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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest valentino_rossi46


^Qoxie: Yup Im still studying in Singapore but i think i will back my country after graduate in the end of this year, I also grabbed the live on twitter lol I even paid more attention than my country's election (if Singaporeans live in my country, they wont survive cuz they will complain x1000 times ha ha,although SG gov has some problems, i think they still much better than others countries, and SG econ is still up). I dont wanna find a job here, cuz Oppostion win more seats, that means it's will be much harder for me to live here ha ha (but i love Nicole Seah anyway). Hope the WGs will have a concert in Sg before I leave :(

Sun Mi twitter translation from @sunmijjang. She has just cut her hair ? I love her short red hair in 2009<3

Trans: It's a good song kk holding the last night till the end my love will no longer be miserable~ 아힉 > < jane seems to be having an emotional night..

[lyrics from "이 밤의 끝을 잡고" by 솔리드 (solid) ] /

@mimimimi0502: @JANEyjK 좋은노래다 ㅋㅋ 이 밤의 끝을 잡고있는 나의사랑이 더이상 초라하지않게~ 아힉> < 제인 감성적인 밤을 보내고있구려..”

Trans: watch gag concert, there is nothing in the world that is funnier than gag concert hehe / "@mimimimi0502: @PeacEsther 개콘봐 개콘 세상에서 개콘만큼 웃긴것도 없어 ㅎㅎ"

Trans: If you live alone you'll be lonely my friend.. / "@mimimimi0502: @duaxkawk 혼자살면 외로워 친구야.."

Trans: should I download? I don't watch it much these days, it isn't as funny. 'ballerino' is funny I watched it >< ...

Yubin twitter translation from Yubdot

Nyuma feel lonely, send them more encouragements :)

Sapporo beer is very tasty~^^ @_e_q_: @WGyubin 삿뽀로 맥주 맛참좋다~^^

but to tell you truth, i like more suntory than sapporo~ Suntory the premium malt's~ @WGyubin: @_e_q_ 근데 사실 전 삿뽀로보다 산토리를 더 좋아해요~ 산토리 프리미엄 몰츠~

i ate too much shabu-shabu and malt's last night @_e_q_: @WGyubin 어제밤 샤브샤브랑 몰츠 엄청 먹엇지 ㅋㅋ 진짜 맛좋더라~^^

AHhh.. try eating a わさビ―フ(wasabi flavored sanck) that is jjang! hhh @WGyubin: @_e_q_ 아아아... 거기에 와사비프(과자) 드셔보세요 완전짱임 ㅎㅎㅎ

AHHHH..it's friday evening or saturday dawn...what am i doing now?...T.T @WGyubin: 아아아아 금요일저녁 이자 토요일 새벽..... 나는 지금 무엇을 하고있단 말인가..... ㅜㅜ

Why? sister~ what are u doing?kkk @WGyenny: @WGyubin 오ㅐ언니모해ㅋㅋㅋ

you are simillar to me yesterday kk @mimimimi0502: @WGyubin 어제의 나와 비슷하네 ㅋㅋ

Good....You two seem very happy together... :) @Moonworker: @mimimimi0502 @WGyubin 좋겠다...행복해보여 ... :)

Ah....I feel frustrated...Why don't you go to next room and ask her yourself? k @Moonworker: @WGyenny 아...답답...옆방 가서 직접 물어봐 ㅋ

u seem to go on vacation k @Moonworker: @WGyubin @_e_q_ 휴가간것 같다 봉원아 ㅋ

i'm...... i'm enjoying loneliness haha "bluff yubin" mode kk @WGyubin: @WGyenny 나.... 고독 좀 씹고있어 ㅎㅎ 허세유빈모드 ㅋㅋ

hhh these thing have to share with my mimi. right?? @WGyubin: @mimimimi0502 ㅎㅎㅎ 우리 미미랑 같이 해야되는데 이런건 ㅎㅎ 그치??

i'm happy~ wish u are happy too~ @WGyubin: @Moonworker 행복합니다~ 오빠도 행복하십시요

a spring days come... come no matter what... @Moonworker: 봄날은 온다... 반드시 온다...

Ah...i'm listening if the spring come(maybe k-pop?) haha we clicked~ @WGyubin: @Moonworker 아... 나 봄이오면 듣고있었는데ㅎㅎ 통했어~

^_____^* Watch good movie, Eat delicious food, Sleep well with sweet dream~ for the better tomorrow! all is well~ peace! @WGMARKPD: ^_____^* 좋은 영화보고 맛있는 음식 먹고 좋은 꿈꾸며 푹 자 유빈아~for the better tomorrow! all is well~ peace! “@WGyubin: @WGMARKPD ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 피디님은 절 너무 잘알아요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ”

hahahaha u know well about me ㅎㅎㅎㅎ @WGyubin: @WGMARKPD ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 피디님은 절 너무 잘알아요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ

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Guest jcsmark

JYP is heading to Switzerland to do a speech (on popular culture) at the Festival of Media


Credit followjyp@twitter

JYP will be presenting on Day 1. Looks like it may be similar to the one he gave at Pivot Conference. Hopefully he will give us more hints about WG's album :D


Full agenda here: http://www.festivalofmedia.com/global/agenda

JYP's guest speaker profile on the official website

J.Y. Park

Job Title Chairman & Artist

Company JYP Entertainment

J.Y. Park is one of the most successful artists, music/film producers, and entrepreneurs in Asia. He released 7 #1 albums as an artist, written/produced 38 #1 songs in 8 countries, and also became the 1st Asian musician to produce music for top U.S. artists such as Will Smith, Mase, and Cassie.

Through his company JYP Entertainment, he created 14 #1 artists such as Wonder Girls; the 1st Asian artist to enter the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 in 30 years, and Rain; Time Magazine's "100 Most Influential People."

This year, he created and starred in the #1 TV series 'Dream High' with 4 other artists from his company. J.Y. and his artists are the endorsement models for Samsung, HP, Coke, Nikon, etc. in Asia.

He's also the future planning advisor to the Korean President.


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Guest qoxie

valentino_rossi46 -- Really feel for George Yeo. He's paying for WKS's, MBT's & Vivian Balakrishnan's lack of contrition. TPL damn lucky.... Nicole Seah missed out on the NCMP shortlist; I think her NSP team is 1st alternative for the 3 seats.

- - - - - - - - -

Back to WG.

He's also the future planning advisor to the Korean President.

JYP's reputation now extends to Europe too. But *double take* surely not this influential??? lol

What, no webcast? Quite ironical, given it's a media pow-wow. Embrace the 21st century, hello!

Hmmm, I hope his speech will be posted online.

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Guest valentino_rossi46

@Qoxie: Ye he is so good, especially his policy toward foreigners ha ha

Yubin twitter translation from yubdot. She tweet so much recently <3

Lim came to my house to play .. ㅎㅎㅎ go to bed now-it's weekend!!! @JANEyjK: 우리집에 놀러온 혜림 ..ㅎㅎㅎ 이제 자야징-주말이다!!!

hul~ lim go to again?..... really, lim looks like move to ur house~ @WGyubin: @JANEyjK 헐~ 또 간건가...... 혜림이 이사하겠다 이젠 정말~ ㅎㅎㅎ

Today is Parent's day in korea ~ Say thank u to guy's parents ~ if u give red carnation together,parents will be glad more @WGyubin: 한국은 어버이 날이군요~ 모두 부모님께 감사의 말 한마디씩 전해드려요~ 카네이션과 함께 드리면 더욱 기뻐 하시겠죠??

mom and dad, i always feel thanks u~ althouh we live far apart, do u know that i always think of u?? i Love mom and dad~ @WGyubin: @skdiaka @kimms200 엄마아빠 항상 감사드려요~ 몸은 멀리 떨어져있지만 언제나 생각하고 있는거 아시죠?? 사랑해요~

Ahhhhhhh... i am embarrassed that i write ;;;; @WGyubin: 아아아아... 내가 썼지만 뭔가 손발이 오글오글;;;; 흠흠;;;

Does she likes me or my house? kkkkkkkk suddenly, i'm curious kkkk @JANEyjK: @WGyubin ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 우리집이 죠은걸까 내가 죠은걸까?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ갑자기 궁금하네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅌㅌㅌㅌㅌㅌㅋㅋㅋㅋ

ㅎㅎㅎㅎ well~~~~~ @WGyubin: @JANEyjK ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 글쎄요

We only clicked in the evening-_; kk @WGsohee: @WGyubin 언니랑난저녁에만통하나봐-_; 키키

right~u and i always missed at lunch time;; @WGyubin: @WGsohee 그러게~ 점심은 매번 이러네;;

WG said to me that have a good day. k. they said i'm WG's mom... k Are my daughters fine in newyork?k @jungeo1004: 나에게 행복한 하루 보내란다. ㅋ. 원더걸스 맘이라며... ㅋ 우리딸들 뉴욕에 잘 있는거재? ㅋ

Yes hehe did u have a good today too? hehe @WGyubin: @jungeo1004 그럼요 ㅎㅎ 엄마도 오늘 잘보냇요 ㅎㅎ

you are such a filial daughter kk @dlwnsghek: @WGyubin 효녀네 ㅋㅋ

i have a long way to go to become a filial daughter ~ @WGyubin: @dlwnsghek 아 효녀될려면 멀었지~

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Guest qoxie

JYP announced his Swiss trip on weibo about an hour ago (3 hours after on Twitter).

The responses to his tweets there are always a lark: the majority usually comment they don't understand English or Hangul, but express support anyway (by retweeting etc.) Those who do try to answer back in rudimentary/misspelled English, which are so cute to read.


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As I promised I made a video for Yoobin and a video for Lim as well! I am going to post all six videos here, so that you guys can see them all like one after the other so yeah! (In the order of upload, so yeah.)

Happy Birthday Sunmi Determinate

Sunye Breakthrough

Sohee is Somebody

Ye eun gives us Insomnia

Yoobin is Popular

Turn up the music for Lim

So there you go guys! Tell me what you think! :) I can't wait for the new album!!! <3 Wonder Girls Fighting! <3


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Guest wonderr23

[Photo] Brave Girls 'We want to be a nation girlgroup like Wondergirls'

2011-05-08 08:00:00


[edaily SPN Kim Jeong-ug journalist] Rookie girlgroup Brave Girls posed for an interview with edaily SPN.

Their debut and title song 'Don't You Know' is produced by Brave Brothers. Some of the members especially caught the attention of many for being a former Miss Korea participant and another being a niece of actor Shin Hakyun.


edaily SPN Kim Jeong-ug journalist 98luke@

Source: edaily SPN

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Guest onedaymaniac

that pic i posted is just for fun.

someone ps-ed it on tumblr n i just wanna share it here.

people who know me know how much i love wg esp sunye.

how can i be a hater~

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I checked the Festival of Media site, looks similar to MIP events, that is a gathering of media professionals from all over the world, with some differences.

The most notable is that the audience attending Festival of Media is 60% CEO's, vice presidents, and top-managers. The men in charge connecting with each other.

Another important point is that this event is centered on all media (not just TV) and advertising at large.

Finally, there's no attempt at creating a public impression by enlisting celebrities and setting photo-ops.

Yes, this format is more like PivotCon, with a preminence of UK/European attendees.

JY will mingle with his peers, and hopefully forge some strategic alliances.

Sadly there'll be no glitz and I guess little news coverage. Gonna tweet him to keep us informed ^^

Still there's a Youtube channel which will be loaded with keynotes.

Here's the description of the FoM attending audience.


Added: Twitter coverage uses this hashtag: #fom11

And here's a link to twitter search for that:


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Guest floral93

As I promised I made a video for Yoobin and a video for Lim as well! I am going to post all six videos here, so that you guys can see them all like one after the other so yeah! (In the order of upload, so yeah.)

Happy Birthday Sunmi Determinate

Sunye Breakthrough

Sohee is Somebody

Ye eun gives us Insomnia

Yoobin is Popular

Turn up the music for Lim

So there you go guys! Tell me what you think! :) I can't wait for the new album!!! <3 Wonder Girls Fighting! <3


thanks for the links and their all great videos!! but yoobin unnie video is blocked because of copyright or something? T_T

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Guest i.said.goodbye


I watched all of them but for some reason I can't watch Yubin's one either!

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Guest r1988

@gukppa dont u think that u are overreacting?!

@ onedaymaniac its okay u dont need to explain yourself beside I dont think their was anything wrong with pic that u posted so dont worry

May 2011 Daum Ranking


All most every group is losing fans well except for f(x) and beast but Im still happy that in this month the girls did not lose many fans comparing to the other groups anyway I think with their English album and korean comeback they will gain back all the fans that they lost

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Guest ussobayo

hey guys its been a long time!!!! I miss this tread and I miss the girls.Anyways, for those who like wondershinki I made a video of the couple i love the most and the couple y think its the most underrrated , the park couple. Çheck it out and tell me what you think.

wondershinki park couple

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thanks for the links and their all great videos!! but yoobin unnie video is blocked because of copyright or something? T_T

Oh...that sucks...well, here's what I'll do, I guess I'll change the music and reupload it...it's weird, because it plays for me...when I'm on my account, but when I get off of my account it says it's blocked...that's weird...~Linda~

Aha! I got it to work!! I just disputed their claim, and the unblocked it! So here it is again: Yoobin is Popular

Well, now there is going to be three Yoobin tributes, because there is that one, then there is one that uses the song Burning Up, and then one that uses the song "Wonderful" by Big Bang...and I don't feel like deleting them, so yeah. Well, Enjoy! Wonder Girls Fighting! ~Linda~

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Guest qoxie

I don't recall WG participating in 2PM's 'Don't Stop Can't Stop' Encore Concerts in Seoul last Sept 4~5.

But they released are releasing an official photobook-cum-concert making DVD last week & it is touting snapshots(?) of a segment(?) with the girls.

Can't want for the scans, if any.

EDIT: Maybe it is from their joint performance at Mnet Thailand instead.

Size: 200 pages, 198 x 243 mm, paperback

DVD: approx 16 min

Price: 33,000 won






    1. What time is it now? + Don’t stop Can’t stop

    2. 기다리다 지친다 Tired of Waiting

    3. Without U

    4. Only You

    5. Angel



    8. FUN FUN FUN

    9. 니가 밉다 I Hate You

    10. 너에게 미쳤었다 Was crazy about you

    11. Again & Again_ ver. R & B

    12. Gimme the light 10점 만점에 10점 10 out of 10 points (with Wonder Girls)

    13. JUNSU

    14. JUNHO

    15. WOOYOUNG

    16. 목숨을 건다 Risk My life

    17. Gimme the light

    18. Heartbeat

    19. Again & Again

    20. Thank You

    21. 팬들이 부른 답가

    22. ENDING




    Special Supplement DVD

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