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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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^ i remember when Sunmi left some people jokingly said (i hope it was jokingly O.o) that Jay made Sunmi pregnant or something

idk maybe some anti picked that up and thought it was fun to go from there and pester her with it. Or that person who said that a long time ago was actually this anti and the whole story is true....?

but i'm getting so sad right now :(

that anti is seriously scary .. he/she (think it's an she) even tweeted "if anything happens to him right now i will kill you." that's seriously sickening....THAT GIRL IS SERIOUSLY A PSYCHO!!

doesn't matter if it's true, i'll always support Sunmi....

if there's some true in this story i don't think Sunmi will stalk Jay and his family

*sigh* i need something to cheer me up :(

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^ OMG I just reported these crazy antis...what they wrote to sunmi did not only make me really feel sick but also scared, I mean how can u hate and attack someone that u dont even know ... I hope sunmi is okay and not affected by what they said, Im not sure but I think its one person who is attacking sunmi but I think she is using different accounts...can someone tell me please why these antis are blaming sunmi for happened to Jaebum ?!!

Antis are predicting now that Jaebum left because of his relationship with sunmi..:(

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Guest uchix_francois


what ?!! how can they do this to Sunmi !! accusing her of something so, so absurd and without any real source or proof at all !! GAH !! stupid immature crazy fans !! :crazy:

I hope Sunmi will be strong... she might seem like she's always joking but in truth she's very sensitive and easy to get hurt...

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Guest jcsmark

I just went to report the antis. I read some of their comments and gosh it's just terrible and immature. Sunmi Stay Strong!!

According to Fredo and Moonworker's tweets, Wonder Girls were recording on the 17th and 20th. Jane mentioned going to Korea and Shanghai tomorrow, maybe the girls will fly back as well.


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Guest wonderr23

'인두 향불작가' 이길우 뉴욕서 첫 개인전 호평

원더걸스 선예도 깜짝방문..전시는 27일까지


뉴욕에서 첫 개인전을 연 이길우 작가의 오프닝에 국내외 미술관계자들이 방문 성황을 이뤘다. 아래왼쪽은 김동수모델협회장과 원더걸스 선예.

(아주경제 박현주 기자)“한지를 타고 있는 향이나 인두로 태워내는 것은 내 작품에 있어 심오한 퍼포먼스로 나는 이 과정을 정화 의식에서 향을 태우는 듯한 인내심으로 진행한다. 이 과정은 내 작품 속에서 동 서양의 다문화가 상충함을 넘어 공존하는 ‘세계주의의 모습을 불교 사상의의 이데올로기적인 환생을 실천 하는 것이라 할 수 있다.”

'인두 향불작가' 한국화가 이길우가 뉴욕서 첫 개인전을 개최 호응을 얻고 있다.

지난 8일 뉴욕 White Box 329 갤러리에서 연 이길우 개인전에는 방글라데시 비엔날레 대상 수상작 ‘Dancer in Nature Monroe’등 신작을 선보이며 주목받고 있다. 지난 12일 전시 오프닝에는 뉴욕화랑협회장, 뉴욕감사원장등 국내외 유명 인사를 비롯, 김동수 모델협회회장,원더걸스 선예도 깜짝방문 성황을 이뤘다.

이번 전시에는 한국 전통 무용가, 한국의 풍경 그리고 뉴욕의 도시 풍경 위에 양각으로 드리워진 마릴린먼로, 버락 오바마, 마이클 블름버그 뉴욕 시장, 앤디워홀, 마이클 잭슨 등과 같은 아메리칸 팝 문화 아이콘의 이미지를 담아냈다. 향을 이용해 뽕뽕 뚫린 구멍들이 겹쳐 2중의 효과를 자아내는 독특한 작품이다.


이길우_New York state of mind 2, 2010, 순지에인두,채색장지에채색,배접,코팅, 194x240cm

뉴욕의 미술비평가 Eleanor Heartney는 "그의 화면은 각각의 장 위에 다른 장들을 겹쳐 하나의 페인팅으로 완성 되는데 이는 관객으로 하여금 하나의 이미지를 또 다른 이미지를 통해 보게 함으로써 현 세대의 다각적인 시각적 문화를 잘 포착 하였다 할 수 있다"며 호평했다.

이번 전시 'New York State of Mind'전에서 작가는 실제가 아닌 상상속의 뉴욕을 보여주고 있다. 들쭉날쭉한 도시의 지평선과 동양의 풍경 그리고 작가 특유의 기법으로 레이어시킨 다소 과장된 블름버그 뉴욕 시장과 마이클 잭슨 그리고 앤디 워홀의 이미지들이 그것이다.

서양의 물질 만능주의, 연예인 숭배, 상업주의와 그에 상반되는 동양의 영성, 명상, 그리고 자연에 대한 사랑 사이에서 작가가 느끼고 경험한 것을 담아 냈다.

타들어가는 향과 인고의 시간을 견디며 승화된 작품은 우연히 탄생됐다.

"2003년 어느 늦은 가을날 서울의 스튜디오에서 그림을 그리던 중 하늘을 올려다 봤을 때 말라 붙어있는 은행잎들이 밝은 하늘빛에 반사돼 마치 타 들어 가는 것처럼 보였다. 이 강렬한 시각적 경험은 타 들어 가는 향의 아이디어를 주었으며 은행잎들의 결정적 아름다움은 곧 나로 하여금 타 들어가는 향을 내 작품에 도입하도록 하였다.”

그는 "사물의 영혼은 사후에 모두 재로 돌아가지만 나의 작품들은 한지를 하나하나 정성 들여 태워가는 과정 후에 탄생한다"며 자신의 작품을 설명한다.

이길우 작가는 그동안 북경과 서울에서의 개인전을 치뤘고 현재 중앙대학교 한국화학과의 교수로 재직 중이다. 전시는 27일까지.문의.720-5789

박현주 기자



Just a brief translation. An art exhibition by Professor Gil Woo Lee of Chungang University! He held an exhibition at White Box in NYC. There are more than 100 VIPs who attended the event including Wondergirls (Sunye and Lim). The exhibition will last till February 27th.


More photos

cr: katyhwang@sunyebaidu and aisunye


A more clear version of the 4th picture


cr: slrigrednow

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Sohee avatar in AION 2.5, released in end-Jan. They gave her boobs! lol

The article also showcased other avatars: actor Hyun Bin, TV hosts Kang Ho Dong & Noh Hong-cheol in one strip; Michael Jackson, Angelina Jolie & TV host Jeong Hyeong-don in another. (Go to the link.)


Source: http://news.gamechos...ew.php?no=73843

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WG is namechecked in Monocle on Bloomberg (TV) segment on Kpop.

They only showed the 'Nobody' MV stills vis-a-vis other artistes who were featured more prominently, but it is still very watchable. In English, too.

Someone ripped the segment & re-posted it on YT:


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I cant believe some people actually believed that their was something going on between sunmi and jay ..

so we all know that the girls will release their album in April(hopefully) and mostly to have a tour by the summer so I was wondering what they will do in the second half of this year ?!!

are they going to continue promoting their album in USA or will they expand their promotion and start promoting their album in Asia and maybe even also have a tour in Asia

or are they going to have a Korean comeback ,JYP already said in twitter that he is writing a song for the girls and I'm sure its not an English song but in the same time with girls schedule I believe it will be hard for them to work and record for another album

what do u guys think

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Guest valentino_rossi46

I cant believe some people actually believed that their was something going on between sunmi and jay ..

so we all know that the girls will release their album in April(hopefully) and mostly to have a tour by the summer so I was wondering what they will do in the second half of this year ?!!

are they going to continue promoting their album in USA or will they expand their promotion and start promoting their album in Asia and maybe even also have a tour in Asia

or are they going to have a Korean comeback ,JYP already said in twitter that he is writing a song for the girls and I'm sure its not an English song but in the same time with girls schedule I believe it will be hard for them to work and record for another album

what do u guys think

I think after release a new album they will spend 2-3 months for US tour, then they expand their promotion worldwide cuz they said they hope this year they can have a world tour, at the same time they will still attend events and perform in US until the end of the year

They may comeback Korean for a few week or 1 month only, i dont think they will focus on Korea but i think they will have a new Korea Concert :)

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So I was at university the other day and while walking to my car I heard someone playing "Nobody" (english version) very loud from their car. The only thing that could come across my face was a big smile. :D

I thought "wow" so there are people at my university who know and are fans of Wonder Girls. I tried looking for the car but sadly either the song ended or they turned it down...

Its good to know there girls are still gaining fans here in the States!

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Guest uchix_francois


that's wonderful... the restaurant I went few nights ago were playing "Nobody rainstone remix" and my face instantly split in two to form a HUGE grin which almost scared my friends, lol...

world tour huh... I sooo want one in my country... I'm gonna scream their names again and again from the top of my lungs...

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Guest hrmmmhum

@zoopia @uchix_francois If you don't mind and if this isn't too personal, I'd love to know what countries you guys are from :D It's always cool to hear about WG's popularity around the globe!

I'm pretty sure @EFF_U_Stalker on Twitter is a Jay Park fan that's abusing and spamming SunMi. They accuse her of goin to "White Concert" which I think refers to Jay Park's White Love Party Concert. The date of the tweet also matches up. They also warned SunMi against going to Seattle to meet "his parents". I think all four accounts start tweeting on the same day (December 12th?), which implies that it's the same person.

Anyways, let's report these accounts for spam!!! We have to protect SUNMI!

Also, have there been any updates on WG on Taiwan's KKbox charts? Like the Special Edition album that was number 1 for 51 weeks and was going to have its first year anniversary the week after its last mention. Did we make it to 52 weeks, one year? :o

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Guest darkbrowny

valentino_rossi46// the picture is not sunmi. it is unknown girl's back side.

the coat is not similar coat she wore when attend SAT.

sunmi wore coat with gray fur hood when attend SAT.

do not make a wrong guess. Don't be disturbed what they says.

rumor is just rumor. there is no evidence.

they are just carzy anti/ crazy j's fan.

hrmmmhum// white love party concert??

no. sunmi didn't go there.

sunmi stayed with jane kim during x-mas season.

and she was sick at that time. she got bad cold. so she stayed at home.

i think they have persecutory delusion.

they're so full of crap.

so their mentioin is not worth reading. just ignore it.

we have to protect our sunmi. let's bolck and report their twitter for spam

/u_Getcaught /w3kn3w /EFF_U_Stalker /ur_fake /hifakegal

i think one or two person have several accounts.

j was kicked out by jyp because of his mistake.

it's not related with sunmi.

jyp, jype staff, 2pm, 2am, wg, missa.. they don't contact with him any more.

but our sunmi is still member of jype.

she keep in contact with jyp people. she take (vocal and dance) lessons at jype.

she quit wg voluntarily coz she was exhausted mentally and physically in usa.

ex/ she had homesick, hyperventilation syndrome and hallux valgus.

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Also, have there been any updates on WG on Taiwan's KKbox charts? Like the Special Edition album that was number 1 for 51 weeks and was going to have its first year anniversary the week after its last mention. Did we make it to 52 weeks, one year? :o

*slaps head* Argh, I forgot about it!

Saw a few Naver blog references among search engine results in the past fortnight, but never quite followed up.

Actually, it is KKBox Hong Kong (not Taiwan).

Just checked: 'Nobody' is all-kill again (daily, weekly, monthly single charts) in the 53rd week, so I missed highlighting the "anniversary" feat last week.

For the album charts, WG is also in the top 3 in the dailies & weeklies plus #1 in the monthlies.


Source: http://hk.kkbox.com/...orea-index.html

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Yoobin's, errr, nice abs featured in a HK mag (attributed to Oriental Sunday 東方新地, if correct).

Looks like it is part of a roundup of Kpop news. The text translates as:

Yoobin changes her look

WG, who has good relations with their company [obviously referring to KARA], is expanding into America & recently tweeted some photos. Yoobin's 'wild' look is eye-catching."



Cr: ★霖★ @ WGHK

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Chinese enthusiastic about 'Nobody,' but stingy

Korea Times 02-21-2011 19:14


Chinese people won’t spend money on Korean pop culture, such as music and dramas, although they have been making money from them amid the fever of the “Korean Wave.”

As a result, critics suggest that the Korean government make efforts to protect intellectual property rights through negotiations with China.

“Nobody,” a dance song sung by the Korean girl group Wonder Girls, is popular among Chinese and has been easily heard on Chinese state-run CCTV since 2009.

A Korean company, J, which has the original rights to digitally distributing the song started to supply ringtones to Chinese mobile phone operators through a Korean broker and a Chinese ringtone supplier in late 2009.

The tune “Nobody” was explosively popular among Chinese cell phone carriers, recording 1.2 million downloads a week in January, 2010, or once every 0.5 seconds. However, the Chinese side has paid nothing from the profits earned from the melody, except for 200,000 yuan (about 34 million won) it gave as a down payment when the two sides signed a contract, according to the Korean company.

“The mobile phone service provider would pay 0.2 yuan (about 34 won) to the digital sound distributor per download,” said a representative from the Korean CD industry. “The Chinese ringtone supplier has never paid profits to the Korean firm although the song was very popular till the end of June last year and a tremendous number of downloads were recorded.” The two sides agreed to divide profits once every quarter, according to the Korean firm.

“It’ll take a long time to get an outcome even though we file a suit against them. Furthermore, it is customary for Chinese courts to favor their corporations,” he said.

Another Korean company which has the copyright to remake the Korean drama “Autumn Tale” has experienced similar problems. This company pushed ahead with a project to supply the remake of the romantic drama to Hunam Satellite TV in late 2009.

However, it was obliged to hand over the initiative to the Chinese side as the subsidiary of the satellite TV broke its promise several times on the project although it had already spent some 300 million won for copyright, actors and a director for the remake.

The director was switched from Korean to Taiwanese and the Korean main actor with another actor as the Chinese side insisted on the change. The drama aired on Hunan Satellite TV in 30 episodes at the “golden hour” from last month, recording top viewer ratings. The Chinese side took nearly all of the profits, according to the Korean firm.

“The government should take measures through negotiations with China to protect the intellectual property rights of Korean corporations,” said an official of a Korean firm producing content in China.

Source: http://www.koreatime.../135_81822.html

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Latest word: WG is in Korea.

cr: SUNDAY via Katyhwang @ Baidu

(Posted about 3 hours ago; 7:20pm local time.)

Presumably they went back with Jane; dunno if they will follow her to Shanghai.

Or maybe to film the MV at last?

I see JYPE needing a 6-week window for final preparations, so the clock is ticking if it's to be a April album release....

EDIT: JYP tweeted they are still filming 'Dream High'. (Make a cameo?)

He also said yesterday he's heading to the studio after 32 hours on the film set. (Record with WG?)

One other possibility is WG flying in for the formal taking over of J.Tune tomorrow (Feb 23).  It's enough of a corporate milestone -- JYPE becomes a listed company the 'backdoor' way (since J.Tune is already listed on the stock exchange) -- to have the girls grace any planned ceremony.

So happy RAIN is back in the family again, whatever happens.

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Update: Someone posted on weibo that WG is heading to Shanghai on 2/24 (Thu).

Expected arrival time 9pm~ Pudong Airport Terminal 1.

Cr: WG-forever @ weibo

No info on what event yet.

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NEW: Someone else tweeted on weibo that her "senior colleague" has "secured an interview with WG".

(That's all she said; the rest was self-deprecating at her own lack of success.)

She's listed as from Shanghai, looks like an entertainment reporter.

Cr: cacajj @ weibo

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Update: Someone posted on weibo that WG is heading to Shanghai on 2/24 (Thu).

Expected arrival time 9pm~ Pudong Airport Terminal 1.

Cr: WG-forever @ weibo

No info on what event yet.

- - - - - - - -

NEW: Someone else tweeted on weibo that her "senior colleague" has "secured an interview with WG".

(That's all she said; the rest was self-deprecating at her own lack of success.)

She's listed as from Shanghai, looks like an entertainment reporter.

Cr: cacajj @ weibo

As always, thanks for the updates, qoxie!

seriously can't wait for what the girls have in store for us!

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Guest jcsmark

Looks like the girls may be in Korea for the rest of the month. Possibly record the song that JYP has composed for them.


This is from last month, seems like JYP will also return to NY and work with Claude Kelly after he is finished filming for Dream High


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