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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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WonderA moment

In a Taiwanese interview, Miss A Min & Fei named Sunye as one of their most respected sunbae in JYPE. Miss A Min said "For me, maybe it's due to the long trainee days we spent together, so I'm close to Wonder Girls Sunye and 2AM Jokwon. From an artiste's point of view I respect them a lot, they played an important role in my life. Miss A Fei said "For me I will choose Wonder Girls Sunye. When we ...were in Taiwan the previous time, we took a bus and went out to eat. When we came back... even though I'm older, but Sunye said 'Ah unnie... after all these years I felt...', she will share with me her experiences from trainee days till now and her outlook towards life"

Source : MTV 日韩音乐疯 Miss A Interview + GlobalSUNlight@twitter

Wonderfuls Cafè

Here's the clip (starts at 10:35) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGBZ07oXHrk


Good to know that behind the scenes footage of the movie will be recorded. It'll probably be released after the movie has aired but it's always fun to watch BTS vids of the girls.


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Guest finesse.

I wasn't  hurt with anything that they said because those were, let's admit it, true. 

Wg's foray to America undeniably had a negative impact on their career and fame here in Asia.

At one point, I also share the same sentiments with them.

If Wonder Girls just stayed in Korea, they'd probably be still the dominant girl group, I'm not saying that they are not prominent anymore, they are prominent, because they've already made a big impression in the industry, but you know what I mean.

I love Wonder Girls with all of my heart even though I'm still a new fan, but their attempt to break through the American Market destroyed the empire that they once had, allowing so many girl groups to rush in and grab everything they could without reserve.

One of the people who got me into Kpop was my 'boy' classmate who was addicted to WG, particularly MiSo. He told me that even if it's awkward to be called a Wonderful, considering that he's a male, it was no big deal, because it's somewhat prevalent, but now, I don't know if  i could still say the same. Everything was all about the Wonder Girls. 

The very second JYP decided to bring them to America, was the very second that JYP made his biggest mistake ever. Now that the other girl groups have garnered fame, they will not let that go easily. Of course, who wouldn't want fame in the palm of their hands? With all those fans screaming your name and all the netizens admiring you in diff. ways. You'll surely crave for more. 


I know that there are also advantages of their American promotion, like they grew up maturely and developed their whole well being as individuals, but if you try to see it in a larger scale, you would notice that the disadvantages subjugate the advantages. Not only did they lose fans in Korea, but also sadly, one of their popular member. 

I love Wonder Girls , not only because they are talented, but because they are very hardworking girls, always pushing themselves beyond the limits and touching other people's lives with their music. However, you can't blame me if I hold a grudge against JYP, the man, himself. They lost their fans, they lost Sunmi, they were gone away from their homeland, they were far from their loved ones, and for what? 

For the song Nobody that has been spammed in front of the public for 4 years or so? For making the girls beg to to a completely indifferent American market? I won't lie, but I cried when I learned that they were like imploring the people to notice them. Remember the WYN2 show? (correct me if I'm wrong, I suck at recalling variety shows), Yoobin revealed that there was a time where Sunye had to shove their promotional flyers to the americans, just so they'd get noticed?.

If I were to choose  I'd rather have them at Korea then go back to the US again. Can't JYP be logical once in a while and let the homesick girls go back to where they truly belong? They've lost so much now. So much. And they would keep losing far more greater things if they make the wrong move now. Meaning, if their album or movie would flop, then I don't know what would happen with the girls. I love them so much that I can't bear to see them torturing themselves just so they'd be accepted in a market that refuses to even try notice them.

2dT was a good song, and it would probably be a hit if it was released before. But, their 2dt comeback showed how much out of touch they were from the Kpop scene for so long. It was like a recycled product of their previous hits.

i still have faith in WONDER GIRLS, it's still intact. It's jyp that I don't really trust so much now. I don't know what's running in his mind for pushing the girls to something they are not yet ready for. 

I believe that saying all these things would not make me as an untrue wonderful, for I know in my heart that Wonder Girls have a special and bigger place here. I don't know in your perspective. I am just trying to rationalize things and see it in a broader scale. 

I am hoping against the last strand of hope that Wonder Girls' upcoming album would be a big hit. As in a big hit. For a group that once commanded, "The Nation's Girl Group", they should be able to get to their feet again and reclaim the territories they once had.

Ok, you can vote me down now for saying what's on my mind. But I believe that a true wonderful should realize the truth and be practical. 

That will be all. Thank You.

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Guest wonderfulalways

They talk about our WonderGirls.

The Seoulcial Life - Wonder Girls and Viewer Questions!

Uploaded by SeoulbeatsTV on Sep 27, 2011

haven't been checking the girls' news lately.. too busy T_T

and there has been alot of stuff happening huh!!??

I was kinda offended by what they were saying about the girls and a little bit by lim's offensive part too..

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Guest glamorousCHIC

@finesse. : I understand your perspective. I have nothing to say, because I am also conflicted within. Everything just seems to be melancholic and nostalgic now. -.- 

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@finesse Thank you; I like your post, agreed some part and disagreed on some. But a good read.

The very second JYP decided to bring them to America, was the very second that JYP made his biggest mistake ever. Now that the other girl groups have garnered fame, they will not let that go easily. Of course, who wouldn't want fame in the palm of their hands? With all those fans screaming your name and all the netizens admiring you in diff. ways. You'll surely crave for more.

I still believe that JYP biggest mistake was not sending the girls to America but with that he didn't bother trying to keep the girls status in Korea. He basely handed their stand to other groups. During 09 it was shocking that the girls wasn't around, it was basely the time of the girl groups. Yet one of the top/main girl group wasn't there. It took them til 2010 to comeback with a short and half-a$$ promotion. It like they fully give up on even trying for Korea, the place where their strongest fan base stand. I'm just sad that I felt like during those times the girls is on hiatus from America that they could have come back to Korea to do a full comeback. Really it not the fault that they in America (true it is a main reason I guess) but it more of how there the lack of promotion in Korea period.

Til now we still didn't haven't a 2 full album. . (・~・)

For the song Nobody that has been spammed in front of the public for 4 years or so? For making the girls beg to to a completely indifferent American market? I won't lie, but I cried when I learned that they were like imploring the people to notice them. Remember the WYN2 show? (correct me if I'm wrong, I suck at recalling variety shows), Yoobin revealed that there was a time where Sunye had to shove their promotional flyers to the americans, just so they'd get noticed?.

I am also mad that the girls promoted Nobody for way to long. It was to the point that some people even forgot some of their other songs. Or only known them for "Nobody"

That part is just what have to happen when you have to start all over again as a rookie group. DBSK went though something as similar as the girls did when they have to fully debut in Japan. Going from being the top to being nobody in a different country. The difference is that the American market is a lots harder to get in, esp. when it come to an Asian act. Also an Asian act who is in a group, something that America is so so pass. So I'm not surprised if the girls have to work 1000 times harder.

I didn't watch the video and I honestly didn't bother, so I just comment on your post >.< Anyway if some of you believe I'm complaining or what not than I wouldn't want to lie. I'm was honestly tired of waiting for the girls and a comeback/debut that seem to take forever. It take them this long to have something going. I don't know I'll still wait for them and can't wait for their movie, korea comeback and just NEW SONGS.

Please JYPE you have to freaking BRING IT this time, and DON'T FREAKING HALF A$$ MY GIRLS ANYMORE. Comeback with something freaking EPIC, from their concept to their MUSIC. (BRING OUT THE AMAZING WONDER GIRLS THAT I'VE KNOWN)


v HMM okayyy?? lmao

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I've seen the video and I don't agree with some crucial parts and positions, but I am not gonna to demonize the authors.

I'll try to explain my impression. Seoulbeats looks quite critical about the K-Pop movement, with articles along the lines of "The 5 Most Bizarre Things in K-Pop in September", but if compared with some of Allkpop content it comes out quite good ;)

But what I can't concede is that they expressed that if the idols are on Youtube and in Korea it's all good and funny and they maybe can get a crush on them and become "true" fans, but the possibility that the same artists become visible to everyone in the US is a no-no... this order of thought does not look so cool (it gives me the impression that there's some supposed difference or pride to defend :wacko: )

At least I feel that the video expresses a sincere point of view of a part of the Asian-American camp and makes me understand better some of the Allkpop comment wars. But being an ocean apart and not enough informed I admit I can just try to guess and It's better if I keep an open mind... so I hope that the impression I got is totally wrong.


About the well known facts of the U.S. stint I just want to write down two points:

- If the girls continued to stay in Korea, I am confident that the girl groups bubble would have happened anyway. All the Agencies were breeding and re-training their groups since 2007, as they were shown the way by the Wonder Girls domination.

- When the girls will return in Korea, they'll be a lot better than the competion. And also better than they used to be before leaving.

Side note -- If the girls did not leave Korea and bravely faced those hardships in 2009, I would not have known their qualities, and would not be posting here.

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The very second JYP decided to bring them to America, was the very second that JYP made his biggest mistake ever. Now that the other girl groups have garnered fame, they will not let that go easily. Of course, who wouldn't want fame in the palm of their hands? With all those fans screaming your name and all the netizens admiring you in diff. ways. You'll surely crave for more. 

Completely disagree! 

I treated the Seoulbeats clip as what it is: pubescent & disposable. (Wow, Seoulbeats have sunk to this?) They are representative of what I call v3.0 international fans, a younger generation brought up on Allkpop/6Theory & unfortunately uninformed on worldwide activities, even as Kpop expands, due to the language barrier. (Note that they insinuated WG was based in America all this while, when in reality the girls basically withdrew for all of 2010 -- except for the US tour -- to cash in on Asian activities & rebuild with LIM.)

I disassociate them from v2.0 fans (those converted when Nobody/Sorry Sorry broke out in 2009) & v1.0 fans (a very small overseas pool from 2007, comprising -- in this order -- China, Thai & a trickle of international fans). For veteran fans, it's not that hard to deduce which fangroup those 2 video presenters belong to. That's not a critique in itself; hopefully they become more knowledgeable as they grow older.

Somehow it's hard for later WF converts to recognize this, but WG was correct to leave Korea at their peak. There was nothing left to conquer at home after the 2008 High1 Seoul Music Awards triumph. They have more ambitions than accepting the status quo or just plying the domestic TV circuit. If not America, IMO they would've likely relocated to China. WG's Guangzhou trip in Jan 2008 was abruptly canceled, a great what-if moment in their careers, since Nobody was going viral elsewhere in the world.

Also, WG's peers like TVXQ, Big Bang, Jewelry, et al. similarly relocated overseas during that time, re-starting at the bottom if necessary. SJ-M went to China around the same time as WG's aborted trip. Why? 

I've posted this before, & to rehash again, the new idol market basically peaked in its 1st 2 years (2006-7). That was the heyday, a happenstance (led by a digital-music explosion & new boyband/girlgroup crazes) but whose longevity was still in question. Indeed digital sales would slump in 2008, even as Nobody quickly became the year's top earner despite its late Sept release. The Korean market continued to stagnate in 2009 & 2010 -- they improved on 2008 but haven't matched 2006 or 2007. Plus idol-starring TV shows were getting routed in the ratings. No wonder Kpop started seeing a 2nd wave of idols expanding overseas since last year.

So, on the one hand, international fans actually missed out on Kpop at its domestic peak -- already by 1~3 years for the v2.0 group! On the other, the post-'Nobody' dominance by SNSD/SJ/2NE1 is roughly only 2/3 in size than by TVXQ/Big Bang/WG prior, as I posited the other time. Really, the Korean market hasn't been thriving, even with the SME stable relentlessly churning out products. So far, I sense 2011 has been underwhelming too, despite 2PM/missA's recent comebacks. 

Has WG "lost" a lot in Korea? I don't think so. With the K-WFs, Byulha's numerical decline has been relatively mild for a few years now, according to the Daum monthly rankings. Contrast that against the international forums recently: Soompi & WGspec have become ghost towns, Fantastic is a flop (less than 1% of registrants are posting), WFW went dormant for ages, China's longtime WGCN has shut down; ditto a couple of major Thai forums (I think); OTLimit was converted into a blog instead. I think it's us internationals who have lost more fans, not among the K-WFs.

WG's Korean endorsements also remain solid; I forgot the 2010 numbers, but have discussed the topic here before. It was hard to catch lightning in a bottle for a 4th time with 2DT, but the song sold respectably (2.79m on GAON). 2AM, SNSD & missA sold 3.1m to 3.3m to top GAON for the year, yet Nobody sold 5.37m to win a prestigious China Mobile award as well. Should WG have stopped promoting it, just cuz you're tired of it? Heck, it was still popular enough to chart again on its own on Billboard Year-End & in Canada at the turn of the year. Mind you, the top China Mobile song sold over 22 million (despite heavy music piracy), so tell me if WG should ignore that market altogether.

For that matter, what's wrong with "spamming 'Nobody' for 4 years"? As world singers, WG gets to treat their fans to live performances: Korea in 2008, America in 2009, SE Asia/Far East/China in 2010, Europe in 2011, etc. That's how real-life logistics works. Let's have some empathy for those who have waited patiently for their 'turn'. Or imagine the Guangzhou WFs who have missed out on their chance thrice now.

Politically correct to say this or not, I note that Sunmi has gotten a free pass so far in setting back WG's US career. Everyone blames JYP instead, when ultimately it was at her & her mom's insistence. WG has worked too hard to reclaim their US foothold; I'm hesitant about trusting her with an international role again even if she returns. But if she had stayed, WG could have, say, released Tell Me/So Hot English versions & toured solo in the 1st half of 2010; then released 2DT in mid-year & made a longer Korean comeback, before touring with a bigger act during the summer. There was good momentum from 2009.

I'll love to discuss 2DT one day. IMO It's more of a Western song, blatantly plagiarized from Wham!'s 80s hit 'Bad Boys' (as the Bestiz site pointed out -- I have a link -- & which possibly made a couple of Korean music critics' worst-song list as a result.)

EDIT: On the bright side, I really like the TeenNick project's chances in helping WG to chart higher on Billboard. Not sure it will make WG a hip act, but IMO JYP may just have come up with a trump card in terms of exposure (esp. if it is a 6-episode series). Let's build from there.

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[Y-STAR] 110922 궁금타 E134 Wondergirls

cr : ccmiso@YT

everytime the comeback is getting nearer..there's always bad mouth people talking this & that or unfortunate circumference happened =.= but our girls are going to succeed for SURE!!! Regardless of any hardship of what they may confront in the future... whatever people might say about them, these people actually no nothing cuz it's not them who control the future... btw, the girls are soooooooo pretty in the video ^^ ! 



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Guest finesse.

I treated the Seoulbeats clip as what it is: pubescent & disposable.

Of course, Seoulbeats was just somewhat a joke to them, but the point is they got a point and we share the same point from that point

I've always want to believe that their foray to America was not a mistake, but I always end up with complexities concerning this. 

I was enlightened with the facts that you gave me, so for that, I'm thankful, at least I have something to hold on. That whole selection was  from my point of view and I know for a fact, that it wouldn't be the same as the others.  I was just trying to lay out my opinion regarding that vid. And maybe they've lost the international fans, but they've lost Korean fans too. Those fans who jumped off to other shipments once WG promoted to other country >.>

For that matter, what's wrong with "spamming 'Nobody' for 4 years"?

I didn't say that there's wrong with spamming Nobody, but to the point where people just grow tired of that song, even it charts to whatever music chart. You won't deny that it's overly used already. They've promoted it far too long, and I don't want people to get sickened with it since I believe that it's one of their best songs, not to mention a phenomenal one. 

I know that they are all worth the wait, because they are our Wonder Girls, but the longer the push backs the more tired will fans would be. -.- 

I am genuinely happy though that there will be no more long delays in their Korean album. They really need to release something new now. Even their juniors, 2pm, has a greater number of discography.

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Guest only5Wonders


For that matter, what's wrong with "spamming 'Nobody' for 4 years"? 

^i'm sure she didn't mean it by the way you see it, and i also know that you know what she means by it. (lol, confusing, much?)


I love Wonder Girls , not only because they are talented, but because they are very hardworking girls, always pushing themselves beyond the limits and touching other people's lives with their music. However, you can't blame me if I hold a grudge against JYP, the man, himself. They lost their fans, they lost Sunmi, they were gone away from their homeland, they were far from their loved ones, and for what? 

For the song Nobody that has been spammed in front of the public for 4 years or so? For making the girls beg to to a completely indifferent American market? I won't lie, but I cried when I learned that they were like imploring the people to notice them. Remember the WYN2 show? (correct me if I'm wrong, I suck at recalling variety shows), Yoobin revealed that there was a time where Sunye had to shove their promotional flyers to the americans, just so they'd get noticed?.

You've got a point here. There's nothing wrong with the song Nobody, but people are growing tired of it, and it seems that it's the only song they are known for.They have more than what meets the eye, and I want the American market to see that.

I am hoping against the last strand of hope that Wonder Girls' upcoming album would be a big hit. As in a big hit. For a group that once commanded, "The Nation's Girl Group", they should be able to get to their feet again and reclaim the territories they once had.


Because they are our WONDER GIRLS. The girls who were the principal trendsetters, the root of the Kpop phenomena.

They will always be number one in our hearts. 


p.s: I wouldn't vote you down because it's your own personal opinion and we are all entitled to our freedom to express. Besides, I also agree at some points with you.


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Guest WonderfulSohee

This person clearly did not mention Wonder Girls in her tweet. 

Then why did Teddy Riley have to mention Wonder Girls on his?

This is so rude. As a musician himself he don't even understand the definition of "music". 

Music is for listener to enjoy, NOT to complete with others. So unprofessional. 


I strongly believe that Wonder Girls going to US is a GREAT move. 

After conquering everything there was to conquer, what is the point of stay there and do the same thing over and over again?

Music is meant to be universal, music is everywhere in the world. 

It is going to be hard for Wonder Girls to be accept in the US music industry.

But Wonder Girls will DEFINITELY be able to get big in US

With all of the great news about their movie, I have no doubt about.

I have faith in my Wonder Girls, and will forever support my girls.

Wonder Girls I love you and I believe in you!! <3

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Guest VenusValentine

Don't want to go for long rant, but i want to say is that what the girls losing by promoting in US is not their fan. I rather say they losing momentum, and media cover. However, those two can be rebuild with next album promotion, International fans can still get the girls topping billboard cover poll, and K-WF isn't decreasing much in past few years like qoxie say.

I haven't watched seoulbeat, and won't bother to watch. And because i'm v2.0 fans so i don't experience kpop at their domestic peak. But when the girls come back to korea with full and long promotion, i believe they will return to their domestic peak once again; not to mention at that time they will get media attraction not like in 2007-2008 era, but i rather say they will get media attraction as top star like Bi or Kim Yuna. However, don't expect the girls to come back for full and long promotion any time soon.

And to all people who say that going to US is JYP biggest mistake, then i need to disagree with you, because that is how i know the girls as well as whole kpop.

P/S: Lastly, the Nobody era is nearly at it's end, just one more month and we will know what next dynasty will be ^^

It's now October, there is chance that the girls will come back at beginning of Nov, or even at the end of Oct, end of Nobody era.

Edit: @WFsohee: that's why he still a second or even third grade artist in the States ^^

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Guest savoir vivre

guys, i was just wondering, what are the v.02, v.03 fans are? 

does 'v' stands for version? 

I don't get it -.-

lol, sorry for being such a noob :D

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Guest savoir vivre

I think he is upset because JYP didn't try to work with him and chose others US producers kkkk

lol... i was thinking the same thing...he's just bitter -.- kekeke xD

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