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Facts About Yourself You Would Never Admit In Real Life


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Guest LunaUlna

- I really dislike some religions.

- I have contemplated suicide several times.

- I am still not over the loss of my best friend.

- Whenever I say 'it's okay', it really almost never is okay.

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^ I think the "It's okay" thing is a girl thing. I do it too o_o

I save pictures of Korean/Japanese guys (sometimes girls) for fun...Even though I'm sure a lot of people here do that. But my parents would freak if they knew =_=

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Guest chopper!

-i love kpop & that i spazz about korean stars. yea... my firends think i'm stupid for spazzing, but hey, i'm still young! XD

-i can be naive and fall for the stupidest things. friends say i'm too weak and too nice, and i agree. i hate it!

-i've been depressed for several years.

-i talk to myself when no one is home and when i'm watching shows on youtube LOL!

-socially awkward esp when friends aren't around and i'm doing group work with random classmates.

-i'm sensitive and i like sympathy for some odd reason.

-i hate my close best friend.

-i hate it when my brother thinks i have no friends since i'm home all the time when i actually do. but honestly, i'm always home every day, and rarely hang out with friends. i can't even call them friends only class aquaintances. i only hung out with two people all my life, the same two people.

-i'm self concious when talking on the phone because of that awkward silence. i NEVER call them, they call me.

-i...act before i sleep....oh how embarrassing. i have this thing...LOL before i go to sleep, i feel like i'm in a drama and i act like the main girl XD!! most kept secret. no one knowsss except soompi haha. can't go more into detail, too weird to write it done! haha!

damn, i know my bro has an acc here, hopefully he doens't know this is me!!

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Guest vixen___xoxo-

•i'm probably one of those rare people who don't read the good famous books like Harry Potter & Twilight series O __ O and i've still haven't watched all of their movies yet : ( but everytime when someone asks me if i've read those books, i always say yes, so i don't feel. .. you know behind. = ___ =

•i have my girly side and my tomboyish side, it depends on my mood lOl! !!

•i was really awkward with my first bf, its a relief but a bit sad we broke up hahahahaa

•i was running for president in middle school against this popular dude, it was obvious people picked him. So i felt pretty embarassed to even run against him T ____ T

•i'm kinda awkward with my dad lol. .. we're really quiet at the dinner table without mom and sister

•i like to dance to korean songs LOL~ and its SOOO EMBARASSING when my sister or mom sees me! !! my dad hasn't seen me yet lOl!

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Guest twinky81

-i've never had a girlfriend (girls that are friends don't count and neither do f-buddies)

-when meeting new people, i'm quiet & shy. this is because i, generally, hate everybody. when I'm buzzed/drunk, I love everybody!

-i really wanted to become a professional motorcycle racer, travel around the world, and hook up with a bunch of random chicks (yes, that is me in the pic) but I ended up working in IT (gotta pay the bills some how right?)

-i'm a stranger

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Guest Overclocked

I for the life of me can not parallel park. Alright, I can, but it's just horrible compared to others.

If I have too much power, I will want to forfeit it, than I will try to get it back again. Some vicious cycle.

People see me as a conservative businessman, in terms of looks and behavior (not literal), who gets offended easily, but I am the opposite of that.

People see me as cold, heartless, ruthless, and overly rational, but I am the opposite of that. I am thoughtful, kind, patient, warm, and sentimental. I don't have a personality of a 'hit-man', I have a personality of a ... well some kind person. sigh, people don't know this, and when I do tell them, they laugh. this is weird.

Seeing girls cry absolutely crushes my heart. I've gotten sacked, and I've fallen off my bike, I've even been in a major car accident, but seeing this is something beyond the physical pain, it's just emotional, which is sometimes worst.

*ahhh I feel some much better. it's like a confessional for my sins or something, at least soompi knows now.

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Guest ilikecandixD

i liked a guy for 7 years, and when he found out, he never returned my feelings. instead about a month later he started going out with my friend. ;[

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Guest akia_025

- I secretly liked my girl friend. (Yeah, I'm a girl.) And I fought with my feelings because I don't want to be a lesbian.

- Whenever I walk alone, I hunt for cute guys. :P

- I had suicidal thoughts. And when we discuss this in class, my classmates would laugh about it (even my friends), and I would laugh with them. I'm just happy that I have told this to my two close friends.

- I hate to be left out in groups.

- I am too sensitive.

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Guest k3ZERO

+ I feel insecure in large groups.

+ I often appear cold/scary/mysterious to people because of my quietness, but in reality, I really want to get to know them better =\

+ I give in too easily - I don't really express my opinion enough.


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Guest Hardcore_2992

- I know the reason why I haven't had a boyfriend yet is because I'm fat. (I'm 17)

- I think that alot of my "friends" are b*tches.

- I'm shy around people and sometimes get freaked out in large groups.

- I'm scared of going off on my own.

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Guest kanyezilla

this thread is evil..what if its all a big set up for these helpless souls who actually reveal their true self just to be read up by their stalker!?!

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Guest marasshi

I hate being given (unsolicited) advice. I appreciate the thought and the fact that my parents care for me, but I like finding things out for myself.

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Guest s2hurt

-i don't have any 'guy friends'

-19, never had a bf

-lack self confidence

-don't make friends easily

-not a sociable person, get nervous when in a big group, become quite and shy

-not confident in my english skills even though i've been in the country for 17 years

-i hate dancing but i still go to clubs

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest kalliy*10

-i get really jealous of my best friend.

-i hate some of the exchange students i have to take care of

-i HATE my mom's family so much! i get joy when my mom fights with them.

-i dance to kpop/jpop/beat music in my room, and i get embarrassed when my mom walks in

-i day dream a lot about being in a relationship with famous singers/actors (jaebeom!)

-i have had my first kiss, but i like to deny that i haven't so people think I'm innocence : )

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Guest juunichi

-i can be naive and fall for the stupidest things.

-i talk to myself when no one is home

-socially awkward esp when friends aren't around and i'm doing group work with random classmates.

-i...act before i sleep....oh how embarrassing. i have this thing...LOL before i go to sleep, i feel like i'm in a drama and i act like the main girl XD!! most kept secret. no one knowsss except soompi haha. can't go more into detail, too weird to write it done! haha!

sorry to cut your post, but i'm all of those listed above hahaha XD especially the last one~ whenever i'm alone, i act out as if i were in a drama XD~~~! *high five*

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Guest yumjello

I have hated my neighbor for 5 years since the first time I looked at his face, but because he has become the most popular guy at my school, I am forced to lie about wanting to be friends with him and 'worship' him. All of my friends want to hang out with this guy so I feel like I have to be nice to him to fit in. Every morning I wake up and I pray to God that he died over night by accident or that he was kidnapped or that he moved out, but I always come to school so disappointed that he's still here and that I still have to fake being friendly towards him. I hate living this double life more than anything else in the world.

I also have trouble trusting my friends and I am paranoid about what they say about me behind my back. Every weekend they go and hang out without me (I find out about their hang outs when I'm alone at home looking at their facebook uploads). I wish I was brave enough to just make new friends and leave my old ones behind because it seems as if they have already left me.

I feel extremely comfortable telling my deepest secrets to complete strangers. None of my friends know about my secrets, but the internet and random people that I meet in class know everything about me. Nobody ever remembers who I am (my teachers don't even know my name) so it doesn't matter what I say to them because they usually don't care or they forget.

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- I live 3 different lives as well ( :

1 with my family, a typical canadian teenager, moody sometimes, goody goody

1 with my friends, funny, outgoing, cute

1 with myself, a dreamer, individual, romantic beyond belief, in a way . . . atheist ? but still believes in A god

-never been asked out ( : thank goodness !

-i dont care about anybody, and i only look toward a future with ME in it, not my family, friends, no one

-i'm planning to move to a different country and go to university there when i finish high school, a place without my parents or anybody i know

-i plan to start a new life when i move there

-i wish i could tell certain people to get their attitude checked and thei behaivour corrected >.>

-i am far more mature than most of the people i know, and even older kids, but i just act cute so that i don't get picked to do certain things

-i talk out loud when watching dramas ; P

-i wish i could be a famous singer or dancer ) : but in reality i know that it'll be hard for someone like me to acheive such great things ~_~

-i don't like little kids, and i don't want to have my own kids when i grow up

-i am selfish beyond what anybody knows

-i don't care what anybody thinks because i am out of here come university time : D

this thread, is a little depressing : {

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-I nearly got raped when I was 12

-Have comtemplated about suicide but too cowardly to do it

-I have three lives as well; one my family thinks I live in, one my friends think i live in, one that I truly live in

-Have thought about running away from home

-Sometimes I would care about a friend so much, I would forget to care about myself

-I love singing and dancing but will never tell my parents

-Would rather my parents divorce because my mum suffers so much

-I'm very self conscious

-Really sensitive

-Sometimes wonders if my group truly likes me and cares about me like they do with everyone else in the group

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