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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest michelecmx

why is this always happening to the groups

in jype?? i'm super lost right now.

:( i support mimi, but why must jype find a replacement??

AHHHHH~~~ this is going to get confusing for

all the other fans who just got to know WG.

mimi please come back to WG soon!!!

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Guest xoxoxox

what does this girl Lim look like anyway? videos, clips, pictures?

According to Bestiz, this is her (if I'm wrong, please correct me)

Please don't hate this girl...she has done nothing wrong







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Guest shar016

we have to respect her decision coz everyone knows how important education is. and as for lim, i'll support her. but i'm expecting a lot from her. we need to give her lots of love coz u know the netizens wont be liking her. my fav is sunmi, and it's really heartbreaking but... we have to accept this. it's not like she's going to quit, she's just taking a break. and mimi yah, please promise that you'll be back. so that i can live happily.

I support mimi and lim. good luck to them.


AND OMG!! that girl in the second picture! the one on the very right looks like junsu! omg lol!!

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Guest ohitsning

I was honestly shocked and speechless when I saw this on Facebook because I never thought she was one to give up. As much as I want to think that she's doing this for her education, even though it plays a big role, I also think it's because she's struggling in the States like she mentioned on some shows and the thing she most likely wants the most right now, is to go back home. She probably reached her limit. ><

I know this may be a bit sudden and surprising for everyone but I think we should back her up. Since it's her choice to postpone her career due to her education, we should give her support. It's better for the long run, anyway.

Wonder Girls would never be the same.

Nobody, nobody but you, Sun Mi.

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Guest Mia_Mia




Yeah.. I think that one is Lim or as they also call her HyeRim ...

PEOPLE.. PLEASE SUPPORT SUNMI's decision by not bombarding the other girls with hate messages.. that is just disgusting behaviour.. One Wonderful (if he can be called that) sent messages to Sohee and Sunye saying he hated them for this. This isn't Sunmi's fault, and it sure as hell not the other 4 girls fault.. and most definitely not Lim's fault so stop saying negative things about her, I thought us seeing how Yubin first got treated would by now know how to treat a new member.. please don't forget you are mannerfuls.

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Guest crazyfrog

This is very shocking news. I never expected SunMi to leave... but if that's what she wants, then I'm happy for her.

Good luck to Lim as well. Hope she won't get too much hate... I think it's best to not think of Lim as "the new SunMi" but just Lim, the new member of WG. No one will replace Sunmi. SunMi is SunMi, Lim is Lim.

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well.. maybe sunmi is just leaving for a little and when she comes back, lim will go back to the other group, ya know? i hope so. i love sunmi just a bittt more than the other girls, so i hope she'll do well in her studies... and come back to WGs.

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Guest kenshin_kauru

Shocked. Speechless. Sad. Really really sad. As much as I don't want this happen, I respect her decision. We will see her in the future right? This must be really hard decision. & this must be really hard for other girls. Sunmi fighting! WG fighting!

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Guest bittersweet_


Sunmi is my favorite Wonder Girl. & I was really looking forward to what she will bring in the future. This is such a bad news!!!!

But i respect her decision, education is very important at her age.

So this pretty much means, Sunmi will never be part of the Wonder Girls again, because once they start promoting in the US w the new member you can't get her back in later on, it will be really complicated.

But judging by her Umbrella performance, I have high hopes that she will be a wonderful solo artist =)))

Maybe in 3, or 4 years, once she is matured and ready, hopefully, she will come back as sexy & strong performer =)

I wish you all the best 4D cutie!!!

With that said, since my fav. member is out of the group, I probably won't care much for WG anymore =( also hopefully Kpop. hehe =)

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Guest xjuicyy403

i truly don't think ill get over this for a while...

ohhhh sunmi!!! i'll miss her sosososo much

as devastating as it is, who is to stop her from pursuing her education?

i hope she'll be able to come back!!

sunmi fighting!

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Guest syao_sid

I can't believe this right now...

She's my fave member..

I admire SunMi for prioritizing her studies but WG w/o her is something i couldn't imagine..

how about the songs she had already recorded for the english album?

This is just all too sudden... :(

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Guest Ella_Kwan







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Guest tikamicizia

There is high chance she won't be back when wg is still in us. Maybe when they return to korea... Im beyond shock and sad...... Don't u think it's not only sunmi wish to go... I think jyp kinda want to add an english speaker in wg coz no way he can just fullfil any wish of the member... Well i pray the best for all of them. And i know sunmi will bd a lot happier in korea,, it's the most important thing

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Guest makihiro

I am always lurking here..and this just heartbreaking to read that Sunmi is going to leave wonder girls..all the hard work that they went through and beautiful moments that they share..but I have to support her decision and what she will do..I am sad for Sohee too, first Hyunah now Sunmi..fighting wonder girls..Sunmi jjang, till then..we will await for you to comeback as wonder girl..

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I'm just in utter shock and disbelief that Sunmi decided she is leaving the Wonder Girls. I'm not against her going back to study and finish up her schooling and go to college, but what's worse is that JYPE didn't say if and when she comes back to the entertainment world that her place in Wonder Girls would be left open for her or not.

I won't comment much on the new member, since I know nothing much about her.. It's just, so devastating that there's a high chance that Sunmi won't come back. It's... It's just mind blowing news in the start of a new year. I mean, last year they won the highest daesang.. You wouldn't think the following year a member would be leaving. :tears:

JYPE and it's artists have brought so much pain to us fans.. I don't know how to take this. At this moment, I'm not sure how to really respond to these type of news anymore. I'm now even more scared of the future for our fellow singers. Maybe JYP is working too much like a family, and not like a business. I love the family love, but sometimes you have to be tough and set things straight.

*sigh* I don't know how the other girls are dealing with this, but I hope they are okay. Because at the end of the day, they have to pick up the pieces and continue on. Sunmi will get to go back, be with her family, study, and possibly have fun meeting her friends and etc while the Wonder Girls will continue to work hard and be away from family.

I'm not saying that Sunmi is greedy or whatever, but that's just how I see it and I'm just very sad. I will miss Sunmi so much. Who will bother Sohee now? Who will.. Who will.. =S Sunmi, our 4D Alien. I'm even more depressed that she might not come back as a Wonder Girl.......................... *tears*

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Omfg, I just got on the computer and the

first thing I noticed was Sunmi's news!


But now I feel so sad knowing that it's actually true afterall......

Gosh, even though Sunmi is still there I'm already missing her!

Really can't imagine anybody else being in the Wonder Girls.

Aish, our 4D Sunmi I don't want you to leave!

But I guess if this is what she really wants then I'll support her!

Though, I'm still unaware of this Lim girl?

Just hope that Sunmi will come back please!

Wonder Girls Hwaiting!

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Guest voxtae13

She is the first girl in video.

Personally, the girl is not better than our MiMi.

I'm really dissapointed. JYP, what are you doing?

However, i will face reality, support Wonder Girls, support Sun Mi as solo artist maybe, support Lim i'm trying my best.

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i support mimi!

but please do come back, cos we're gonna miss you like crazy, mimi & her 4d-ness ^^"

though i don't have anything against lim, why can't they be a 4 member for now until she comes back?

cos lim's already in sisters, isn't she? :huh:

edit: aw, cmon guys! :( mimi wouldn't want us like this! and plus, think if we're like this, how would the rest of the girls feel? stay strong, guys! wonderfuls & wonder girls fighting!

p.s. ofc, there's always going to be 4d mimi <3

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I cant think right now... alot of things flashing through my mind... WG without sunmi?! I cant even imagine that. Can someone confirm with jype whether sunmi will be coming back to WG after her studies? She cant leave just like that!!!

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