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Nintendo Ds Thread - Only Talk About Ds Here


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Guest colorstoobright

^ The MicroSD doesn't come bundled with the R4. You have to buy that one separate and the price depends on the GB size you want (but you can usually add it onto your order on r4 sites). The r4 set comes with the r4 cartridge, usb, and the installation cd.

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I haven't played my DS insanely for awhile.

The last game I got was Ontamarama, but I wasn't too fond of that game.

It went by very fast and it was INSANELY hard towards the end on easy ._.

Or I just suck, lol. (<< probably that)


My brother just ordered the R4DS + 2GB Micro SD on leetmod.com for me ~~

I got free shipping for it, so it should be here within 3-10 business days.

MAN! I am so happy right now :]

I think one of the games I'm really interested in playing once I get

it is Subarashiki Kono Sekai (It's a Wonderful World).

Have any of you played it?

I heard that it didn't sell very well in Japan though..

But I just wanted to hear your guys's views on it before I played it ^^

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Guest TrainDriver

^ Would that be ALL I need to download and upload games onto that? would I need to buy anything else? And I can't find the amount of GB that thing has in it, anyone who has the same one know how big the memory thing is? ._. I want at least 4GB

2GB is enough Kim, no need for 4GB, and does a 4GB even work with the R4??? also, have u read the reputation of gameswonder?? i haven't come across it, so just google it to be sure yeh :D yep, thats all u need, an R4 and a micro sd.

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^ hmm yeah I think I'll buy from gameswonder, I just searched it up on google and people said they recommended it :/

I did check out the site XlYesterdaYlX recommended, but the price in AUD was more expensive than gamewonders, so I guess I'll try order from there since they ship from Australia

I bought it with a 1GB, I thought that DS games would be huge in size so thats why I wanted a 4GB one... haha, but since a 1GB can fit 20 games then that's ok for me.

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Guest RS Trax

a portion from my Wii News & Updates post..



Bionic Commando Petition! I think some of you may know that the classic NES title, Bionic Commando. Capcom is looking to bring back the sequel to the next generation for Xbox360, PS3, and PC systems. This is a petition to get them to work on a version for Wii system as well. Hopefully this will go through and inspire Capcom to bring this monstrous title for Wii. Already, there are over an astounding 5000 signatures!

Read and Sign the online petition here: http://www.petitiononline.com/0819/petition.html

Also please help by spreading the word to your friends, family, neighbors, classmates.

Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bionic_Commando


The WiiWare service, expected to launch this March, will allow users to download original software titles through the Wii Shop Channel using Wii Points.



Shin'en Multimedia, a game creator and leading audio producer for Nintendo platforms, has announced plans to lend the company's audio outsourcing services to WiiWare developers.

The aural experts at Shin'en Multimedia will create and offer custom data solutions for WiiWare titles. Shin'en expects original sequenced soundtracks to use only a fraction of the resources normally required for streamed audio. The studio did not say when these tools will become available or for what price.

Founded in 1999, Shin'en Multimedia has provided audio middleware and soundtracks for nearly 200 games. Their official Web site provides further information about their services.




Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword has been given a firm Japanese release date of March 20th, 2008. Not yet has it been announced for North America, but let's hope it'll be around the same time.

New screenshots arose at Dengenki: http://dol.dengeki.com/data/news/2008/1/11...31574bc614.html

Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninja_Gaiden_Dragon_Sword

Official website: http://www.tecmo.co.jp/product/ngds/


Catch up on previous Wii News & Updates at my Xanga blog.

See you all next week! \:D/

// Roth

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^ The MicroSD doesn't come bundled with the R4. You have to buy that one separate and the price depends on the GB size you want (but you can usually add it onto your order on r4 sites). The r4 set comes with the r4 cartridge, usb, and the installation cd.

I don't even think the R4 can handle 4GB microSDs?

Watching videos and listening to music on the DS via cards like the R4 seem cool, but you're better off just using a DAP or PMP thats specifically for music/movies.

Screen is too small and the sound isn't that good on the DS.

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Guest TrainDriver

anyone try touch detective? i plan on playing that next after i'm done with hotel dusk.

i've tried it, the puzzles are pretty hard to solve imo as a lot of them have no logical connections :wacko:

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Guest drella;

^ I remember using this one homebrew to be able to use the web, but it was slow & you can't view pictures so it's totally pointless D:

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Guest rainbow*

hey everybody ^^

i think im gonna join the ds lite soompi crew soon =p hehe. I wanna ask, when we download through torrents, is it okay to downal files ending with 7z. or something? and .. is (U) always the best game to dl?.. when they have a (u) in the game or something.. haha im so noob sorry guys!

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Guest drella;

^ I'm not sure about the 7z. part, but the games ending with (U) means it's USA (in english), like how japanese games would end with (J or JPN).

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anyone play the simpsons game?? i love that game!! its soo addicting :D

i was wondering if anyone knew this one japanese game (i dont think its out in english)its like guitar hero but its with drums. The characters are drum sticks and drums and a guy i think... anyone know what im talking about???

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Guest monchichi




7z is fine. It's just another zip program called 7zip which is like a completely free version of winzip. I've got it on my computer and I haven't had any complications as yet.

And (U) stands for US, as in English (confusing, eh?). Don't forget, (E) stands for Europe and might not be in English....


Does anyone remember when the new Phoenix Wright game will be released? (Apollo Justice) I'm getting a bit impatient....

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^ I didn't say 4GB specifically, nor was I even implying it.

the conversation changed on the threads and I quoted yours and was too lazy to go back and quote the first person who started talking about 4gb sticks. lol

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Guest srenity

i was wondering if anyone knew this one japanese game (i dont think its out in english)its like guitar hero but its with drums. The characters are drum sticks and drums and a guy i think... anyone know what im talking about???

do the drums look like:


If so, the game's called Taiko no Tatsujin DS

anyone try touch detective? i plan on playing that next after i'm done with hotel dusk.

Opposite from what ongi3000 had to say, I thought it was VERY easy for me. I play a lot of detective-ish action-adventure games so some of the solutions were obvious. It's not one of those games where you're screwed if you're missing something (ex: King's Quest series in the 90s). But I agree that some solutions to the puzzles are pretty ridiculous.

Its sequel, 1/2, is much easier than the first though.

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