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When Girls Are On Their Period/pmsing

Guest BU_RP

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i have extreme mood swings :x my bf is so sick of it ROFL. but he always tries to cheer me up.

the other day i told him that sometimes it's just PMS and that he should handle me with care LOL. :X

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Guest mimirella

Hahaha T_T

My boyfriend witness all emotions in under an hour. I bet it makes him crazy but he deals with it.

Sometimes I really go overboard and he gets sick of it :/ I only go all sladkfjsgjasdofsdcmb on him

because I know he'll understand. But nowadays I try to keep it under control because I don't think

he deserves to be yelled at when I'm not mad at him.

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Guest hippiehop

I tell him that I feel crappy and tell him to tone it down a little or else I'll get really pissed off.

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oh man tell me about it

i duno where it comes from

i usualli get moodi like a wk b4 it comes...

the past wk i was sooooo emotional, just lil things just full on triggered me

i was like crying non stop... it was sooo bad

neways i just realised why... i got my period today

my poor bf.. i must seem like a cry babi to him haha

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Guest suki_*

It's horrible, when it happens, I can't control it and i thank him for being so patient and understanding... but i still feel like crap after realizing how i reacted, i am just not myself when aunt rose visits...

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Guest Meenuh

Ooooooh yessss! I get soooo grumpy and moody right before I start. EVERYTHING my boyfriend does seems to irritate me. He notices it too but I think he's a bit slow on that end cause automatically he should assume that he should be comforting and not annoying. <_< I know guys might think like "wtf why do I have to baby her just cause she has PMS" but you know what? Deal with it. You don't have to go through those episodes every month. Be comforting dammit. BUY ME SOME CHOCOLATE! :angry:

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Guest yannie

i did, but once only

i was having such bad mood and he wouldn't give in

so i was soo mad and being so mean to him. not wanting to talk to him etc..

the night ended up horrible because my mom was pissed and so was he.

i ended up crying and feeling like crap

but it never happened again =P

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Guest honeylove

Yes, I actually do. I feel bad about it, but sometimes when I'm in a bad mood, he does something stupid to richard simmons me off. So yeah, lol. But he understands a lot of the time when I'm PMSing or something.

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i do, i make sure he knows that its on so that at least its an excuse otherwise he starts acting as a female dog too lol

haha i know. but most of the time he figured it out. i wished i didnt have mood swings, but it randomly comes out each month :tears: .. and i take it out on whoever.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest takemeaway

so as the topic title asks: how do you bfs/men handle it when your gf is PMSing? major cramps.. all that jazz :sweatingbullets:

yesterday we went out to eat w/ friends, while we were waiting for our orders my stomach started cramping really bad (i dont know why i chose to go out when i was on it.. goddamn #A^@# ), i was actually tearing up cause it hurt so bad.

he got concerned& kept asking why i was crying (i wasn't really crying, just tears leaking out a bit. PAIN u hear??? ). he wouldn't leave me alone so i snapped at him. he left me alone after that lolz. instead of getting angry at my irrational behavior, he asked the waiter to bring me warm water to help soothe the pain (so sweet ^^). when the food came, he made sure i finished my dish (he thought it was cause i hadn't eaten yet)

i was still in major pain & i didnt feel like going bowling afterwards. he tried to persuade me to stay with the group but once again i snapped cause he was getting irritating (PMS is such a richard simmons , i swear). but nonetheless he tolerated me & offered to give me a ride home. i was surprised he offered cause he was gonna miss bowling night (ritual for us) and i was real mean to him most of the night. he dropped me off & i assumed he went back to hang out with the group.. but half an hour later he shows up at my house again with midol & ferroro rocher (my favorite chocolate). he must've realized it wasn't lack of food that was causing my pain :sweatingbullets: . then he stayed with me for a couple of hrs. i was still mean to him in between .. but it was sweet.

i think back on yesterday and i feel like i was such a meaniepants for pinkberrying at him when he was just being caring. i must've seemed really unappreciative.. :/

he's not my bf (sadly :tears: . i'm so confused on whether or not to confess to him rite now. read my other topic for details :wacko: )

but anyways..

How do you BFs handle it when your girl is on it??

i would expect for u guys (and even suggest) u stay away from her so she won't chew you out (kekeke :lol: )

Do you girls have any stories to share?

Or just any funny stories in general? :P

PS. we dont mean it when we're being mean to you or get overly emotional during that time. honest~

blame hormonal imbalance :blink:

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Guest xxDemi91xx

Last time I had my period, I started to have bad cramps.

And my mood changes cuz my hormones are raging at that time lol.

So I was sitting in art class next to my bf and I kept spazzing at him.

Then I wasn't satisfied at my picture so I started crying like a baby.

My teacher thought something was wrong so she got a little panicked, but I just said "My...picture...won't...COME OUT RIGHT!!!" and cried a little more.

Omg...how embarassing. :crazy:

My bf was understanding though and didn't get mad at me or yell at me back.

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i always tel my boyfriend i have my period. i dont think i pms. yes i do tell him it hurts like hell and all he would say is i wish i could take that pain for you. hes soo sweet<3 i miss him<3

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My girlfriend is pretty easy to handle. She's a little bit grumpy during it sometimes, but never to the point where she takes it out on me. Well, most of the time, anyway.

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Guest PhuongNguyen

My boyfriend calls it "Phuong mood swing" time. I hardly pms, but when I do... I'm like a maniac. I'm happy one second, and slapping him the next.

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chocolates are guys' best friend when it comes to girls' time of the month...

but yeah, it's good to know that some guys are understanding when it comes to these things... :D

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