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Facts About Yourself You Would Never Admit In Real Life


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Guest shinchan10

-i'm crushing on this boy for 4 years..and yes, he has a gf.

-i have diif. personalities : family, friends, myself..

-i'm easily offended with people's words

-i have this friend who's studying in a boarding school, she think's we're bff, but i just don't feel that way..and i think she can be annoying at times..

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That for some reason, I'm trying to break my two best friends up (they're in a relationship), because I'm jealous, especially when I knew the guy longer than my girl best friend (boyfriend-girlfriend wise) T_T It's not right, I know that, I hate thinking it's the reason why I tell him the negative sides of their relationship.


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Guest miisx3

mm.. i hurt people and i really dont care. i dont mean to but thats just how i am.

alcohol and boys are a great excuse to get over someone :P

i talk to certain people when i need to let stuff out and i act like i just wanted to talk to see whats up with them.

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Guest Rainie_Days

- I sometimes have suicidal thoughts. Not because I am unhappy with life/depressed but I wonder how things would change if I actually committed suicide, how it would affect others. In some ways, I think that's a good thing, makes me worry about others more but if I admitted this in real life, no one would quite understand.. they'd think am a bit crazy lol.

- Think too much but I love thinking..makes me tick :) and daydreaming

- I have some strong opinions and things I want to say yet don't to people.

- Sometimes I think I have better friends online than in real life. But maybe that's the point?

- that guy in class that never really talks? I like him. Happened twice now, I'm just drawn to quiet guys I guess but I'd never admit this.

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Guest mintkiss37

- I have too many sides . . . so fake . . .

- If someone says that they like/hate something, I tend to impulsively agree with them, even though I think otherwise . . .

- I wish I had a guy best friend. Just to see what it's like.

- Sometimes I'd rather stay at home and sleep/go on the computer than hang out with my friends

- I'm a massive, professional time waster.

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Guest Dreamss

im a very emotional person. even when nothings wrong, i feel sad

i want to be anorexic sometimes

its very hard for me to get close with people

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Guest alexham

- i sometimes cry

- everyone thinks im a good boy...but im..not hehe

- i've never had a friend that i would hang out with in the weekend

- i get jelous easily

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Guest xTheThingx

Here it goes...

- when I'm with my friends, i don't really know what to say

- I've never danced in the disco, because I feel retarded (everyone is looking, and I feel stupid)

- I really suck in congratulating something to someone in person (like congratulating New year, or B-Day in person)

- I think I look stupid when I'm smiling

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Guest iSoul-Ciel

- They think I'm strong but I'm pretty weak.

- I tend to regret a lot of things, and I always try to make it up to them.

- I'm stubborn in front of my family and friends, but when I'm with my guy best friend I'm like a lost kitty.

- I CAN dance, but I HATE dancing. (They think I hate dancing because I can't).

- I can act, I used to perform at plays when I was a kid until I started to rebel.

- They think I'm a tomboy but I'm such a girly girl.

- I'm spoiled but not a brat. I came from a wealthy family but I always tell them that my family is average.

- I have this temper problem thing. (I'm always calm, and known to be a peacemaker).

- My family is pretty popular, so when people ask if I'm related to them I always say I don't know them.

- I'm afraid of cockroaches and rats and insects, but I'm okay with snakes, tigers and other wild animals.

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Guest Ass3nav

Sometimes I wish I was the one who died of overdose instead of my aunty. She had so many people who love her, while I have no one.

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Guest ainztan

-I usually tell people that it's okay to have a broken family but secretly my tears are really hard to keep when I think about having my parents beside me (we don't even have family picture)

-don't want to stay at home (no one's here) lol

-I don't like how my feet looks

-I really want my guy back until now? haha.. idk.. confused..

-I want to be more than anybody else around me. (too ambitious) lol

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Guest skootova

I get jealous very easily.

I tend to be very emotional...

I think of what would happen if I commited suicide constantly.

I don't exactly have a pure mind like most people think.

I act different in front of different people.

I'm too practical.

I don't tell anyone anything that I find important because I'm afraid they will laugh.... So in the end everything is all bottled up inside.

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Guest _YooMi

- it seems like i share everything with my friends, bu the things that affects me the most are never told.

- I have no self confidence

- I don't like to argue back even if the situation got completely twisted

- I don't trust others easily, but they think I do.

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Guest -ILoveJae-

1. I can't remember my first kiss!! coz I was too drunk to. and was with this random guy ..!(I know I'm pathetic.). in this party was ALL my class!! I also did a lot of ridiculous things that day. one week later everyone was staring at me at the graduation day. :blush:

2. sometimes I can be really selfish..

3. I haven't had a Boyfriend yet! I'm 17.

4. I Do Not Like People to See Me Cry...I do that alone in my room. (?)

5. I used to be really jealous of my best friend!!!..not anymore..she's really amazing..!!

6. I hate public speaking.

7 I can't speak English to save my life but here I am writing all this embarassing facts about me.

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Guest ickboo

i spend hours looking in the mirror thinking i'm gorgeous.

i love disgustingly sweet love songs

i think every guy that gives me a little attention is in love with me.

i have a major crush on one of my coworkers who is probably 10+ years older than i am.

i hate myself for being so shy around my boss; i always think i'll say something wrong and he'll think less of me.

i'm intimidated by one of my coworkers.

i love dogs so much, i forget they bite.

i hate my brother.

i, too, have a dirty mind.

i think about boys a lot.

i think about running into oncoming traffic a lot when i wait at the stop light.

i think my cousin has the scariest, freakiest laugh ever. i hate it.

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Guest albeitalways

i like being all by myself yet i hate being all alone. sure i like to go out with people but never as the main attention attraction. i just like to fill up some space and i'm fine with it. well i like to mingle and join in the fun sometimes but for the most part i'm happy conversing with a couple of people and that's it.

high school life for me sucked. badly. i pretend i totally miss those carefree days (well when it comes to academic workload i do) with my 'friends' but i just never felt any real connection with those people.

i cut off all ties with everyone i knew back in hs when it came to sophomore year in college. even the ones i actually care about. i sometimes regret it.

i suck making new bffs. well i can easily chat anyone, exchange contact numbers and so on but i suck maintaining friendships/relationships. the problem with me is i don't have enough commitment and i easily lose interest. so it's no wonder all my really good friends are people i've known for quite some time who've seen all angles of me and are used to it.

i can't look at people directly who i'm afraid/feel lower than to. especially those uljjangs xD lol i'm trying to fix this but it's not yet gone.

yup, i tend to be too sensitive as well. bark at me once and i can be sure i won't have a comfortable/amiable air around you. i tend to skirt around people like that and avoid them. i hate this myself too, i wish i can see the brighter side and laugh it off but ugh. :/

probably another reason why people i consider as too hot, combustible and such i don't really feel comfortable around them unless you and i have a lot of things in common with each other and we talk about each other often.

i can know you for years, call you as friends and know a lot of things about me but honestly, there are very few people i can honestly admit as best friends. i have issues like that xD it takes time for me to accept people. literally.

i can be extremely b.itchy and mean to my family. especially to my sibling. idk why but i'm trying to fix this as well.

i act more like myself when i'm around with a few people. so you can expect i don't really talk much or initiate conversation when i'm in a crowd of people i don't know. probably another reason why some people mistake me as a snob.

i have a tendency to neglect the people close to me. like my mum, my brother and so on. even some of my friends (when they're already rare to come by xD ). sometimes i can get too much involved in my own world i don't bother coming out.

so yeah, in connection with that, i have a tendency to 'throw away' people. in the sense of yeah, we know each other for so long but we're not close. i don't want to and don't expect me to any time soon. especially if we don't have common interests, don't have a common field of experience and don't interact regularly. i like to change that habit and become more open but i'm the type of person who's very hard to trust others. or even associate with them because i like to and not because i need to for politeness' sake.

i have a low awareness span so that's why i say a lot of funny things, misheard a lot of people and so on. and make clumsy mistakes now and then. sigh.

but i also get hurt when people ignore me. haha i know, it's rich coming from me but what can i say? i guess this is already a form of karma.

sigh. there's a lot more stuff but over the top of my head, these are the ones i think that bugs me but i won't ever share them around to anyone i know personally.

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Guest eightbit

-Im kind of upset about my heritage and i would prefer to be korean.

-I have found a guy attractive

-I have a foot fetish.

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Guest 483220

1. i've been in love with someone for 3 years now and no one including my family and friends knows about it, they don't even know that the person exists. don't have any proper reason for hiding it from them.

2. i am extremely paranoid. examples: i made a new account just for this, when i meet someone new and they introduce themselves and want to know my name i ask them to give a good reason why i should tell them my name- if their reason isn't good enough ( when they say 'i just want to know your name') i give them a fake name, i give fake information about myself when getting subscriptions (friends address and phone number, fake name, fake DOB etc.), i make people buy things for me, using my money, i keep a knife by my bed, it takes years for me to allow friends into my personal life. i try to hide this from peers but it is probably very obvious when i interrogate them on why they want to know my name.

3. people think that i am ambitious but that's not true. when i was little my brother used to tell me that i wasn't good at anything. i am now obsessed with my grades- they must always be perfect, i am working every day on my talent (i am an artist),i am working several jobs, and i am saving most of my money up. this is all to prove to him that i am better than him, that i will be more successful than him and that i am good at something. not because i want money,fame or power.

4. i am constantly working my butt off to please my mother. it really gets on my nerves- i have managed to get everyone but her to acknowledge me for my talent and hard work. never once has she told me she is proud of me.

5. this one is the silliest. whenever i am walking in the dark, i am suddenly convinced that gargoyles will jump out at me. so i start walking faster. it normally ends with me running to the closest light source.

6. in my classes i am so socially awkward that in group projects i always end up working and presenting alone - it sticks out alot and makes me feel especially like a freak. when people have attempted to talk to me i normally ignore them and pretend they are not there. that usually makes me upset when i do that, because i hate being rude. but i don't know what to do. people see me as a mute when i wish to say so many things.

7. i love getting compliments but act very modest. but in actuality i try very hard to get those compliments.

8. i pretend to be forgiving to my friends and family but i actually hold many grudges towards them.

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