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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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finally got the time to post in here !


i was practically death for more than 12 hours after I got home from the concert !

lol ~ Got out from the house as early as 9AM and the concert was officially started

at 9PM and I arrived home around 1AM (? ) not to forgot how I was standing more than 7hours straight..

so u do the math ! lol ~ :lol:

but whatever it is , I was so happy to be able to meet the girls !

I was standing at the front row with the rest of MY-Wonderfuls families !

( We practically conquered the whole front row by ourselves ! lol ~ )

Gotta say the sound system is pretty bad but thats maybe because

all we hear is the bass coz we're too close to the speaker ?? lol ~

but seriously I was so star-struck ! They're beyond gorgeous !

I was surprise to see Binnie's new hair , was expecting the red hair but

suddenly she came out with brown hair ! One word , GORGEOUS (like always ~ ;D )

they're so nice and call me crazy but I do think that Park Yosa was smiling at me

coz I shouted 'Park Oppa' at her when she was infront me ! lol ~ xD

the best thing was of course the great MY-Wonderfuls families ~

we gathered tgr for couple of hours before the show and went inside tgr as well ~

like I said , we conquered the whole front row ! lol ~

and the funny thing was , right after the girls finished their performances

we all moved out to go home ! lmao ~ totally rite after the performances ! lol ~

ppl all watching us , the big group infront started to leave as soon as WONDERGIRLS

finished ! lol ~ this one boy said to me , "Of course we're out of here ! We're only here to see the girls !"

I gotta say , this is one of my greatest expireance ~ Free concert , front row and the chances to see my girls ~

( Pardon me for my "essay" post ! lol ~ :P:lol: )

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Guest wonderr23

i'm voting YES amigo. Wouldn't hurt to hear some negative comments every once in awhile. For entertainment! XD


선예, 수수한 민낯으로 김희철과 다정 인증샷 '김희철이 더 예쁜데'

2011. 04.09(토) 09:28


[티브이데일리=선미경 기자] 걸그룹 원더걸스 선예의 수수한 민낯이 공개됐다.

지난 8일 오후 SBS 라디오 파워FM '김희철의 영스트리트' 사진게시판에 김희철과 선예가 다정하게 찍은 사진이 게재돼 눈길을 끌고 있다. 이날 선예가 김희철을 도와 일일 DJ로 참여했던 것.

공개된 사진에서 김희철과 선예는 다정하게 얼굴을 맞대고 있다. 특히 오랜만에 모습을 드러낸 선예는 깜찍한 브이를 그리며 환하게 미소짓고 있다. 또 그녀는 대충묶은 머리와 큰 안경으로 가린 민낯을 공개하는 등 무대 위에서의 화려한 모습과는 달리 자연스러운 매력을 발산했다.

사진을 접한 누리꾼은 "오랜만에 보는 선예양. 반갑네요", "김희철이 더 예쁜거 아냐", "설명이 없었다면 누군지 못 알아 볼 뻔"이라는 등 다양한 반응을 보이고 있다.

[티브이데일리=선미경 기자 news@tvdaily.c.kr/사진출처='김희철의 여스트리스' 공식홈페이지]

기사제보 news@tvdaily.co.kr

Natural beauty Sunye and Kim Heechul's intimate shot 'Kim Heechul is pretty too'

2011. 04.09


[TV Daiy = Seon Migyeong reporter] Girlgroup Wondergirls' Sunye's modest and beautiful bare face was revealed to the public.

The photo of Kim Heechul and Sunye during the radio broadcast of Kim Heechul's Young Street SBS Radio FM drew the attention of many. She participated as a fellow DJ.

In the photo, you can see Sunye's bare face. This side of her has been missed for a long time. Especially her features and her flashing a v-sign and smiling brightly. She tied her hair loosely in a ponytail and she wore big glasses which emitted a very natural charm.

The netizens expressed, "Long time no see Sunye, It was nice to see you", "Kim heechul is pretty too", "everyone who hasn't seen this is aware of this".

[TV Daiy = Seon Migyeong reporter news@tvdaily.c.kr/ Source for phot = 'Kim Heechul's Young Street' official homepage]

News Report news@tvdaily.co.kr

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Guest lacus_jj

I vote YES:)

I'm really shock that someone called wonder girls as "DIVAS"..

Lol, that just means that they know nothing about the girls, WG are like the one the most(if not the most) humble and down-to-earth group.

Good News WonderFuls!

wonder Girls Nobody Performance already reached 50,001,404 views!

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Guest wonderr23

BTW qoxie. You tweeted me about those Market analysis about JYP-J.Tune right? I translated one from those three. I'm gonna have to post the remaining two later. Too many articles to translate. XD

But anyways...here it goes~

'주식회사 박진영'에 거는 기대

[김동하의 엔터산책] 'JYP+JYP 엔터' 인수후 계약…개인보다 회사몫 많아

편집자주|'음악·영화·드라마·뮤지컬·게임…' 엔터테인먼트는 우리 삶에 점점 깊숙이 침투하고, 한류열풍은 전세계로 뻗어가고 있다. 하지만 '산업'으로서의 엔터는 아직 베일에 가려져 있다. 한국의 엔터테인먼트를 이끄는 기업과 돈, 스타의 운명적 만남. 그 궁금증을 머니투데이 엔터산업팀이 하나둘 풀어본다.

박진영씨의 이니셜을 딴 주식회사 이하 JYP엔터테인먼트(이하 JYP)의 성장세가 무섭다. 기세를 몰아 코스닥 제이튠엔터를 인수, JYP Ent. (4,025원 195 5.1%)로 이름을 바꿨다.

1년 넘게 2000원 아래를 맴돌던 JYP Ent. 주가가 4000원 전후로 100% 넘게 뛴 것도 두개의 `주식회사 박진영`,즉 JYP와 JYP Ent.가 향후 합병을 통해 시너지를 낼 것이라는 기대가 반영된 것으로 볼 수 있다.

'주식회사 박진영'이 다른 엔터기업과 차별화되는 대목은 대주주인 박씨가 회사에 기부하는 몫이 월등히 많다는 점이다.

만년적자 후 퇴출된 한국 '스타군단' 스톰이앤에프 (10원 4 -28.6%)의 사례에서 보듯, 한국 엔터업계의 최대 맹점 중 하나는 스타중심의 수익배분계약으로 인해 많은 주주들이 피해를 봐야했다는 점이다. 실제 유재석, 강호동, 고현정, 김용만 등은 대부분 8대2 계약을 했다. 회사는 '20%'내에서 비용까지 치러야했다. 상장사 스톰은 당연히 적자가 불가피했다.

그나마 키이스트 (2,350원 20 -0.8%)대주주 배용준씨가 8대2전후의 수익배분으로 키이스트에 상당부분 수익을 배분한 점이 눈에 띄는 사례였다. 이름 있는 연예인일수록 9대1 계약도 많고, 회사가 이름만 빌리는 10대0, 심지어 회사가 연예인이 버는 세금까지 내주는 11대0계약도 있었다.

반면 박씨는 최근까지만 해도 JYP와 '0대10'의 수익배분계약을 맺었다. 사실상 회사에 수익을 '무상증여' 한 셈이었다.

박씨가 회사로부터 수익을 가져가기 시작한 건 그가 현 JYP Ent.의 전신인 제이튠엔터와 계약을 맺으면서 시작됐다. 배분비율은 박진영과 회사가 4대6. 박진영이 4를 가져가고 '주식회사 박진영'은 6을 가져간다.

신인들이 보통 5대5로 시작하는 점에 비하면 파격적인 수준. 박씨는 18억 유상증자대금을 내기 위해 빌린 은행이자 등을 마련하기 4정도는 가져가야했다고 한다.

회사에 더 많은 몫을 주는 대주주를 둔 '주식회사 박진영'의 주주들, JYP와 JYP Ent.의 주주들은 운이 좋은 편이다. 자신의 몫보다 회사를 생각한다는 점에서 박씨는 주식회사의 개념을 올바르게 인식한 것 같다.

물론 박씨 역시 운이 좋았다. 박씨와 JYP는 후배가수 비(정지훈)의 소속사인 상장사 제이튠엔터를 경영권 프리미엄 없이 인수했다. 10%할인된 '주식 값'만 낸 속된 말로 '무혈'입성이었다.

JYP는 2009년 매출액 101억원, 당기순손실 46억원의 적자 회사여서 직상장은 불가능했다. 하지만 후배가수 비가 '먹튀' 논란 끝에 신인수준인 5:5수익배분을 통해 지난해 '흑자'를 만들어준 회사, 보유현금도 100억원에 육박하는 상장사를 프리미엄 없이 인수하는데 성공한 것이다.

박씨는 앞으로 비상장 JYP시절보다 훨씬 더 험난한 링에 오르게 될 것이다.

박씨는 지난해 상장사 JYP Ent.의 대주주에 오른 뒤 2월에는 등기이사로도 이름을 올렸다. 주주와 이해관계자들의 견제는 더욱 촘촘해질 수밖에 없다. 90억 가까운 손실을 본 미국법인을 통해 글로벌 브랜드로서 이미지를 높였지만, 단기투자에 목마른 주주들은 이 같은 '투자활동'에 반발할 수도 있다.

얼마 전 박씨가 한 방송프로그램에서 '58억 빚을 지고 있다'고 말한 것을 두고도 '투자일 뿐 희생이 아니다', 'JYP가 개인회사냐'등의 논란도 불거졌다.

JYP와 JYP Ent의 공동대표를 맡고 있는 전문경영인 정욱 대표는 올해부터 미국법인을 포함한 회사의 전반적인 경영효율을 높인다는 각오다. 실제 미국에서 원더걸스와 박씨는 전세기가 아닌 버스와 비행기로 투어를 다니고, 정 대표는 출근길에 버스를 탄다.

정 대표는 이미 시장에서 각광받고 있는 '한류'의 선봉장 에스엠 (18,400원 1050 -5.4%)을 '롤 모델'로 삼고 있다.

얼마 안 있어 JYP 에스엠과 더불어 '빅3'를 형성하고 있는 YG엔터까지 증시에 입성할 태세다. 이들이 어깨를 나란히 하고 증시에서도 투자자의 신뢰를 쌓아간다면 한국의 엔터테인먼트 부문도 시장에서 당당한 '산업'으로 인정받을 수 있을 것이다.

[Kim Dongha's a walk into the world of enterprise]

Park Jinyoung's entry into the corporate world. Success can be expected.

Editor's Note|' Music, Movie, Drama, Musical, Games....' The entertainment industry permeates our life little by little and it is spreading to the world. But 'as an industry' it is still shrouded in mystery. The enterprise and the money which leads the entertainment of Korea, the fate of the stars. Money Today team will try to gratify the curiosity hidden in this industry.

The growing power of JYP Entertainment(JYP) is evident. It is the current driving force of success of J.Tune-JYP Ent. in the KOSDAQ Market (4025 won with an increase of 195 5.1%). The then J.Tune enterprise is now known as JYP Entertainment.

It's been more than 1 year since JYP Entertainment whirled under 2000 won. But the sudden surge of the stock price increased more than 100% because of 'Park Jinyoung's corporation', composed of JYP and JYP Entertainment. Through the merging of these two, they are expected to create a great synergy and success.

'The Park Jinyoung enterprise' sets itself apart from the other enterprises.

For instance 'star corps' Storm&F went from 10 won to 4 which is a 28.6% decrease in stock and has been experiencing a deficit for many years. One that is in the maximum blind spot because of revenue-sharing agreements and damages. Yu Jaesuk, Kang Hodong, Ko Hyun-jung and Kim Yongman are just few who changed their contracts (8:2). The company must pay '20%' in expense so deficit for the company is inevitable.

Even so there is an instance where the largest stockholder Bae Yongjun from Key East(2,350 won 20 -0.8%), gives a beneficial apportionment to his contracts. His company's contracts and taxes are handled fairly.

Although Park Jinyoung 'made the benefit apportionment contract of 0-10'. The benefit is actually a 'gratuitous donation' from the company. Park who merged his company to J.Tune is now enjoying the benefits of it(the two companies are now known as JYP Ent). The apportionment ratio of Park Jinyoung and the company is 4:6. Park JinYoung takes 4 and the 'Park Jinyoung corporation' takes 6. Comparing his ratios to beginners(which is 5:5), he did a very exceptional job. Park was able to pay his 1.8 billion bank loan with it.

The major shareholder in companies is based on who has more shares. In the case of 'JYP Corp's shareholders', they are lucky. Park Jinyoung is the only one who understands the concept of corporation management properly.

Certainly Park's fortune has been great. Park took over his fellow junior singer Rain's(Jung Jihoon) J.Tune enterprise agency and has been experiencing the world of corporal management.

As for JYP, in 2009 the sales are 10.1 billion won and experienced a 4.6 billion won deficit. Ascending seems impossible. But Rain's '5:5 apportionment benefit' had him succeeding without premium and was able to gain reserves of nearly 100 billion won.

Park and his agency JYP will have a more challenging fight ahead of them.

Since February last year, Park became the second largest shareholders of the agency. Pressures from shareholders and others are bound to become more dense. A 9 billion close loss was experienced through his American corporation, and as the the global brand raises the image, the thirsty shareholders can shift to short term investments and might 'oppose any investment activity'.

Not too long ago on a TV program, Park revealed the he was 5.8 billion in debt and puts the fact that 'sacrifices can increase your investments.'

The professional businessman behind the JYP-JYP Ent management and American corporation management efficiency is co-head Jeong-wook. He was the one who handled Wondergirls' American tour transportations(18,400 won 1050 -5.4%). Jeong is already emerging in the cold market as a 'role model'.

It's not about how much you gain but it's more about the attitude which will make you a triumphal entry into the fortress of the stock market. We must work with investors if we want the 'industry' to succeed.

Source: http://www.mt.co.kr/view/mtview.php?type=1&no=2011040613342267479&outlink=1

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Guest adikkeluangman

@qoxie. thanks for the update. About the Chinese press, they always like that. If Malay media/press don't cover or give enough news about K-Pop artist. Then Chinese press, are the DIVA one. They want everything their way. I thought every artist rule is like that. They can only take pictures for the first 3 songs it even stated in the press kit. My friends also part of the media but she just told me and don't write anything yet on her publication.

So many media/photographer came and the place is jam packed. So they need to take turns to have best shoot and all. But then, the photographer bring all the mega lenses and they still can take pictures at back.

This concert is organized due to F1 this weekend. The organizer is PETRONAS and since Rain also have F1 concert tomorrow (Sunday). Is it somehow related? Since they already under one management. Rain concert have been promoted about a month already and Wonder Girls just one week. Is it just coincidence or what.

Anyway good job to Malaysia fans. During MC interval, even got fans from non-KL state came. So to WG stalkers, did they went to after-concert party. I remember during the World Stage last year. They don't went to the after-party concert.

About the fans left after WG perform, I guess it is true. First, it already late and the fans want to catch the train/bus.

nurika the sound system like that coz they doing the recording. so hopefully it will be aired on tv soon.

edit: I just remember something. In 2009, Hoobastank also came to KL for World Stage and 2AM were perform for the after party concert. This time, it was Wonder Girls and Hoobastank. I wonder if Jin Woon from 2AM will get jealous of this coz he is a fan of the band.

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Guest wonderful ♡

The girls look fantastic at the airport! Love what Lim and Yoobin are wearing. Yeeun looks worn out :(

A fan account of a fanboy:

I reached the event venue at 3pm.

They were rehearsing 2DT, which was their opening song.

When 이바보’s music played, I went crazy.

It’s my first time seeing them perform that.

And it made me tear.

And reminded me of Sunmi.

THEN, when I saw the backstage crew walking around the stage with the Nobody microphone stands I went crazy again.

It was the first time I see these mic stands too!

They haven’t performed with these for a very long time after Yeeun tripped on one of them.

Songs performed:

2 Different Tears (English)

So Hot

Irony (with dance break)


Saying I love you

This Time (started out acapella)

Tell Me


After Wonder Girls’ performance at the KL Twin Towers, cabbed down to their hotel which costed….$4 total?

It was around 11pm.

Reached there and there was nobody at the lobby, so I went to change (sweated like mad during the concert) and redid my hair.

After 10 minutes, they arrived.

Yubin walked out first with Sohee just right behind.

I passed Yub something to sign, and right after she did, I immediately passed it to Sohee, who was kinda waiting for Yub to finish.


Ok, I did thank both of them after Sohee signed, but I still feel it was rude for me especially when Yubin is the oldest and she is my favorite member.

Yeeun (noona, I did call this time haha) came alone a split second later. I was quite shocked she took it from me to sign because August last year she declined my request for a photo. I told her I’m from Singapore.

Then Hyelim and Sunye came together (as usual) in another split second and they both took my card to sign too. LOL I told them I’m from Singapore and Hyelim responded with something I can’t remember, but it was more than Yeeun and Sunye’s “Ahh..!”

They zoomed into the lift in another split second and after every thing was calm again, everyone /scolded/ me because I managed to get all 5 signatures one after another, while they couldn’t even get their favorite member’s.

Honestly I didn’t do it on purpose or “snatched” it from them or something. I was surprised I got them all at once as well.

They came down another 10 minutes later, looking gorgeous with their own clothes.

I was using my camera to take some photos of them so I actually missed out seeing them with my own eyes.

The camera failed btw…I think cameras spazz when they see idols too, so I gave up and ran to Sunye (who was undisturbed) and shook hands with her. She was so tired!

Ok then I went to Yubin and said sorry to her about just now.

She turned to me while signing another person’s CD, and I told her I’m from Singapore. I asked if she remembers me, she said “OHHH YEAHHHHH…YEAHHHH…”

I asked, “What’s my name?” trying to test her lol.

She said “Uhhhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uhhhhh Ke Kevin?”

I exclaimed “NO I’M SHAUN” and she said “OHHHHH YEAH” even louder.

I showed her my handphone wallpaper (the photo we 6 took together) and she touched the pic and said “YEAH YEAH!” with her two index fingers in the air….

With that she got scurried into the car.


Like who the hell shows their idol their handphone wallpaper. What was I thinking.

AND @WGyubin, who the hell is Kevin LOLOL

But she’s so cute omg T_T

I talked to her for so long, just me and her, she even touched my phone T_T

And she’s my first kpop love.

How happy am I?


Went beside their car and Hyelim was waving so enthusiastically. Must have been thinking “Phew, in my car, safe from all these beasts……oh well, smile and wave!” If I were her I would have thought this way lol.

But there were around less than 20 of us only…If it were in Singapore, it would have been madness.

3am, they came back.

I used my digital camera and wanted to try for a selca.

Didn’t work, they walked very fast this time.

And I was stunned I didn’t even use it to photograph them at least.

So Sunye was caught at the lobby signing for people, I went to the lift and the other 4 were inside.

Yeeun and Hyelim smiled and waved enthusiastically again.

Sohee didn’t see me.

Yubin was hidden at the front of the lift so I put my head inside (the security was cool cos I didn’t touch them) and called out to her, she moved to the side to see who called lol.

Sunye then went into the lift and that was the last I saw of them.

Slept sitting on the benches at the hotel lobby but nobody came out. Waited till 9am for my coach back to Singapore.

They didn’t come downstairs.

I was alone waiting. Imagine if they did. I could have asked them to go take 100000 photos together.

I guess I’ll wait like this every other day at JYPE for Sunmi when I’m in Korea lol. :D

Love this picture!

Credit: shaun chung

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Guest jcsmark

Wonder Girls - Nobody Performance Video Hits over 50 Million Views on Youtube!!

Wonder Girls - Nobody performance


Fan account

awesome night =)

so yesterday i went to twin tower live Kl concert to watch wondergirls that was my first time coz the first time they come here i couldnt go coz my cousin engagement party that day,the second time another cousin getting married so dis time finally i can go so i was like screamingggg the whole time they were on stage and all the security and crews are keeping their eyes on me coz at first when they were on stage i jump in front of stage and the security came to me and put me back to the seat and im crying and screaminggg like crazy fangirl should behaved and then when they performed “saying i love u” yoobin came to my side and i waved at her like crazy and then she noticed me and point at me while saying “SARANGHAE” AND I WENT BFDEBVKJWRNKVNWFLVCWFNCKNSDNCKWNVJNWFJVNNVJSDFNVCJSNDVNFSKJVNFVNF OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I JUST DIED THERE AND KRYINGG AGAIN AND SCREAMING AGAIN. so all the videos recorded were such a mess LOL even pictures are all blurry so im not goin to upload any„my frens who went with me did the job though idek how were the vids n pictures i will wait for her to upload them.

the best part before wondergirls performed, at first„ one of the concert mc(aisyah sinclair) noticed that im wearing “i love wondergirls” tshirt(this tshirt i bought from mywonderfuls) then she asked me about the tshirt„,

and then the other mc,he’s from 8tv(malaysian tv channel) interviewed me and i answered like a PROUD WONDERFUL shud! idek if i’ll apper on tv LOL i hope not my parents will be so mad at me if they saw me LOL

conclusion: if 2pm do come here, i dun even know how will i react.maybe i’ll die for real like seriously.

p/s:anyone who read this please pardon my english and grammar.

by teshymushy@twitter

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Guest my2wonder

WOW @jcsmark

nobody performance at Mnet account in YT reach 50,002,411 views !! congrats Wonderful !!

also , nobody MV reach 20 million views already ^^ :wub:

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Guest qoxie

nurika -- Thanks for the fanaccount!

I was rueing at the prospect of re-posting a blogger's narrative instead, & she's not even a WF.

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wonderr23 -- Thanks a bunch!

IMO These articles are priceless. I am saving them for a better time to sit back, slowly read & digest the info.

In a way, they may foreshadow how long JYPE can budget for WG in the US without monetary returns.

It is a public-listed company now, with shareholders to answer to. JYP cannot run it like a boutique firm anymore.

Interesting that it has retained the AEQ subsidiary to chart missA's career as well. But that is outside of this thread's realm.

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adikkeluangman -- Thanks for the input. You might have a point there.

But I have noticed WG's Korean minders to have been quite brusque in press relations elsewhere in Asia too.

For example in Taiwan, where the domestic press got only 2 minutes out of a 10-minute arrangement with WonderPM for the Mnet Ultimate gig.

Also in Hong Kong/Macau, where WG purposely rebuffed the local media outside of work (the airport brush-off last week was thus consistent).

Can't say the same yet for Singapore & Indonesia, but then their visits in these 2 places were coordinated by Sony Ericsson PR folks (who were brilliant).

Dunno about China. But the press there don't stalk celebrities ala the fans anyway.

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Anyway, majority wins.

Here are the translations.  *runs away* don'thitmedon'thitme...


Source: http://www.nanyang.c...05&sID=7&cID=14

WONDERGIRLS divas eject the press without reason

2011-04-09 6:12:13pm

Nanyang Siang Pau report by Yu Huifen

(Kuala Lumpur April 9 mews) The local media has once again experienced Korean stars' pomposity. The latest "round" is WONDERGIRLS ejecting the press without reason!

WS had been invited to be the finale guest performer for Friday's 'The Twin Towers @live 2011' international concert. After they warmed up with '2 Different Tears' & 'So Hot', their Korean minders promptly stepped forth to expel the news media.

Earlier, the invited newspersons were given kits explicitly informing that they could shoot pictures during 3 songs. Yet the security personnel began forcing the press photographers out after the girls had completed 2 songs. The Korean camp 'reneged' on their promise, which was very unreasonable to the journalists. Even more baffling: the organizers decided to eject the print scribes as well! When reporters asked for a reason, they were curtly told by the organizers: "All media personnel must leave!" The reporters were all astonished.

Fans allowed to continue taking photos

A reporter asked: "No photo-taking, not even any reporting too?" The stubborn security personnel continued their forced eviction. Yet the fans downstage were raising their cameras & shooting nonstop, & the Korean camp allowed it? Such diva airs from Korean stars is plainly repulsive!

Reporters left reporting outside the venue

From outside the venue, the dislodged news media could still hear WG performing 7 songs, including hit tunes like 'Tell Me' & 'So Hot'. The girls continued to adhere to their sexy-adorable career path, winning eyeballs with exquisite dances & lively performances. For their 3rd trip here, they even proclaimed: "Very happy to be back in Malaysia!" & opened their set in Malay: "Apa Khabar Malaysia! Kami Wonder Girls" to introduce themselves.

Tens of thousands got to enjoy the show

In conjunction with the '2011 Formula One World Championship in Malaysia' at the Sepang Circuit this week, 2 free international concerts are held in front of Kuala Lumpur's Twin Towers. Tens of thousands gathered at the venue during the evenings as part of the buildup to the F1 Malaysian leg. Besides WG, other performers on the nights include US rock band Hoobastank, US R&B singer Colby O'Donis as well as locals like Malay female singer Yuna & rock bands Azenders & Bunkface.

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Source: http://ent.sinchew-i.com/node/25942

WONDERGIRLS impose many restrictions, eject reporters & forbid press photographers

2011-04-09 14:59

Sin Chew Jit Poh (ent.sinchew-i.com)

(Kuala Lumpur April 9 news) Korea's entertainment companies displayed their 'arrogance' again in Malaysia. After 'inspecting' the media zone twice, the managers decided to renege on their 3-song promise to the invited press photographers. They even ejected all the print scribes in the media zone, bizarrely forbidding any form of news gathering. Such unreasonable actions have again given Korean entertainment companies a "problematic" reputation!

In conjunction with the '2011 Formula One World Championship in Malaysia' at the Sepang Circuit from Friday to Sunday, 2 large-scale “Twin Towers @live 2011” outdoor concerts were held at the Petronas Twin Towers on April 8 & 9. Invited performers for this year's F1 festive fest include US rock band Hoobastank, gifted US singer-songwriter Colby O'Donis, popular Korean girlgroup WONDERGIRLS, Malaysians Azenders, Bunkface, Yuna, Joe Flizzow & others. The 1st night saw Yuna opening the show, followed by Azenders & Bunkface. WG was the next to perform, raising the concert to a climax since the majority of fans had turned up specifically for them. The energetic signature dance routines onstage was matched by the manic shrieking & cheering from the audience. Many were also busy raising their cameras & shooting like crazy, adding to the fervent spectacle.

WG's appearance helped lift the live atmosphere. Yet after they finished their 2nd song 'So Hot', there was upheaval in the media zone below. The reporters standing in front of & to the right side of the stage were all shooed by security personnel towards the left side. The press photographers were then ordered to cease all activities & leave. Soon after, the security personnel shouted "All media go outside". Even print reporters were not allowed to stay back in the media zone.

Exclusive-zoned fans allowed to take photos

Earlier, the organizers had issued kits to invited newspersons explicitly informing them that they could shoot WG pictures during the first 3 songs. Yet after the girls have completed their 2nd song, their Korean manager(s), having inspected the media zone twice, instructed the security personnel to order a mass "eviction". Ironically, as the press were forced to leave, the exclusive-zoned fans in the middle were raising their cameras & happily taking photos of WG onstage. To the baffled, dislodged media folks, the "preferential treatment" shown to the "fan clubs" was "too outlandish".

Reportedly, WG had imposed many restrictions for this Malaysian trip. Photographing was only allowed for the opening segments. No interviews were accepted. Concert photography was confined to official photographers & 3 designated media companies. Snapshots were also subjected to the managers' "1, 2, 3" countdown. Clearly, for WG's 3rd trip to Malaysia, their "diva" antics have become more & more outrageous!

WONDERGIRLS Sohee criticized as unmusical & merely making up the numbers

Korea's 'Chosun Ilbo' invited 10 music teachers to discuss the idols' singing skills. With WG who became famous with their bestselling 'Nobody' hit, they pointed to Sohee as tops in popularity & sweet looks but also the weakest in pronunciation, music rhythm & emotional articulation. She might have gotten only a few seconds a song, but her singing was enough to wreck the tune's aesthetics. She is merely making up the numbers within WG as the 'unmusical singer'. KARA's Goo Hara was ranked "unmusical runner-up", just one vote short. She is deemed a "vase" [i.e. eye candy] who has substandard natural pitch & tempo. After School's UEE is also criticized for her indifferent singing, as if reading from a school textbook. She was voted 2nd runner-up.

KARA may be popular in Japan & Korea, but the judges think they have no musical sense & cannot grasp even a simple melody. They voted the girls as the worst idol group.

The top 2 best vocals went to JYJ's XIAH & SNSD's Taeyeon. The judges feel XIAH is good at undulating emotions with his breathing control. Taeyeon's vocals has a pure timbre & rare tonal versatility. 2AM & BIGBANG were voted the best idol groups in singing skills.

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i really think its not the girls fault..

oh well, news like that can not be avoided, so whatever...

it didnt make me less-love wg <3 i still love them like over over.. :wub: haha

im sure the organizers have reason, maybe there were chaos or anything in the media section while the wg are performing and the security or personnel got pissed and made all the media to get out.. oh well..

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Guest lovepapupi

@Qoxie That's all right. You don't need to runlaugh.gif 

Maybe once in a while we also have to hear criticism from others. But we also must know the press is usually really like to exaggerate an event because they want to seek attention and interest the reader. Think of it as a learning process for the Wonder Girls if they'll have become a big star. If they succeed in America (Amen) more of good and bad news will surround them. Although the actual problem maybe not like what they said, thank you for the articles. They even have articles about Sohee more complete than those in allkpop. I wonder how the actual contents of the real korean article.  


Message from Sohee to @ohmySOHEE

(ohmySOHEE is a site for sohee supporters)


credit: @ohmySOHEE

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Guest wonderful ♡

Thank you for the translations, qoxie. Haha don't run, I don't think it was as bad as I thought it would be. Like lovepapupi said, it's good to hear criticism once in a while. Can't be rainbows and sunshine all the time, you know? ^^

Regarding the restriction of taking pictures and the reporters being asked to leave, I don't think the girls had a say in this. It's more of their management team's part in handling issues like this. So they are not allowed to take pictures - how does this equate to WG being divas lol? I mean I don't mind if they called out the girls if they actually did something bad but this... It's a bit unfair to put the blame on them when they're not entirely at fault.

As for Sohee, seriously, the whole "Sohee can't sing" deal is tired. It has been repeated again and again and there is no point getting worked up over it. 

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Guest qoxie

Well, I have good tidings to report.

The news is kinda 2 weeks old but WGHK just stumbled upon it, so gimme a few minutes to put it together.

Hint: Open up some more room on the WG mantlepiece, people.


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Guest shinhdeplol

Its now almost 4AM in Koraen and I cant believe Sunmi is still up :mellow: she just tweeted this:

MIKA- relax, take it easy

Hopefully she will see my tweet telling her not to stay up too late :P

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Guest jcsmark

Hey Wonderfuls I think I found something

This is from January 10th. (I was trying to look for the day WG did the photoshoot for papermagazine but ended up finding this lol.) The tweeter is close to Lim, she is a fashon blogger and has gone out to eat with Lim a few times.


Credit jessmiayoon@twitter

Remember Lim mentioned way back in January in this Real Wonder Girls vid Cutie Lim in LA! that they were meeting Nick Jonas and another producer. Randy Jackson is also a music producer, so I wonder if this has anything to do with Wonder Girls' new English album.

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^ wow nice I hope they can get Randy Jackson help on the new album hes written some good songs.

Gratz on the 50mill views for the performance on YT!!  jjang :wub: Loving the seclas.

I know I don't say enough about Lim but I will say she looks cute coming from the airport. I think Wonder Girls have that star glow to them. Can't wait till they get back. 

Don't know what to say about the media restrictions except that they need to take those issues up with JYPE and not slander the girls because its not under their control.

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Guest qoxie


Hmm, intriguing. Was this before/after the CES show in Vegas (Stevie Wonder, Earth Wind & Fire, et al), when WG went to LA to "meet a producer" (& Nick Jonas)?

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Here's the news. *drumrolls* ....

WG wins prizes in 4 of the 7 categories for the recently-held Hong Kong Digital Music Awards 2010!

It is organized by CASH (Composers & Authors Society of Hong Kong).

Roll of honor for WG's 'Nobody' -- talk about a song that endures ^^

• Most popular music ringtone (#4)

• Most popular caller ringtone (#2)

• Most downloaded MV (#2)

• Top bestellers (#2)

The winners list is a PDF file. I edited it a bit & translated the relevant parts.



Source: http://www.cash.org.hk/en/content/web.do?id=808080802dbe3366012f04ce38830077

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