRLS jokes about being grown up to be asked about 'first night', surprises Ken Wu to celebrate his birthday

Yahoo! Update: 2010/04/22 21:40 Special correspondent Jian Li-yan

Wherever they went, Korean girl-group WONDERGIRLS's first Taiwan trip has been extremely popular with the media. The April 22 noon-time press conference was also an unprecedented grand affair. The 5 group members said they were extremely tense at the sight of the large attendance. Asked for their reflections on Dee Hsu's "first time" query yesterday that had them blushing, WONDERGIRLS joked: "So actually we have grown up to be able to answer a question like this."

The record label had prepared a variety of snacks & refreshments for WONDERGIRLS to sample. But only the winner of a game could get the bounty. Yet it was their camaraderie that ultimately let them enjoy the feast together. The Taiwan itinerary was super-intensive, leaving them conspicuously exhausted when interviewed on Ken Wu's radio show during their first night. But they were nonetheless dedicated in completing the work assignment. April 22 was coincidentally Ken Wu's birthday, & WONDERGIRLS was considerate to celebrate with him at the MTV "Crazy About J-pop & K-pop" TV recording. Ken Wu was moved & said so aloud.

The album has sold wildly in Taiwan, surpassing 35,000 copies. WONDERGIRLS was also the focus of intense media attention. Newcomer Lim said she was getting along harmoniously with the other group members. They hope to have time to take a look at the night markets. As for their next concert tour, [they would] of course want to include Taiwan as one of the stops. The April 23 evening event at CPcity Living Mall shall be WONDERGIRLS's only public appearance. The fans must not miss it.

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Dee Hsu brazenly asks about "first night", WONDERGIRLS was taken aback

2010/04/23 00:54

Reporter Zhang Ching-Yin article

Korean group WONDERGIRLS of 'Nobody' fame in Asia held a celebratory press conference on April 22. They greeted the Taiwanese audience in humble Chinese. The staff even prepared local delicacies for them to sample. But to have Dee Hsu ask about their "first night" on the 'Mr Con & Ms Csi' show during their first night in Taiwan, they were taken aback as well as [treating it] a novel experience.

Korean girl-group WONDERGIRLS sold a huge 50,000 [sic?] copies of their album in Taiwan. The 5 group members Yeeun, Yoobin, Sunye, Lim & Sohee appeared in their ceremonial best. The record label specially prepared wax apples, pineapple cookies, bubble tea, steamed dumplings, Taiwan kimchi & other local food. But when asked whether [they were] worked up over Dee Hsu's "first time" query, [the reply was] in jest: "We debuted when we were very young, & did not expect to have already grown up & be asked about this kind of question!"

As well, newly-added member Lim has seemingly adapted to the congested promotional tour. Born in Hong Kong [sic], she said in Chinese: "I was a little nervous at the beginning. But the other 4 members have been very good to me. So I feel very much at ease & also very grateful to them." Group leader Sunyue added, "Lim is very smart & conscientious, a model student!"

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Guest Fueled by Ramen

thanks for the translations of articles & the pictures!

lim is looking cuter & she looks so glam in the EXR pics ^^

and yubin looks beautiful as always! I LOVEEE the red. <3

sohee is shining a lot lately too. actually, they all are.

I'm really shocked that the MC asked that '1st time' question actually

isn't it inappropriate even for TV broadcast?! o.O not just cuz it's WG,

but in general. ehhh. whatever, they handled it well. =D

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I love all of their outfits from all of their interviews and press conference~

they all look feminine, hot matured at the same time especially Mandoo~

she's look so grown up~ her fashion sense is AWESOME and it doesnt make her

look like a 17-about to turn-18 yrs old girl~ Mandoo looks so mature for her age~

again, my Binnie unnie bias in me cant totally stop spazzing about how gorgeous

she looks~ she just tied up her hair so simple but yet, she looks so good~

and yup Binnie unnie does lost some weight~ as long as she's healthy and happy~ :)

its great that the girls get MEGASTAR treatment in Taiwan~ I'm so proud of them~!!

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Probably 50,000 copies is correct. The cake decoration at the press conference should be related.


I took the snapshot at 2:00 from here:

Cr. iLOVEyoobin2@Youtube / Kazaf10


After seeing the press conference I understand why Universal arranged this trip to Taiwan.

The girls are being treated like mega-stars!

The number of shows they are attending, the forest of microphones at the press conference table, photographers shooting like crazy our girls striking the Nobody pose... this is adoration <3


They all look gorgeous but Sohee is getting a lot of my attention. She's changing.

During the press conference she smiled a lot, every fan knows that her smiles used to be rare yet wonderful. Yup, her smile it's blinding.

And I did not notice her usual 'poker face' expression -- that's a change!

She's really maturing.

A Happy Food Queen :) and participating Sohee's expressions:





Cr.: http://www.youtube.com/user/nagootv

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Guest Stephy18

Wow the company and stylist went all out for this Taiwan promotions huh?

Seriously all the outfits are sooooo pretty. Their hair is so omg cute.

And OMG their shoes are FIERCE!! I freakin love all the oufits.

Finally the stylist did a good job.

Congrats our girls for selling 50,000 copies!!!

Wow looks like the girls are super busy. Hope they take care of themselves.

The girls have really grown up and matured so much. Very beautiful :D

That question was awkward and shocking but I'm sure our girls handled it well and the host probably didn't mean any harm. Different cultures do and ask things differently so don't take thing to heart.

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Guest qoxie

4 more reports ....



Korean girl-group WONDERGIRLS's whirlwind visit to Taiwan, Mainlander member is under focus

Time: 2010/4/22 15:31

Writer/Editor: Jiang Zhao-lun

Korean girl-group WONDERGIRLS of 'Nobody' fame in Asia recently called on Taiwan like a whirlwind. At today's (April 22) press conference, the group members said they were deeply impressed with the Taiwan fans' enthusiasm. As well, recently-added Hong Kong member Lim was especially under focus.

It was the song 'Nobody' that rapidly popularize Korean girl-group WONDERGIRLS throughout Asia. They even entered the Billboard Top 100 chart of popular songs.

With such excellent results, group member Yeeun said through an interpreter that it was also unimaginable for them at the start. But they will soon expand into the American market, & work hard at letting more Americans know about Asian singers. Yeeun: "(transliterated) Actually it was unbelievable to learn we had successfully entered the Top 100, & also very happy. The upcoming advance into America is a great challenge, but is also an opportunity. Let's let Americans know more about Asian singers."

Among the WONDERGIRLS quintet is Lim, a recent addition from Hong Kong. She said she is very nervous, but the group members are very good to her & would take care of her. Lim: "(original) I am a little nervous, but because the other 4 are very good to me, I feel very much at ease & am very grateful to them."

For their first Taiwan trip, WONDERGIRLS hopes to have time to roam around & taste Taiwan desserts like beancurd & mango ice. They also expect to launch their new album in June. [sic?] It includes Chinese, English & Korean songs. [They] look forward for an opportunity to hold a concert in Taiwan during the latter half of the year.

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WONDERGIRLS will meet the media this afternoon & the fans tomorrow

(Central News Agency reporter Huang Hui-min, Taipei April 22) Korean girl-group WONDERGIRLS of 'Nobody' fame in Asia is holding a press conference at 1pm at the Grand Hyatt hotel in Taipei. Tomorrow evening at 7pm, they will make contact with the fans at CPcity Living Mall's basement 3 Gravity Stadium.

WONDERGIRLS arrived in Taiwan yesterday. They caused a pandemonium at the airport. Many airport staff rushed to see the svelte idols. Many male employees also crowded around with their cellphones & cameras, hoping to shoot keepsakes.

Prior to Taiwan, WONDERGIRLS was already working for 2 full days. Upon arrival, they participated in radio host Ken Wu's show. Their subsequent activities have not been made public. The 5 members are recharging their batteries, readying to attend this afternoon's press conference.

Tomorrow evening at 7pm, they will also holding a fan gathering at CPcity Living Mall's basement 3 Gravity Stadium.

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Dee Hsu asked about "first nights", WONDERGIRLS was startled

(Central News Agency reporter Zhang Jing-wen, Taipei April 22) Korean girl-group WONDERGIRLS said at their Taiwan press conference that they were indeed startled by Dee Hsu's intrusive "first night" question at yesterday evening's 'Mr Con & Ms Csi'. Group member Yoobin said it was the first time being asked about sexual experiences, but is also awakened about being old enough to be asked this question.

WONDERGIRLS participated in the 'Mr Con & Ms Csi' variety show last evening. Show host Dee Hsu was in usual brazen questioning form, immediately asking the 5 members when was their "first night"?

Such an intrusive query, group member Yoobin said today at the press conference, was a little surprising but also very novel. But she also said the group members are all very young, & it was the first time being asked about sexual experiences. It also awakened her about being old enough to be asked this question.

WONDERGIRLS's average age is 19. After arriving yesterday, they immediately embarked on consecutive assignments without having slept for over 36 hours. At today's press conference, the 5 of them devoured the bubble tea, Taiwan kimchi, steamed dumplings, wax apples & pineapple cookies, while expressing their wish to visit the local night markets to eat the beancurd & the mango ice.

After concluding their 4-day, 3-night trip, WONDERGIRLS will release their latest album in May, tour America between June & August, & then expect to tour Asia during the latter half of the year. when the time comes, Taiwan shall have an opportunity to host a concert.

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Brazen "first night" query is countered, the topic praised as novel, WONDERGIRLS self-effacingly says they are of age

Reporter Lin Hsiao-chuen / Taipei


Korean girl-group WONDERGIRLS came to Taiwan for the first time. They participated in a variety show, & was brazenly asked about their "first nights". The 5 girls could not help but blush. Group leader Sunye chuckled & said, being asked about "first time" experiences awakened them to be already reaching adult age.

Netizens bombarded the host for asking about "first nights"

WONDERGIRLS has a packed itinerary in Taiwan. Participating in 'Mr Con & Ms Csi" & pressed by show host Dee Hsu about first sexual experiences, group leader Sunye said tactfully that she was a little started. But the TV program's entertainment ambiance was very different compared to Korea's, & she felt it was very novel. But there are fans online who spoke for the wronged idols, criticizing Dee Hsu's questioning as too brazen & not respectful.

WONDERGIRLS's first trip saw new member Lim facing the media. Her expression was somewhat tense. Due to prior smears of the other 4 group members deliberately snubbing her, the group interaction was particularly focused on.

Lim said that she is still acclimating. The other members are all very good, which allowed her feel very much at ease. Group leader Sunye praised her: "We have known one another for a long time. She has a strong capability for learning, & is our group's model student."

Forging into America with solo concerts in June

In addition, WONDERGIRLS of 'Nobody' fame in Asia re-started from scratch in America last year. The reigning girl-group of Korea begun as warm-up acts on the Jonas Brothers tour, with a status lower than the concert staff's, & could only take a small bus that hurriedly drove through the night.

As the performance frequency increased, 'Nobody' would not only breached the Billboard Hot 100 chart. They will hold solo concerts in America in June, which the group members said they could not have imagined. After having sung 'Nobody' for 2 years, they will soon release a new album. Henceforth, they hope the fans can get to hear different music styles.

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Before I forget, here's a couple of cellphone photos I took while at the local library during lunchtime earlier.

It has a global-linked e-newspaper resource, & I stumbled across Taiwan Apple Daily's edition for the day (April 22) which had a double-page news spread of WG's arrival & subsequent 'Mr Con & Ms Csi' appearance.

The written passages were previously translated or were generalized (group history, viral MVs, etc.). so I didn't bother with them,

Got some funny looks when I took the pics. The screen was a 50-inch LCD one, positioned at 45 degrees standing level!



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Guest eidolon

So much news on the girls! Wow. The girls look awesome at the press conference. Lim! New hair style? It's cute. They're all gorgeous. All of these events are building up the anticipation for their comeback! I'm super excited. I love Yoobin's hair. I can't get over how glamorous they are. Woot!

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Guest talksound


hm is this old or a more updated map of the dream concert seating? it's different the previous ones posted..

(F) is all they get?

FINALLY, they are getting it right with the fashion and hair! at last. after all this time with giving yoobin (mostly) such horrid hairstyles, i have to say she looks really great. so do the other girls

and i don't think people should get too shocked with the host's question. in korean standards/asian standards even, i'm thinking it's not really common, but this particular host, like someone might have mentioned before, is actually really blunt and it's pretty usual for her to ask questions out of the box, even surprising, like that.

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Guest sunmikiwangjang


hm is this old or a more updated map of the dream concert seating? it's different the previous ones posted..

(F) is all they get?

Well I guess this is the affect of not being in Korea for a year. Although it does seem odd that wonderfuls get a really small section, its expected.

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Guest talksound

^ i don't agree. i mean ss501 is hardly active. (usually) and they still get such a large portion of the seats.

all i'm saying is that the girls better be performing last or something, they deserve it.

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Guest voxtae13

I'm confused rightnow. This is the seating plan for Dream Concert 2010. It's been posted on SS601.com. I think it's newest.


in green, 501

in light pink, KARA

in hot pink, SoShi (good area)

in purple, f(x) (good area)

in light blue, SHINee (good area)

in dark blue, SuJu (which's a good area)

in red, WonderGirls

in grey, 2PM

in white, Rain, MBLAQ

boxed in yellow, 4Minute, BEAST

I dont think the girls wil be performing the last because i can see DC prefer SM's Artist.

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Guest Celangel

awww... I wished k-wonderfuls get bigger space... though i'm not surprised a lot of them have flown over to SNSD.

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Guest littlechocolate

worry not guys. bigger space or not, this will be their first stage comeback and i am sure the entire Korean nation are anticipating for their comeback no matter they are wonderfuls or not.

i am pretty sure the girls haven't lost their touch yet. i'm sure they'll win lots of hearts on their first comeback stage this year. i am not worried. they just have to work harder. God wouldn't disappoint those who works hard.

Wonder Girls is always the no 1 girl group in South Korea, they are always the nation's sweetheart!

wonder girls jjang!

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Guest Mia_Mia

I saw a bunch of charts floating around on Korean sites but all the sources seem to lead back to fans but can't find anything leading back to the dream concert officials ... What I did gather was that wonderfulsworld will be sitting on the ground level which is good since they'll see the girls better but not if it's totally to the crner , hottests will be behind them so jyp family will be together .. But according to wht im reading from fans there will be a downgrade from last year in terms of seats for the jyp block.. I guess the organizers think that jype fans arent I the best mood these days and they want to play safer....

The tickets are already on sale already right ??? Must be selling super fast with the limited seating

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Guest qoxie

Fancams of the full WG press conference (in Chinese/Korean, no subs)

The Q&A segment is in the last 2 clips.

20100422 Wonder Girls(원더걸스) 來台記者會_part1

20100422 Wonder Girls(원더걸스) 來台記者會_part2

20100422 Wonder Girls(원더걸스) 來台記者會_part3

20100422 Wonder Girls(원더걸스) 來台記者會_part4

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Also I read at the wondergirls.com.tw board that WG's 'Mr Con & Ms Csi' episode will air next Monday in Taiwan.

The WG 'Largest Political Party' episode is tentatively scheduled for next Friday. (I thought this was a live show?)

A WF there had emailed the respective broadcasters & posted the replies:


Might as well. Caught segments of both shows on my cable some hours ago but WG didn't appear, although the 'Largest Political Party' had their usual WG impersonators on for a comedy skit.

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After being queried about "first nights", WONDERGIRLS self-effacingly refers to have grown up

Update 2010/4/23 02:13

China Times Li Yu-Xun /Taipei report

WONDERGIRLS is in Taiwan for the first time. They were startled the other night by Dee Hsu brazenly asking about "fight nights" on 'Mr Con & Ms Csi'. Group leader Sunye said shyly, "Nobody asked these kind of questions before, maybe it means we have grown up."

During the press conference on April 22, WONDERGIRLS got to flaunt their gift for languages. Yeeun used Chinese to say, "I hope to eat beancurd & mango ice" & caused the audience to laugh heartily. Chatting about Dee Hsu's "first night" subject matter, the group members appeared at a loss, looking at one another without reply. Finally, the microphone was passed to Sunye, & she implicitly answered at the outset, "I heard 'Mr Con & Ms Csi' is very popular. It was a honor to appear on the show." She then self-deprecatingly defuses the awkwardness: "We debuted at a very young age. To be asked this kind of questions now, does that not mean we have grown up?"

Group member Lim was a new addition, substituting for Sunmi who had exited due to studies. On rumors of being shunned & bullied, she denied them & said, "They are very good to me, made me feel much at ease." Sunye added, "When Lim was still a trainee, everyone [already] knew one another. She is a model student, quick to learn everything."

In addition, WONDERGIRLS's single-handed mentor Park Jin-young is going through a divorce dispute, charged with a lawsuit by his ex-wife & having his 35 billion won (about 99.15 million NT dollars) in personal assets frozen by the court.

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This fanpic is so striking. Dunno the context except it was apparently taken at the media gathering.

Festive or what?



Taiwan Visit Press Conference


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Today's WG itinerary (the interviews should be all done by now).

1. Channel [V] interview

2. YES magazine (Hong Kong) interview

3. Ming Pao 明报 (Hong Kong) interview

4. K STARS 韩流感 / PLAY / TRENDY / FANS (Taiwan magazines) interview

5. Fan meet & greet session.

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Guest iloveleadahmin

ViiKii interview with 2PM and the Wonder Girls

ViiKii is proud to announce that we will be covering the 2010 Korean Music Festival with all kinds of treats. Not only will our ViiKii cam be interviewing various fans involved in the adventure that is the KMF, but we are also giving back to the community for all their hard work by getting exclusive interviews with both the Wonder Girls and 2PM.

We'd like for everyone to have a chance to participate in the interview with both 2PM and the Wonder Girls. This is your chance to finally get an answer from them directly! To know more about the bands, look below. But here's how you can be a part of it.

1. Comment on your question below.


2. Post your question at http://www.twitter.com/viikii

1> Follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/viikii

2> Hit us up on Twitter with a TWEET @viikii with your question (140 characters max)

The Wonder Girls haved opened up for top artists like the Jonas Brothers as well as Justin Bieber. No longer just an opening act, the Wonder Girls are now preparing for their American tour starting in June.

2PM is the mega popular Korean pop group that will be the opening act for the Wonder Girls on their American tour. The multi talented group has appeared in dramas such as Cinderella's Sister as well as hosting various entertainment shows. To top it all off they've recently released a chart topping new album titled Don't Stop Can't Stop.

LINK: http://www.viikii.net/channels/goto/viikiihelp#TOPIC/2503

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