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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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I just got word that "I come with Rain" will have it's premiere in Japan @ Roppongi HIlls. Nice to know that Hunnie panda will be there! YAY.

Was watching Entertainment Relay on KBS World last night. And they showed the IRIS press con too! Enjoyed seeing LBH on TV.

Yupyup! :w00t: That's right zashi.. I Come With The Rain's Red Carpet premiere will start in just a few more hours TODAY!

Must be really buzzing with excitement at the Roponggi for the fans to meet & cheer the stars. It's finally here, after much delay.. thought we'd never see the sunshine this bright again.. the highly-anticipated suspense-thriller finally making its much-awaited debut, well done Byunghun-ssi! :wub: :blush:

Feels like Cannes.. even more! ^^

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^ Even one is still.. so lucky.. for us.. :lol:

Wow.. all wearing black on bright red.. I suppose lately BH is somehow sporting a more casual look instead.. than the usual spot-on full formal attire like before.

Now.. we wait .. for one more.. to come.. :D

Another Red Carpet/Cross aerial view


Source: b.gyao.jp

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:huh: Uhh-oh.. not yet.. no new pics coming.. huh..

While still waiting.. and still random for now.. some BTS caps from the Discovery Channel's Seoul Savvy segment feat. Byunghun-ssi

Thanks to the highlight by fhyip at lovelbh.com, BTS captures courtesy c2down.cyworld.co.kr

Hip Hip! Seoul Savvy with a bang [X]


img4957.th.jpg img4956.th.jpg img4955.th.jpg img4954v.th.jpg img4953.th.jpg


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Guest gaby35

Thanks all of you for pictures.I really look forward this movie.I cant imagine how Byung hun speaks English.I think it will be great.

I'm wondering something are there any public known relationship about Byung Hun?Of course accept SHK.I never find such a new.

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^ I'm really wondering about the movie too.. how the screening go, what are the first impressions and everything ICWTR. We've heard and seen BH speaking & answering interviews and on-spot questions in English, with no problem at all (in fact, he's quite flawless for someone not brought up speaking English) but it is something new to see him acting fully in English.

This is a fan-account in Japanese regarding the Red Carpet event - they called it the Red "Cross" instead..

「アイ・カム・ウィズ・ザ・レイン」ワールドプレミア。'I Come With The Rain' World Premiere


I'm wondering something are there any public known relationship about Byung Hun?Of course accept SHK.I never find such a new.

I don't think there's any other that was made known (BH is extremely private, only when he's sure he wanted to share his happiness with his fans - that's how we got to hear about his past relationship with SHK) except for celebrity rumors that people make for fun(!?) but BH often did mention his college sweetheart (no details though) whom he dated when he was younger but they broke up. A friend & I sometimes talk about this.. it's normal that he would have other relationships just like everyone else but of course.. being a person in the limelight.. some things are better kept private.

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Ohh! I forgot to mention that GI Joe is already being mentioned here, 2 days ago a local news bulletin showed a little snippet hinting the upcoming summer blockbuster. ^^

But now.. rubes' first look at the international poster ---> seems a bit too crowded, no? :huh: I love the STORM SHADOW solo poster though.. very obviously! :lol:

GI Joe update & relate courtesy screenrant.com and poster from iconvsicon.com

May 28, 2009

G.I. Joe International Poster

So far the only G.I. Joe posters we seen have shown off more black leather than actual human skin. Today we have the official international poster for G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra, and it’s pretty much a rehash of the posters we’ve seen before (the characters are pretty much in the same poses), only with two noticeable differences:

The first real images of what look to be Cobra Commander and Destro!

First take a quick look at the poster:


It’s sorta cool how they angle the title and all the film info to separate the G.I. Joes and Cobras into their separate corners. As far as the images of the Joes - like I said, pretty much the same as the images we’ve seen before on previous posters. On the Cobra side - the images of the Baroness (Sienna Miller) and Storm Shadow (Byung-hun Lee) are pretty much the same as their individual character posters.

But what about those two Cobra operatives lurking in the upper right-hand corner? The one all the way to the right with the half-mask on: could that be Cobra Commander (Joseph Gordon-Levitt)? That would make the figure in the full mask and helmet none other than Destro (Christopher Eccleston), I’m guessing. Sweet.

Of course if those two figures ARE Cobra Commander and Destro, then they bear little resemblance to their original cartoon counterparts, or even the Cobra Commander and Destro action figures we saw a few months back. But hey, it’s a movie and changes are going to get made. After all, in Destro’s case it would look somewhat ridiculous if a bad guy was running around with a steel head for most of the movie (see Shaquille O’Neal in Steel for a prime example of what not to do).

Also, I love the tagline for the Cobra team, “Evil never looked so good”. Um, is that line referring to the three masked and/or disfigured Cobra guys - or is that entire tagline solely referring to the shapely hemispheres of Sienna Miller’s richard simmons? No doubt the latter. What a stupid tagline.

Does seeing all your favorite G.I. Joe characters on one poster give you a thrill? Or does it leave feeling further skeptical about the prospect of Rise of Cobra being any good?

G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra hits theaters on August 7, 2009.

Source: Empire Magazine / screenrant.com

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May 28, 2009

I Come With The Rain Premieres


Local heartthrob Kimura Takuya (36) joined Hollywood counterpart Josh Hartnett (30) and Korean star Lee Byung Hun (38) last night for the world premiere of "I Come With the Rain" in Tokyo. The actors were in Roppongi at the Tokyo Midtown complex for the event, also enjoyed by an invited audience of about 1,000. The movie is directed by Vietnamese-born French director Tran Anh Hung, who is currently working on the eagerly awaited movie version of Murakami Haruki's cult novel "Noruwei no Mori" (Norwegian Wood). It is scheduled to open in theaters on June 6. SMAP's Kimura talked about the tensions of filming in one of the more unsavory areas of the Philippines under the watchful eye of the local military. The movie was also filmed on location in Los Angeles and Hong Kong.

Source: japan-zone.com

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Thanks to the highlight by fhyip-lovelbh.com, clip uploaded by zazan05

This is mainly a Takuya Kimura clip from last night's Red Carpet event but we can see BH as well. ^^

Kinda unusual that BH would dress quite the opposite from the rest but nothing that's totally unexpected. Why appear the same when you can be different, right? :P Simply sexy HOT Hunnie, all the way! :wub: However, it's a pity that Shawn Yue was not included absent from the premiere line-up.

Anyway.. one thing caught this panda's eye.. Byunghun-ssi seems to be wearing (again) a piece of fine chain+pendant this time, apart from the black bead (prayer?) bracelet. Yupyup.. blurpanda is sooooo into BH's fave accessories, he could be designing another jewelry item. :D Can't see it clearly from the clip.. even the capture was a bit shaky. I wonder if it's a tiny cross?

Watch youtube2.jpg STREAMING HERE


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Guest kimchibabe


His eyes tells it all...he's happy, satisfied and relieved.

And he's holding on to a mic. Maybe there was a short interview. Hoping there's more news(and pics) to come... :rolleyes:

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^ I sure agree that BH looks really happy and relieved especially. If fans like us have been so anxiously waiting for the movie, imagine how it is for the actors. Hope to read some news/reviews as well.. and VODs, too.

Btw, is the Japanese promotion for ICWTR starting immediately after the premiere? What is the schedule for BH today, will he have to stay on till June 6th? Too bad he's not back in Korea today.. he would have attended SKG-SYA's wedding.. knowing how much he loves weddings. ^^ Looks like a really star-studded (but private) affair as lots and lots of celebrities are attending due to the couple's status in Chungmuro.. Congrats!

Anyone has the download link or youtube streaming for this tv coverage of the premiere?

이병헌-기무라 다쿠야-조쉬 하트넷 3美男 등장에 日 4천팬 ‘열광’

뉴스엔 원문 기사전송 2009-05-28 18:27


이병헌, 기무라 다쿠야, 조쉬 하트넷이 뭉쳤다!

한류스타 이병헌이 27일 오후 6시 일본 도쿄 미드타운에서 열린 프랑스 영화 ''I Come With The Rain(나는 비와 함께 간다)''(트란 안 홍 감독)의 월드 프리미어 레드카펫 행사에 기무라 다쿠야, 조쉬 하트넷과 나란히 참석해 4천여 일본 팬을 열광시켰다.

후지TV의 뉴스정보 프로그램 ‘메자마시TV’는 28일 이병헌-기무라 다쿠야-조쉬 하트넷 등 3명 톱스타가 27일 영화 ''I Come With The Rain(나는 비와 함께 간다)''의 월드 프리미어 레드카펫 행사에 참석해 4천여 일본 팬을 열광시키고 현장을 뜨겁게 달궜다고 보도했다.

이병헌은 팬들로 인산인해를 이룬 레드카펫 현장에 검은 리무진을 타고 도착했다. 차에서 조쉬 하트넷, 이병헌, 기무라 다쿠야가 잇달아 하차하자 현장은 팬들의 함성으로 뜨겁게 달아올랐다.

이병헌은 손을 흔들어 주기도 하고 가볍게 목례를 하는 등 시종 여유로운 태도로 행사에 임했다. 기무라 다쿠야와는 영화 ‘히어로’에 이은 두번째 공동 작품으로 이날 행사에서도 기무라 다쿠야와 ‘하이파이브’를 하는 등 많이 친해진 모습을 보이기도 했다.

영화 ‘ I Come With The Rain’은 연쇄살인마를 사살한 후 정신적 고통을 받는 전직 경찰 클라인이 중국 부유층에 고용돼 실종된 아들을 찾아 아시아로 향하면서 벌어지는 일을 그린 작품. ‘ 그린 파파야 향기’로 칸 영화제의 신인감독상인 황금카메라상을 수상하고 ‘씨클로’ 로 베를린 영화제 그랑프리를 수상한 트란 안 홍 감독의 신작.이 작품에서 이병헌은 살인에는 냉정하면서도 사랑 앞에서는 여린 홍콩 암혹가의 두목 수동포 역을 맡았다.

특히, 이번 작품은 자타 공인 한국 최고의 배우 이병헌과 일본 최고의 톱스타 기무라 타쿠야, 헐리웃 최고의 매력남 조쉬 하트넷의 만남으로 전세계는 물론 일본 내에서도 엄청난 관심을 모으고 있다.

‘I Come With The Rain’은 미국, 필리핀, 홍콩 등에서 로케를 진행하고 영화 음악은 전설적인 밴드 라디오헤드(RADIOHEAD)가 담당했으며 영화 ''바벨''의 제작진이 참여하는 등 서스펜스 대작으로 팬들의 기대를 모으고 있다. 이번 영화를 통해 이병헌이 아시아 스타를 넘어 세계적 스타로 발돋움할 수 있을 지 관심이 모아진다.

(사진=후지TV ''메자마시TV'' 캡쳐)

차연 sunshine@newsen.com / 기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com via news.nate.com

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:excl: Thanks to the hint by melusine at SYA's thread (lots of wedding guest photos! ^^).. Byunghun-ssi did attend the wedding of Song Yun Ah and Sul Kyung Gu today! :w00t: Looks like he came back to Seoul right after last night's premiere.

Hope we can get some pics of him.. there hasn't been any so far but still looking. Please help everyone.. my mouse is driving me crazy tonight :crazy::sweatingbullets: .. it's being possessed by an unknown force and has a life of it's own :ph34r: .. not allowing me to edit/copy/highlight anything properly.

More than one source now mentioned BH being at the wedding but still no capture of him.. still a good reason to note though because quite a number of celebs were really there even without any arrival pics taken. Read that about 500 celebrity guests had attended SKG-SYA's church wedding.


Not quite the premiere / red carpet clip but an intro for BH / TK / JH in the movie, more so for Byunghun-ssi. Seems like a great mention of BH's past work but clip without Eng. subs.



Source: kr.news.yahoo.com

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Guest Sung-ja e Seiko

:excl: Thanks to the hint by melusine at SYA's thread (lots of wedding guest photos! ^^).. Byunghun-ssi did attend the wedding of Song Yun Ah and Sul Kyung Gu today! :w00t: Looks like he came back to Seoul right after last night's premiere.

Hope we can get some pics of him.. there hasn't been any so far but still looking. Please help everyone.. my mouse is driving me crazy tonight :crazy::sweatingbullets: .. it's being possessed by an unknown force and has a life of it's own :ph34r: .. not allowing me to edit/copy/highlight anything properly.

More than one source now mentioned BH being at the wedding but still no capture of him.. still a good reason to note though because quite a number of celebs were really there even without any arrival pics taken. Read that about 500 celebrity guests had attended SKG-SYA's church wedding.

Hi rubie and everyone,

BH could not attend the wedding because of the ICWR promotion in Japan.

BH left from Haneda at 19:35 flight after he finished the recording for Fuji TV program in Odaiba on Thursday. ( I am not sure yet for which program. )

The program is SMAP x SMAP.

BH will appear with Josh and of course Takuya Kimura will be there as a member of SMAP.

It will be aired on June 8. Monday from 22:00 Tokyo time.

I had to work today after I took half day off yesterday to see the Red Cross carpet event.

But I was lucky to hear that he had not yet left when I finished work around 6 pm. So I quickly took a cab to the airport.

WOW! It was so close! I could make it just 5 minutes before he came to see fans before leaving. :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

BH came directly to Haneda from Fuji TV station right after he finished the recording.

It was around 6:30 pm. The black car slowly came toward about 100 fans waiting in line outside of the building.

The car window was open and our Hunnie was there smiling. :w00t:

No glasses, no caps so that I could see his face well. And the car was so close to us and went to very slowly, the person who was besides me could hand over her gift to BH directly.

His face was well tanned. And smiling, nodding and watching our faces one by one. :wub::wub::wub:

He was wearing the grey black jacket, I assume the same jacket he wore for the TV program.

It was a short stay in Tokyo this time, but I could see him several times. :rolleyes:

And this was my first debut to the airport to see him. :rolleyes:

I am sorry there are no photos but taking his photo is strictly prohibited as usual. Yesterday’s event was even more severe than usual because Takuya Kimura was there. <_<

JOFC announced BH’s official comment for the members.

He says he is going to restart IRIS shooting right away when he is back to Seoul.

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Guest shinerelsie

hello everyone, wow, i wondered how hectic the schedule of LBH...he is so very nowadays..

by the way, is there definite schedule when the IRIS gonna be showed? I am really excited about this drama...best luck to LBH...

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Sung-ja, did BH return to Seoul on Thursday.. no matter how late it was? Or will he be staying/coming back for ICWTR promos in other Japan cities? If he did yesterday.. he may not be in time for the actual wedding, but after the ceremony.. thus the no photos.

Btw.. I love the sharing very much, it's exactly how BH is.. very similar to when he goes to Taiwan, etc. He loves to have the window of the car down, and closely seeing the faces of the fans.. a personal contact with everyone. Once BH sees your face.. he'd remember you, Sung-ja. :blush:

I can't agree more the vast difference between movie premieres in Japan and Korea. Not in the position to say anything, obviously.. but it is rather unsettling sad not having a bit more photos from the event or even clips to enjoy. I knew long ago of the very strict restriction concerning Kimura Takuya by his powerful management. This is just the time that we have to rely to fans for sharing.. openly or discreetly. but then even without any photos, just reading a fan's thoughts of seeing BH actually brings more sharing than just pics. Well done, Sung-ja.. so happy to hear your close encounters with Byunghun-ssi.. see, your patience truly rewarded. :wub:

Elsie.. it's already confirmed that IRIS will be aired on KBS2 this September, *can't wait!* We don't have the exact date but it will be airing in the Wed-Thurs tv slots. You can check out IRIS thread for more details, pics and sharing. Just refer my siggy (signature) space for the direct link. :)

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May 29, 2009

Vietnamese-French movie stars Korean, Japanese, U.S. actors


Three top actors from Korea, Japan, and the United States joined forces to promote their new film in Japan. Lee Byung-hun, Takuya Kimura and Josh Hartnett were on hand in Tokyo on Wednesday for the world premiere of “I Come with the Rain.”

The movie was written and directed by the Vietnamese-French filmmaker Tran Anh Hung. It tells the story of a former Los Angeles cop searching throughout Asia for the son of a Chinese billionaire.

Hollywood star Hartnett plays Kline, the police officer. Lee, who recently received good reviews for his role in last year’s “The Good, the Bad and the Weird,” is Su Dongpo, a Hong Kong gangster. Japan’s Kimura, the main man in the Japanese hit drama “Mr.Brain,” appears as mini cooperao, the missing son. The movie opens in Japan on June 6.

Source: joongangdaily.joins.com

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Guest Sung-ja e Seiko

Sung-ja, did BH return to Seoul on Thursday.. no matter how late it was? Or will he be staying/coming back for ICWTR promos in other Japan cities? If he did yesterday.. he may not be in time for the actual wedding, but after the ceremony.. thus the no photos.

Btw.. I love the sharing very much, it's exactly how BH is.. very similar to when he goes to Taiwan, etc. He loves to have the window of the car down, and closely seeing the faces of the fans.. a personal contact with everyone. Once BH sees you.. he'd remember you, Sung-ja. :blush:

I can't agree more the vast difference between movie premieres in Japan and Korea. Not in the position to say anything, obviously.. but it is rather unsettling sad not having a bit more photos from the event or even clips to enjoy. I knew long ago of the very strict restriction concerning Kimura Takuya by his powerful management. This is just the time that we have to rely to fans for sharing.. openly or discreetly. but then even without any photos, just reading a fan's thoughts of seeing BH actually brings more sharing than just pics. Well done, Sung-ja.. so happy to hear your close encounters with Byunghun-ssi.. see, your patience truly rewarded. :wub:

No no. rubie.

He went back to Seoul, departed from Tokyo 19:35 arriving Seoul at 21:55 yesterday.

I guess it was too late for the reception too.

He finished all promotion schedules for ICWR in Japan.

The movie will be released on Jun 6.

You see the photo of the Red Cross Carpet event; that was the only official photo distributed to the press, but you cannot see Takuya Kimura anywhere, which was very unnatural.

But this is the way his agent protects him.

Byung-hun's agent (means Byung-hun?) is also getting severe more and more.

It would be much more difficult to take his pictures for us when he starts acting as a Hollywood actor.

Our Hunnie will appear to the TV show SMAP x SMAP on Jun 8.

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