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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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You know, I'm going to be honest here and say that I did agree with a majority of HoneysuckleRose's first post. I've been a bit put off coming to this thread because of all the comments I see about other groups here. I'll admit even I commented about them in the past here but it was mostly an observation, most of the comments here though have been reaching. I get that they are the girls' main competiton and all but there is a time to just... stop. :( Some comments here have been hypocritical, I mean, have we forgotten that Wonderfuls have done in the past what other groups are doing now, mainly the bulk order strategy and what not just so that the group is guaranteed a win? And I side-eye comments that say winning awards isn't important or whatever but once the girls don't win we cry conspiracy or foul. It's not so farfetched since many of these companies DO have biases and are easily bought. This is one of the points I don't agree with in Honeysuckle's posts. There has been much backlash in the past because of how unfair so many of the broadcast stations are so we are in the right to call conspiracy. My point is we shouldn't use that as the main excuse for our girls' loss, let's take the loss for what it was, a loss and just move on.

I can easily understand why some of the older fans here have left. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion let's not forget. The last argument we had on this thread from weeks ago is still fresh in mind because of how many posters we lost (I myself almost left), mainly because those who didn't agree with certain comments/opinions received thumbs down in their posts that were really uncalled for. Just because someone doesn't agree with the majority it doesn't mean you are not a true fan. I find those comments hurtful to be honest, one can be a fan and still be critical of other fans and the artist as a whole. There is no defining of a fan.

That said, HoneysuckleRose, although I agreed with some of your points I don't think it is fair to generalize all Wonderfuls.

Just my two cents. I hope I don't offend anyone and worded that alright. English has never been my forte. >_>

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I don't know if there's a difference. Whether I'm log in or not, it still shows the same. If the melon and olleh streaming works without logging in, I think streaming mnet without logging will also work.

I registered in Mnet a few months ago. One of my problems before is the authentication number as well. I'm using a yahoo account.

1.) Have you tried registering in internet explorer?

2.) Have you checked your spam folder?

Do reply if it is still not working.

I'm finally in, i tried it with Internet explorer :), but now i can't vote for them in


is it to early to vote ? :S

this message keeps coming :


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Guest TheArchangel

I'm finally in, i tried it with Internet explorer :), but now i can't vote for them in


is it to early to vote ? :S

this message keeps coming :

*quoted image*

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Voting for the week has ended already. You'll usually see a timer above the point distribution box. Usually, voting will be somewhere on the friday night to Monday morning. It will only be up for maximum of 25 hours I think.

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Voting for the week has ended already. You'll usually see a timer above the point distribution box. Usually, voting will be somewhere on the friday night to Monday morning. It will only be up for maximum of 25 hours I think.

Oh, i didn't now that, thanks ...then i guess i'll wait until friday :) i hope they win

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Guest UncleSam


원더걸스가 원더랜드의 앨리스로 깜짝 변신했다.

멤버들은 영화 '앨리스 인 원더랜드'에서 모티브를 얻어 '원더걸스 인 원더랜드' 컨셉트로 화보를 촬영했다. 선예는 호기심 많은 소녀 앨리스, 소희는 귀여운 이미지와 어울리는 토끼 소녀, 유빈은 익살맞은 모자장수로 분했다. 예은과 혜림은 각각 하얀 여왕과 붉은 여왕이 되어 파격적인 카리스마를 선보였다.

화보 촬영과 함께 진행된 인터뷰에서 소희는 "미국에서 활동할 땐 지금보다 더 어려서 그랬는지 그 시간들이 엄청나게 느껴지지 않았는데, 이제 와 생각해보니 우리 모두가 대단했다는 생각이 든다"고 지난 시간을 떠올렸고, 혜림은 미국에서 TV영화를 찍으면서 할리우드에 대한 꿈이 생겼다며 배우 로건 레먼과 함께 연기하고 싶다는 귀여운 바람을 이야기했다.

예은은 "안무를 요염하게 해봤는데 느낌이 잘 살지 않아 안무가로부터 제발 연애 좀 하라는 핀잔을 들었다"며 최근 화제가 되었던 연애금지령 해제와 관련된 에피소드를 들려주었다.

인터뷰를 진행했던 담당 에디터는 "총 10시간 동안 함께 있으면서 모든 스태프들이 원더걸스에게 반했다. 특히 오랜 시간 얘기를 나누면서 방송에선 잘 비치지 않는 멤버들의 모습을 알게 돼 흥미 있었다"고 말했다.

원더걸스의 특별한 화보와 인터뷰는 '보그' 12월호에 실린다.



Wonder Girls changed to the "Alice in Wonderland."

The members took the "Alice in Wonderland(2010)" inspired pictures in the "Wondergirls in Wonderland" concept. Sun became a curious young girl-Alice, Sohee as the rabbit girl which fits to her cute image and Yubin became the Mad Hatter. Yeun and Herim changed to the White and Red Queen showing off their charismatic presence.

In the interview while filming, Sohee told us her US life that " When I was in the States, I didn't give a thought about that time because I maybe was too young to realize but now when I recall, we were indeed awesome. Herim, otherwise, revealed her small hopeful that she wants to act with Logan Lerman.

Yenny divulged the episode concerning about the change of "NO DATE POLICY." When they practice the dance move, she could not express 'sexy and alluring.' The choreographer begged her to have some romantic relation so that she can express.

The editer who did the interview told us "All the staffs became WG's fan in this 10 hour interview and filming. Because we talked quite a while and fascinated by the different aspects of WG's members which we never knew just on TV."

Wonder Girls Special Pictures and Interview will be published on the December Vogue.

Rough Translation.


*the images are hot linked. Soon or later they will take it away. The picture belongs to Vogue Korea provide to Sport Chosun for the publicity purpose.

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Guest jcsmark

Thanks @UncleSam for the translations, Lim sure is a huge fan of Logan Lerman lol

2 more Vogue Korea Magazine pics taken by Th-Wonderfuls who are in Korea to support WG



Credit MallyJung + yummy_swg @twitter

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Korean Popular Culture and Arts Award

In one of the most interesting award speeches of the day, Park Jin Young said, "Culture is different from cars; simply large quantities of exportation is not good enough. The results won't be good if we simply export our culture without understanding it. Culture isn't a one-sided advancement; it is exchange. Koreans should also enjoy other cultures."

I agree with what he said... that's why i trust him & the girls so much~^^

They taught me to fight for what i want, to don't give up & not rush things... i'm pretty sure they know what are they doing~ so let's trust & support them wonderfuls :3

Let's not mind what other people say... we know how we & the girls are~ we know what they're capable of~^^

Let's stay Mannerfuls as always wink.gif

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Wheeww what a day..just got home from work, put my feet up and looky looky here!! The girls pictorial in Vogue!

Meannn buzz, they all look the part, I like 2Ye's look in particular.

Dayum it's a shame they didn't perform Me, in live... but all is good lol there's plenty more to look forward to...

And Sohee hitting the clubs ayeeeee? Nice! About time girl Lol! I love how Yeeun describes what she wore lol! hard case girls!

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Guest Zenzen01

Ahh! That TROLL~! 

I got nothing to say to that person cause I'm too busy spazzing over our girls ^^ 

Wonderfuls, if you want to answer back to that person go ahead i am certainly not going to stop you ;) 

 but remember stay classy and sassy and not trashy !! 

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Hohoho~ They look lovely!

Awesome pics, shoties for the share!

Ohmagoodness! MinAhn! Hot dayum! *tssssssss.

Woo! YeBin making it hot!

Work it SunLim!

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Guest vananh189

Just wanted to say thanks for all the decent/polite WG fans that sent me messages, I can't reply to them because I am getting error messages. But before I sign out and go back to non-member mode...I didn't read the ones warning me beforehand about how WG fans on soompi respond to a difference in opinion. But now I understand. And no I didn't read through that tiring argument over Sunye's hair..it's crazy that some fans were actually insulted to the point of leaving over a comment on hair. These must be the remaining regulars on this thread.

It's a shame in this thread if you post anything that isn't insulting or bashing towards another group you are a secret fan/troll of that group, or post anything about the constant habit of bringing SNSD names into off topic comments and such you are told to just leave. It's more clear as to why WG never have fans that stick around long, oh well. lol

Anyhow, ignore my post, I just reported the post I felt were off-topic, bashing, etc. I believe WG's thread was closed before for similar reasons.

The Rules

☆ No discussion of other artist in this thread unless they are headline together with the Wonder Girls.

Sadly post like .....someone informing us on your imaginary italian buddy finds another group to look like little girls, just to praise WG and degrade the other group are not in line with this rule, and others similar to it as well. Not to mention the fact that it's sexist as hell. In the most degrading way.

Good luck this week, and next week Wonder girls.

You just lost yet another fan, sorry but as I am from Korea, idol groups are about fans as much as they are about idols.


You know, I really really don't want to perpetuate this and remind myself of your posts anymore than necessary but since you took the time

to give this thread your opinion, I'd like to relay mine.

You have created an account and all your posts have been pertaining about the the members of this thread and how we all have mentioned other groups.

In all your posts, in this thread, you have mentioned other girl groups, so if you'd like to set an example and critique this fandom and thread as a whole, please refrain from doing what you are calling all of us out on. The pot can't call the kettle black etc...

And I'm a Wondergirls fan since day one. As long as they have a fan like me to support them, then they are still the Wondergirls and

1 fan, in and of themselves, can be a fandom. (If that made any sense...kinda losing my mind here lol.)

No one is ever suppressing your opinion here, we are human beings programmed to have connections to other people and in this case, groups that we support.

You post your opinion, we reply with ours, it's as simple as that. I'm taking your opinions with a grain of salt.

I, too, am guilty of mentioning other groups but I get so so frustrated since the beginning that all the Korean news outlet have created

this rivalry and the Wondergirls are always asked to answer questions about other groups. Constantly.

So it's really only human nature to mention others because it's now become, not about the Wondergirls themselves but about

other groups and the KOREAN MEDIA is constantly pitting them together and it's so unfair to have to speak about how awesome

other girl groups are when you should be promoting your own album that you have worked on for the past year or so.

It's a constant beating to have to answer to all the haters, especially when the Wondergirls have put themselves out there for new experiences/sacrifices

and people bring down their hard work.

So when I say I could give a flying fart about whether or not they win, I really do mean like 50% of that lol.

When I see them lose and compare it to the charts, I'm disappointed and I'm going to vent it all out. It's hard

to just move on and not care because these Wondergirls have become an extension of myself.

I live out my kpop habit through the Wondergirls. They're like family, so when they win I hoot and hollar.

When they lose, of course i'm going to shout conspiracy...jk. (it's the tiny bit of Italian in me that I possess.)

Family is everything and when they bleed you bleed?! LOL...so I say, vent out your frustration but follow the rules.

I'm going to forever and ever be a Wondergirl fan. I'd rather see quality fans then in quantity.

BTW...AT A TIME LIKE THIS...Don't you just wish SUNMI was here to shoot some tangerines of positivity?

SUNMI I really miss you and can't wait to see you re-emerge into the kpop world again. I miss your voice, your prettiness



source: http://www.showwallpaper.com/view.php?topic=6064&page=27

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ahh!!... Vogue pictures are  :w00t: .. I love that MinAhn picture so much because the two of them are so amazingly great when it comes to photoshoots. Lim is getting very comfortable in photoshoots now !.

Sunye Fancam - Republic of Korea Pop Culture Awards Ceremony

Leader looks stunning....must watch!

This fancam and recent Sunye fancams have really shown how sharp of a dancer she is. I read a comment (on youtube, I think?) some time ago that said she can "hear" the rhythm of a beat and moves to it and I really get it now. She's always so alive during her performances, I hope everyone can now see why JYP refers to her as the next Rain. If there were any doubts before one just has to see her recent GNO performances (she really stands out). She is, as many have said these past weeks, such a great overall performer.

The girls' AiWL shoot is so gorgeous :D Yenny looks like a boss on hers lol. And I agree, Lim has improved so much during photoshoots, I am still amazed at how well she has adapted and developed thus far.

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