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Facts About Yourself You Would Never Admit In Real Life


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Guest tricia07_ann

i think im superficial

i hate people like that but i think i am one

i get nervous wen talkin to strangers

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Don't get discouraged! Sometimes I think that too, like why certain people seem to have it all but after reading a lot of peoples posts & just going through life, you realize EVERYONE has problems. Even if they seem beautiful, smart.. and perfect .. they're not.

Thx for the support missYOON ;)

But i think mine is the worst case among all of the poster for this subject.


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Guest jellie_kookie

- I post on soompi. Only one friend knows coz we both like Korean things.

- I dance when no one's watching.

- The reason why I can't go out on fridays is because I have singing and photoshop lessons

- I have three different ways of living:

w/ my parents: nice, angelic, obedient

w/ my friends: crazy, slow but smart, a daredevil

w/ myself: quiet, composed, a glutton

- I used to have lice and nits. :{

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Guest Koutarou

1. Everyone thinks I'm a happy person, but I only smile to hide my depression.

2. I really only enjoy the company of one of my friends.

3. I'm easily intimidated by others.

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-i don't..no, rather i cant trust anybody

-i wanna experience love, but i'm too afraid i'll get hurt

-i'm nice cuz that's the only way for people to like me. my friends dont know what i'm really like

-i have a side no one knows

-by myself i feel like i'm free cuz i dont have to live by anyone's expectations

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Guest hypenn

I don't like my highschool "friends/classmates" although i'm friends with everybody :)

i wish people would stop thinking im the "smart girl" because i don't deserve it, until i actually start doing my homework and studying (oops)

my dad and i fight on a frequent basis (ughh! gets me so frustrated)

i really dislike my "close friends" they're so fake and try to act cool, and i always see jealousy in their eyes when i'm around them

im like addicted to youtube (and the internet, blah)

it feels weird not having a "crush" haha

i get embarrassed easily

i love receiving compliments and im not afraid to say that i get over 15 daily

im a secret spy

ohreally? hmm ^

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Guest megmayumi

-I almost never eat candy. When I have a sweet craving, I eat straight sugar.

-My life's goal is to go bungee jumping in New Zealand.

-I am the biggest Harry Potter freak there ever was.

-I secretly listen to Norwegian pagan metal.

-I want to audition for SM.

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Guest Achee

Sometimes, i reject my friends when they ask to hang out,

because i'd much rather watch dramas or watch shows with kpop members.

They assume it's because I'm busy. :/

I read sad fanfics just so i can cry.

I have this gut feeling that my relatives dislike me. Or actually I know that they do.

they act nice to me in my face, but go around insulting me in chinese in front of me assuming I don't understand.

i'm antagonistic enough to actually consider telling them i do understand.

When I see people with habits that are similar to mine, I get annoyed. I know it's hypocritical, but I get annoyed mainly because it reminds me of what I believe to be my bad qualities.

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Guest smileLOVE

1. when I'm home alone, I sing loudly while playing my ukulele.

2. i have a weird fear of aliens.

3. i dumb myself down around people

so i don't come off as a know-it-all

4; i miss high school.

5. everyone annoys the hell out of me

but i stick around because i think i

need to change this about me.

6. i avoid watching movies and dramas

because they jumble my emotions

7. if i know a book is going to end unhappily

i don't bother finishing it

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Right now, i'm really really jealous with my best friend. I don't know, but in my eyes, everything seems to revolve around her.

I have self-confidence issues. I always think i'm a no good person who can't do anything, who don't have any good qualities and don't have any talent.

After knowing K-pop, i really want to be a singer/entertainer, but then again, like i said, i don't have any talent. so..


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Guest bbkaren

^ Aww.. we both feel the same way except the jealousy towards yer bff part. but yea, i really know how you feel cuz i do feel tat way too. (o・_・)ノ”(ノ_<。)

mmm.. re to teh question: idk. mybe.. uhh i still love my ex despite the fact tat it's been already 6 years after we broke up? ROFL. ((:

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Guest Banana Robot

^^ bella123, you have the same facts as me D: hai twin hai lol 8DDD anyway;

I'm an over-emotional human being i cry easily even on some random things, thus i cry secretly at night (yeah lol im a total weirdo), i love to daydream with my fandoms it makes me happy for some reason lulz. love to lie to my friends (im evil uh-huh), i'm a person who gets jealous easily. i'm extremely jealous with my bff because idek it seems like she got it all. i'm not confident with myself sometimes. as of now, i don't have any specific career path on my life i just want to get any job and be a millionaire >D ok enough of my secrets lol.

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Guest feyfey

i tend to compare myself with other ppl while maintaining the "i know i'm better/prettier/smarter/etc than you" aura hidden. i would tell others, "no. you're really pretty." or "no, i think you're smarter than me" and i know i'm the type that would be like "I think i did really bad on the exam, and you prolly aced it!" while i aced it and he/she didn't. Yea, i'm a richard simmons. OH NOOO!

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Guest Kiddie11

- EXTREME jealousy issues. :excl:

- Insecurity and I doubt myself more than I let on.

- Trust?...I dont think I really trust any one more than 40%.

- I feel like a loser most of the time. And I think of the two almost kewl friends that I had before, and I get jealous of them even today. The friendships ended coz of my issues with jealousy, yet I still search them up on Facebook. I think they know that already O.o :ph34r::sweatingbullets:

- Im fake. Really fake. Im fake nice, make fake jokes, and im just fake... I wish I could be genuine. :(

- Well, I show others that I have a lot of friends, or like they notice it themselves, but in fact, I have no best friend or close friends. Like, I have a few...but i just wish that they'd live near me, tell me their secrets while I told them mine, and stuff like that.

- I daydream about Mr. Prince charming and usually, you'd think that daydreams are supposed to be good...well, I always end up having paranoid thoughts of 'what if he'll leave me? or cheat? what if he thinks im weird?' and just all of those negative thoughts pop up, out of no where...and he's not even here yet. :blink:

- I think about marriage and love junk majority of the time.

- I'll think of mean things about some people, even if they're really sweet. Ionno why. :(

- Im constantly paranoid about people talking about me. Even if I hear people laughing, and all they're doing is standing behind me, I get paranoid and think they're saying something mean about me.

- I can be shallow...sometimes.

- I dont know why, but I think im actually addicted to sadness. I'll purposely think sad thoughts, and such to make myself cry. I dont even know what happy feelings are truely made of anymore. :unsure:

- On the outside, I seem apathetic to alot of things I truely care about, it's just...people don't know it.

- Facebook makes me feel better about myself. 3 photo comments, good job. :ph34r:

and alot of other things that I dont want to mention :P

Ohya, and when im bored, i'll just click on random mutual friends on facebook, and check out their friends, and just keep on clicking on random peeps, and looking at their pictures. If they're gudlooking and they look happy, Im still gonna feel jealous and keep on comparing myself. :ph34r:

Eesh, I have some serious issues.

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Guest xkay19

- I talk to myself to calm myself down

- I get so much anxiety around people..

- I'm horrible at giving eye contact

- I feel so.. inferior and weak around people and I just wish I could stop those thoughts.

- I spend too much time on the computer that it might be deemed "unhealthy"

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