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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest WonderfulSohee

^ I was mad before but now I just LOL 

He is just trolling because he weren't able to work with our LEGENDARY Wonder Girls

Sorry Teddy but our Wonder Girls are too good for you.

He tweets back to some WFs who were complaining

Usually busy producer don't tweet back cuz they're busy. Poor man he must really don't have a life.

Our Angel Sunye please ask god to forgive this pitiful delusional man

BTW, some WFs asked: 

"Who is Teddy Riley? Does he own a Teddy Bear shop?"

Sorry I just though that this is funny.

once again torn between being mannerful or stooping as low as them by bashing them back.. #gottastaymannerfulforwondergirls

BTW!! There is a rumor saying that WG's movie will be release in February of 2012

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Guest floral93

omgd i am so angry what teddy riley said i just had to give my 5 cent in

ok firstly i was actually looking forward to the music (i still am) i mean no doubt about it he can produce e.g. dr. feel good..but what the hell he needs to get his richard simmons out of his head and realise he's not the only one who can produce music, just cause he's producing his music for snsd he thinks that it will go down well in us? meaning their gona accept it more then wg?? WELL SAYS HIM if i stand corrected didn't he plan for Rania to debut in the US too? ohyeah how did that go riley? exactly.my.point.

DON'T let that inconsiderate man break us wonderfuls!! seriosuly im fuming here..yeah it might go down well in the US but hasn't MANY KPOP SONGS gone down well in the US too without promoting there? i mean i live in the UK and some ppl do generally like to listen to kpop.

THE WG have been working in the US whether it be from just experiencing and adapting the culture or to record songs for what 3 years they have worked through the 3 years building a path for kpop (they were the ones who started the catchy trend in korea, where the rest of the disciple groups copies now) even MARD.PD stated they were the ones who started it again and he works in the bloody industry! Like I was saying the girls have worked TOO HARD TOO LET a WHAT some geezer who produce music for SNSD once to say their gona be more successful?!

 well mr.riley u should thank our girls actually, I mean THEY WERE the ONES who debuted in america first so that must have gave u the idea to do the same but with another group, how is rania btw?

disappointing really i thought music was too bring ppl together


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Guest big_face

oh my god, it's rude! i'm gonna tweet Teddy now <_< really make a bad mood for me when i heard some one said my girls like it, especially from a musician. Did he really send some songs for JYP then he got rejected, is this true?

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Guest *bluebutterfly*

A lot of Wonderfuls have been asking JYP for a new song, so Wonder Girls will not have to perform 'Nobody' anymore, but Nobdy is Wonder Girls' most popular and well known song, therefore they are likely to perform it a lot and at events where they are allowed to perform more than one song, because it's popular and because people will want to watch and listen to them perform 'Nobody'. A good example of this is China. Wonder Girls have been invited to so many events in China and they will always perform 2DT and Nobody because 2DT is their most recent song and Nobody because it's popular, as qoxie mentioned their mobile sales reached over 5 million for 'Nobody,' and it's not like in Korea, where they attended music shows 3/4 times a week. In China they will not have watched performances from the girls much, unless they are a hardcore Wonderful and follow and watch everything.

Also, IMO JYP & Wonder Girls did not make the wrong decision to advance to the US. It has always a goal of theirs since pre-debut, and as they reached their peak so fast and achieved all that could be achieved to reach the top in Korea, they could move on and achieve new and bigger things, rather than releasing a new song/album and achieve the same thing they have already achieved. Those who are not Wonderfuls will not be able to recognise this but Wonderfuls know how good their break from the Kpop scene has been for the girls. They moved to the US, improved their language skills, their live, they have adapted to life in the US and have gained big contacts. It was unfortunate that the girls were sick during their 2DT week promotion therefore their live was not as great as it could have been, and therefore others are still bashing them for their live. =/

Teddy Riley is acting really immature. There was another producer recently in the kpop scene who acted immature and started bashing another group, which can easily start a fanwar. Do not bash another group to make your own sound better, it does not work that way. It creates more trouble. It's bad enough already that these two groups have been determined 'rivals' for so many years. IMO Teddy Riley is not reliable.

We should never forget that Wonder Girls were always the first achieve something big. Girl groups were not as big as boy groups were back in the day, since S.E.S and Fin.Kl stopped promoting and they were the biggest girl groups in Kpop. A few years later in 2007, Kara, WG and SNSD debuted. WG were the first girl group to achieve a Daesaeng award at Seoul Music Awards. They also took home 3 awards at the 2008 MKMF for 'song of year', 'best music video' and 'best female group' thisiswhenmnetwerestillfairabouttheirawards and they were the first girl group in 10 years to hold their own solo concert. And as we all know, they are the first to reach the Billboard Top 100. Even if you like to think that others may be doing better than them right now, but because Wonder Girls have achieved all this, they have somewhat helped all the other girl groups today.

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Guest WonderfulSohee

Wonderfuls, please do complain but don't cross that line between complaining and bashing.

We are Wonderfuls and Mannerfuls, let's stay true to our name.

"staying too polite while WG are getting bashed is just not acceptable..Be as mannerful as you could, but don't let anyone step on our girls!"

"once again torn between being mannerful or stooping as low as them by bashing them back.. #gottastaymannerfulforwondergirls"

And, snsd has nothing to do with this. So please do not bash them and start a fanwar. Just tweet complain to Mr. Teddy Bear to let him know how rude and unprofessional he is.

I am having fun retweeting all of these funny tweets mocking Teddy Riley right now hahaha.

These tweets calmed me down, and I am having more fun making fun of him right now then mad over this.

IDK why but whenever someone bashes Wonder Girls, a lot like A LOT of Wonderfuls will start to show up and protect our girls. This shows that Wonderfuls are still out there but just are inactive. 

I don't even know who This Bear is until he opened his stinky mouth and talked bad about my girls. How dare you!!

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Guest only5Wonders

lmao. I see Wonderfuls attacking Mr. Teddy Bear at twitter.

this is so funny.

he must have been overwhelmed.


Mr. Teddy Bear, you should think first before lashing on WG. 

Don't mess up with the wrong people, coz u never know the AMOUNT of back ups they have :P


off to retweet some right now :D

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Glad to read @qoxie again, even if it's for a tirade. Man, while I was writing my post I thought that the Seoulbeats vid was annoying enough to bring you here and state your point. And I'm glad you did it. As a V2.0 European ahjussi I have no right nor culture knowledge to open fire at will, but I wished hard to^^ - kudos for pinpointing their generation and K-pop education.

I am confident about the health of the Soompi forum. It's a waiting moment, with little news. It feels like one of the periods where only hardcore fans are active, yet this thread is lively and there's a steady influx of newcomers and visitors. About the international side at large, take the Billboard poll success: given the possibility to do something to promote the girls, WFs showed up and scored.

"There is no exit" is still the word.

So, I believe that when new albums, promotions and movie will come out, we'll get to see the international ranks in full force, recovering the quiescent and gaining new ones.


ROFL to the Teddy Riley bear counter-tweets. Polite and outrageous :D

Hmmmm. The Rania project is not what I would want on my resume if I were a producer. (EDIT: I'm talking about the packaging & production, not the artists). This guy probably just got that K-pop is cool and he could make something out of that. It's a pity that SM fell for that.

Guys, there's a serious risk of facilitating his promotion and work by complaining too long on twitter. Hipe can grow feeding on gossips and controversies. Be careful.


@myNameIs-rAin Yes, V stands for version. It's a tech slang that has become mainstream. The 2.0 notation has a meaning only for techies but became mainstream too in U.S. due to a wide marketing use in the to promote "the next big internet thing" (social media) -- suffice to say that the number that matters is the one before the dot.

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Guest innothenshi

DONT YOU WORRY GUYS=D there is a BIG DIFFERENCE between the word "EXCEPTED" (teddy riley's tweet) and "ACCEPTED"... tongue2.gif


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Guest sibilance

I don't think much about Teddy Riley as a producer nor as a person. I like Rania but when he started attacking them because he had problem's with their management his true colours were revealed. 

Take this guy's comments with a pinch of salt Wonderfuls. Wonder Girls have GRAMMY WINNING/NOMINATED producers writing for them. We are the ones who should be  laughing. 

In regards to these latest criticism of WG and America,

Wonder Girls have nothing to be ashamed of. They have achieved soooo much more then what other Asians have attempted. 

  1. Placed on Billboard Hot 100 (the chart which actually means and accounts for something!)
  2. Working with Top Producers and making valuable connections
  3. Having their own very successful and sold out solo concert
  4. Having their own TV Movie that will appear on a major Teen Network
  5. Taking #1 spot on the Billboard 2009 Album Sales 
  6. Billboard's Stars rising stars under 21
  7. Touring in major concert arenas with Jonas Brothers.
  8. Music have been played on Major Radio Stations - in NY
  9. Opening act for Justin Bieber for 2 shows
  10. Appearing on Prime Time National Television - So Do You Think You Can Dance and Wendy Williams Show
  11. Features for well known published magazines - Teen Vogue.
  12. Being invited by American Fashion Magazines to do photo shoots.
  13. Appearing on a movie - Last Godfather
  14. Invited to the Teen Choice Awards
  15. Having their own merchandise on sale at a popular Teen Store
  16. Signed by an American Music Company (** still yet to be revealed said to be one of the Top 3 US Music Companies) 

[Not a complete list]

Even artists that try to make it big in America and are actually American and English as their first language will NOT have the same opportunities as what WG has had. I think some Wonderfuls and critics need to step back and look at what they have achieved. Their achievements are astonishing and not to mention completed in just 2 years. Not to forget English is their 3rd language (after Korean and Mandarin) and for some maybe their 4th language (Yoobin: Japanese and Lim: Cantonese) and the fact they come from a distant East Asian country. Some Asian artists already have given up and they haven't even barely had the same achievements as our girls. 

I don't know about you but I think it is incredible. Have you ever watched American Idol or X Factor, there are many contestants over 30 years of age that haven't had this opportunity like what the girls have had. And they are still under 22 years old! Tell me is that not incredible or not? 

Yes they still have a long way to go to be fully recognized by America but they are on the right track. It will be a shame to see them stop and pack up now!! 

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just don't mind that Teddy whatever tongue2.gif .. well for me he thinks that our girls is his biggest competitor for his work, why he didn't mention any other girl groups who are so active,did he only know WG besides snsd? and just attacking our girls, i think he knows WG is one of the big threat to him, or he thinks that WG is a big rival for him. well just wait and see, hope he don't eat his own words, since he is so full of himself.

WG figthing :D

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Guest freakloverxx

on the bright side..this teddybear has brings us wonderfuls together and its so nice to know that wonderfuls will always have each other's back and most importantly we are always there to protect the girls and our fandom.

i have faith in our girls and im sure deep inside u guys have it too.and remember "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do". so chill wonderfuls.few months more..our waits will be over and its so gonna worth it.rolleyes.gif

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fellow wonderfuls, we know we don't have to be upset about this. come on. 'excepted' lol.

anyways, our girls will have the last comeback among other girl groups. and It's ALWAYS SAVE THE BEST FOR THE LAST.

wonderfuls = mannerfuls. :)

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Time and time again, and we still get all these posers acting as industry experts and deeming to pass judgement on hardworking, and genuine people... Oh well guys... The Teddy Riley thing, lets put it past us. I mean have you seen his English??? Its deplorable!! Personally, I am very glad that our Ladies did not work with his patronizing richard simmons; he obviously does not want to bite the hand that feeds him, and his viewpoint is more than just narrow... We know the amount of work and tears that's gone into the Wondergirls' major label debut into the United States... Hell, we've seen the sacrifices and the losses they've suffered... And How much they've grown! I would not take it upon myself to start bashing a man who sees Kpop as a novelty, and is obviously using it, and its "Hallyu" craze to make some dough... Because everyone, who's anyone in Kpop currently wants to debut in the United States... And this other group ( not mentioning names) is taking the easy way out by dropping a half-assed  English release (not in terms of quality of music, or quality of performances, I assure you, just in terms of the HOW they're going about doing it - no networking, no diving head first, but playing it completely safe, and really not risking anything! My opinion obviously, before people decide its worth their time to come at me with fangs bared, babies, I WILL eat you alive. I have amazing tolerances for both pain, and criticism, you would not want to cross me. Teehee). Obviously I am a big believer in Hard Work and Perseverance... :)

Anywho, did not say how AMAZING PARK YEEUN looked on her High Cut photoshoot. She looked absolutely stunning... the real goddess of kpop (in my opinion again :D) Anyone else see the slight Lolita theme going, or am I hallucinating, coz I just read the book for the nth time the other day?? Probably just going senile, don't mind me. BUT, she looks absolutely breathtaking :D

OOOhhh and totally love it when all the agitated Wonderfuls come out of hibernation to bear witness to the amazing-ness of the Wondergirls when they are attacked by some un-enlightened individuals of society.... Makes me feel all warm and fluffy inside. Its like we're really not dead, we're just laying low, and waiting... like a predator. Man people should be afraid of us kekeke!! Or a polite and manner-ful predator then, who bites such that it physically doesn't hurt as much, but you're dead either way... Idk where this metaphor is coming from, or where its going. I'm being scatter brained again. Obviously.

Fighting guys, and cheers!!


V :D thanks... sorry, that's one thing that's just insufferable to me. :) I've seen the drama on Youtube... Sometimes I'm like, "Why bother?" But then tha'ts also a way of support, so carry on :D

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Guest Bubbly_Millionheiress

^ :)

edit - oops. sorry.. I forgot that MKMF is now MAMA. :P keke..

oh guys is there any confirmation if Wonder Girls will attend MAMA 2011? I've been waiting to hear some sort of confirmation from JYPE about this but I guess they are waiting to announce such matters after the comeback in November.. well after seeing MinAhn getting nominated for the 2011 Mnet awards I can't help but get excited for our girls. My mind keeps on going back to 2008 MKMF. What an unforgettable night that was. :D

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I didn't say that there's wrong with spamming Nobody, but to the point where people just grow tired of that song, even it charts to whatever music chart. You won't deny that it's overly used already. They've promoted it far too long, and I don't want people to get sickened with it since I believe that it's one of their best songs, not to mention a phenomenal one.

Well, stayed tuned for more. WG can continue to promote Nobody for the next 20 years in China if their fortunes dry up elsewhere *wink*

More seriously, that's the nature of the beast over there. Singers do comparatively little promotions (unlike in other countries) & don't participate in 'tarento' or 'B咖' activities (Japanese & Chinese descriptions for TV celebs who accessorize variety shows; I dunno the Korean equivalent despite its practice. The nearest English is 'B-list' but without the snobbery.) But there is a lucrative market for personal appearances & corporate/ensemble concerts. Even has-beens & one-hit wonders can make a decent living performing at these gigs for years, eg. the Russian singer (Vitas) who oft-shared the same bill as WG. I read 2011 is his 6th year performing in China!

Over here, Singapore also has a number of 1990s-era Mandopop singers occasionally traveling to China & earning good income for a decade now. Similarly, WG can always cash in on their timeless song. It's a market where hit singles don't get outdated & the public is insatiable for live renditions. When JYP made WG learn Chinese at the outset, he must have been conscious of this career route as a long-term possibility. 

Regardless of how international WFs feel, WG gets paid handsomely to perform to their biggest crowds (40,000~60,000 regularly) in China. They were certainly not hibernating, nor moping in the USA, as some English websites imply. Rather, they were jet-setting world singers for more than a year after the Sunmi setback; the USA was just a stopover until WG regrouped enough to tackle it again. Soompiers had diligently updated their progress during this period, so feel free to relive how exciting the journey actually was.

- - - - - - -

guys, i was just wondering, what are the v.02, v.03 fans are? 

does 'v' stands for version? 

I don't get it -.-

Yeah, 'v' stands for 'version'. I was informally categorizing here. Kpop is constantly reinventing itself, & many a noob I see spazzing online seem to be decidedly younger with each passing day. Just trying to "generation-ize" converted WFs for perspective.

Still, WG's future lies more with these as-yet unconverted. I don't anticipate many v2.0 fans to return: many clearly didn't embrace 2DT as much, if at all. The reality is the song actually did okay in Korea but did not go viral internationally. The MV did not generate online momentum during the US tour & basically dropped off the radar when WG subsequently focused on China. In this sense, those expressing angst over the short Korean promotions were making the wrong conclusion: it didn't hurt their prospects in Korea as much as internationally. The latter cybersphere was where the fan interest markedly dropped off.

You know, I used to sense an underlying lack of respect for Big Bang circa 2009 (just cuz they were focusing on Japan); only v1.0 & v2.0 fans would truly know how seismic they were in Korea prior. Now WG is facing the same disrespect circa 2011, this after 2DT & Sunye's Maybe not winning over many v3.0 fans (even as the v2.0 fanbase dwindle). Still, it was WonderBang who outclassed the others at the MAMA Awards late last year. WonderBang & Far East Movement were on a different level in stage charisma & audience rapport, vis-a-vis the more-stilted stages by the likes of 2PM & 2NE1. It was one tangible result for those venturing out of comfort zones & working on their performance craft (as opposed to staying in Korea).

- - - - - - -

A lot of Wonderfuls have been asking JYP for a new song, so Wonder Girls will not have to perform 'Nobody' anymore, but Nobdy is Wonder Girls' most popular and well known song, therefore they are likely to perform it a lot and at events where they are allowed to perform more than one song, because it's popular and because people will want to watch and listen to them perform 'Nobody'. A good example of this is China. Wonder Girls have been invited to so many events in China and they will always perform 2DT and Nobody because 2DT is their most recent song and Nobody because it's popular, as qoxie mentioned their mobile sales reached over 22 million for 'Nobody,' and it's not like in Korea, where they attended music shows 3/4 times a week. In China they will not have watched performances from the girls much, unless they are a hardcore Wonderful and follow and watch everything. 

To clarify: it was Jay Chou who won one of his China Mobile awards with 22m downloads. WG's prize for 5m downloads is already impressive, when benchmarked against Korea's own top download sales. But Jay Chou's feat goes to show how big the China market is, even with music piracy & slack copyright laws.

I did further research: Billboard lists Black Eyed Peas's "I Gotta Feeling" as their all-time bestselling download (7.5m, out of 13.2m in overall sales). Wow, how's that for context! The Asian markets might not be as recognized, but their digital sales are impressive just the same.

- - - - - - -

Finally, a personal request: can any Thai WFs confirm whether iheartwg has shut down. My bookmark leads to a dead link when I was updating last week. Also, I see Wonder Girls Thailand is active again (I got a broken link the other time) so mea culpa in my earlier post.

Also, drop by Popseoul! if you can. The place seemed to have been abandoned since last month, which is tragic cuz I remember it as one of the oldest Kpop sites around in English. WFs, take note: Their WG updates go back to Feb 2007, consisting about 563 tagged entries (141 pages' worth) by my estimation. Dunno about the site's fate, so go have a look & save the contents in case they get deleted. Here's the link: http://popseoul.word...?s=wonder+girls

So sad to see the taunting comments in its final few posts; no wonder the updater gave up. It's a thankless job being a news gatherer.

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Guest sibilance


^MKMF does not exist anymore. The last one was in 2008. It was replaced with Mama which the girls attended last year. 

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