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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest eidolon

Sohee, Sohee, Sohee! She's just beautiful. I really like the concept of the photoshoot. I'm not surprise she was the one who came up with it. Fashionista indeed. Although, I don't really like the cover picture. It looks kind of weird. Maybe it's the two little crystls by her lips that is throwing me off. Yoobin and Sohee should put together the groups next concept also. =D Sunmi is just too cute. I really miss her. I'm missing the girls too. I'm a bit late with this but congrats Wonder Girls for completing your first successful American tour! I'm so proud of them, especially Lim, she really stepped up and did a fantastic job. Such hardworkers these ladies are.

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Guest qoxie

WG July 22 audio interview with Malaysia's Fly FM, the official local radio station of the MTV World Stage.

Warning: a lot of inane DJ chatter.

Part 1

Part 2

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Taiwan CtiTV infotainment segment on the MUSIF 2010 ticket sales

It includes video scenes of the queuing fans that day.

The narration covered what the news reports already wrote: premium prices (based on WG-2PM pairing; MBLAQ was unfortunately snubbed), abrupt ticket-sales postponement, negative online feedback, scorching sun, long queues, organizer's rationale, interviewed fans' laments (waiting, weather, spot-payment method, ticketing confusion, etc.).

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Guest butwal

sohee is truely a fashionista..she rocked the concept of the photoshoot and the fact that she came up with the idea of the concept shows that she is talented in this field..i wont be surprise at all if she choose to be a model and an actress in the future like actress YEH..they both sort of debuted at the young age of 15 and now YEH is both great model, actress and a fashionista..so i hope in the future sohee would do the same too since we all know she isnt that great singer..SOhee ah I love you...

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Guest YW1801

Lol, TODAY fails.

And it's kind of funny how Sunye has red hair while Yubin has brown.

Oh, and Sohee's pictures are SO HOT.

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Guest Mia_Mia

Sohee!!!!... so chic.... i love the colours they used for the shoot..she looks like a 22nd century space princess....woot!!

Sunye vs Tiffany and other female idols, battle of the best eye smile?


Lately, a lot of female idol's from girl groups are getting a lot of attention and popularity for their famous "Eye smile".

Recently, on bulletin boards on various portal sites, Sunye of the Wonder Girls, Tiffany of SNSD, Seung Yeon of Kara, Gain of Brown Eyed Girls are some of the wide range of female idol's who have been attracting a lot of attention for their eye-catching and beautiful "Eye smile".

The most talked about female celebrities with this "Eye Smile" are Sunye and Tiffany. "Eye Smile" is when you laugh or smile then your eyes looks like a shape of a quarter moon which a lot finds attractive.

Han Seung Yeon and Gain are also some of the popular ones when it comes to eye-smiles. It become's an attracting point that when they smile, their eyes get shaped like a quarter moon. With a bright smile and an "Eye Smile" this sure is a hit not only to guys but to girls as well.

A lot of netizens are commenting and complimenting idol's with such natural gift's.

Sunye VS Tiffany and other girl group member,s Which do you think has the best Eye Smile?

Source: TV Daily

Credits: Blueprincess824 @ dailykpopnews

Taken from: Daily Kpop

and kwonye <3


credit tumblr and as tagged

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Guest vietboi_tuan

SunYe's eye smile is most natural and not force like some others.

My favorite is of course MinLeader!!!! So Gorgeous she is!!

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Guest valentino_rossi46


^ Agree, Sun Ye is just beautiful in the way she is, she is never try to act cute but she is still so cute right :), her smiling eyes appear when she is really happy, not try to act like that :)

Lim changed hair color, wonder what color she has


@Amosboon i like my new hair color.but i was expecting it to be brighter~

Lim changed hair color, not sure about Ye Eun but she also want to change, so does it mean WGs is recording new MV now?, cuz they changed their hairstyles :)

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Guest Pike Yenny

[Pop In Seoul] 100724 Kpop Countdown - Wonder Girls Won No1 For "2 Different Tears"


congrat our girls :D

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Guest shantewillie

Congrats for winning #1.

I finally pick up my 2 Different Tears Poster on my wall.

I didn't have enough room, but I find a great place.

The poster is next to my bed. :lol:

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thank you very much...I'm just making something.

This is for all the wonderfuls

I'm listing all facts about wonder girls but i need to find first a site where I can see their complete schedule from 2007 - 2010... by the way i can't read Chinese and Korean characters so if you don't mind... thanks everyone

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Guest qoxie

Found a Chinese translation of the Sohee Dazed & Confused magazine interview.

I will wait see if anyone publishes a direct Korean-to-English transcript instead.

Otherwise I will have a go at this (perhaps on Sunday), but the result is always less accurate.

Q: 感觉唱法不一样了

A: 如果说之前的,是按照制作人所希望的唱法而唱出来的话,此次是按照平时唱法唱的。所以目前为止的专辑中,这次的专辑是最心爱的。

Q: 发行了如此心爱的专辑,为什么这么快又回到美国。有很多觉得可惜的fans。

A: 我们也觉得很可惜。但是只活动2周,觉得粉丝也更关心,我们也可以更集中,也有这些优点。

Q: 在韩国,昭熙最有人气,在美国如何?

A: 哈哈,是吗?在美国,比起我确实是瑜斌姐姐更有人气。感觉美国更喜欢丰满的类型。

Q: wondergirls在美国活动期间,韩国陆续有偶像组合出道,并取得了一定的成绩。有什么想法?

A: 如果没有进军美国的话,可以很舒服地在韩国活动,也可以赚更多的钱。但是如果再面临选择的瞬间的话,还是会选择进军美国的。是无法用钱买到的经历。多亏 了目前为止的专辑都取得了较好的成绩,所以有了想站在更大的舞台上的想法,且在机会来临时,尽了最大的努力。

Q: 有没有很着急呢?

A: 看到别的偶像组合出道并活动,有过‘说不定我们不能再站在韩国舞台上了’的想法。但是庆幸的是,反应好。所以有了不管我们在哪里,只要我们努力的话,粉 丝也不会忘记我们的确信。

Q: 出演‘膝盖道士’时,看起来很疲惫,也有过wondergirls进军美国的反对论。

A: 肯定会看起来很疲惫,这是当然的。因为在体力上,真的很累。但是得到的真的很多。如果没进军美国的话,可以在韩国舒舒服服地、接受更好的待遇活动,但不 会有什么进步。觉得成员们间的友谊变得更深、实力也有加强而觉得很开心。以前真的有很多不足,但感觉有了些许的成长。

Q: 别说wondergirls,昭熙怎么样?没感觉到孤独吗?

A: 如果说不孤独的话,是说谎的。但是因为有成员在,可以依赖她们。

Q: 经历了一起活动的一位朋友离队的痛苦,心情怎么样?

A: 是一起活动的伙伴,但突然离队,所以很担心她。同时,也有了对演艺活动的悔意。


Q: 在电影‘喜欢火热的’里,饰演了十几岁的平凡的思春期少女。虽然在电影里饰演了平凡的十代,但实际昭熙的生活绝对不平凡,不觉得irony吗?

A: 很担心来着。得看起来很自然,但没有好好地经历过学生时代。问了朋友们很多,并回想中学时我是怎么生活的。

Q: 是属于朋友偏多的类型吗?

A: 并不是很多。比起朋友,姐姐比较多。对于这一点,我也觉得很可惜。啊,中学时,有两个朋友,她俩是最好的朋友。还有成员们是最好的朋友。

Q: 小学六年级时,出演了短篇电影‘消音构造’,有喜欢电影到出演短篇电影的程度吗?

A: 是很偶然的契机。有一个私下很亲密的英语老师,而那位与短篇电影的导演认识,就介绍了我。虽然现在也小,但当时更小,所以只是觉得很有意思。现在重看, 就很好笑,好笑到觉得不好意思。

Q: 大部分的小学六年级生,都是忙着与伙伴们混在一起的小不点,你是怎么知道有这一世界的(应该是指演艺圈)?

A: 跟姐姐相差六岁,姐姐喜欢的东西,我也很自然地接触到并也喜欢着姐姐所喜欢的。看着姐姐喜欢的艺人,我就也想像他们那样在舞台上唱歌和表演。

Q: 谁都可能这么想过,但大部分的人看着镜子就会死心。说实话,小时候看镜子时是怎么想的?

A: 好像没觉得自己长得丑。

Q: 脸看起来年纪很小,但感觉比同龄人要成熟。

A: 虽然现在也很小,但在19岁之前,16-7岁时,因为小就显得成熟些,觉得行为举止要很懂事。所以觉得也不可以发牢骚。因为小,所以看起来年纪小,其实 是理所当然的。但是最近,只想很自然地行动。

Q: 大人也是一样的,活着谁都会经历困难的事情。但是明星很无聊地一直要向大众展现出同一种的样子,有没有想过这种样子让你很厌倦?

A: 是最近才醒悟过来的。最近也会偶尔发发牢骚。但是肯定的是,一定要有责任感。如果能负责的话,不管是什么模样,也可以展现出来。

Q: 向谁发牢骚?

A: 成员之间也是,父母,朴振英制作人也听我发牢骚。我虽然话很少,但好与坏很明显地都表现在脸上,所以好像他们经常看我眼色。但是在美国活动期间,互相之 间关系变得更加亲密了。

Q: 没有关系较亲密的,男性朋友吗?

A: 很可惜,没有。

Q: 想遇到什么样的男朋友?有特别的理想型吗?

A: 我喜欢分明的人。对于事业也是,对于恋爱也是,喜欢开头和结尾都很分明的人。不喜欢见面和分手都很拖拖拉拉的人。

Q: 是指喜欢就喜欢,讨厌就讨厌,可以积极地引领女孩子的男生吗?

A: 是的。

Q: 外貌呢?

A: 个子可以不高,希望比例能够好一点。比起有肌肉的身材,更喜欢消瘦的身材。虽然很瘦,但有一点肌肉,这是很重要的。是得一直见面的人,所以说实话外貌, 重要。

Q: 如果有了比例好,虽然瘦但是有肌肉,且始末都很分明的男朋友,你想成为怎样的女朋友呢?

A: 像妈妈般的女朋友,像朋友般的女朋友。

Q: 想过怎样的婚后生活呢?

A: 想成为年轻的妈妈。像朋友般的妈妈,我妈妈就是那样,一直像个少女。比起因为害怕父母而不能说出烦恼的家庭,更想经营可以舒心地对话的互相之间像朋友般 的家庭。

Q: 感觉在聊太久远的未来。目前,想成为什么样的歌手?

A: 我不是唱歌唱得特别好、跳舞跳得特别好的歌手,而且听了很多说我做得不好的话。只是希望自己是一直成长的歌手。想听见‘一点一点地发展、进步了’之类的 话。想成为可以让人产生‘啊,还有这样的一面啊’的感觉的歌手。

Q: 你个人有想尝试的音乐风格吗?

A: 拜托,想做那种未来指向性的、未来主义的音乐。时间怎么可以一直倒流?成员间也说过想把未来主义这一单词写进专辑里面去。

Q: 如果朴振英代表看到此文章,你的意见会反映到下一专辑里吗?

A: 他是一直很尊重我们想法的代表,所以我会期待的。

Credit: lannidda @ Baidu

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July 10 Toronto pics.








Source: Wondercuty

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thank you very much...I'm just making something.

This is for all the wonderfuls

I'm listing all facts about wonder girls but i need to find first a site where I can see their complete schedule from 2007 - 2010... by the way i can't read Chinese and Korean characters so if you don't mind... thanks everyone

There is a fanmade Google calendar listing the Wonder Girls schedules june 2008 to march 2009. It is bilingual (Korean + English), you have to switch views to read the english part as in the monthly view it can be truncated.

Wonder Girls schedule

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Hi all, there is a Facebook page set up to support Lim! There have many latest Lim photos/videos/artices. Please join us there & ask your friends to join too. Spread Lim wonder!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


Many thanks in advance..

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Guest qoxie

Catching up with Taiwan news reports; they were published a couple of hours apart...


Source: http://tw.news.yahoo...2/78/29ote.html

MUSIF 2010 tickets for sale, fans lie in wait overnight

Liberty Times update 2010/07/22 04:11 Reporter Li Xiaojuan / Taipei

'MUSIF 2010' is bringing together popular Korean idol singers WONDERGIRLS, 2PM, MBLAQ, MISS A & JYP for Taipei & Kaoshiung concerts on August 21 & 22 respectively. Ticket sales for the Taipei show commenced yesterday. Anxious at missing out, many fans had queued overnight since Monday. Era Ticket's system also crashed for over an hour.

The organizer said nearly 70 percent of tickets were sold yesterday, generating about 10 million NT dollars in box-office revenue. Ticket sales for the Kaoshiung show will also commence on July 24 noon, with 'Rock area' tickets available at Kaoshiung Dream Mall's 1F plaza.

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Source: http://tw.news.yahoo...22/4/29om3.html

MUSIF 2010 tickets, 60 percent sold

China Times update 2010/07/22 02:46 Text / Ye Yixin

The Taipei edition of the MUSIF 2010 concerts commenced ticket sales at noon yesterday. Era Ticket's system continuously crashed, prompting complaints from the fans. Many office workers, unable to take leave to queue up, also criticized the organizer for being unreasonable. With 2PM, WONDERGIRLS, JYP, MISS A, etc. offering up a strong lineup of performers, the box office generated millions in cash inside just an hour. About 60 percent of the Taipei tickets have been sold. Tickets for the Kaohsiung show will begin selling at Kaoshiung Dream Mall on July 24 noon.

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Wow, the Korean entertainment press is hailing JYP in their latest articles.

Courtesy of Daum search: http://search.daum.n...C9%BD%BA&sort=1

Google Translate allows me to grasp the gist of the content, but some of the headline titles are self-explanatory: "King Park" (which also alludes a Korean dynasty founder), "The music industry is now 'pan-JYP' & 'Ohsonyeo' (5 Girls) worlds", etc.

Yoobinians may want to take a look at this article too:


I am not proficient enough to transcribe it, but the theme is Binnie's & MISS A Suzy's Gwangju backgrounds (& thus their common rapport).

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Guest qoxie

Yoobin tweeted to thank WFs for the gifts.



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Source: http://wgeunsuncouple.wordpress.com/2010/07/24/eunsun-comic-1-the-tangerine-continued/

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Guest ♪ LeeNa ♪

i'm really sad :(

i miss the girls soooooooo much and i want the wonder girls fever back again just like nobody days <3 <3

i want to see them in star king and strong heart .. etc

come on jyp we need to see the girls more :(

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