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When Girls Are On Their Period/pmsing

Guest BU_RP

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Guest eximius

Birth control and extra strength Midol are your friends, ladies. Trust me.

Before I used birth control and midol, I was a walking psychob*&$^.

I blew up at tiny TINY little things. I'd have super aggression and I was really verbally abusive...

I'd just tell my boyfriend when I get my period and apologize in advance for being psychotic.

Once, my period was REALLY bad and I was cramping like crazy. Needless to say, I was going nuts.

This was doing our monthly anniversary and he surprised me by showing up at my house, unannounced, with at least $20 worth of chocolate. All Japanese brand (Meiji <33)~

Poor thing, though.

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Guest Darude356

It's true, but some girls bleed less than others. And girls are most turned on/sexually craving during that period, as well.

aint that the truth... my gf was all against us doing anything while she was on her period until i told her it didn't bother me at all. and i appreciate the few days of increased horniness. ^^ all you guys that are bothered by blood are missing out.

i try to be extra nice to my gf the few days before her period though... she can be a little more sensitive and easily upset. sometimes a little mean... but i know theres a reason so i forgive and forget. =P

tip: a calendar of your girl's cycle can be your best friend. i keep mine on my phone... always with me.

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jp. I duno, he just soaks it all up and gets depressed because I take my mood swings out on him.

AAHAHAHA poor bf, I can only imagine what it will be like for my husband when I'm preggo.

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Guest GloomyPookie

I guess I'm lucky (and so is my bf). I barely (seems actually like never) pms. If I wouldn't tell my bf when I'm on my period he probably wouldn't even notice. When I do get cramps it's short and not heavy. There have been times where the cramps were so heavy that I cried and just couldn't do anything but I've only been through that a few times, fortunately.

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Guest gleeeful


He gets extra cautious and is REALLY nice to me.

He hates the whole blood thing, made him want to throw up ( he says ). Hahaha.

I always warn him when I get my period cause I can get really beetchy.

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First, I let my boyfriend know a week ahead of time-- or well, he can kind of detect it because I start becoming extremely tired through out the day and take more frequent naps. When I start cramping, I just tell him that all I need from him is for him to baby me. He starts acting all cutesy and is extra careful about the things he does and says.

For the guys, even when your girl snaps at you-- don't take it personally. Kill her with kindness. She will thank you.

tip: a calendar of your girl's cycle can be your best friend. i keep mine on my phone... always with me.

haha.. good one. I will tell my bf to do so.

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Guest lolololitslight

I just watch tv. & hope it goes away.

Cause pretty much anything can make a woman mad when there on their period. Its actually kinda scary... ever over the smallest things.


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Guest pinoyben

first of all it should be a good thing for us guys when our gf's have their period, it means they are not pregnant. hehe. Anyways, when my gf has her period and major cramps the first thing I ask if she took any advils or T-3s for it. I didn't get that whole PMSing days, sometimes shes cranky but its mostly b/c of skul. To me its just any other ordinary days when shes on it.

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Guest nowayin

aww many of your s.o are super nice!

My bf would ask me if I have taken any medication - he knows I can`t walk or do anything normally with I forget to take them, my cramps would just cripple me.

And if I snap at him, he would just keep quiet and let me cool down, and he will act like he kid and make me happy again.. : )

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Guest PixelPanda


Damn. Not even I'm that good to my girlfriend. (People say that I'm a "nice-guy") If I read correctly, you two are just friends. o-O

I need to learn to be more like him...


As for confessing. Go for it, you'll be one lucky girl if you two go out! :D


As for when you have your PMSing, just try to not say anything and think it through if you do; if you don't want to pinkberry at him, don't say anything at all. .__.

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Guest takemeaway

i always tel my boyfriend i have my period. i dont think i pms. yes i do tell him it hurts like hell and all he would say is i wish i could take that pain for you. hes soo sweet<3 i miss him<3

i bet he'd take that wish back once he does experience it :ph34r: especially the severe kind :ph34r:

my friend broke up with her boyfriend once when he was

getting on her nerves while she was on her period !

wow.. intense lol. they got back together right? O_o I wonder how he felt lol.

awww youre boyfriend is so sweet ^^

Not my boyfriend :(

He did all that? Trust me, he probably likes you, because I don't think us guys really do that.

Things are kinda a little complicated so I can't be too sure about that :/

During the summer I dropped a makeup brush in the toilet and couldn't fish it out. I ended up bawling on the bathroom floor cus I was so upset about it (lol) so my bf came home from a night out with the guys to take it out. He brought his buddy with him and they just worked on it for about 20 mins and out came my brush! :)

wow that's really sweet of him. but you used it again after it fell in the toilet? :sweatingbullets:

tip: a calendar of your girl's cycle can be your best friend. i keep mine on my phone... always with me.

Definitely going to tell my future bf that :lol:


Damn. Not even I'm that good to my girlfriend. (People say that I'm a "nice-guy") If I read correctly, you two are just friends. o-O

I need to learn to be more like him...


As for confessing. Go for it, you'll be one lucky girl if you two go out! :D


As for when you have your PMSing, just try to not say anything and think it through if you do; if you don't want to pinkberry at him, don't say anything at all. .__.

It's hard not to when you're cramping like crazy and your emotions are on high.

I think anybody whos in pain would lash out.

I didn't realize I was being that mean to him at the time because all I could think about was the pain. How can you think it through? -_- ; I felt bad about it though. I feel bad for all my friends when I PMS. Cause I can get pretty crazy :vicx:

Take a look at all the replies here. It's not that we want to pinkberry at them, it just happens. It's more likely to happen if you provoke us. He kept pestering me when I told him to leave me alone. I'm not trying to defend myself, but I dont really get your advice.. and I wasn't even asking for advice :blink:

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When a girl is PMSing the best thing to do is actually nothing at all, just don't do anything and you should be fine and agree with her for all the little stuff.

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Guest dysfunkti0nal

I get really moody and grouchy when I'm on mines. I usually try to warn him in advance so that he is more sensitive or more careful of what he says.

I feel bad for him tho, when I snap at him, I know his trying to make me feel better, I try to apologize tho. He usually asks if I took meds and etc. I wish I he could bring me chocolates and rub my tummy when I get my cramps, but his far away >.<

He is understanding of it tho and forgives easily. I think I scare him sometimes tho :x

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Guest adorablekim

hehe can u guys believe this? i don't really PMS but my bf on the other hand does...lol i told him that if i PMS with him..then our relationship would be on the edge lol... but its so cute when he does "PMS" he knows it too..i make fun of him cause of it. he gets mad over NOTHING and when i try to cheer him up...he doesn't take it so i get mad at him lol then he was like awww baby i'm sorry..then he goes..okaii i'm done..one of my mood swings! lol.. ehh i hate it but yet i love him <33 hehe

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Guest AngelsWhisper

That sucks...but that is super nice of your guy friend to stay with you even though you snapped at him a couple of times.

I had my sudden period cramp while I was on the phone with my bf...I curled up to hold back the pain a little and couldn't respond back since it hurt so bad >> I got embarrassed, so I told him I'd call him back quickly. >.<- He's soo understanding and sweet. Anyways, I hate period cramp lol Hurts bad, but I don't get moody when I get it.

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