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Make Up Vs. Plastic Surgery


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I had a really interesting topic regarding the whole make up vs. plastic surgery thing before with some of my friends, and our topic was about how make up and plastic surgery are different and same at the same time. One of my friends are against surgery and we had a discussion how she thought make up was different from surgery because it's only "temporarily" on your outer appearance compared to surgery, which is "permanent".

I've also heard from some people arguing on the opposite side where they DO think make up and surgery are practically the same because it's anything to change your appearance or look better, but some say that make up only enhances your already "natural appearance", while surgery is something else.

I think it depends on each person because my friends who got surgery were saying that make up + surgery were the same, but my friends who didn't don't agree to it lol.

If I had to choose between one where the result of my appearance looked completely different from both ways, I would still go for the make up because I know it's something I can take off and put back on again, but with surgery it's just something that completely changes one's appearances and I just have a fear of anything that cuts through your skin x_x

What do you guys think?

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Guest nagano19

[you're on early!!]

And like we had talked before, surgery is just way too much, nothing at all like make up.

Make up is temporary and doesn't really "change" the structure of your face.

You can put it on and take it off as many times as you want, but your nose is still your nose,

your eyelids are still your eyelids, despite those that use stickers and glue to change the shape.

Because at the end of the day, they're not changing themselves permanently.

Surgery just seems like a very drastic measure to change ones own appearance.

I agree that they are two completely different ways to go about changing yourself, but I wouldn't mind going under the knife, haha;;;;

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Guest dinky-monkey

Basically, make-up and plastic surgery are measures to change your outer appearance (for the better, if you can apply make-up well or if you have a good surgeon).

There are things you can enhance with make-up, and there are things you can only enhance with plastic surgery.

Sometimes you want to enhance a feature of yourself forever, sometimes it's like "Nah, today I want to change it, but tomorrow I may want it to stay that way".

I say, whatever makes the world more beautiful and doesn't harm other ppl is good.

So I'm not against make-up nor plastic surgery.

I also don't think you change "yourself" permanently with plastic surgery. You change your outer appearance permanently. And that's different.

Of course, there are more risks when you undergo plastic surgery than when you just apply make-up. Plastic surgery is a surgery, while make-up is make-up.

To put it in a nutshell, they are the same, but different at the same time. :D

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I would have to agree that makeup and plastic surgery are two different things. If you go under the knife, its going to be a permanent change for you..the outcome can be awesome or it could be worse than it actually was..and you can never go back to the way it was before..

with makeup, you can enhance or completely change a look..but you can remove everything at the end of the day..it's not a permanent thing..it won't damage you in any physical way..

but people may perceive these things differently..so for me, they are definitely not the same..I would still go for natural beauty if they even offered to give me free surgery..its what God gave you..you can choose to completely or temporarily alter it..

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Well I feel that if it makes you feel amazing at the end of the day, then its worth it, whatever you choose to do.

I know for a fact that if my body fails me(lol...long story) after many years and children, its totally time to rebuild, and I'd be up for the idea of plastic surgery.

Its only sad and scary when people become obsessed with how they look on the outside, more than how they are on the inside....

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Guest P a p e r_C l i p

I can see why some people would get surgery rather than use make up because it's more..convenient?

If you want a certain look, you could spend forever to get it using make up and later it would just come off but with surgery once it's done it's done and you won't have to do anything

& also i guess make up is more noticeable when you're wearing it compared to surgery if it looks like it's part of you (eg, nose job or something?)

but personally, I'm pretty against surgery xD I wouldn't go under the knife or do all that just to change how i look

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Guest lostieee

Makeup, I'm sure every girls are willing to give it a try whether they want to themselves or have been told to. Plastic surgery however, not every girls are attributed to the idea of adding silicon and injecting liquids underneath their skin.

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Guest kingmari

hmm in high school i knew a few girls who at the age of 15/16 went under the knife in DRASTIC ways not just eyelid surgery (like cutting the jaw and cutting the edges of the eye and rhinoplasty, etc) and they are very beautiful afterwards but at what cost? they definitely weren't secretive about this, and even the people they were trying to impress loved their beauty but some people were just like, "i can't see that as attractive bc it is plastic..." i heard this more than once.

so i think even though both can create a similar effect (if you wear a lot of makeup people usually do notice and are kind of like oh she just looks good bc she has a cake face) or if you have plastic surgery (and people alwaysss suspect if one's features are so perfect and beautiful).. it's so dumb hmm... i agree that makeup is probably the way to go with most people because you can't go back to the way you were before plastic surgery but you can just take off your makeup. @_@ buuuut i have to admit i wouldn't mind getting more than a few things tweaked haha

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you're kinda right. i've thought about this too.. i think plastic surgery just 'woah's' people because first of all, its a 'SURGERY' and it involves a DOCTOR which is then always associated with KNIVES and PAIN and BLOOD, making it extremely far-stretched than it may be.

Make up.. is just powders and colours and hues on ur face - STILL, the fact that ppl spend 1 hour everyday doing it is also quite a bit ridiculous.

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hmm in high school i knew a few girls who at the age of 15/16 went under the knife in DRASTIC ways not just eyelid surgery (like cutting the jaw and cutting the edges of the eye and rhinoplasty, etc) and they are very beautiful afterwards but at what cost? they definitely weren't secretive about this, and even the people they were trying to impress loved their beauty but some people were just like, "i can't see that as attractive bc it is plastic..." i heard this more than once.

so i think even though both can create a similar effect (if you wear a lot of makeup people usually do notice and are kind of like oh she just looks good bc she has a cake face) or if you have plastic surgery (and people alwaysss suspect if one's features are so perfect and beautiful).. it's so dumb hmm... i agree that makeup is probably the way to go with most people because you can't go back to the way you were before plastic surgery but you can just take off your makeup. @_@ buuuut i have to admit i wouldn't mind getting more than a few things tweaked haha

15-16ers getting their jaws cut and rhinoplasty?! That's so ridiculous. I don't mind young teens getting minor surgery like the double eyelids, but getting everything else done? That's just too much.

Yeah, I've thought about surgery before too many times and I kinda wanted it, but now that I hear so many stories of how the process is being done it's kinda scary...

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Guest bloated_stick_figure

of course it's different - one is permanently changing your outer appearance forever while the other is temporary.

however, i think that they are also somewhat similar in the sense that they are different degrees of making yourself feel better, or deceiving others (whichever way you might see it). While the purpose of surgery is very obvious, people seem to forget that make up has the same purpose as surgery, just not as extreme. I mean there are always the jokes that girls looks completely different without make up, some guys prefer girls with the "natural look" rather than a "caked on" face, and even the slogan "maybe she's born with it, maybe it's maybelline" - points that idea out.

surgery, although very different, also has that stigma along with it...who knows?? maybe in the far off future it will be completely normal to get surgery and seen just as common as make up lol

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Guest lushprincess

plastic surgery is permanent so it's different. but personally, i don't care if people get plastic surgery or not. i don't understand people that claim to be against it. we're all shallow and materialistic so why judge another person for wanting to look better?

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Guest xl0v3juicy

They're both measures you take to make yourself look better. One choice just happens to be more drastic than the other.

True. They may both make you look better, but in no way are they equal. Make-up doesn't give you a new nose nor does it shave away at your jaw...

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Guest Aria_Rheina

:crazy: I'd choose make up over surgery any day!

I don't have anything against people who did surgery to enhance their appearance

But i can't really help but feel that these people are not contented. Going under the knife has risk and there's a chance of a disastrous result. While make up on the other hand, well covers up and can just be washed out after a long day, not literally changing or risking.


Disturbing, i know

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Guest Lee-lin

Makeup is a way to manipulate your natural features (accentuating them) and to create illusions (eyeliner to create the look of longer lashes, contouring the face to create cheekbones, etc), and as other posters have said, only lasts until you wash it off.

Plastic surgery creates "real" changes that are permanent.

Though the concepts behind the two are similar (they're both just changes to make you look better) the procedures are entirely different and there is a substantial disparity in the time that the two last.

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Guest ginaz s t y l e

plastic surgery is permanent so it's different. but personally, i don't care if people get plastic surgery or not. i don't understand people that claim to be against it. we're all shallow and materialistic so why judge another person for wanting to look better?

word. i'm with you

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Guest Whateva

One or two nose jobs are okay. If you get as many as M.J. did, your nose will end up like his. Demented and unnatural in all aspects.

Plastic surgery is entirely different from makeup. But both can either make or break how you look. Surgery would be permanent, unless you decide to go under the knife to correct the problem.

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