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Annoying Things Girls Do

Guest JASH

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when they're dramaqueens.

when they act cute if they aren't.

when they say "o my gawd, i gained 2 pounds!".

when they...

too lazy to count. lol

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When girls complain about annoying things other girls do

when we all know its just because they're jeeaaallouuussss (;

im kidding, you haters.

well only partially.

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Guest perezosa

^ haaaa

i'm a girl,

but i hate it when other girls talk all high-pitched when that's NOT their normal voice.

omg. my friend does it all the time, and i just want to throw rocks at her.

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Guest predator

Fart in your face and giggle like it's cute.

Have explosive diarhea in your potato salad and giggle like it's cute.

Have sex with your brother.

hahah, that made my day.

i love this thread. :vicx:

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-Everyone's mentioned the annoying, fake, high-pitched voice. I will too

-Everyone's mentioned the "I'm dumb & naive" act. I will too

-Everyone's mentioned the "OMG I'M SO FAT ASDFGHJKL" thing. I will too

-Scream for their lives when a bee or bird flies nearby. Jesus woman, just walk away. No need to go crazy

-Are clingy and effin insecure and constantly need to ask you if they are pretty, if they are fat, if they are ugly, etc, etc. If you're that insecure about your appearance, then just go home and sit in the corner w/ the rotting daddy long legs and cry your heart out.

-When they CAKE ON the foundation and powder. It looks horridly disgusting. I wouldn't even want to kiss or get near your cakeface. I'd rather you have a bit of cover up on and still be able to see your acne/redness/whatever than to see a thick layer of crap

-Girls who think they're rich and hot w/ their LV bags and Benz's or BMW's. Your spoiled asses are only lucky your parents spoil you that much. You think guys drool at you and girls hate on you, but in reality no one really sees much in you

-Girls who aren't Korean (or even Asian for that matter) and call their boyfriends "oppa". No

-Fake richard simmons facial expressions and unecessary eyelash batting

-When they bombard their Facebooks w/ pics of them drunk @ parties, high, faces all red, dressed up like low class sluts, trying to look "cool" and "hot". Not appealing at all, really...

- The infamous puppy eyes and pouty lips. Doesn't make me want to hug or console you. Makes me want to sock you in the face

The creepy thing is, my mom is guilty of the first three. It's annoying

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Not all girls do things mentioned in here.

Also, it's only annoying to you, but might not to some others.

It's annoying because girls have personalities often times aren't so great.

It's also annoying because you fail to understand why they do it instead of how they do it or handle specific situations.

Some of these things, half the girls won't even do.

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Guest tisa-chan

Didn't know guys hate girls who are afraid of bees but i can't help it. Ever since a bee flew to my neck and stang me i'm afraid of them. I had nothing against bees before but i didn't hurt it or anything and it did that to me. I also jump away if a see a spider but thats a fobia i can't do anything about.

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I just realized I'm a lot of what you guys hate!


What I hate of some girls are those:

- Who think like they're the queen of the world and everyone should obey them

- Who say nice things in front of someone, but once with their group, they'll say bad things about that person

- Who are really loud and too excited about the smallest things (Like the air-conditioner just went on, the whole group starts to cheer and clap)

- Girls who lie to their BF... More than once!

- Girls who make use of the guy who likes them

- When they tell their friend to start smoking & etc..

(These are all based on real people I know)

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well im a girl.

and i agree with a lot of things you mention in this thread.

i dont like girls who ...

cry for attention

think that they are better than everyone else

pretend to be dumb.

well thats pretty much it.

but some girls, even though to you they are pretty, sometimes, to them they really are ugly (like low-confidence).

im guilty of alot of the facts mentioned, but many girls are right? :rolleyes:

oh. and i dont know why, sometimes i glance at people. JUST GLANCING.


i look like im GLARING/STARING at them. =.=" shall not look at anyone i dont know EVER. lol.

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Guest chuchow!

i'm looking at this thread and it seems like the majority of posters are girls..

now aren't we a self-hating breed haha.

anyways, i suppose i'll contribute as well ;D

i find it extremely annoying when girls cry for attention or use their "sexuality" to get what they want. also when they buy unnecessary materialistic things that they obviously cannot afford, but buy outside of their means anyways to create a luxurious image. oh yeah, and when they wear too much make up that at the end of the day, it looks like their face is melting (unless they reapply the cake batter throughout the day :crazy: )



also! when girls have this double standard.. they want the guy to pick up the check or open doors for them, but complain about how the guys they meet treat them as if they can't take care of themselves.. i don't even understand this :huh:

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Didn't know guys hate girls who are afraid of bees but i can't help it. Ever since a bee flew to my neck and stang me i'm afraid of them. I had nothing against bees before but i didn't hurt it or anything and it did that to me. I also jump away if a see a spider but thats a fobia i can't do anything about.

Don't feel sad, there's always an exeption to the rule.

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Guest monica72691

O.o so many things guys dont like about girls!!

- I hate bugs, I don't scream when I see one unless it's like on me, I spazz a little and run away.

- Everyone keeps going "awww" at so many things I say but I don't get what is so "aww" about it >:/? I was being serious and they called me cute.. weirdddos. Even the guys laughed at me -.-''

- If I have bad things to say about someone, I'll say it to their face. I've dealt with "fake" people and it was really a whack in da butt.

- I cry easily but I don't cry for attention, omgomgomg I get so embarassed when I cry in front of people X_X"

I actually never had a bf before :( but honestly.. instead of the norm.. boyfriend girlfriend dating.. i'd rather just have a day to bum out with him.. playing video games. but that's just me. but then... i'd probably just be a girl who will always be his "friend" only :[. GRR?

Yeah I hate it when those girls talk in high annoying voices and WHINE about EVERYTHING. LIKE OMGGGGG I WANNA PUNCHTHEMINTHEFACE. :[. lol!!

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-A friend who ditches you for her BF, like totally ditches. Doesn't hang out, always with him, won't do anything without him.

-Girls who lead on nice guys. F*** you, forreal.

-Girls who say "suck my Richard" and shizz like that.

-Girls who wear sweats to school with makeup and their hair done. Please, if you had time to put on make up and do your hair, you have time to put on a pair of jeans.

-Blow little things out of proportion.

-Think they're the "shizz" b/c their BF can beat up anyone.

-The high pitch voice, like most of you have said. Oh, you're so mean! I hate you! Why are you so mean to me?

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Guest Wendyyy

When they turn something very simple or minimal into the biggest DRAMA ever.

They talk about it like it threatened their life.

Chiiiillllll, y'know? It's all gooood!

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