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Nintendo Ds Thread - Only Talk About Ds Here


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make a music folder in the main folder when you open the drive.

then drag your music into there.

go into moonshell and go down to the music folder press A and it should appear. choose and listen!

do the same for videos, texts, and pictures.

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Guest jun;MON

Lol so mad, I've been stuck on the stage where Cybil (?) gets infected with guilt and theres worms for the longest time. Ever since then I haven't touched Trauma center. I thought the wii one would be hard but it's not THAT hard--well at least not yet lol.

Anyways I need new games to play with, what's good?

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Guest darkbahamut

in trauma center, i am stuck on the web/spider thing , anybody know how to past it?

Spider first battle? Or the 2nd one. I got past the first one. The second one is insane. Umm... lets see. When you cut one web, it takes a while for the scapel to come back. In the meantime, just keep poking Savato. This is to ensure that he won't spit out spider babies... that much. Do NOT using Healing Touch. Later on, Derek will auto use healing touch. However, you still can't beat Savato. WHen that happens, use your own healing touch. TIme will stop and you can kill the thing.

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Spider first battle? Or the 2nd one. I got past the first one. The second one is insane. Umm... lets see. When you cut one web, it takes a while for the scapel to come back. In the meantime, just keep poking Savato. This is to ensure that he won't spit out spider babies... that much. Do NOT using Healing Touch. Later on, Derek will auto use healing touch. However, you still can't beat Savato. WHen that happens, use your own healing touch. TIme will stop and you can kill the thing.

yeahi am on my second one, hecka hard. hehe OH!!!!!!!!!! thanks, gonna try it, oh finally! haha

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Spider first battle? Or the 2nd one. I got past the first one. The second one is insane. Umm... lets see. When you cut one web, it takes a while for the scapel to come back. In the meantime, just keep poking Savato. This is to ensure that he won't spit out spider babies... that much. Do NOT using Healing Touch. Later on, Derek will auto use healing touch. However, you still can't beat Savato. WHen that happens, use your own healing touch. TIme will stop and you can kill the thing.

yeahi am on my second one, hecka hard. hehe OH!!!!!!!!!! thanks, gonna try it, oh finally! haha

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Guest srenity

Off topic:

I'm going to be sending my resume to Atlus USA(the people that made Trauma Center, Touch Detective, Disgaea, Persona, etc) as a game tester.

I know it's not relevant, I post here a lot so.. uhh.. wish me luck all :)

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i opened up animal crossing after two months and there is bugs in my house! how to get rid of theM?

you have to step on them to kill them..

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hi...anyone heard about the flash card DSTT? somesay its faster than r4..anyone knows?

coz my country raided a few shops for selling r4...so there is no place selling r4 in my country now..

i have the r4 and recently got the dstt for my brother. the dstt works just as well as the r4 so there r no complaints performance wise. load times may be a lil faster (like a second or two faster).

the only complaint is that it automatically detects games and goes into game mode. the r4 would boot into a menu that allowed u to choose between game mode, multimedia mode, and passme mode (which loads the gba cartridge). the dstt has the option for multimedia and passme mode, but the the way to access it, isnt as clean.

another thing that is different is that the current r4 doesnt support sdhc, so it only supports microsd cards up to 2gb. the dstt is sdhc compatible so it can support all the newer larger microsd cards.

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Guest darkbahamut

^ I see....so I could say that you rather r4 than dstt?

I heard DSTT has a 99.99% compatibility. R4DS is 100%. However, ultimately up to you what you choose.

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One quick question: I just bought a DSTT and I'm not sure how to go back to the screen with the list of games. My friend just presses L+R+ABCD and it works but when I tried it, it doesn't. I really don't want to turn it on and off everytime I wanna play a new game. Help?

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^ http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=69748

I think it's under the Soft Reset section o.o

I didn't read it carefully, so sorry if it doesn't help D:

But~~~ I just got my R4 on Thursday.

I didn't have my DS with me that day since I let my sister borrow it D:

I was so depressed, but I got it back Friday night and OMGGG.

I love it♥

I've been so obsessed with the games I couldn't play and it's only been 2 days xD

It's really distracting me from studying.. gawd.

But, I love it.

TokiMeki Memorial: Girl's Side 1st Love is SOOOO addicting xD lol

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