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Facts About Yourself You Would Never Admit In Real Life


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Guest FireMonkey

I'm not nearly as mature, calm, or smart as everyone in school thinks.

I've crushed on the same guy for three and a half years now, and he only noticed I even existed half a year ago.

I take criticism to heart and try to change after any criticism.

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Guest BoomBoomAfridi

-I nearly got raped when I was 12

-Have comtemplated about suicide but too cowardly to do it

Sh!t man that sucks! The first thing actually happened to my friend and I'm the only person she ever told. She was 8 :(

And dude, please don't committ suicide! Pretty please with a cherry on top?

Read this:


I love the last few paras because they are absolutely true.

I was thinking of committing suicide last yr, till i read that article...i don't want my friends to get pained..

Life always does get better. There's a saying "After hardship will always come ease"--it's from the Koran, but i think it really is true.

Find something to get obsessed with & colour your life. I cannot emphasize this enough! Like for me, I picked dancing.


anyway, for me, the thing i won't tell anyone is ..my mom got a brain tumour & surgery last year, and she's never been the same.

So sometimes i really think that messed up my life because i had to quit university for a while, and now i'm enrolled in a sh!tty college, and i'm scared that i won't get a good job later on..

And the other thing is that i've moved like 14 times in my life, so I sometimes don't wanna make friends with anyone cuz i'm scared of losing them

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Guest doll face

I couldn't find my last post here to edit it, haha.

_I'm a compulsive liar to the point where I keep tabs on what I'm telling to who and how I can elaborate on it to make it believable. I feel no remorse.

_I love and hate him. I still like having him around despite all the mini cooper I put up for him and how I avoid him on a daily basis. I'm only loving the sweet things he says & cute things he does. but I just can't stand him all the same.

_I broke my clean streak this year. 16 years, who knew.

_I try to always make a perfect first impression, even though down the road I know they won't really like me for who I really am. reputation is important enough for me. I grew up with it from my family. blah.

_I'm really easy to get along with people, but I refuse to at school. In public places, I don't mind, I'll probably never see those people anymore anyway; but if I see the same people over and over again like at school, something bad always happens or they just end up using me. I don't like being the only person trying in a friendship.

_I'm self important, narcisstic, and I'm obsessed with being clean & wellgroomed.

_I think I'm pretty. but I don't go around saying that because I don't want people thinking I'm stuck up. my parents have money, I have money. If I go around appreciating myself & how well my life is, someone's going to start mini cooper, and I don't need any. So I just say 'thankyou' with a smile, and nothing else when people comment now.

_I care more about humans getting hurt than animals. I care more about worldy catastrophies happening than homeless people in my own vicinity. I don't even feel home where I live now (the whole area/state), and we're always constantly moving, so I don't see why I should care.

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Guest Hardcore_2992

-i HATE my mom's family so much! i get joy when my mom fights with them.

OMG! I totally agree with you :] but instead I take more joy in when my stepdad

fights with his family.

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i really enjoy watching chick flicks

i love listening to britney spears, beyonce, like all the diva popstars.. sometimes

sometimes i know alot about stuff ppl like but i actually kind of hate that stuff. so i just go along with it..

hm i've also considered suicide as well, but i think that is kind of common..not sure if its normal to think that way but pretty common

and i have a small collection of doraemon stuff

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well, i got a couple of things i wouldn't admit to myself,

but i do anyways because its hard not to.

1.) I smile WAY more than necessary. I guess its a habit or something. i mean, i've had some girl who hate me tell me she hates me, and i guess i had my ipod on, so i took out one earbud and look at her, confused and yet smiling as i asked, "What?"

2.) I don't know where my future would lead me. I seriously don't know what i want to be when i graduate from high school two years from now.

3.) I've only had one ex--the worst one who i made a dear mistake choosing and a good decision breaking up with--and i do not plan on dating til' i am half-way through college.

4.) Everyone knows instantly when i'm sad because i'm no longer smiling. Seriously, i smile so much, i have a nickname called smiley-face.

5.) I have a very annoying conscience. Like when my mom tells me to do something, I consider saying that i have homework to finish, but i rethink it and eventually give in to my conscience and do her chore asked of me. And the worst part, it doesn't stop at the chores. it goes everywhere with me.

i have a reputation of being a really nice "smiley-face" when i only smile to hide emotions and my conscience constantly nags me.

either way, being nice isn't bad.

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Guest candysami0708

-i have an imaginary friend named shouta and he teaches me in my homework :P lol just kidding.

onto the real deal now.

-i hate my math teacher but i tell everyone that he's my favorite teacher. lol. :P

-i feel happiness when someone at school hates me.lol is that weird? it's just that i feel like i'm special and that means they notice me right? lol but i don't try to be hated or something, that's just wrong :D :D :D

-i used to do ballet, but i never say that cause i think it's embarrassing.

-i tell my friends that i have my part time job after school so i can't go with them but the truth is i'm just too lazy to go with them lol.

-i like to be girly but i don't really show that lol.

-i'm scared of dying, i'm scared cause i don't know what's going to happen next and where would i be

i don't have some really serious things i hide about myself only the average teenager stuff :D :D :D

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This topic is depressing, but also a good way to let off some steam I feel D: lol

- I'd rather be alone above all else. I honestly can't stand people.

- There was a period of time in my life where I think I slipped into a state of depression. Things were very bad.

- I have terrible body image issues. And think about it all the time.

- I have a problem with competitiveness, and always kind of wish bad things would happen to people when I feel they've been overly-rewarded.

- My family's been through more drama and secrets than I'd like to admit.

- I wish people would stop assuming I'm some amazing person, because I'm really not.

- I want to be famous

- I lie to people so I won't have to go to gatherings or see people, even if they're my friends.

- I'm not as close to my parents as people probably think I am.

- I don't care what anyone says about things sometimes, I still hold my opinion stubbornly.

Wow I feel like such a jerk ):

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Guest nana★

-I haven't cried in public since like grade 3

-Contemplated suicide a few times but I'm too much of a wimp to ever go through with it

-I think that one of my "friends" is a total richard simmons... she puts down everyone really subtly (i.e. you say something and she'll be like oh, no it's like this blah blah why are you so ignorant /laugh), and compliments herself, and it just pisses me off... but I don't say anything because I dont want any conflict.

-I can't wait to go to university and move out

-I hate high school. It's so boring and monotonous and I just wish it would end

-I get the weirdest dreams... and they're usually really morbid or end just before I'm about to be killed wtf

-I feel so awkward when someone hugs me

-I don't dance at dances because it just looks... ridiculous to me

-Honestly don't know what I'm going to do in the future

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Guest -x0.ASiANFANTiC

- ever since i started high school, i've never felt more alone.

- i'm so judgmental towards people its hard to make friends.

- i'm also so self-conscious about everything i do, i end up not even trying.

- i'm so fkn short it depresses me, everyone under estimates me, and now that people my age are so much taller than me, i don't even stand a chance in sports which i loved to do in junior high.

- i've never told anyone how unhappy i am with my life, i just pretend i don't care what goes on.

- whenever i like a boy, i can't even tell my best friend

- at one point i wished 2012 would happen so i don't have to think of my life after high school and i wouldn't have to try that hard

- i seriously wished i partied more and tried drugs

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Guest MR. LEE'S

oh my god, i feel like crying when i read the first post. don't worry, i'll be your friend- okaaay? well about me, i don't know. probably that, i don't really like my friends. that's all.

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Guest acceries

Somedays I want to just stay in bed and not go out

I only know who my mom is I have never met my dad in real life so another half of me is a puzzle yet i dont really care .

I make friends easily but somehow I am afraid i wont have friends.

I hate the day of my birthday I hide it from everyone because i am not used to celebrating it .

I dont believe in falling in love or being in love.

I am an animal lover to a point where i would go to the vet constantly to bring stray animals to get them checkup and i am afraid my friends will thinks i am a weirdo

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Guest may__chick

- I'm a winglin writer

- That I want to audition for JYP

- I've never kissed a guy before.

- All my life I've only gotten one boyfriend.

I guess mine isn't as depressing as others...

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Guest shattered_teardrops

I lead a double life.

-- One as a cynic boyish girl who's strong, athletic, unique, outspoken, outgoing, not afraid of anything, idealistic, smart and practically a boy trapped in a girl's body. (except I'm not a lesbian.) My family, friends and classmates know me as this kind of person.

-- Two, as a die hard romantic writer who hides under the obscure alias "Shattered Teardrops", an online writer who spends most of her time deluding herself into fiction-writing. VERY few people know that I write... and that I, in fact, write love stories.

------ Conflicting personalities much?

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Guest missYOON

I'm a compulsive liar. I've fooled too many people.

I'm not the goody-goody everyone thinks I am. I've probably done all the things some of my "party" friends have never even done.

I think that I'm really pretty sometimes & then sometimes I think I look disgusting. Bipolar?!

I don't trust anybody.

I have no "true" real friends.

I've thought of suicides many times but what stops me is that I don't want to be known as a failure or dissappointment.

I really think I am bipolar. I hate negativity & I try to be positive all the time but my laziness & negativity gets to me sometimes.

I honestly wouldn't mind trying drinking, using drugs, or smoking a cigarette just to see what it's like.

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- im shy and underconfident.

- i really do not work as hard as i tell myself i do

- i lie to myself that i'll do it tomorrow everyday

- i have never been asked out and my crush lives only a few doors down v.v''''

- i think im ugly.

- maybe this dream that i have is too hard to achieve.....

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